Depths of Desire: Complete and Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

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Depths of Desire: Complete and Uncut (Taboo Erotica) Page 4

by Anya Merchant

  “I’m sorry, you should get dressed,” she whispered to him. Leon smiled at her.

  “Okay, it’s fine,” he said. “Can we talk later?”

  Kim nodded, and then hurried out of the storage room. Leon pulled his clothes out of the tiny locker against the wall, and slowly began to pull them on. He was tired, and filled with a strange burning sensation that felt like it needed to be taken care of.


  The underwater expedition had taken a good deal longer than Leon had realized. It was already late in the afternoon, or as much of an afternoon as the ring of lights above would allow for. His mind wandered as he walked, and he found himself thinking about his father’s desk from the night before, and the research he had been working on right up until the end.

  He headed for the library, figuring that at the very least, he could get started on some background reading related to whatever his father had been after. Leon felt almost like he was trying to play detective and solve a mystery, except he wasn’t sure if there would even be a solution in the end.

  Next to the recreational hub stood the building that he was looking for. It was large, at least by the standards of Project Cobalt, and Leon headed in through the front door. There was no attendant behind the front desk, and he gave himself permission to head into the shelves of books and begin digging around.

  He felt as though calling the center a library was a little bit of a misnomer. Most of the space was devoted to archaeological finds, and most of what was on the shelves was research papers and dense original sources.

  After a couple of minutes of looking, he managed to find a very general volume about island civilizations in the region of Polynesia around the dome, and sat down at a table to begin reading it. He’d only just taken a seat when he noticed that there was somebody watching him from across the room.

  It was the woman that his mom had pointed out to him earlier that morning, Kendra. She was wearing one of the standard issue white overcoats, but seemed to wear it in a way that was more open, hanging from the edges of her shoulders and giving him a great view of her large breasts on her petite frame.

  She smiled at him when their eyes met, and then stood up and started walking over to him. For some reason, Leon felt his heart begin to speed up. Kendra leaned over his table, setting her hands down on it and letting her tits dangle down in front of his face.

  “You’re Leon, right?” she asked. “Max’s son…you look just like him, so handsome.”

  “Uh, thank you,” he said.

  “I’m Kendra,” said the woman. “I’m so happy that you were able to come down here, your step mom must be thrilled to have you around in her time of need.”

  As she spoke, the older woman began to rub her hand gently on Leon’s shoulder. He was still excited from what had happened with Kim before, and had to will his lower half from getting too worked up.

  “Yeah, well, I’m glad too,” he replied. “It’s also been nice just to be a part of the project, and see the dome from the inside.”

  “Oh, I’m sure,” she said, taking the book from the table. “I see you’re also interested in your late father’s research.”

  Leon didn’t say anything. A strange suspicion began to take hold in his mind, but it immediately seemed to run into conflict with his arousal. Kendra smiled at him coyly, as though that had been her attention from the start, and then surprised him but gently sitting down on his lap.

  “If you have anything you want to ask me about what he was up to…” Kendra pushed her soft butt against Leon’s cock, causing it to pulse with pleasure. “Or if you just want to bounce ideas off me, or anything you want, just let me-“

  “Kendra!” Leon turned, and saw Miles standing at the entrance of the library, visibly angry. He started over towards the two of them, and Kendra leaned her face in close to his ear.

  “Let’s talk some more later, in private,” she whispered.

  Miles seemed to stomp rather than walk, and glared at Leon as he stopped in front of the two of them.

  “I, Elizabeth told me to come find you,” he said. “And I need to talk to you about some of the coins we found in the new wreck.”

  “Of course Miles, let’s go take care of it,” she replied. The two of them left the library, leaving Leon alone with the book and an erection that felt like it was on the verge of boiling over.

  He spent the next few hours poring over the text, and finding nothing that seemed unusual. Whatever it was that his father had found, it wasn’t something related to anything that had been previously published. None of the names matched up, and Leon ended up caving due to the dimming lights and his own hunger and heading back to Julia’s domicile.

  It was dark out as Leon made his way across the dome. He had trouble estimating the time as easily as he could on the surface, but he was sure that it was past dinner. He entered his mom’s dwelling quietly, and found her sitting on the couch, watching a recording of something on the screen on the wall. The only thing she had on was a thin nightgown, and she patted the seat next to her and smiled at him as he made his way over.

  “Have a seat, sweetie,” she said softly. “How was your day?”

  “It was fine,” he said. “Mom…can you tell me a little more about what Dad was studying right before his death?”

  All of the color seemed to drain out of Julia’s face. She stood up and walked over to Leon, and then dragged him over to the couch and sat him down on it. She was shaking her head from side to side, and Leon could tell that she was deeply upset.

  “Stay away from all of it, Leon!” she said. “Don’t you dare go down the same path that he did!”

  “Mom, I just want to know-“

  “No! It’s not okay!” She grabbed one of his hands in hers and began aggressively rubbing his thigh. After all of the teasing that had happened to Leon that day, he was totally unable to keep his body from responding in the same way any man’s would.

  “I didn’t find anything out,” said Leon. “But why is it such a big deal?”

  Julia leaned forward, bringing her chest closer to him. The night gown she was wearing was shear, and Leon realized that he could see her breasts and nipples right through it.

  “Honey, why don’t you just listen to me,” whispered his mom. “You aren’t here to dig up the past, you’re here for your mom. And she’ll take care of you, if you let her.”

  She brought her hand down, slowly. Leon knew where it was headed before it even began to get close to arriving. His cock begin to stiffen in anticipation, and when Julia finally began rubbing his hard package he felt his body shiver from how good it felt.

  “Oh god, mom,” he moaned.

  “Shhh, honey,” she said. “You came all the way down here for me, why don’t I make it worth it for you?”

  She shifted, and for a moment Julia sat down on her son’s lap. She pulled Leon’s hands up to her breasts, and he began to massage them without even thinking. It felt so good, and his body seemed to know exactly what to do, even if it was his mom.

  “We can’t…” he forced himself to say.

  “There are plenty of things that we can do together that are just fine, sweetie,” said Julia. She began rubbing her butt against his cock, shifting until it slipped into a comfortable spot. Leon couldn’t stop himself from thrusting back, and could feel his mom’s warmth pouring out.

  The two of them increased their pace. It felt like they were fucking with clothes on, and Leon was both aroused and incredibly mortified at the situation. He knew he had to put a stop to it, but something in his mind kept telling him to keep going, for just a second longer, and then a minute.

  “Oh, you like that, don’t you honey?” whispered Julia.

  “Mom, this isn’t right.” By this point, Leon felt as though he was speaking lines from a script that he didn’t like. His cock wanted his mom, it wanted to be inside her, and pound into her senselessly until he could blow his load deep inside, and get the relief he so desperately needed.
  “It’s just fine, sweetie,” said Julia. “There is a lot going on her under the dome, and I want you to have a clear head.”

  She turned towards him and slid her body down his, slowly and deliberately. Leon felt his cock rub in between her thighs, against her warm folds, and then against her stomach, and finally, Julia took both of her large breasts and pulled them across.

  She pulled Leon’s pants down, and then his boxers. A small dot of pre cum was already eagerly awaiting her, and she rubbed it into the head of his cock with her thumb.

  “I know you like this, Leon,” she said. “Just let it feel good, baby, I just want you to feel good.”

  Julia took her soft fingers and slowly wrapped them around her son’s cock. Leon moaned before she had even started pumping. His cock was pulsing with excitement underneath her touch, and as she slowly began to stroke him off, he wanted more than anything to urge her on.

  “Oh, mom,” he said. That was about all he found himself able to say. The situation almost seemed like an intense dream, or some type of hallucinogenic experience, it was so powerful. Julia had a look on her face that was both motherly and indecent at the same time, and that and the unbelievable pleasure racing through his body was all Leon could think about.

  “That’s it, honey,” whispered Julia. “Go ahead, Leon, it’s okay. I’m doing this all for you.”

  He began thrusting his hips forward to meet her hand each time it came back and forth. Julia’s face was so close to his cock, and he could feel her humid breath tickling it on every exhale. He could feel himself slowly building to the brink, and so could his mom. She brought her hand up and slid it under his shirt, and Leon felt himself being pulled over the edge.

  “Oh god, mom!” he cried. His cock began to spasm, spraying out powerful jets of white hot cum onto his mom’s night gown. Julia just smiled and continued jerking him off with a strange mixture of motherly love and sexual intensity.

  “There, doesn’t that feel better Leon?” she asked him. His cock slowly began to settle down, along with his breathing. Leon lied down on the couch, mentally and physically exhausted, and after a minute he felt his mother place a blanket over him.

  “Just rest for tonight sweetie,” she whispered. “You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow.”

  That much he knew was true, and this time, sleep came easily for Leon.


  Leon woke up slowly, feeling the light from the rings above the dome streaming through the windows and onto his face. He was on the couch, and it took him a moment to get completely recalibrated to his surroundings.

  His step mom had already left for the day, it appeared. He still felt guilty for what had happened the night before, and the emotion was only compounded by the fact that just thinking about the memory caused him to become strangely excited.

  There was a note from Julia on the counter. He picked it up and smiled as he read what it said.

  “Had to go in early. Meet up with Elizabeth to get your assignment. Don’t get into any trouble sweetie xoxoxo.”

  Leon headed into the bathroom, and took a quick shower before heading out. He could still feel evidence of what he and his mom had done on his body, and the part of him that was still ashamed seemed eager to wash it away.

  He dried off afterwards, and then changed into another generic set of Project Cobalt clothing. The garments were soft, and he found himself growing to quite like them. Leon grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard and then headed out, eating it as he went.

  It was obvious from the lack of people outside that he had woken up late. He hurried along, trying to make up for lost time as he made his way to the meeting hall. It was emptier than he had seen it before, but Elizabeth was still there in the center, looking authoritative.

  “Hey,” he said as he walked up. “What’s on the schedule for me today?”

  “You’re late,” said Elizabeth. Her voice sounded sterner and more controlling than Leon would have thought possible. “Kim needs to see you, immediately. Don’t waste anymore of her time.”

  “Yeah, okay, sorry,” said Leon. He walked away, feeling a little deflated, and headed for the science hub.

  The water outside of the dome was the same teal color as normal, but Leon could tell even at a distance that it was much more active than usual. It was wavering as though a current was flowing through it, and shadows of fish and sea life were more common than he’d ever seen before.

  Kim was at her workstation when he arrived. She was flipping through the pages of a book with one hand, and held a tiny model of a dome with the other. When Leon reached her desk, she quickly lifted her head up, first smiling, and then blushing slightly.

  “Oh, hey…Leon,” she said. “I uh, need you for something.”

  It was hard for him to not think about the encounter they had shared the day before, with Kim assisting with taking his suit off, and just how close they had been to having something happen. It seemed as though the same was true for her, and Leon could tell that she was having trouble finding the words needed to explain things to him.

  “What’s up, Kim?” asked Leon. “I am at your command.”

  She closed the book she was reading, and then seemed to focus on the situation as she stood up from her desk.

  “I need you to go check out one of the domes under construction a couple of kilometers east of here,” she said. “The underwater construction crews are reporting some anomalies with their unmanned digging rigs.”

  “Alright, no prob,” he said. “Is it just me, or…”

  “It’s just you, for now,” said Kim. “Also, did something happen between you and Miles? He threw a fit this morning, and refused to go on any expeditions today. He uh, called you a couple of different things, things which I don’t feel the need to repeat.”

  Leon sighed. It seemed like it was impossible for him to do anything without offending someone or somehow stepping into volatile territory.

  “Whatever, he’ll cool down eventually,” said Leon. “It was no big deal. I think he just got the wrong idea.”

  “You want to tell me about it?” asked Kim. “Maybe later, we could talk in private, in my domicile?”

  She smiled, and brought her hand up to Leon’s chest. The science hub was mostly empty, but he felt the eyes of someone lock onto him, and when he turned, he saw that it was his mom, and she looked strangely angry with him.

  “Sure, it’s a date,” said Leon. He felt himself feeling rebellious, and wanting to strike out on his own.

  “Cool, thanks!” said Kim. “Uh, anyway, we should get you set up for the expedition. You’ll be heading out of Gate 2 today. I already brought one of the suits over. I can give you some help with it…if you need it?”

  “I think I can manage for today,” said Leon. He headed out of the science hub, and walked over to Gate 2. The feeling of the water being strangely active was still with him, and it made him feel a little anxious about stepping outside of the dome. He pushed it out of his mind, and headed into the storage room near the gate.

  The suit was hanging from a hook on the wall, and Leon noticed that it was the same one that he had worn yesterday. The design made its texture seem scaly, and it was clearly built for moving through water. It took him longer than expected to get it on, the tight inner confines pushing against his legs and waist as he tried to fit them in.

  He could hear a voice over the earpiece even before he had gotten himself completely outfitted. Leon pulled the head section up and over his hair, fit the oxygen tube into his mouth, and then began the process of sealing the suit up. It seemed to tighten as he went about it, shrinking as though it were a piece of cotton fabric exposed to hot water.

  “Everything okay in there?” asked Kim over the communicator.

  “Fine just fine,” subvocalized Leon. He felt like he was getting the hang of it.

  He walked into the pressure chamber and waited as Kim initialized that water pressurization sequence. As the room slowly filled and the wa
ter crept up his body, Leon felt a small sliver of panic push its way into his mind, as though he had forgotten something. It proved to be unsubstantiated, however, as the suit held up fine and everything seemed to work just as it should.

  The outer door clicked open, and Leon stepped beyond the sanctity of the dome. Just as he had seen from inside, the water was unusually turbulent. Schools of fish and sea creatures swam by quickly, taking advantage of the current at the expense of Leon’s mental well-being. He felt exposed, as though something could hit him or grab him at any time.

  “You all set, Leon?” asked Kim. “There is a small tropical storm traveling by on the surface, it's stirring things up a little outside.”

  “It’s fine, I’m good to go,” he replied. Leon took a deep breath, feeling his oxygen recycler working just as it should, and managed to calm himself down.

  He took a few steps forward on the ocean floor. It was a little hard at first for him to navigate, and he felt a little apprehensive being on an expedition alone, though he knew that the only alternative was to have Miles verbally sparring with him for the duration.

  “If you use your water turbine it should only take you about an hour to get there,” said Kim.

  “How long can this suit keep extracting oxygen from the water for?” asked Leon. It was a question he had wondered about in his previous trip into the ocean, but had been too preoccupied to ask.

  “As long as the batteries in the backpack have a charge,” said Kim. “Which could theoretically be a very long time indeed. Days, even. The boots that weigh you down and actually have kinetic energy generators in them that charge the batteries with every step, and so does the water turbine in back when it’s not in use.”

  Her answer put Leon slightly more at ease. Still, he traveled slowly at first. Every few dozen feet he traveled, he’d glance back at the dome behind him. It felt as though he was trekking into uncharted territory, which he knew was unsettlingly close to the truth.


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