Blood Catalyst

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Blood Catalyst Page 6

by A. L. Kessler

  That was interesting. "I didn't know that."

  "It's faint, but it's there. There's always a small smell of fear on him when he comes to visit."

  I leaned back on the couch and sipped my coffee. "He knows my wishes. If something was to happen, I don't want to be changed."

  Merick nodded. "I know, but that's the only theory I have to explain his fear. You drove all this way to just pick my brain?"

  "Well, if you didn't have answers, I was planning on going to Oliver's library. Which I still might pay a visit to."

  "He has a lot of books on the subject of black magic, and as long as you have his permission to go there, I don't see why not. It could aid you in this case."

  And the other case if it was black magic related. "He said I could stop by at any time. He's not using his house right now. As far as I know, he's basically always by Ira's side."

  I hadn't talked much to Oliver, and I'd seen him when he was in Luna Grove to see if he could help with the demon curse. That was the last time I'd heard anything from him come to think of it.

  "I will talk to my father about the circumstances of Zayden's death and see if he has anything to say on it. I was going to invite you tonight to join us, but you said you already have plans."

  "Hm. Cult gathering or Council meeting, tough choice. I think I'll take my chances with the vampires tonight."

  Merick nodded. "Caught up in two different worlds, Abigail. I wish you the best tonight."

  Funny, he hadn't been the only person who had pointed out that I lived between two worlds. Nick had once before as well, when he wasn't pretending to be dead. I sipped my coffee as my thoughts drifted.

  A little while later my phone rang, making both Merick and I jump.

  I smiled as I saw Simon's name on my screen. "Hey," I answered.

  "I was wondering if you had time to meet for lunch today? I have to go to the pack tonight. Luke had an issue and needed to come back into town early."

  I glanced at the clock. It'd be a late lunch, but I could swing it. "I'm not in town right now. Do you want to meet me half way? I had to come home for a couple things."

  "Yeah, I can do that. Why are you home?"

  "Needed to pick Merick's brain on some magic. After lunch, I'm going to have to do more research."

  "Gotcha, see you at our usual?"

  "Sounds like a plan." I hung up and stood. "Thanks for the coffee and the information."

  Merick nodded. He stayed on his spot on the couch. "I'll be back around late tonight, but I'm assuming it'll be a late night for you as well."

  "Most likely. Give my condolences to the Cult. It's never easy to lose a member."

  Merick bowed his head in response. I made my way to the kitchen and put my mug in the sink before I headed into town.


  I walked into the restaurant. The lunch crowd had faded by now, leaving some empty tables dotting the dining area. I spotted Simon sitting in a booth with another person I knew by his broad shoulders and the back of his shaved head. If he turned around, he'd look mean, but Travis and I had found a truce at some point, most likely when I had saved him.

  I strolled to the booth and sat down next to Simon, kissing him on the cheek. "I didn't realize this was a double date," I joked.

  Travis rolled his eyes. "I'm just joining you two because I haven't eaten yet and I'll have to open the club in a little while."

  "Which one?"

  "The one that you put the wards on originally."

  I couldn't stop the next words out of my mouth. "How's that witch working out? Is her protection as good as mine?"

  His eyes snapped to mine and flashed a little in rage. That gave me my answer. Simon put his hand over mine, reminding me not to antagonize Travis.

  I picked up the menu and started looking it over. "So what came up with Luke that made you have to go up early?"

  "All he said was a family emergency. It's not a huge deal since I was prepared to go up already." Simon shrugged. "If we want this dual alpha thing to work out we both have to be flexible."

  "Or you know," Travis started, "show him that you are truly alpha and not have the tension in the pack."

  I sucked in a breath at the words because I felt Simon tense beside me as if he was going to lash out at Travis. "That would cause another civil war, and you know it," Simon said softly. "We've seen enough bloodshed these last few years."

  I agreed with him, but I was kind of with Travis on this one. Simon could easily overpower Luke and probably should soon, for the sake of the pack.

  I put the menu down as the waitress came. She quickly took our orders and bounced off to put them in. I leaned into Simon. "I'm working a double case, so I have something to keep me distracted while you're gone, but it also might keep me from coming up and visiting."

  Simon nodded. "It's okay. We both knew that things like this were a possibility while dating."

  "Truth." I glanced at Travis. "If you need anything while Simon is gone you can call."

  "I've got it handled, Abby, don't worry. But if another witch tries to take our wolves, or skin our people, I'll let you know." There was a small hint of a smile on his face.

  A crashing and banging noise could be heard from outside, and I looked at the two wolves. They both flinched with each noise, and I was betting it was at least twice as loud for them as it was me. A couple people gathered around the door, and curiosity got the best of me when someone suggested calling the cops and a couple others started filming with their cameras. The host was already on the phone when I got to the door.

  I snarled at what I saw. Someone dressed in black was taking a baseball bat to my car. I shoved my way through the crowd and went outside. Like hell he was going to get away with this. His face was covered with a bandanna that had the imprint of a wolf on it, and with each swing of the metal bat, he made a massive dent in the car.

  I was willing to bet he was some form of supernatural creature judging by the size of dents he made in the car.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I growled.

  He looked up at me with yellow eyes and then ran down the street. I threw my hands up to attempt to trap him in a circle, but my anger leaked into the spell.

  The car's engine exploded, and that stopped both him and me mid-action. Oh fuck, how was I going to explain that to insurance?

  Hi, this is Abigail Collins, and I tried to cast a spell while pissed, and I blew up my own car…

  Yeah that wasn't going to work. I watched as the flames started to take over the rest of the car, and the smell of burning metal and cloth filled the air.

  Another small explosion from the car and the man started to run again. This time I pulled in my emotions before I threw out a circle and trapped him before he could get too far. He looked at me with wide eyes that clearly said 'fuck.'

  "That's right punk. That was my car, and I'm a witch. You have messed with the wrong person today."

  His eyes darted to the car and then to me, "I didn't do that."

  "You might have well have," I snapped back.

  I could hear the police sirens wail in the distance.

  "It's a message for you."

  That caught me off guard. "For me? From who?"

  "He said you'd know. Said to meet him at dusk."

  I had no idea who this wolf was talking about. "Where?"

  "Manitou Park. I swear lady. He paid me a good chunk of money."

  I snorted. "And now you're going to pay more."

  I watched as two police cars pulled up. Their sirens were quiet now, but the lights were still flashing red and blue. Four officers stepped out and crossed their arms, all looking a bit like they came out of a clone factory.

  "He destroyed my car," I said easily. I waited for an officer to approach before I pulled down the circle.

  "For any particular reason?"
r />   "Said he had a message for me from an old friend."

  One of the officers laughed. "An angry ex?"

  I wasn't sure how to explain it. I had a gut feeling it was Nick. "Something like that. I'd like to press charges for destruction of property." I met the guy's gaze, and he lunged for me. Dragging the officer behind him with.

  I put up another circle, and the man ran right smack into it. "I'd like to add attempted assault to a PIB agent." The man's eyes widened. "Didn't know I was PIB? And now that the officers know that you're not human, you'll be dealing with PIB." I couldn't keep the malice out of my voice. "Anything else you'd like to add to your charges?"

  He shook his head and remained silent as one of the officers called for a PIB agent and a containment vehicle. I stepped up to the circle. "Do you want to give me more details now?"

  "I told you all I know, witch," he spat out.

  I shrugged and handed one of the other officers my card. "Let me know what you need from me. I'm happy to give my statement now if you'd like since I can't let the circle down until the containment team gets here.

  The officer took it and nodded. "Yeah, let's go ahead and do that."


  An hour later I was back inside eating my lunch with Simon and Travis who were both staying silent. Finished, I put my fork and knife down and put a hand on my stomach. "That was delicious."

  Simon nodded. "An eventful lunch as well."

  "Things are never uneventful while Abby is around." Travis shook his head. "So why was he attacking your car?"

  They'd both know if I was lying, chances were if they were at the door they heard bits and pieces of the conversations. "He said he had a message for me, from an old friend."

  "Hell of a friend, sends someone to destroy your car. Again."

  I glared at Simon. "At least only the engine exploded this time."

  He grinned. "That is a fair point. And no one was inside of it. Do you know who this old friend is?"

  "I have an idea. Don't worry, I'll handle it."

  The waitress brought the bill, and Simon snatched it up to pay.

  "I'm guessing you're going to need a ride back to the office?" Simon asked as we stood to leave.

  "Please." I shrugged. "I'll grab the Hummer tonight while I'm at Levi's and drive it until I have time to get a new car." My insurance rates were going to jump after this.

  Simon wrapped an arm around me and waved to Travis as he went to his own car. I got into Simon's truck and buckled up. He climbed in, shut the door, and waited a moment before starting the engine. "Abby?" There was something in his voice that I couldn't recognize.


  "Promise me you'll be careful while I'm gone? Be safe?" He turned the key of the car.

  I paused at his request. "I'm always careful."

  "I'm worried about you. I feel like you've been reckless since Clarissa died, and there have been so many close calls on your life that I'm scared you won't be here when I get back."

  I hadn't felt like I'd been extra reckless, but I let it go. Maybe he'd seen something in me that I couldn't see. "Simon, you act like we're not going to have any contact. There are these things called cell phones." I let the sarcasm ring clear.

  He gave me a little laugh. "I know there are, but still. Promise me?"

  I nodded. "I promise you I will take a little bit of extra caution to stay safe." I patted his knee. "I guess it never hurts to be a little bit more careful."

  "Thank you. That demon curse gave me a scare, and maybe I'm just picking up on your paranoia, but I don't like leaving you."

  "Merick will be here to protect me. I'll be working most of the time anyway." I smiled at him. "I think it's sweet that you're that worried about me, but don't go all protective. We both agreed that I have a dangerous job and you are an alpha, shit is bound to happen."

  "That's one way of putting it." He pulled up at the PIB office. "More research?"

  "Yeah, since I don't have a car to get to my uncle's and Levi's not allowed on that property, the office is my best bet right now."

  Simon nodded and kissed me. "I'll text you when I get to pack lands."

  "I appreciate that." I shut the door behind me. I slowly made my way to the building. I wasn't exactly sure what I'd tell Levi about my car, but I knew that if I told him about the meeting, he'd make sure someone came with me.

  I could have asked Merick to come, but he'd be dealing with the Cult meeting tonight. I looked over my shoulder and gave Simon a small wave as he drove off.

  Walking into the office, I half expected Liz to be standing there again greeting me, but just a new receptionist who looked up, smiled, and waved at me as I walked by. I gave her a little wave and made my way to the stairs as my phone buzzed in my pocket.

  "What happened to your car." This from Oliver.

  Interesting that he chose to contact me now. "Attacked by a metal baseball bat. Did it destroy your tracker?"

  "Yes." Was all I got back. Nothing else. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing at this point or not that he was keeping tabs on me.

  I shook my head and put my phone back in my pocket and let myself into the office. I took a moment to simply enjoy the silence of my own space for a few minutes before diving back into research.


  Three hours of research later, I had turned up nothing on either case. No cases similar to Grayson's case, and nothing new on my own case. I'm sure Grayson had checked the system first since he had higher clearance, but it didn't hurt to double check. I really needed to go to Oliver's library to see if I could find anything there.

  I grabbed my phone and my bag and headed out for the night. I'd take me about an hour to get to Manitou Park by bus, so I was sneaking out just a little bit early. I jogged down the stairs and made a bee-line for the door before anyone could stop me, but I heard Liz behind me.

  "Abby," Liz called.

  I turned around and gave her a smile. "What's up? I was just about to head out for the night."

  "I didn't know you'd come back to the office. I didn't see your car."

  I must have made a face because Liz put a hand over her eyes.

  "It blew up didn't it?"

  "Not exactly, someone took a metal baseball bat to it. I retaliated with magic and they avoided it. The magic hit the car. Simon dropped me back off here so I could do some research."

  She nodded. "Anything show up?"

  "Nothing in the system. I did talk to Merick earlier, and he'll ask around about what Zayden might have been trying to bind, but it seems that randomly killing people is probably not it. Apparently, it's a lot more complicated than that. Other than that, there's nothing that's showing up in the system, but I'm going to do some footwork tonight and tomorrow."

  "Why don't I give you a ride? I'm heading out as well?"

  I wasn't sure if I wanted to be stuck in the car with her right now, not while I was working a case she was close to.

  "Don't worry Abby, we won't talk work."

  It was like she could read my mind. "Okay, thanks. I'm meeting a friend down at Manitou Park."

  "Sounds good. Are they going to give you a ride back?"

  "I'll text Levi and have him bring the Hummer to a nearby coffee shop."

  She nodded, and we walked out of the office together. At least being in the car with her would give me an excuse to text Levi instead of calling him. Then I wouldn't have to explain what happened to the car. Yet.

  I climbed into the passenger side and buckled while Liz climbed in the driver's side.

  "There is one thing I wanted to ask you." Liz started the car. "How old were you when Levi took you in?"

  It was such a random question, and with everything going on it instantly made me suspicious. She'd done her research about me before I joined the team, and I felt like she would have the answer.

  "Four." It wasn't a secret, so t
here was no reason to hide it.

  She seemed satisfied with the answer as she pulled the car out of the parking lot.

  After a few minutes of silence, I finally broke it. "Why do you ask?"

  "There's a similar case in another state," she said gently. "Remember, I studied yours a little bit before you joined the team, so the details were familiar. Parents killed, child in a circle, no real evidence of who did it. Not at first glance."

  I must have missed that on the news or I would have been all over it. "The child's age?"

  "The son is four, placed in the custody of an uncle," she said easily. "I don't think there's a connection, just an interesting coincidence."

  I wouldn't think there was a connection either. It'd been well over twenty-four years since my parents had been killed, but it had also been Cult that had killed them, under the instruction of someone else. "It's very interesting," I stated. "I hope they catch whoever did it. The child deserves some justice."

  "Everyone in that situation does." She tightened her grip on the wheel. "I wanted to ask you something else."


  "Would you be willing to let me open the cold case?"

  My heart thudded in my chest. "Why? Is there new evidence?" I had been working on it in secret, but if she could help me, then maybe we could figure out exactly what had happened."


  "Why are you so interested in my case?"

  She paused for a moment. "I like to know what makes my team tick. Your parents' murder is a big part of what drives you."

  I wasn't sure if it would bring me peace or make me want revenge. "I'm willing. Just don't let Levi know."

  "He'll know because we'll need to speak to him for information."

  I hesitated. "Then make sure to tell him that it wasn't my idea."

  "You won't be involved in the investigation for obvious reasons." But there was a small smile on her face as she drove. "But I won't leave you in the dark, and that will be our little secret."

  I nodded. "Okay, thank you."

  "Of course, Abby. You're a strong team member, and I want our task force to be the best that PIB has to offer. It's why I told Boss Man you had to be on it."


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