Blood Catalyst

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Blood Catalyst Page 8

by A. L. Kessler

  I could hear sirens in the distance, and I slowly walked Alfie out of the house. "You can say whatever you need to. It might help us find who did this."

  Grayson started to step up, and I shook my head. The last thing the boy needed was a vampire in his face. Alfie and I sat down on the stairs, and he clung to my arm like a small child.

  "I threw up a circle. There was already one there on the floor. I was lucky, so lucky. I was able to keep her out. It was like her magic was wild, like she had no control over it. Is that what it's like when a witch is turned?"

  "Sometimes." I didn't want to expand on it. Sometimes if a witch went to crazy, they just killed her. I didn't want to think about it. I knew a crazy witch-turned-vampire, and she was on my shit list. "Do you know what day it was when she called?"

  He shook his head. "A Wednesday I think, but my phone was crushed while we were fighting."

  I'd ask Grayson later if he found pieces of the phone. Maybe we'd luck out, and we could pull history on it or something. Grayson walked passed us back into the house.

  Red and blue lights flashed across the front of the house and yard as two ambulances and Detective Balin walked up. Detective Balin was not a PIB fan, he was also not an Abby fan, though I never really knew why.

  "Agent Collins. I'm surprised to see you here."

  The medical crew came to take Alfie from me. Alfie shook his head. "No, I want to stay with her."

  Balin and I both looked at him in surprise.

  "She feels safe. I want to feel safe." His fingers dug into my arm, and even through the leather of my jacket, I could feel his grip bruise me.

  "Alfie, go with them to the ambulance. I'll be there as soon as I fill in Detective Balin and Special Agent Yorkingson." I met his gaze. "I promise."

  He nodded and went with the EMT. I looked back at Balin. "Actually, it's Special Agent Collins now. I'm part of the Black Magic Taskforce."

  "Then what are you doing here on a vampire case?" I didn't miss the malice in his voice.

  "I'm consulting for Agent Yorkingson, simple as that. Now, the kid there is named Alfie. He didn't give me a last name, or an age, but he's extremely stirred up. We should all just be happy that he knows his first name. He said he was attacked by a witch turned vampire, and his description matches that. I'll ride with him to the hospital, if they'll let me, and ask him some questions, and if not, then I will go to the hospital and talk to him."

  "That's Agent Yorkingson's job." Balin pointed out. "You've consulted, you can now go home."

  I pressed my lips together, trying to find my ability not to yell at Balin.

  Grayson stepped out. "Abigail is actually the better agent for that part. She has much more tact than I do, and she'll know what he's talking about when it comes to magic. I will not."

  I bowed my head to Grayson for the backup. Balin crossed his arms. "She better not screw it up. The King's Guards will be all over my ass."

  "You're lucky the King's Guards let you in on the case," Grayson shot back, and I'd never heard so much anger in his voice.

  He was right. The last case I worked on didn't have another PIB agent or officer in sight. It did make me wonder what Balin was doing there. I'd have to ask Grayson later. "On that note, I'm going to go check on Alfie and talk to the EMTs." I gave the two a little wave as I walked off.

  Grayson trotted after me. "Agent Collins."

  I turned around. "Yes?"

  "I'd like to go over the rest of the scene with you. See if there's something I didn't catch."

  I nodded. "Okay, as soon as I talk to the EMTs and convince Alfie that he'll be okay, I'll come back in."

  He nodded and walked off. I turned back to the Ambulance where the EMT had Alfie sitting on the bumper.

  "He seems coherent, a bit of shock, a bit of exhaustion. His wounds are deep. We're going to take him to Memorial South to have him checked out."

  I nodded. "I'll meet you there in a bit. I have to go get a vehicle and check out a few things here at the scene."

  Alfie wouldn't look at me now, he was studying the ground.


  He glanced up at me.

  "I'll be there in a few hours, okay? Let the doctors check you out and try to get some rest."

  "And I'll be safe?"

  I nodded. "And you'll be safe."

  "Okay." He went back to looking at the ground, and I sighed. I was never any good with the victims. I hated the helplessness I felt when talking to them and trying to be sensitive wasn't my strong suit.

  I turned back to the house and walked passed Balin without a word. I didn't want to deal with the detective right now. I wanted to focus on the case.

  I stalked back into the house and saw Grayson staring at the circle.

  "You're not magical. I didn't expect you to realize that someone was inside of it. It was a circle meant to hide and protect."

  "But we could hear the breathing. I should have known." Grayson sighed. "But this is good, we have someone that was here for the killings."

  I shook my head. "We don't know how long he's been here." I looked around at all the debris on the ground. "It doesn't look like anyone's been here for a while though. The dust hasn't been disturbed."

  "An old place like this, the dirt and debris could build up over a day or two. No glass in the windows, no real door." He motioned around. "The kid mentioned having a phone with him. I came back in to look, but I see no pieces of a phone around."

  I nodded. "Me either. I was hoping maybe you'd found them before."

  "No, no phone pieces. The wounds on the other victims indicated that the person or people doing this were out of control. I don't know that they would have been able to think clearly enough to clean up after themselves."

  I agreed with that. "He said that there was already a circle here for him to use. I need the history on this house."

  "Search for it. I'm sure it'll turn up in the PIB base." Grayson walked around room.

  "I plan on it. Since he pulled the circle down, all the magic from here has faded. Maybe we've lucked out and whoever is doing this isn't a vampire witch hybrid. She should have been able to break the circle."

  Grayson paused and looked back at me. "Could you have broken it?"

  "I could have taken it over with ease, but I chose not to because I knew the person inside was scared. His magic was pure. He's probably just coming into his abilities." I sighed. "Okay, I'm done here. Can you take me back to the mansion? So I can go to the hospital?"

  "I want to go talk to Alfie as well. There's not much else here for me to look over."

  I nodded. "But you get to explain to Balin why you're leaving as well, seeing as you just told him I was the better agent for the job."

  "It's simple, you need a way to get to the hospital." Grayson motioned to the door. "After you Special Agent Collins."

  I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the house. Detective Balin was talking to a couple of the officers that came on scene with him.

  "I'm going to take Special Agent Collins to the hospital."

  Balin looked like he was going to argue but then shook his head. "Are we done here then?"

  Grayson nodded. "Yes, we are. We simply needed an ambulance team."

  Balin narrowed his eyes at me. "I want to be there when she interviews him."

  "No," I said without hesitation. Both Grayson and Balin looked at me. "He's already shaken up and probably in a bit of shock. We don't want him freezing up because there are too many people in the room. I'm not going to screw this case up Balin, in fact, my ass is on the line just as much as yours."

  Balin thought for a moment and then nodded. "Fine, Agent Yorkingson, make sure she reports back to both of us on this."

  I crossed my arms and stared at the Detective. "If you ask Detective Mason, Balin, I know how to do my job."

  He growled at me, something more feral t
han human. It took me a moment to move past the noise, as far as I knew Balin was human. I didn't respond to him. Grayson came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you ready?"

  "Sure am." I kept my gaze on Balin until he faded from my vision as Grayson took us to the hospital.


  We reappeared outside the hospital. Grayson walked by my side as we entered the busy emergency room. A cough here, a groan here, the sounds of sick people and people and pain echoed around me. I followed Grayson up to the counter where a nurse sat patiently waiting. We both pulled our badges out and showed her. "There was a young man brought in not long ago via ambulance, name given was Alfie." Grayson spoke.

  My gaze darted around the room, something felt off, but I couldn't place what. Everyone here looked like they belonged here, sounded like it, but there was something that was just rubbing me the wrong way. It took me a moment to realize it was the power of a vampire.


  He glanced at me just as the nurse looked up from her computer. "I'm sorry, we don't have an incoming ambulance."

  "What?" we both asked at the same time.

  "There are no incoming ambulances reported." She pointed to the screen as if we could also see it.

  I met the woman's gaze. "Are you sure?"

  "Ma'am, I know how to do my job."

  Damn it, I knew I should have gone with him. I turned and stormed out of the hospital. Grayson was on my heels.

  "Abigail," he snapped.

  I spun and faced him. "There was a vampire's power there."

  He looked shocked.

  "You didn't feel it?"

  There was a moment of silence between the two of us, and I waited for an explanation.

  Finally he spoke, "I let my power lose a little bit to urge her to tell us the truth. I wanted to make sure we weren't fed a lie."

  "Why would you think she'd lie to us?" I had a sinking feeling. "You had an idea that he wouldn't show up to the hospital."

  Grayson didn't answer again. "What the fuck Yorkingson!" Anger boiled in me, and I took a few steps towards him. "You knew there was a chance of him not showing up. Why? And why the fuck would you put a victim through that?"

  "Would you calm down, Abigail?"

  "No, I won't calm down."

  Grayson put a hand on my shoulder and power flowed through me. I jerked away from him. "Don't touch me."

  "Then settle down and listen to me." He met my gaze. "I needed the boy to trap whoever was doing this. I didn't want to tell you in front of Balin."

  I locked my jaw. "We're not supposed to use victims as bait. How are you tracking them? Why drag me out here?"

  "I wasn't sure if it would work. He has a tracking device on him. I slipped it on him when you two walked passed me" He held his hand to me. "Shall we get back to the office and track him?"

  I wasn't sure if I believed him on any of this. "I want you to take me to the mansion to get the Hummer. I've consulted, and I don't agree with you using the victim to trap whoever is doing this. Ira or not."

  Something crossed his face, but in the end, he bowed his head. "Then come along."

  I grabbed his hand and let him take me to the mansion.

  We appeared right outside, and then he disappeared, leaving me standing on Levi's doorstep without another word. I took a deep breath before I marched up to the door. I put my hand on the scanner and listened for the tumbler to click. I walked into the house and kicked my boots off at the door.

  "Levi?" I called and no answer. It was possible he was off dealing with king stuff, so I didn't give it a second thought. I went to the key rack and grabbed the keys for the Hummer.

  "That was a quick night out with Grayson." Levi's voice made me jump. "He's pretty serious about getting this case solved. I figured he'd have you out until dawn."

  I shrugged. "I consulted and then decided to step away."

  "You don't sound happy."

  I turned around. "We found a victim in a circle, terrified, and without consulting me or anyone else, Grayson decided to take a chance that he shouldn't have. Our victim has disappeared, Grayson supposedly put a tracker on him."

  "You don't believe him?" Levi crossed his arms. "He's a king's guard, he wouldn't make unnecessary risks."

  I took a deep breath. "As PIB, we're sworn to protect. Using a victim as bait is wrong. Alfie described a witch turned vampire. That's what you're dealing with. Now, I'm going to go home and try to figure out to protect myself from assassins from the underground. Try to figure out any progress I can make on my other case, and try not to rat Grayson out about using the victim."

  "It's a king's case, PIB won't interfere with it." He shook his head.

  "And you shouldn't be encouraging the tactics. Besides, what are you going to do when you find Ira? Obviously not kill him." I crossed my arms.

  Levi snarled at me, and I stepped back. "If it were that easy, Abigail, he'd be dead already." He turned away from me. "Go home."

  The sudden dismissal after him snarling at me was off-putting. "What else are you hiding, Levi?"

  "Go home, Abigail."

  I shoved the keys in my pack and stomped back to the door. I'd had enough of vampires and their fucking secrets tonight.


  My phone rang the next morning, making me jump up in bed. Had I forgotten to set an alarm? No, the sun wasn't even up yet. Ugh.

  I snatched it off the nightstand and answered it. "Agent Collins' speaking."

  "Too early, Abby?" Mason's voice came across the line.

  I debated on giving him the lovely answer of 'fuck you,' but I thought better of it. "Late night with another case. What's up?"

  "So, remember how the heart was gone?"

  I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Yeah, most likely magically removed. Why?" That wasn't really something I was going to not remember.

  "Yeah, I think I found it."

  Those words woke me up. "What do you mean you?"

  "There's a heart in the middle of Manitou Park with a knife in it."

  Interesting. I'd just been there the night before. "Okay, I'll be down there as soon as I can. Don't let anyone touch the heart." I scrambled out of bed. "I'm bringing Merick with me to consult."

  "Can you get a hold of him this early?"

  Just how early was it? I glanced at the alarm clock. Seven. Gross. "He'll answer his phone because it's me." I rubbed my eyes. Chances were Merick was already awake and downstairs watching the morning news. He hadn't been home when I called it a night, so he'd had a late night as well.

  Mason made a grunting noise, and then the line went dead in my hand. I rubbed my eyes and took a quick shower before I headed downstairs. Merick was standing at the counter, nursing a cup of coffee.

  "Morning." He didn't even look up at me.

  "Morning, are you up for a trip out?" I went to the coffee pot to find just enough for a cup left. I fixed myself a mug and stood next to him.

  He was silent for a moment. "I guess I am. Why?"

  "The heart was located at Manitou Park." I sipped my coffee. "I'd much rather have you at my side since it's cult-related, and I don't want to step on toes."

  He nodded. "That's a good idea. It seems this is going to get nasty, and I'd hate for the Cult to come after you for screwing it up."

  "They aren't very trusting of PIB are they?"

  He shrugged. "We kind of have our own law, as you know." He finished his coffee and took his mug to the sink.

  His words were an interesting reminder that he was Cult and his believes didn't always align with mine. "Well, I'll do what I can as PIB." It was a line I used with Levi when it came to vampire business. Occasionally I stepped out of my PIB role and into working for him, and things were unofficially taken care of, but it had been a while since that had happened.

  I finished my coffee and grabbed the keys to the Hummer. "Let
's go."

  He followed me out of the house, still in silence. I got in the car and started the Hummer, giving it a moment to warm up. "You want to tell me about last night?"

  "The cult is in an uproar and is calling for blood. I don't think they care whose blood. Seth and I have gotten them to agree to wait until we at least know who the murderer is, but that's the best thing we could do." He glanced at me. "You know what I'm going to ask."

  I had a feeling. I tightened my hands on the wheel as I pulled out of my driveway. "If they hunt the person down, you don't want me to intervene."

  "You'll end up back on their hit list if you do, and I won't be able to help you then. Hell hath no fury like the Cult."

  I sighed. "I don't know if I can promise that. We'll have to see how the case shakes out. Liz is monitoring this one."

  "I know she is." He paused for a moment as if he wanted to add something else. "I guess we'll cross the bridge when we get to it."

  I guess we would. I had made a lot of questionable choices these last few years, and it didn't seem like his request was really that far off my current mark. "So theories on the heart?"

  "There are a lot of spells that require a heart, Abigail. They are all dark. Some of them for summoning, some of them for curses."

  I sighed. "I hope we're not dealing with another demon."

  "You should be an expert at them by now." There was a slight joke to his voice.

  I rolled my eyes. "Expert or not, demon curses are not something I really want to deal with again."

  "Well, if it's a demon, let the Cult deal with it." He crossed his arms. "If it's a curse? We'll handle it together."

  That sounded like a pretty solid plan to me, and I didn't think Liz would argue about the demon.


  We pulled up as close to the park as we could get. The emergency vehicles blocked off most of the road, so we jumped out and started to walk to the gathering of gawkers. A woman stepped in front of me. Her hair was twisted up in a tight bun, and her glasses were perched on the edge of her pointed nose. She stood almost as tall as me, but only because of the heels that she wore. Her gray suit was stretched just a little too tight around her best assets.


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