HOT SEAL Redemption

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HOT SEAL Redemption Page 1

by Lynn Raye Harris

  HOT SEAL Redemption

  HOT SEAL Team - Book 5

  Lynn Raye Harris



  About This Book

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28


  Also by Lynn Raye Harris

  Who’s HOT?

  About the Author


  The HOT SEAL Team

  HOT SEAL Redemption: Alexei & Bailey

  © 2018 by Lynn Raye Harris

  * * *

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  or text HOTTIES to 66866.

  About This Book

  Bailey Jones doesn't know jack about babies, but she knows how much it sucks to have a deadbeat father. So when her sister drops off her newborn baby and then disappears, Bailey is ready and willing to confront anyone, including a six-foot-two, sexier-than-sin Navy SEAL sniper, and make him do his duty.

  * * *

  Alexei "Camel" Kamarov is not the sort of man to carelessly father a kid, but as the oldest of six, he does know a thing or two about babies. The firebrand on his doorstep might have mistakenly tagged him as the baby daddy, but Bailey is cute, and Alexei is more than willing to give her a hands-on class in Baby 101.

  * * *

  When a ruthless criminal comes looking for the missing sister--putting Bailey and the baby in danger--the situation escalates. Bringing them under his roof and enlisting his HOT teammates to help find Bailey's sister are easy. But as Alexei and Bailey draw closer, passions erupt and feelings tangle.

  * * *

  That's nothing compared to the danger lurking in the shadows--and the test that awaits them both. Bailey will need to give everything she's got to redeem Alexei's faith in love. And he'll have to move heaven and earth to save her--before someone takes her away from him for good...

  Chapter 1

  “I know you’re in there, you rat bastard!” Bailey yelled, pounding on the door as she did so. She shot a glance at little Anastasia in her stroller—the baby was still asleep, though probably not for long. But Bailey needed to reach Alex Kamarov worse than she needed Ana to sleep, so she kept pounding.

  Dirty bastard. Knocked Kayla up and left her to have the baby by herself. Not that Bailey had known the first thing about it since her sister had taken off around six months ago with only a brief note.

  Going to California with Melanie. I’ll call.

  Kayla had not called, and Bailey had fretted the entire time. But postcards came every once in a while, and Kayla’s Facebook page sported the occasional photo. Maybe Bailey should have been more worried, but she was used to Kayla taking off. Her sister would be gone for a few weeks or a few months, but she always came back again. Usually when the money ran out and she had nothing left.

  But this time she’d returned with a surprise. A bouncing-baby surprise. Bailey had opened the door just a week ago to Kayla and Ana. Kayla hadn’t wanted to tell her at first who the father was, but Bailey insisted. After a couple of days of pushing, she got a name.

  Alex Kamarov was a Navy SEAL Kayla had met while waitressing at Buddy’s Bar & Grill. Bailey had only been in there a handful of times, mostly when Kayla was still working, and she knew the place was overrun with tall, muscled military types. They were also the type who often came to the Pink Palace and hooted the evening away. Bailey shuddered. To think one of them had touched her sister. Knocked her up and let her deal with it alone, damn him. It pissed Bailey off more than she could say.

  Bailey had argued with Kayla about the baby, but for some reason Kayla wouldn’t hear of asking Alex for money. Three days after her revelation, Kayla left again, this time leaving a note that said she didn’t have time for a baby and didn’t want to be a mother. She knew Bailey would know what to do with little Ana.

  Yeah, Bailey knew what to do all right. After she’d gotten over Kayla’s figurative roundhouse kick to the gut, which she still didn’t understand because she’d have sworn Kayla adored the kid the way she’d fussed over her, Bailey had piled the baby into her old Volkswagen, praying the whole time that today wasn’t the day it gave up the ghost for good, and puttered over to the house she’d found when she’d started searching for Alex Kamarov. She hoped he still lived here.

  Ana made a noise and Bailey started to tap rather than pound. It had taken forever to get the kid to sleep, and Bailey didn’t want to have to start over again.

  “I know you’re in there, you rat bastard,” she repeated as she tapped on the door repeatedly. “Answer the goddamn door!”

  She lifted her hand to hit the door again, but it opened and she stumbled, colliding with a hard body. Bailey scrambled backward, trying to right herself without falling. The man—very tall, very broad, very sexy, with no shirt and a pair of boxers, not to mention a head of dark hair standing up as if he’d just gotten out of bed—squinted into the light.

  Holy mother of—

  “Are you Alex Kamarov?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  His voice was gravelly with sleep, but it still managed to drip down her spine like honey. No, stop. He’s a bad man. A man who takes advantage of young women and leaves them high and dry.

  “Because you need to step up and stop shirking your responsibilities, that’s why.”

  “Lady, I don’t know who you are or what you’re talking about.”

  Fury rolled through her. She reached for the stroller and turned it so he could see little Ana, who was thankfully still asleep.

  “I’m talking about your baby, Alex. Your baby.”

  His leaf-green eyes narrowed. She resolutely did not focus on the happy trail of dark hair leading down his abdomen and disappearing beneath the boxers. Eyes, Bailey. Look at the eyes.

  They were pissed-off eyes. Sexy eyes.

  “You expect me to believe that’s my kid? I don’t even know you, lady. You could be anybody, making shit up for reasons of your own.”

  Holy ab muscles, she wanted to punch him. What kind of man knocked a woman up and didn’t even care? “How dare you? I am not making this up. Anastasia is yours.”

  She wasn’t expecting the sudden grin that broke out on his face. It wasn’t immediate, but when it happened, it was not at all what she’d thought it would be. She’d expected an explosion, not a response that intimated she’d just told him a great joke.

  “Sorry, babe,” he drawled, “but you’re going to have to prove it.”

  Bailey stiffened. How could she make this man step up and do the right thing? There were tests, sure, but would he take one?

  As if Ana sensed the turmoil in the air, she let out a wail. Panic flooded Bailey. She didn’t know what to do when Ana cried. Hell, she barely understood the diapering process, and here she was, full-time caregiver. The kid was cute but overwhelming as hell.

  Bailey picked
the baby up and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Yeah, she was out of her depth, but it wasn’t Ana’s fault. “Hush, little angel. Hush. Auntie Bailey’s got you. Shh.”

  Alex Kamarov suddenly held the door open. “Why don’t you come inside until she stops crying?”

  Uncertainty rushed through her, twisting her belly into a knot. He was big. So big… “I-I don’t know…”

  “Look, if I’m the father—and I’m not saying I am—you don’t expect I won’t ever want to see the kid, do you? Which means bringing her here to my house. So come inside and figure out what she wants.”

  “What she wants?”

  “Diaper. Food.” He cocked his head to the side. “You ever take care of a baby?”

  She thought about lying, but she was too exhausted. Besides, what did it matter? “I’m learning.”

  He held out his hands. “Give her to me.”

  Bailey blinked, tightening her grip protectively. “You? What do you know?”

  He arched an eyebrow, his arrogance palpable. “I’m the oldest of six. I know a thing or two. Now hand her over and come inside. Or stand out here and let her scream. Your choice, Bailey.”

  Her name. He’d said her name. She didn’t like the way her heart fluttered or the way she wanted to obey his command. But if she didn’t take this to the next step, how could she expect him to agree to any tests, much less accept responsibility? God knew she needed the help. She was barely getting by as it was. A little cooperation couldn’t hurt.

  Bailey handed him the baby, eyeing him warily. He took Ana with sure hands, tucked her into the crook of his arm, and started rocking her back and forth while singing a song… in a language that wasn’t English.

  He went through the door and Bailey rushed in behind him, her heart pounding as she imagined what might go wrong. What if he slammed the door on her and kept Ana? She couldn’t let that happen. He turned to look at her.

  “You have a bottle?”

  “Uh, yes.”

  “Can I have it?”

  She went back onto the porch and pushed the stroller inside. Then she grabbed the diaper bag Kayla had left her and took out one of the bottles with infant formula. Kayla had said she couldn’t breastfeed because her milk didn’t come in. She’d been so skinny that Bailey had believed her, though now she wondered if Kayla had simply been setting it up so she could leave. Because she sure hadn’t hung around for long before disappearing.

  Bailey handed Alex the bottle. He took it and gently inserted it into Ana’s mouth. The baby latched on and ceased crying instantly. Bailey didn’t like the shard of jealousy that stabbed into her. How many times had she tried to give Ana a bottle when she was crying and it didn’t work?

  Too many.

  “How did you know?” she asked.

  Alex Kamarov looked up from his contemplation of Ana and lifted an eyebrow. “Because her diaper wasn’t wet or stinky, so that was choice number two.”

  “Choice number three?”

  “Gas, probably. I’d have thought about that if the bottle didn’t work.”

  Bailey rubbed her hands down her arms and took in her surroundings. It was a small house, but the furniture looked welcoming and the room was clean. It didn’t look like a bachelor pad. In fact, it looked almost unlived in. Like a crash pad rather than a home.

  She knew all about crash pads. Growing up, she and Kayla had been dragged by her parents from trailer park to trailer park until they finally landed in one so awful that nobody seemed to care if the rent was late. Bailey had sworn she was getting out of there as soon as possible. The minute she turned sixteen, she’d done it—and she’d taken twelve-year-old Kayla with her. Their mom was dead of a drug overdose by then, and their dad was so high he didn’t care.

  She walked around the room now, looking at her surroundings but not touching anything. A wave of tiredness washed over her. She’d had long nights and longer days lately. She had to work tonight, but she still hadn’t arranged any childcare. If she brought Ana to the club, the girls would love it but Deke would have a shit fit. He didn’t permit the girls to bring children to the nightclub.

  Especially not the kind of nightclub he ran. Bailey closed her eyes and told herself, the same as she had every day for the past few months, that it was temporary. Stripping earned more money than waitressing, and if she wanted to go to college and make a better life, she had to choose what would get her the most money the fastest.

  Except that stripping wasn’t as lucrative as she’d hoped. After rent and bills, her take-home was healthy but still not enough to cover tuition. Her goal now was to save as much as possible and take out loans for the rest. Hence the cheap car and the cheap apartment.

  “Why don’t you sit down, Bailey?” His voice was soothing, his words welcome.

  She started to sink onto a couch and then stopped, stiffening. “I’m fine.”

  “You aren’t fine.” He cradled little Ana, who sucked her bottle and acted like a perfect angel. “You’re dead on your feet.”

  “Babies do that to a person.”

  His grin was lethal. Arrowed right down into her toes and back up again, ricocheting off the neglected regions that hadn’t seen any action in, oh, about a year now. Since she started at the Pink Palace. She didn’t meet nice guys in her job. The ones she met turned her off so, yeah, that was that. She didn’t know if she’d ever have a normal relationship again. She’d seen far too much of the dark side of men’s behavior.

  “Yep, sure can. So sit down. Tell me why you think this little girl is mine.”

  “You aren’t supposed to be nice about it,” she grumbled. But she sat. Leaned her head back on the chair. Closed her eyes for a second. Just a second, and then she’d open them again and tell him what Kayla had told her about their meeting and the night they spent together.

  The sliver of jealousy she felt at the thought of this man stripping her sister naked was uncharacteristic. Really, it was just because she hadn’t had sex in so long. That was it. Not because he was stunning. And even if he was stunning, he was still a prick for letting Kayla have Ana on her own. She couldn’t forget that, even if his couch was soft and the room was warm…

  “I’m not nice, Bailey,” he said softly, his voice dripping down her spine. “But I’m not an asshole either.”

  “Prove it.”

  Chapter 2

  Alexei didn’t have to prove anything. And even if he wanted to, the point was moot. Bailey was asleep. She slumped to the side, a curtain of lavender hair sliding over her face and blocking it from his view.

  Why the fuck he’d invited her inside was still not clear to him. Other than the fact the baby had been crying and she clearly didn’t have a clue what to do. She’d been desperate and tired, and he’d been reminded of his mother in a way. Of the look she’d gotten on her face when the younger twins started to cry and the elder twins followed suit. He’d been the only help she’d had when his brother was still too young to participate, and he’d learned how to feed, diaper, and rock before he’d been old enough to grow hair on his chest.

  Alexei frowned down at the baby in his arms. Her little eyelids fluttered as she sucked the bottle. She had a shock of dark hair, but she was still so young. Not much more than a few weeks old. It was hard to see features at that age.

  Still, she wasn’t his.

  He didn’t fuck without a condom (which he provided). And he didn’t come inside a woman’s body either. A woman would have to be awfully fucking fertile to have his baby since he wrapped up and pulled out before he came.

  No, she definitely couldn’t be his. But whoever the woman on his couch was, she thought he was the father of this kid. So who was the baby’s mother, and why wasn’t she here?

  The baby finished the bottle, and Alexei found a towel so he could burp her. She spit up on his shoulder, predictably, and then he checked her diaper. Yep, she’d pissed herself. He rummaged through the bag and found a fresh diaper, changed the baby, and then rocked her to sleep. He tucked her
into the stroller with her blanket and straightened, sighing.

  Jesus, not what he’d expected to do this morning. He scrubbed a hand through his hair, yawned, and scratched his chest absently. The woman on his couch was out. Stone-cold out. He recognized the signs of someone who’d had more than she could take.

  He went over and peered down at her, studying her. Her lavender hair still covered her face. She wore a fatigue jacket and jeans with sneakers. Nothing fancy, but somehow it was intriguing. He wanted to know what was under that jacket, though he’d gotten a peek at full breasts encased in a navy tank top.

  She snored softly. Alexei frowned down at her. He should wake her and make her take the baby and get the fuck out, but he knew he wasn’t going to do it. Instead, he reached for her—softly—and arranged her on the couch so she was lying down. She didn’t even wake as he grabbed a blanket and spread it over her.

  So he had a woman and a baby in his house, and he didn’t know who either of them were. He looked at them both for a good long minute and then headed for the shower. He didn’t spend much time, in case the baby woke, showering and toweling off in record time. Not hard to do considering he was a sniper and could spend days downrange not showering at all. Showers were a luxury, no matter if they were quick or leisurely.

  Alexei finished dressing—jeans, a T-shirt, socks, hiking boots—and headed back to the living room. Bailey was still asleep on the couch. Ana was asleep in her stroller. Alexei sighed in relief, then frowned at himself for the response. What the hell? This woman and kid were in his house, infringing on his space, and he didn’t really know who the hell they were. So why did he care?


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