The Alpha's Toy

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The Alpha's Toy Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Yes. He didn’t know your name, of course. Zeke told us he knew you were the one. That boy will never back down from anything.” Helen led her toward the sofas where several couples were groping or in different stages of undress.

  “I, erm, I didn’t even know his name.”

  “He’s a good Alpha. Zeke knows to keep his feelings close to his chest. Like his father he has a select few people close enough to him that he can trust.” Helen handed her a glass of dark liquid. “It’s scotch, my dear. It’ll keep you warm while they’re away. Business will come first.” There was a smile on her lips.

  “How can you stand for the pack to come first?” Even as she said the words Mary knew she didn’t care if the pack came first.

  “I know, honey, that when my man gets me alone later tonight or even tomorrow or maybe in a week, he’ll make it up to me.” Helen closed her eyes.

  Feeling like an intruder, Mary glanced away.

  “Honey, I know my son, and he’ll make it up to you in his own personal way. You’ll be protected, and you’ll never want for nothing.”

  Sipping at the scotch Mary tried not to cough at the strong burning taste.

  “I wouldn’t want anything from him. I’m happy just being around him,” Mary said.

  “You’re becoming one of my favorite people.” Helen touched her hand.

  They were silent for a long time as the music picked up. She noticed several couples were already naked, and things had taken a different turn.

  Not knowing where to look, she stared down into her glass.

  “Wolves do not care about nakedness. Being naked is more natural than being in clothes. I was surprised to see Zeke in clothes. He’s more comfortable in shorts or anything that leaves him exposed,” Helen said, explaining things to her.

  Mary felt her cheeks heat up. “I guess I’m still new to it all.”

  The collar of her shirt was starting to itch. In the corner she saw Jane was naked. Her arms were wrapped around Max’s neck as he kissed his way up to her neck before claiming her lips. The two looked oblivious to everything around them.

  Her skin felt sensitive to the touch. She really wanted Zeke. Her need was growing, and her wolf was starting to wake up. Touching her fingers to her temple, she tried to take deep, calming breaths. The last thing she needed was to lose control in a room full of wolves.

  “Mary, are you all right?” Helen asked. The concern got through Mary’s clouded thoughts.

  “No, I need Zeke.”

  We need our mate.

  Shaking her head, she took several deep breaths, needing her man to calm the beast within her.




  “Mary, I need you to listen to me,” Helen said. When the older woman touched her over-sensitive arm, Mary jumped back hissing. “Listen, bitch, this is my territory, and you will follow me.”

  The sympathy in Helen’s eyes upset her. Mary felt the power pouring out of Helen, taking control of the situation.

  “Listen to me, Mary, there are too many people. You can hurt us just as much as we hurt you. You’re not pack, and you’re here as a guest. Follow me, and I can protect you.” Helen touched her, and Mary did everything she could to stop herself from screaming at the other woman.


  “We’ve found her,” William said, sitting behind his desk. Several pack leaders were stood around the room, staring at his father. Zeke couldn’t believe he’d heard properly.

  “What?” Zeke asked, stepping closer.

  “Debbie, we’ve found her. She’s in perfect health, but she needs all of us to go to her.” William looked excited.

  “Why are we sat here waiting? We should be there and bringing her back to us.” They’d finally found Debbie. After all this time Zeke couldn’t believe the news. His woman had just admitted she loved him, and now he knew his sister was alive. He couldn’t help but feel happy with the news. His life was getting better. The future was looking amazing.

  “She has asked for us to wait. I’ve got her location, and she’s requested us to wait. Her situation is delicate, and the people she’s with will not trust us. Dani and Roger have a lot to answer for,” William said.

  “I bet. Experimenting on our own kind or any kind for that matter is fucking abhorrent. I wish I was there to kill them again.” the Alpha from one of the other packs spoke from the back.

  Everyone agreed.

  “What situation?” Zeke asked.

  “Debbie was not the only one who escaped. Several people over the years had escaped. Dani and Roger have been doing this for years. The escapees have formed a pack, but they’re, erm, they’re used to living secluded, and they don’t have a great deal of trust in our kind. Also, they tried to stay away from humans altogether. Debbie hadn’t gotten the chance to contact us, but she finally got them to see reasoning with her getting in touch now.” William ran a hand down his face. “Debbie likes them and wants us to wait so she can prove to them that they can trust us.”

  “Waiting the week will earn their trust?” Zeke spoke up not believing something so simple could earn their trust.

  “Yes. The Alpha of her new pack has asked for the week to prove to them we can hold off, and then they’ll accept them close to their territory.”

  “What about the experiments with Dani and Roger? How do we know it’s over?” Zeke asked, thinking about his woman and the damage the others had done to her.

  “Debbie has assured me they have the only person responsible for putting the idea into their heads. I trust your sister, Zeke. She’s thorough and wouldn’t lead us into a trap.”

  The other Alphas agreed. Zeke knew his sister was reliable and knew how to take care of herself.

  “Okay. So what do you need from me?” Zeke asked.

  “Next week we need you and Mary to come with us to the meet. They’ll be bringing the man responsible for causing so much death. Together, we’ll put an end to these bastards.”

  A knock on the door sounded making them all pause.

  “Come in,” William said.

  Jane appeared looking troubled. She had a blanket over her nakedness. “Zeke, it’s Mary. Her wolf is trying to claw her way out of Mary again. We need you. Helen can’t keep her under control.”

  Running out of the room, Zeke followed the smell of his woman. He found her screaming in agony with Helen trying to keep her still.

  “I’m sorry, son, I did everything I could.”

  Mary was crying as her arms turned at odd angles. Moving his mother out of the way he caught Mary up in his arms.

  “Baby, I’m here,” he said, wrapping his body around her.

  She paused, giving him a chance to speak to her. The wolf inside her stopped.

  “This is not the way I wanted to tell you, baby, but you’re pregnant with my young.” He pressed his hand to her stomach. “I need you to stop clawing your way out. You’ll get your night under the moon soon enough. One more time, and then you’ve got to stop this.”

  “I’m pregnant?” Mary asked.

  “Yes. I’m sorry, baby, I was hoping I’d have a little more time to tell you what had changed.” He soothed her, urging the others out of the door to give them much needed privacy.

  The door closed, and he tore their clothes off. The wolf was resting again satisfied with his claim over them.

  “I can’t believe I’m pregnant.” Her hand went to her stomach.

  “Are you not going to fight with me?” he asked.

  “No, I can’t fight with you.” She wrapped her arms around him. Holding her close, he stroked her back and then cupped her ass, wanting to drive his cock in deep. “I’m sorry for doing this.”

  “You’re still new. I’ll spank you in a few years’ time if you’re still doing it.”

  She chuckled. The sound lifted his heart. “Deal.”

  Kissing her neck, he felt his cock thicken, ready to fuck her. “I know something else we could do,” he said, biting her neck.<
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  “Fuck me, Zeke.”

  “You read my mind.” Pushing her to her back he slid inside her tight heat feeling her cunt grip him with each thrust.

  She cried out. Her pussy was already slick for him. Reaching between them he caressed her clit bringing her closer to orgasm. Within seconds she shattered around his shaft. He drove into her harder than ever before, claiming her lips, plunging his tongue inside.

  Mary cried out around him. Her mouth opened, and he took full advantage.

  Pulling out of her tight cunt, he turned her quickly until she was on her knees in front of him.

  The tight puckered ring of her ass glinted up at him, shining from her leaking cream. Slamming back inside, Zeke stared at her ass knowing he was going to claim her.

  Running his hands over her ass, he opened her cheeks wide, stretching her.

  “Zeke, please,” she said, moaning.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m going to take care of you.” Fucking her hard and fast he felt the mating bond come over him. Reaching across the bed, he opened the drawer to find some lubrication. His father always made sure every room was prepared for any claiming. When he was younger Zeke had found it strange, but his parents had brought him up with the knowledge of being prepared.

  Tearing off the cap, he coated his fingers and pressed them against her ass. She tensed up around his fingers. Caressing her back with his free hand Zeke worked his fingers inside her until she finally relaxed around his invading digits.

  “I love you, Mary. I’d never let anything happen to you. You’re my woman, my mate, and I live to serve you,” Zeke said, saying the words with all his heart. What had started out as a simple contract of her being his toy had developed into something far more beautiful. Mary was his mate, and she carried his young.

  “I love you, Zeke. Everything I am is yours.” She spoke the words she knew. Considering she’d not been trained with proper wolf etiquette, Zeke was impressed.

  He moved out of her pussy, coating his cock with the remaining lube before pressing the tip back to her ass.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to fuck your ass. I promised you I would.”

  Zeke smelled her arousal, which had deepened since he mentioned taking her ass.


  She cried out as he pressed the tip of his cock to her anus. Mary didn’t fight him, but it took her several minutes to relax once again.

  Slowly he guided himself into her ass. When she’d taken the whole of him, he caressed her back soothing her with words.

  “I’m inside you, baby.”

  The mating scent filled the room surrounding both of them. By the time he left this room any other bitch who went near him would know he belonged to another woman. Zeke felt the primal instinct to fuck come over him. Gripping her hips, he pulled out of her ass, watching himself appear. Plunging back inside, Zeke fucked her ass hard feeling her tighten around him.

  “Are you going to come, baby?” he asked.


  He touched her clit, caressing the nub. Within seconds she shattered, and her asshole tightened around his cock. Crying out, Zeke knew he wouldn’t be able to last. Fucking her ass hard, Zeke felt the stirrings within. His natural mating scent overrode everything else and poured into her body.

  Groaning, Zeke tensed as his cum shot into her ass. He didn’t move away from her and pushed inside one last time. When the orgasm started to ebb away, he collapsed down beside her.

  “Wow,” she said. “I had no idea this full moon was going to be any different.”

  He laughed. “You’re pregnant and mated. It just goes to show how life can change instantly. Would you change anything?”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t have trusted Dani and Roger so quickly,” she said, wiping the sweat from her brow.

  “Not all of us are like that. I promise you.” Kissing her neck he slowly eased out of her ass.

  “I think it’s a bath time for both of us.”

  Lifting her up, he carried her through to the bathroom. She stayed still as he filled the bath with water. Placing her in the hot water, he slid behind her, wrapping his arms around her body, holding her close.

  “I will never get tired of this,” she said.

  Closing his eyes, he inhaled her fresh, loving scent. “And I know I’ll never grow bored. You know what this means, don’t you?” he asked.


  “You’ll have to marry me. I’ll organize everything, and all you need to do is show up.”

  She laughed, sitting back against him.

  “What was your meeting about with your father?” she asked.

  “They’ve found Debbie.” He told her every single detail about what had happened in his father’s office.

  “A whole new pack?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know what it means, but he suggested Debbie was with them. I’m going to need you with me for when this goes down, baby. With you there I imagine it will help ease any tensions.” He hated asking this of her, but he didn’t see any other choice.

  “You want me to come with you to the meeting? I thought your dad already ordered it?” She looked up at him.

  “He’s ordered it, but I’m still your Alpha. You don’t follow orders from anyone but me.”

  “In the bedroom or out of it?” There was a glint in her eye that he’d never seen before. Bending down, he rubbed his nose against hers.

  “Both, baby. Don’t you forget who’s the boss here.”

  “As if I could ever forget. I’ll be there for you on Friday. It’s the least I could do, and it’s not like my time with you is over yet.”

  “Bitch, our time together has only just begun.” He claimed her lips knowing in his heart that everything was going to be okay.

  Chapter Twelve

  The following Friday Mary stared across the field at the oncoming pack approaching. There were so many of them yet so few on William’s and Zeke’s side. If anything bad was about to happen she knew they were outnumbered and trapped. There would be no safety for any of them. Tightening her hand around Zeke’s she felt him tense beside her. Over the last week the bond between them had tightened. During their time together she found out they actually worked in the same building. Where she stayed close to the ground floor never venturing upwards, Zeke spent most of his time on the top floors never really leaving them. By the time he would have crossed her scent it would have disappeared, given how many people worked in the company.

  He was the CEO of the firm she worked in. She learned a lot of wolves actually owned some of the more profitable companies out there, so they could control their breaks around the full moon.

  “There’s my sister,” he said.

  “Where?” She looked at the array of people approaching them and couldn’t find a single person.

  “There.” He pointed to the woman beside a large, muscular man.

  “Come on, boys, we’re not getting any younger,” William shouted at all of them. There were not many on her side, and she was starting to wish she’d turned down the request to accompany them.

  “Everything will be all right,” he said.

  “How do you know? I feel like I’m in some historic movie about to walk into battle.” They were dragging something along with them. Across the distance she saw the rope wrapped around a man’s neck. The man in question was bleeding and bruised.

  In no time at all they were less than few feet away from each other.

  “Father, brother, Alphas,” Debbie said, walking close. The scent coming off Debbie was the same as the big giant holding the string. “This is George. He’s an escapee like me, but he’s been surviving a lot longer than I have. They took him over ten years ago and kept him for five years before he was strong enough to break free.” Debbie looked back longingly. “He saved me, and he’s my mate.”

  “Honey, congratulations. I’m so happy to see you’re alive.” William stopped. Mary heard the emotion in his voice. He was struggl
ing to keep himself together. “Why didn’t you come to us sooner?”

  “With Roger and Dani alive I couldn’t risk it. They were dangerous. When the news of their slaughter came to us, we knew we needed to wait. It was never about hiding, Dad. We’re a pack all together. Some of us are half breeds, others full breeds. We’re mixed but bound together by what they did to us. I smell one of us amongst you, and I know she’s covered in Zeke’s smell,” Debbie said.

  Mary raised her hand in greeting, thinking about Jessica.

  “What the hell happened out there, Debs?” Zeke asked.

  “I went out to find information on the missing bodies. There were too many to count. Roger and Dani didn’t keep documents of the people they killed. Some of the bodies they dumped out were not dead.” Debbie stopped to look behind her. “All of these people survived what they did. This man.” Debbie pointed at the one who was bleeding. George pulled him in front, presenting him to them. “He’s the one responsible for the experiments. His name is Luther Dale. He’s a scientist and a half breed.”

  George grabbed Luther around the neck. “He’s the one who encouraged Roger and Dani to capture others like us,” George said, snarling in the man’s face.

  Mary watched unable to speak out.

  Debbie threw a bag onto the ground. “He’s a half breed. He was turned by a full breed female, and he hated his condition so much he started to experiment on himself. Binding himself up so the wolf within was trapped unable to get out.”

  “It worked,” Luther said, glaring at all of them. “You’re all fucking monsters. I showed that bitch who turned me not to mess with me. Fucking turning me against my will, the furry disgusting whore. I killed her, and then I went to Dani and Roger. They were going to be my next victims. I’m going to rid this world of you evil fuckers, and I’m going to swim in the blood I spill. I’ll tear you all apart, limb from fucking limb.”

  The venom pouring from his mouth startled Mary. Taking a step back, she felt her body tightening, ready to strike out and kill him.

  “He promised them complete power over the wolves. With the injections and experiments he hoped to kill every last breed out there,” Debbie said. Tears were leaking from her eyes showing her pain.


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