Charming Hannah (The Big Sky Series Book 1)

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Charming Hannah (The Big Sky Series Book 1) Page 2

by Kristen Proby

  “Hello, Hannah.”

  I turn and shield my eyes from the sun, delighted to see Lauren Cunningham. Actually, Lauren Sullivan now that she’s married to Ty.

  She rests her hand on her gently rounded belly and grins.

  “Hi, Lauren. Wanna have a seat?”

  “Are you alone?” she asks and sits in the chair that Drake just vacated.

  “Drake had to run off to a surgery. I thought I’d enjoy the sunshine for a minute.”

  “It’s beautiful today,” she says with a grin. “It’s about time summer showed up.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Great.” She pats her belly again. “I had no idea that pregnancies could be so different. This isn’t anything at all like my first.”

  “They say no two babies come into this world in the same way, and from what I hear, that’s the truth.”

  She nods and tips her head back so the sun beats on her face. “I’m on my way to see Ty. I thought I’d take him an early lunch.”

  “That’s romantic.”

  She grins. “And a great excuse to procrastinate. I’m supposed to be writing.”

  “It’ll still be there later.”

  “And my editor will be happy to remind me.”

  Her name is called inside, and she stands. “That’s me. Enjoy your sunshine, Hannah. I’ll see you next week.”

  “Have a great day.”

  She leaves, and I check my phone for the time. I need to get to the office. My appointments for the day started late, which I like because sleeping in is my jam. Most babies think it’s hilarious to make their grand entrance in the middle of the night, so I take as many mornings as I can off. I also agreed to go to a party this evening for some leggings that are supposed to be the most comfortable thing in the world.

  I have no idea why I have to go to a party to buy them, like Tupperware, instead of just buying them in a store, but nevertheless, I agreed to go.

  I’m regretting that now.

  If it makes me a bad person to secretly hope and pray that someone, anyone, goes into labor so I don’t have to go to that party, well, then I guess I’m a bad person.

  I toss my trash in the garbage and get in my car, already thinking about my first appointment. I back out of my parking space, and bam!

  I’m rear-ended.

  I lay my forehead on the steering wheel. I don’t have time for this. I wasted all of my extra time drinking coffee with Drake and basking in the sunshine. I whip my seatbelt off and jump out of my car, ready to survey the damage.

  And stepping out of his red truck is Brad Hull.

  Tall, broad, soft-spoken Brad Hull, who also happens to be a cop in Cunningham Falls.

  Not just any cop. No, he’s the newly appointed chief of police.

  And sexier than just about any man I’ve ever seen.

  And trust me when I say, I’ve seen a lot of men. Not necessarily intimately, but I’ve seen them just the same.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “I’m fine. You must not have been going very fast.”

  His lips twitch, making me wonder what’s so funny.

  “I was stopped dead,” he replies. “You ran into me.”

  “Uh, no, I didn’t.” I prop my hands on my hips and do my best to glare at him. It helps that the sunshine is so bright.

  “You did.”

  I frown and look at our vehicles, relieved to see that there’s no damage.

  “I definitely didn’t run into you. I looked in my mirror and no one was there.”

  He nods twice. “Or, I was there, but you were thinking of other things.”

  “Are you calling me a liar?”

  “No, ma’am,” he says immediately. “I’m not on duty, and there’s no damage. But I am not lying either when I say that I was not moving when you hit me.”

  I narrow my eyes and take a long, deep breath. “Are you going to handcuff me?”

  His eyebrows climb in surprise, and I can’t help but laugh.

  “I don’t mean like that.”

  “Well, that’s too bad.”

  I laugh again and brush my hair over my shoulder. “Am I in trouble?”


  “I’m not going to be arrested?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  I nod. “Great. I have to get to work.”

  “We should exchange numbers,” he says with a smile. “That’s the customary thing to do when you’re in an accident.”

  “We weren’t—” I shake my head. “Fine.” I reach in my car and grab a card out of my purse. “Here’s my number. Let me know if I need to cover any damage done to your truck.”

  “Will do,” he says. “Drive safely.”

  I wrinkle my nose at him and climb back in the car, late for my first appointment. Starting the day already behind doesn’t bode well. Just as I pull in the parking lot of my practice, my phone pings with a text.

  We should have dinner tonight to discuss our accident.

  I laugh out loud as I reply.

  I already have plans tonight.

  As I reach for the door, it pings again.

  Tomorrow night, then. You can’t say no. I’m the law.

  I bite my lip, thinking it over, and decide what the hell.

  Fine, but you’re buying me dinner.



  Not one baby in this whole town decided to save me from the leggings party this evening. Which means that rather than go home and change into something comfy so I can binge watch a whole season of Scandal on Netflix, I’m sitting in my dear friend Grace’s living room, watching other women I don’t know browse through racks and racks of not just leggings, but also tops, dresses, and kimonos as well.

  I’m standing in the corner with a Coke in my hand, chatting with Grace.

  “This house still makes my jaw drop,” I inform her as I stare up at her cathedral ceiling. Grace and her new husband, Jacob, live in a multi-million dollar home on the lake, complete with boathouse and slip. Jacob is a real estate mogul from England who happened to purchase the ski resort, along with several local restaurants, in the past few years. But the most important thing is, no matter how much money Jacob has, he makes my friend ridiculously happy.

  “It’s pretty,” she says with a nod. “I told Jacob that I didn’t need anything this fancy, but he says it’s an investment, and he likes to give me nice things.”

  “Well, no one can fault him for that.” I clink my glass to hers and then stare at all of the clothes in this room. “Have you worn any of this before?”

  “I have lots of leggings,” she says with a nod. “They’re super soft and I like to wear them around the house. But I haven’t worn any of the other things. I just wanted to give Penny a chance to grow her business a bit.”

  “Penny?” I scan the room, and sure enough, there she is. The woman who got dumped and then castrated the moron with words. “Is that her?”

  “It is. Do you know her?”

  I shake my head and tell her about this morning outside of Drips & Sips.

  “Oh, that sucks,” Grace says with a grimace. “She really liked him.”

  “How do you know her?”

  “She’s a teacher at the school.”

  I nod. Grace teaches at the local middle school.

  “Well, she handled herself very well.”

  “Sounds like her. She’s smart.”

  Grace gets pulled away to mingle with the other women. I recognize Cara King and her best friend Jillian King, who married brothers about three years ago. I’ve met them before, but I wouldn’t say we’re close friends.

  In fact, aside from Grace, Drake, and my cousin Abby, I wouldn’t say I’m close friends with anyone.

  And I’m not sure if that’s entirely normal or healthy.

  “Why are you all by yourself over here?” Jenna Hull, Brad’s younger sister, asks. She’s smiling as she passes me another Coke.

  “I’m really an observer,” I reply with a
grateful smile. “Thanks for the refill.”

  “No wine for you?” she asks as Grace joins us again.

  “I don’t drink. I’m pretty much always on call, unless I’m on vacation, so it’s best if I stay sober.”

  “Wow,” Jenna says with a frown. Even with the frown, she’s probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. With light blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she’s a dead ringer for Kristen Bell. “I guess it never occurred to me that you’re on call 24/7.”

  “There are only four obstetricians in town,” I remind her. “And I know that my patients prefer to have me deliver their babies if at all possible, so I make myself available to them.”

  “I’m sure they appreciate that,” Grace says with a nod. “But you should take some time for yourself, too. I’ve been nagging you about this for years.”

  “I do,” I lie.

  “She just lied to you,” Grace informs Jenna, who nods in agreement.

  “I do,” I insist.

  “Really?” Jenna asks. “What was the last thing you did just for you?”

  “I agreed to have dinner with your brother tomorrow night,” I reply before I can stop myself, and take a gulp of my soda.

  Damn it.

  “Seriously?” Grace asks and does a little excited jig, then almost falls over. I love Grace like a sister, and one of the things I love most about her is her clumsiness.

  “You don’t say,” Jenna says with a grin. “Good for you. Brad’s a nice guy, and I’m not just saying that because I’m biased.”

  “You’re totally biased,” I reply with a laugh.

  “True, but aside from the sister bias, I still think he’s a great person.”

  “And, he’s hot,” Grace says with a nod.

  “I wouldn’t say hot,” Jenna says, wrinkling her nose.

  “That’s because he’s your brother,” I reply with a laugh. “And I have to side with Grace. He’s a handsome fella.”

  “Where are you going for dinner?” Grace asks.

  “I have no idea. We didn’t get that far. I’m assuming he’ll just pick me up and take me somewhere.”

  “How fun,” Grace says. “A first date with someone new. It’s so romantic.”

  “Yeah, unless I choke on something or say the wrong thing.” I shrug. “It could be a nightmare. But he’s nice. And he offered to buy me dinner, and let’s face it, a girl shouldn’t pass that up.”

  “Absolutely not,” Grace says. “Free dinner with a handsome date, who just happens to be the new chief of police? That doesn’t suck at all.”

  “You’ll have fun,” Jenna agrees. “Despite being a cop, my brother is pretty laid back. There’s no pressure.”

  “Well, that’s good because I haven’t been on a date in—” I check my watch “about a year and a half.”

  “That’s a long time,” Jenna says with wide eyes. “Don’t you miss having sex?”

  “Who has time?” I ask with a laugh.

  “Trust me, when it comes to sex, you make time,” Grace replies and pats my shoulder as if in sympathy. “And as hot as Brad is, the sex is going to be off the charts.”

  “Ew,” Jenna says, wrinkling her nose again. “Don’t ever say those words again.”

  “He’s your brother, not a eunuch,” Grace reminds her.

  “I’m not having sex with him on the first date.” Probably.

  “Good,” Jenna says. “Make him work for it. Too many women throw themselves at him because he is a cop and, rumor has it, hot.”

  “Super hot,” Grace adds with a nod.

  “I’m not throwing myself at him. Why would anyone do that?”

  “Exactly,” Jenna agrees. “I mean, women need to have more self respect. Like any guy who has his shit together is going to want to be with someone who throws themselves at them.”

  “Guys like a chase,” Grace adds. “It’s good that you’re not going to be slutty.”

  I can’t help but cover my mouth and giggle. “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation.”

  “I’m ecstatic that we’re having this conversation,” Grace says. “You deserve to do something just for you, and going on a date is a huge step for you.”

  “Are you a virgin?” Jenna asks, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s a thread of mortification in her voice.

  “No.” I laugh again. “Definitely not a virgin. I just don’t have time to date. People around here keep having babies.”

  “I get it,” Jenna says. “I don’t date much either.”

  “Are you still running the bed and breakfast on the mountain?” I ask, relieved that the conversation has diverted from me.

  “I still own it, but I hired a manager to run it for me. I purchased a few other vacation rentals last year that I take care of, and I have a new secret project.”

  “Spill it,” Grace says.

  “Well, keep this between us. Brad, Max, and I have bought some property up near the ski resort, and we’re building tree houses to use as vacation rentals.”

  “Will renters have to bring sleeping bags and know the password to get in?” Grace asks.

  “No, not that kind of tree house,” Jenna says with a smile. “High end, super fancy tree houses. There will be three of them, and I’m hoping to start renting them out this winter.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to see this,” I say.

  “We will host a viewing party when they’re done and invite our friends to come see them before we open them up for rentals.”

  “So cool,” Grace says. “Jacob mentioned to me that he sold a large lot just off of one of the ski runs.”

  “That’s us,” Jenna says. “I can’t wait to show them off.”

  Thankfully, the subject turns to work and we trade stories. Grace has hilarious student stories, Jenna has all kinds of tales about horrible renters, and I always have fun tidbits from the babies I’ve delivered.

  It’s fun to spend time with friends and laugh. I don’t remember the last time I did this.

  And, of course, my phone rings with a call from the hospital.

  “Looks like someone is having a baby tonight after all.”

  “Do you have to go?” Jenna asks.

  “I do. But thanks for hanging out with me tonight. It was fun.”

  “Here’s my number,” Jenna says and presses her business card in my hand. “Text me and fill me in on your date with my darling brother.”

  “Make it a group text,” Grace says with a sassy smile. “I want to hear all about it, too.”

  “If more babies decide to come, I might have to cancel.”

  “Don’t cancel,” Grace says. “I will punch you in the throat if you do. You need this.”

  “You’re quite violent,” I reply and reach for my handbag. “Stop threatening to assault me.”

  “Stop threatening to cancel your date with Chief Sexypants.”

  “I’m so going to start calling him that,” Jenna says with a laugh.

  “I won’t cancel,” I say, laughing with them. “I mean, who doesn’t want a date with Chief Sexypants?”

  “Exactly,” Grace says.

  Chapter Two


  I MADE IT OUT OF the office on time, and so far, none of my patients are in labor.

  It looks like the Fates have decided that this date is a for sure thing, and I’m actually really excited about it. Brad and I have known each other for a while, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I’m attracted to him. Chief Sexypants is an accurate name for him. He’s tall and broad, with wide shoulders and kind green eyes.

  And a really, really great ass.

  I can’t believe I’m finally going out with him. All day today I felt like I was having heart palpitations and giant eagles in my stomach from the nerves. It’s not that I’m shy, I’m just out of practice.

  And I wasn’t terribly good at dating before either. Add that to being out of practice, and only bad things can result from this.

  I’m standing in the middl
e of my bedroom, naked, looking around blindly because I don’t know what to do next.

  I pick up my phone and call my cousin, Abby.

  “Are you ready for your date?” she asks when she answers.

  “I’m naked.”

  “I didn’t think you were a first date sex kind of girl, but whatever floats your boat, sweetie.”

  “Funny.” I roll my eyes. “I don’t know what to wear. Abby, I only have clothes that I wear to work. And I haven’t done laundry in about three weeks, so all of my good underwear are dirty. I can’t wear period underwear on a first date.”

  “No. You can’t. So go commando.”

  “That’s seriously not sanitary,” I reply and frown at the phone.

  “Why? You’re wearing clean pants.”

  “I’m an underwear person,” I reply. “And all of mine that are clean are ones I wear when it’s shark week.”

  “Well, you’re not planning on letting him see your underwear anyway, right?”

  “True. And if by some miracle our clothes do come off, I’ll just have to make sure it’s in the dark so he can’t see my panties.”

  “I don’t think he’ll really care about your panties if you’re letting him get inside of them,” she says reasonably. I step into my panties and then frown at my feet.

  “I haven’t had a pedicure.”

  “Does he have a foot fetish? Jesus, Han, he sounds really pervy.”

  “This is the first date,” I remind her. “I don’t know if he has a foot fetish. But my toes are not polished.”

  “Are you wearing flip flops?”

  “No, it’s still chilly in the evening here. I think I’ll wear flats.”

  “Awesome. We’ve solved the pedicure debacle. What are you wearing?”

  “He didn’t say if it was fancy or not.”

  “Do you have a pretty sun dress that can be either fancy or casual?”

  “I have work clothes, Abby.”

  “I gave you a red summer dress last year when I was there.”

  “Your ass is smaller than mine,” I remind her, but shuffle through my closet, looking for the dress. “I found it.”

  “Try it on.”

  I pull it over my head and turn to look in the mirror. “Not bad. This will work. I’ll take a denim jacket, and that will dress it down a bit if need be.”


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