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Owned by Him

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “Do I get to know about the fantasy?” she asked.

  “No, I promise I won’t hurt you. Will you trust me?”

  Amber stared into his eyes for what felt like a lifetime, but in reality it was only a couple of minutes.

  “Yes.” That one word felt wonderful to hear.

  He opened the door, turned on the light and closed the door behind Amber. She stayed sat down as he pulled a chair into the center of the room. “Present to me.”

  She dropped to her knees. Amber wore a skirt and blouse, which fitted in with his fantasy of her. He took a seat and stared at her. She looked so perfect on her knees before him. The skirt rode up her thighs, making it impossible for her to spread her legs.

  “Come here,” he said.

  When she stood in front of him, he skimmed his fingers up her thigh.

  “You’re going over my knee and getting twenty with my palm, Amber. You’ve been an insolent sub. You tried to dominate me from the bottom. I’m in charge. I’m the Dom, and you’ll learn your place.” He made sure to sound stern.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Get over my knee.”

  He supported her stomach and helped her get over his knee.

  Elijah made sure she was comfortable and supported her over his knee with an arm wrapped around her, locking her in place.

  With his free hand, he caressed her thighs and her ass. The rounded curves showed the outline of her panties.

  Pushing the skirt up over her ass, he tugged at the fabric until it tore and fell on the floor. “I don’t want you wearing panties again unless I say so.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He caressed over the curves of her ass. Her body was shaking with anticipation. The scent of her pussy permeated the air confirming his thoughts. Amber was turned on by what he was doing.

  “I want you to count like you always do.”

  Lifting his palm in the air, he brought it down over her naked, rounded flesh. Amber let out a yelp, and she began to count.

  He rained down blows in a set of five. After each five, he caressed over her ass.

  On the last spank, Elijah leaned down and kissed her red ass cheeks. His palm was imprinted on her ass.

  “So fucking perfect. Your ass is going to be red raw with me by your side, baby.” His fantasy was not yet complete. “I’m going to push you to the floor, and you’re going to undo my pants, take out my cock, and suck it.”

  Amber climbed off his lap. He’d never push her to the floor. Hurting his woman was not in his agenda. Her hands shook as she fumbled with his zipper.

  He waited, patiently, for her to open his trousers. She eased his cock out from the zipper. He was ready for her, the tip glistening with his pre-cum. Being around Amber meant he was in a constant state of arousal.

  “Suck it for me, baby.”

  Elijah watched her open her sweet lips and take him into her mouth. Her mouth was warm. She sucked him inside her mouth, her lips covering her teeth so she wouldn’t bite down on his shaft.

  “Fuck, that feels amazing,” he said.

  This was his fantasy come true, and the reality was so much better than his imagination. She worked his shaft, licking down the vein at the side and sucking the tip in deep.

  Elijah stroked her hair, feeling the first stirrings of his release start. “I’m going to come,” he said, warning her.

  She worked his shaft, and Elijah saw stars as the first wave of his release coated the back of her throat. Amber swallowed his cum and moaned.

  It was the best damn fantasy he’d ever lived in his life.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Amber wrapped a fashionable scarf around her neck for work the following week. Elijah had moved into her apartment on Monday, and it was now Wednesday. They were actually living like a couple. Heather was shocked, but now her friend needed to do something about her house. Elijah wasn’t going anywhere, which is what he’d told her.

  She couldn’t complain. His personal belongings looked good next to hers inside the small place. She loved her apartment, and it seemed Elijah loved it, too. When she’d woken up that morning, she’d stared at both of their toothbrushes, together, side by side, in the holder. They were sharing holders, and when she’d gone to her wardrobe she’d paused to admire his clothes as well, next to hers.

  Touching the scarf, she smiled recalling their weekend together. On Monday night she’d been at Wade’s telling them all about it, apart from the more sexual details. Heather looked ready to puke, and she needed to remember Elijah was her best friend’s brother.

  Her friends were organizing a get-together on Friday at Wade’s. She knew Dale was going to be there. During her weekend her friend and Dale had gotten close. She didn’t know how she felt about that. Wade would be heartbroken, but what about Connie?

  Dale never treated her differently when she saw him in the office or took him a file. There was nothing wrong between them, but Amber had been rooting for Wade to get his act together.

  For the rest of the week she basked in being a couple with Elijah. He didn’t have any bad habits, and he put the toilet seat down after he used it. There was no mess. If anything, it was the horror collection in DVDs she would change. The guy really had something with horror movies.

  When he was watching a horror, she’d taken to strolling naked around their apartment. Every time, without fail, he’d get distracted and the movie would be turned off while he fucked her.

  It had become a little game for her. She wondered if she should start dressing up in some saucy clothing. Elijah never complained about her being who she was.

  By the time Friday came around she was nervous and a little apprehensive. The door to Dale’s office had been open that day, and she’d spotted Connie straddling his lap, kissing him. She’d never seen her friend so openly sexual.

  Wade may not even be in with a chance to win back her affection.

  She told Elijah about it when he picked her up. They were going straight to Wade’s place, but she’d declined a lift from Dale. After what she witnessed with her friend she didn’t want to be sitting close to him.

  “Connie was dry humping your boss?” Elijah asked.

  “Pretty much. Nothing else was happening. What can we do?”

  “There’s nothing we can do,” he said. His arm went around her waist as they began walking. She loved snuggling against him, and the cold months were starting to press on them.

  “But Wade has been in love with her for a lifetime.”

  “He’s missed his shot,” he said.

  She pouted, hating the cold words.

  “You’re tense, baby. There’s nothing we can do. When you went on that date with Dale, I saw you slipping through my fingers. That was my shot, my moment to either let you go or claim you. I took my shot. Wade’s had his shot and let it pass him by.”

  “I don’t like it. He was always supposed to be with Connie. They’ve got the chemistry.”

  He let out a sigh. “Do you want me to talk to him?” he asked.

  “Yes, I want you to talk to him and make him see sense. Please, Elijah. This will break his heart.”

  “Should I be worried about your concern?” he asked.

  She hit his stomach. “No. I know who I belong to and who owns me. I’m your woman, Elijah.”


  They walked in silence until he asked her about her day. She gave him an update, and by the time she was finished they were outside Wade’s. The guard on the door let them inside, and Amber spotted Wade behind the bar. He was glaring at the table where they sat. Dale and Connie were already there with the others. Heather was with Julian while Ashley was alone.

  Seating herself at the table she smiled at Dale. There was a tension among all the friends.

  “Elijah, how are you doing?” Heather asked, trying to break through.

  “Living with the woman I love. I’m going to order me a drink. Does anyone want one?” he asked.

  Several orders were put toward him. Amb
er pulled him down and kissed his lips. She gave him a look to let him know he was to talk to Wade.

  “I didn’t see you today,” Connie said, smiling at her and bringing her attention back to her boss and her friend.

  If Wade hadn’t shown much of an interest in Connie, Amber wouldn’t be feeling like she was betraying him.

  “I was busy. It was a hectic day.”

  She gazed down at her hands and looked behind her to where Elijah was talking with Wade.

  “So, are you two exclusive and fucking?” Ashley asked.

  Amber glanced up at her blunt friend. Ashley rested her head on her hand, looking at the couple.

  She glanced at Connie to see her face was red.

  “Ashley, don’t. You know I’m not like that,” Connie said.

  Dale looked angry.

  “Look, you’re both here on a date, and you’ve already cancelled next week because you’re both going away together. I’m looking out for you, Connie. If you and Dale are taking it to the next level then he needs the girlfriend treatment,” Ashley said. “No one gets near our friend without getting through us.”

  All three of them had done the same to Wade.

  Glancing behind her, Amber saw Wade shaking his head.

  “It’s not necessary to be overprotective. I can look after myself,” Connie said.

  Ashley rolled her eyes and turned on Dale. “You hurt her in any way, and I’ll cut your balls off. Deal with it. I’m one of her best friends, and this is who I am.”

  Heather agreed, and Amber added in her thoughts as well. She hoped this night out got better.


  Elijah waited for Wade to serve him. The other man was glaring at the table. His emotions were clear to see, and Elijah saw what Amber saw. Wade was totally in love with Connie.

  “If you don’t act soon you’re going to lose her completely,” he said, gaining the other man’s attention.

  “What?” Wade walked over to him.

  He ordered the drinks and waited for him to finish before talking with him.

  “You’re in love with Connie.”

  “She’s taken up with the suit. I fucking hated him on sight with Amber, but now I’m tempted to ban the asshole from my club.”

  “Ban Dale and you’ll ban Connie.”

  “She’ll come in with her friends.”

  Elijah shrugged. “Maybe? Or maybe not. There’s only so much a friendship can take. You’ve got to act fast to win her back.”

  He glanced behind him to see his woman tense. This was not the atmosphere he wanted for tonight. He’d asked Heather to organize everything for him.

  “I can’t do this. She was always supposed to be mine. There was a moment some months ago. The bar was closed, and it was only the two of us. She was singing up on that stage. Her voice is amazing. When she was finished she didn’t look happy. We were talking, and I reached out to put up some of her hair and then she was staring into my eyes and I was doing the same to her. In the next moment it was gone. I should have kissed her or done something. I bailed, and ever since then she finds a reason not to come to me,” Wade said, opening up.

  “There’s still a chance.”

  “How the hell would you know?”

  “I’ve been fucking around with Amber for the last seven years. She’s now my woman, and I’m going to get up on that stage and show her. If Amber can forgive me and be with me, then Connie can do the same with you.” Elijah slapped his hand on the counter. “Is everything set up for me?”

  “Yes, Heather was very specific. I cancelled a band for tonight. You owe me.”

  Elijah nodded and headed up onto the stage. This had to be the craziest thing he’d ever done, but for Amber he’d do it right.

  Grabbing the microphone from the floor he stood into the center. He tapped the microphone to gain their attention. Wade was in control of the lights, so the room went dark with only one light on him. This was supposed to be his big romantic gesture, and he hoped to God it worked.

  “Hello, everyone. I’m sorry to interrupt your evening, but this is really important.” He’d not practiced any speech or anything. “If any of you are offended, the next round of drinks is on me.” There were a few cheers.

  “I’m stood here tonight because there is a wonderful woman in the audience, and I really wanted to prove to her that she means the world to me.” Wade activated the light bringing Amber into focus.

  Elijah looked at her across the dance floor. “Hello, baby.”

  She stood up, frowning.

  “Seven years ago I fell in love with this woman. Her name is Amber Phelps, and for seven years I’ve been breaking her heart because I’m a dick.” A few chuckles filled the air. “Anyway, I almost lost this amazing woman when I didn’t speak up. Seeing her in the arms of another man was a real eye-opener for me.” He hoped Wade got the message loud and clear. “In life we have only moments with people where the connection is so fleeting yet feels so right. That moment is still there every time I look at you, baby. I’m completely in love with you and have been all this time.”

  Tears were glistening in her eyes.

  “There are no words that can make up for the time lost. So I’m going to give you forever with me. I’m asking you, no, I’m begging you.” He dropped to his knees on the stage for her to see. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” he asked.

  His focus was on her. Amber stared at him, smiling. “Yes.”

  He climbed down off the stage and ran to her. The crowd moved out of the way as he tugged her into his arms and kissed her.

  Cheers, catcalls, and applause met them.

  “I love you so much,” he said.

  “Did you plan this?”

  “Yes. I wanted you to remember this moment for the rest of your life. I’m not going to fuck up again. I promise, baby. You and me, for the rest of our lives.”

  “Shut up and kiss me again.” He slammed his lips down on hers, loving her with everything that he had.

  Words or gestures would never be enough to make up for their seven long years. He hoped this moment could change all that.

  Her friends and Wade offered them congratulations before he took her onto the dance floor.

  “I can’t believe you planned all that,” she said, amazed.

  “Oh, crap.” He let go of her long enough to take the ring he’d bought for her out of his pocket. “I should have put this on you first.”

  “I don’t care. I can’t believe you got up on stage to propose.”

  “What about the begging?” He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

  “You begged me. Admittedly, it wasn’t a lot of begging, but I thought you looked hot on your knees. Maybe we’re in for a little role reversal at some point,” she said, waggling her eyebrows.

  “Not on your life, baby.” He grabbed her butt tight. “I’m the one in charge, and you’ll be the one on your knees before me.”

  She laughed. “Have you got any more fantasies for me to play out?” she asked.

  “Amber, I’ve got lots for us to try out.” He leaned down taking her lips under his once again. This was the start of their future, and he was going to cherish every single second of it.


  Two months later

  “I hate you,” Amber said, grumbling into the toilet. Elijah held her hair back as she puked up all of her breakfast. She’d already been sick once, and this was her second time this morning.

  “You don’t hate me. Elijah junior is making himself known.”

  She groaned once again as another wave of sickness took over. Being two months pregnant meant she was now sensitive to food and drinks she loved. They’d not even bothered with any contraception. She’d been pregnant before they could sort anything out.

  “I hate you.” Amber didn’t mean any of the words, but she always spoke them to him when the morning sickness got too bad.

  Slowly, her stomach began to settle, and she collapsed away from the toilet
in Elijah’s waiting arms. He was the most patient man in her world. His soothing strokes helped to calm her.

  “You must hate me,” she said. Now that she’d finished throwing up she felt bad for being mean to him.

  “I could never hate you, baby. I love you too damn much to hate you.” He lifted her finger where her engagement and wedding ring fell. After they found out she was pregnant, Elijah had driven them to Vegas for a quick wedding. Julian made sure the rest of her friends were there, and when they got back home, they told their families.

  She stared at her ring and then at the one resting on his finger. “We’re together.”

  He kissed her head as she started to regain some control over her emotions. The words she’d spoken to him replayed in her mind, and Amber couldn’t stop the tears from falling. She’d been a horrible bitch.

  Amber started to sob and cry, talking nonsense.

  All throughout her moment he held her without saying a word. Heather hadn’t gone through this, and if she had, she’d not said anything to her.

  When it was all over her helped clean her teeth before helping her into bed.

  “I’ve got to go to work,” she said.

  “No, I’ve called Dale, and he’s giving you the day off, paid.”

  She thought about Connie and wondered what her friend was going to do with the two love interests in her life.

  Amber fingered the loose collar around her neck. When they were inside her apartment she loved wearing his mark. The collar was a lovely pink with a locket in the centre. It symbolized their connection to each other.

  He kissed her hand, stopping her from playing with it.

  “I don’t think I can do this,” she said, touching her stomach. “Bringing a baby into the world is hard work.”

  “You’ll do it, Amber. You’ve got me by your side. I’m never leaving you. We’ve got this. You, me, and the baby.” He kissed her head. “If you argue I’ll get your friends on your case. None of them will allow you to fail. Our little guy is going to have three amazing Aunties and an amazing Uncle.”

  Elijah refused to give Wade or Dale the credit of an Uncle. The two men were fighting over Connie, and it was starting to get ugly. The last time she saw both men was over a week ago when they were both sporting black eyes and bruised lips. Connie looked heartbroken.


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