Red Hot

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Red Hot Page 8

by Ann B. Harrison

  She snorted her disgust while walking away, leaving him broken hearted.

  Red took the note and screwed it up before throwing it in the bin and walking out of the office. He breathed deeply and headed for his lab. He checked with his staff on their progress and quickly lost himself in his own little world of microscopes and microbes.

  Chapter 6

  Rhian walked her last patient out of the surgery and sighed with relief. It had been a big day and she was exhausted. A large glass of red wine and she would feel much better. Last night she had researched the best time for her next spell and if she was right, that was tomorrow just before sunrise. She had to check her Book of Shadows to make sure she had all the ingredients. The essential one, Red's hair, was safely in the bowl in her bedroom. It was against all she held close and a stab of guilt pierced her chest. All of her beliefs screamed out she was doing the wrong thing. It was not right to cast a spell on someone without their permission and even Nero had given her the cold shoulder over it. If her family found out they would be horrified. It was not the way she was brought up to use her magic without giving consideration to others before her own wants and needs.

  Nevertheless, she was adamant. When he realized what she had done he would agree with her that it was for him and he would appreciate her help. After all, it was one of the things that upset him the most, people laughing at how he looked. Without his thick glasses, he was incredibly handsome.

  Rhian locked the surgery door, flicked off the lights and breathed a sigh of relief. She walked into the kitchen, took a wine glass from the cupboard, and a bottle of Merlot from the wine rack. She walked outside to her veranda overlooking the bay. Boats were cruising around the harbor and the bright colors of their sails lightened her mood. The harbor lights were casting a glow in the falling dusk and she slowly relaxed.

  Settling down on a comfortable chair, Rhian poured her wine. The first sip ran over her tongue, the flavors bringing her alive. She breathed deeply and swallowed feeling the deep red drink warm her throat and all the way to her stomach. She leaned back in her chair, lifted her legs up, and kicked her shoes off. It had taken all of her will to not call Red and ask to see him again. It would be better to wait until after tomorrow's dawn and then she could concentrate on the man, not the magic.

  She sat admiring the view for an hour before the animals demanded she come in and feed them. After a quiet dinner and a soothing bath, she crawled into her soft bed with her magic book for company. As she looked up past spells, she cross referenced them with her grandmother’s books before she chose the one she would use for Red. This is the one I’ll use.

  Eyes of day

  and eyes of night

  give Red back

  his rightful sight

  let him see

  the Mother’s light

  give him back his true sight

  see in sparkling clarity

  this is my will, as I mote it shall be.”

  Rhian placed a marker in the book and closed it.

  Nero jumped up on the bed and watched her with baleful eyes.

  “Stop looking at me like that Nero, for goodness sake. I'm only improving his eyesight, something anyone could have done years ago if they'd had a mind too. No harm in that at all in my mind.” The cat turned away from her and curled up at the end of the bed, ignoring her.

  “The Fates threw him at my feet. What do you expect me to do, Nero. Ignore him? For the love of all things true and good, his biggest hurdle in life is how other people see him.” She punched her pillow and lay her head down on it while staring at the cat. “There is no harm in making him feel good about himself. At least that way he might actually realize he is worthy of a decent relationship. I want that, you know full well I do. I deserve love as much as the next person and I'm going to do everything I can to get it, no matter how much of a hissy fit you decide to throw.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the ceiling. If Gram was here she would agree, Rhian knew she would. At least she thought she would.

  Damn, am I really doing the right thing? If I don't give it a shot what will happen? He will still be the same guy with the biggest chip on his shoulder about his looks. I will take him as he is, no questions there but I don't think he's prepared to believe I can love him looking like he does. I can't see why for the life of me.

  He's just the handsomest thing, deep red hair, green eyes and a body to die for. So he's a little bit socially inept, so what? He spends too much time with his specimens and just needs to be convinced he is what I want. He is, isn't he? I mean, he's terrific in bed, sweet as pie out of it. I'm sure we can work on anything else that comes up. We have to at least try.

  Rhian rolled over on her side and clutched her pillow to her chest, hugging it tight. She went to sleep unsure of herself and willed the answer to come to her in her dreams but she woke the next morning as unsure as she had been when she went to sleep.

  * * * *

  Red didn't give his old flame another thought until his phone vibrated in his pocket as he pulled up in the driveway of his house the next evening. Looking at the screen, he groaned. Eleanor's face smiled up at him and his heart plummeted. Ignoring the incessant ring, he shoved it back into his pocket.

  He walked up the stairs and opened the door. The smell of cleaning products hit his nose and he remembered it was furniture polishing day. Enid would have polished her little heart out. Even though it was now only him, she refused to cut back her hours. She kept to the same routine she had when his parents had been alive and he didn't have the heart to tell her he really didn’t need her as much. She had helped raise him and still organized the routine of the house.

  Red walked into the kitchen and took a beer from the fridge. He looked approvingly at his dinner. Enid could be relied upon to make all his favorites. Problem was he didn't always feel hungry when he got home. Sometimes he was just too tired to eat. Or he was just not in the mood, like tonight.

  The last thing he needed was Eleanor ringing him. She’d made the move and dumped him, breaking his heart. She could just leave him alone. Now Rhian was on the scene, he had started to feel better about himself, and his old girlfriend did nothing but drag his emotions down. He threw himself down in an armchair and turned on the television. Watching some sport would help him unwind. He finally ate his dinner watching the Moto GP.

  Twice more he ignored the phone when it rang. In the end he left it on the kitchen bench, hoping she would get the message and he could sleep easy without it ringing or vibrating beside the bed. He folded down his top sheet and headed for the bathroom. Standing under the hot water, he let his mind wander back to work. So close in the final round of tests. The vaccine was almost ready for human trials and he was getting more and more excited.

  He wondered if Rhian would be interested in how his work had progressed and decided he would bring it up to see what her reaction was next time he saw her. It surely wouldn't be as bad as Eleanor's scathing remarks. Rhian was a much nicer person all round. Her life was her animals and caring for them. There was no way Eleanor would let one anywhere near her. She would turn up her nose crying in disgust if one dared touch her and marked her clothing.

  How he had fallen for her was now beyond him. Although his heart had fluttered when he saw her name on the note, it was not a pleasant anticipation he’d felt. Red knew now she was not the type of wife he wanted, certainly after the way she had treated him. He wanted someone who would love him for who he was and how he was, someone who wouldn't try to change him. He had accepted life as it was dished out to him - the woman he married would too.

  Rhian's face came into his mind and his body reacted. Her luscious curves and willing body amazed him. Eleanor had handed out sex like a prize when he performed things she deemed appropriate. Like Sunday breakfast with her parents at the best restaurant in the bay. If they were spotted by a reporter she was happy and he got lucky.

  Red didn't feel comfortable around famous people like her f
ather. A big deal in the political world, he could make Red’s company more financial than it was with a nod in the right direction. But that wasn't what he wanted. He needed to make drugs that helped those who needed it. Not drugs popular for cosmetic use or the wealthy only.

  He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He would call Rhian tomorrow and see if she would like to go on a picnic after work. Satisfied with his decision, he dried and dressed for bed. Sinking down in the soft mattress, he lay with his hands behind his head. He could feel his lips turn up as he thought of the inviting smile she gave him just before she climbed on his lap the last time he’d been with her. Red had watched in amazement as she had squirmed on his knee, already moaning in the throes of a massive orgasm.

  There was no way Eleanor would be as free and uninhibited as Rhian with sex. The woman loved sex, it was no big deal apparently. So did he, but he'd never had the opportunity to be as free as they had been. He had always been told what to do, for how long and how hard. Rhian had let him be himself and he would be forever grateful someone had shown him the difference between making love and being controlled.

  * * * *

  Rhian was exhausted. Her body ached, her eyes burned, and her head throbbed. All she wanted to do was lay down and sleep. This spell had taken it out of her and her body needed to shut down and regenerate.

  That was not going to happen. She had to open the surgery in a couple of hours so a short nap followed by a hot shower to wake her up was all that was possible this morning. But it was worth it. She had put her magic out there and now it was up to the universe to bring it into being.

  “Blessed be, Mother for letting me have the skills to bring your greatest gifts. Thanks be, for the memories you gave me and the man you have shown me. Blessed be your gifts that will find their way to his body and make him whole.”

  Rhian blew out the candles and put a cover over her cauldron. She turned toward her bedroom dragging her feet. The sun was rising over the bay and she sighed. Why couldn't the timing have been better?

  She threw back the covers on her bed and set the alarm before sinking into a deep sleep.

  Nero was kneading her chest when the noise screamed in her ears. She threw her arm out, groping for the loud alarm. Hitting it on the top she rubbed her eyes and looked at the cat. “I think that's quite enough of that, don't you?” He looked at her, his green eyes locked on hers. “It's done, as well you know. You must have had second thoughts as you're sitting here on my body. He is worth it, Nero. You'll see.”

  She pushed her familiar from her chest and rolled out of bed. Stumbling to the bathroom, Rhian turned on the shower and shrugged off her nightgown. She put her face directly under the warm stream of water, willing her body to wake up. The warm water soothed her and she noticed her headache was now just a dull throb an aspirin would take care of.

  Rhian quickly soaped herself, wishing she had the time to soak her tiredness away. She scrubbed her body and did her usual shower routine before flicking off the tap. Stepping out of the shower, she reached for a bath towel and wrapped herself in it. Looking into the mirror, she ran her fingertips under the shadows around her eyes. Sighing she reached for her moisturizer before going back to her bedroom to dress. Nero still sat where she had left him. He watched her every move and when she walked out to the kitchen, he wound in between her legs as he purred for his breakfast.

  Rhian fed him first and turned on the coffee pot before she made a bottle for Bambi. When he was fed she made toast and stood at the kitchen counter and looked out over the bay as the town slowly came to life.

  She poured another mug of coffee, and then she walked into her surgery to look at the bookings for the day. Nothing too demanding on the cards but one could never tell how the day would unfold. The clinic had a way of getting busy when you least expected it. She had everything ready for the first patient before May walked through the door.

  She leaned her butt on the edge of the desk as May put her purse away and turned on the computer.

  When she had everything straight and ready for the day she turned to Rhian. “Okay, spill. I know you’ve been up to something. I can tell by the look in your eye.”

  Rhian looked down at her feet, hoping the heat travelling up her cheeks wasn’t visible.

  “Oh come on, tell me. You’ve been using your magic haven’t you? You have that glow on your skin you always get when play with spells. What have you done, Rhian?”

  May came and stood before her, hands on hips. Rhian smiled at her but it came off wobbly. The realization of what she had done was hitting her now. The tears welled in the corner of her eyes and May’s face went through a series of changes.

  “You didn’t use a spell on someone without their permission did you?”

  “Yes.” Her voice came out as a small squeak.

  “Oh my fucking God. If your grandmother was here she would have you. Rhian, how could you? You know your magic has to be treated with respect. Fuck’s sake, I heard that enough when we were growing up and I wanted you to give me something I couldn’t have. Who did you use it on?”


  “Is that the hunk I passed on my way out the other day?”

  “Uh uh.” Rhian rubbed a hand over her eyes and sniffed loudly. “Look, it wasn’t for me okay. It was for him. He has this thing about his glasses. I think he looks cute with them but he hates them.” She stormed over to the window and looked out. “I want him to feel good about himself. Is that so bad?”

  “You don’t need me to answer that and you bloody well know it. What do you think Gram would have said about it?”

  Rhian turned back to May. She wanted the best for Red but she knew deep down she had taken a liberty casting spells on his body without permission. Not that she thought she would get it anyway but she had hoped, and tried to ignore the very real possibility he would be pissed off with her.

  “I know what she would say but then again, she always wanted me to be happy. Why do you think she gave me this place?” Rhian ran her hands through her hair, tugging at the long locks. “It was one little spell, for goodness sake. I didn’t cast a love spell or anything, just a little tiny spell to help his eyesight.”

  “Which you know is totally wrong, no matter how small it was.” May shook her head and took a seat at her desk, slamming her hands on the top. “I understand why you would do it but honestly I thought you were the last person who would use magic like that. If you are so keen to throw around spells, how about a seriously hot guy for me.” She shot a glance in Rhian’s direction. “Yeah, I thought as much. Well, you have to live with it now, girl.”

  “I know but I couldn’t help myself. He is so vulnerable and sweet.”

  The door opened and their first patient had arrived. Putting on her professional smile, Rhian led them to the examination room and began her day. She barely had time for more than a quick cup of coffee for lunch as the animals were brought in for her attention.

  “There, there pet.” Rhian calmed a small dog that had tried to jump a fence and caught itself on the wire. A tear under its belly needed to be stitched and the owner was fretting more than the dog.

  “Sorry, Rhian, to interrupt but Red called and wants a couple of seconds of your time if it's at all possible.” May raised her eyebrows, giving Rhian a dark look and handed her the phone.

  “Excuse me just a moment please.” She turned away from her patient and its owner. She grasped the phone and walked out into the reception area, May right behind her with her ears pricked up listening. “Red. Hi.”

  She listened to his voice on the other end and smiled to herself. It was wonderful he was calling her. She’d intended calling him today, but the clinic had been far too busy. That hollow guilty feeling about the spell and how he would react left a knot in her stomach.

  “My handsome man, how are you this fine day?” She turned and gazed out the window while his voice soothed her busy mind. “That would be lovely, sure. A picnic sounds great. How about I
meet you at your place though? It's kind of hectic here today and I'm not too sure what time I'll be finished.” She turned and looked over at May who made no attempt to pretend she wasn’t eavesdropping on the conversation. “Sure, I know where that is. I have plenty of food in the fridge so I can manage that, you don't need to shop. No, honestly Red it’s fine.” She turned away and hid the smile she knew was breaking out. “Later then, bye.”

  She handed the phone to May and walked back to her patient, not giving her friend time to ask. Rhian knew she would be grilled later but for now Red and the details of their date was hers. “Now then, little pet, let's get you sedated and then I can stitch this up.” She ran her hand over the small dog’s head soothingly

  “I think you can go home for a few hours, Mr. Nicholls. We’ll give you a call later this afternoon when she wakes up.” Rhian patted the elderly man on the arm and called May to see him to the door. “She's going to be fine, just a few stitches and a couple of days rest and she will be as good as new. It might pay to get someone to fix those rough edges on the fence though just in case she tries it again.” She picked up the dog and walked through to the operating room, setting the nervous animal down on the table.

  The owner hovered by the door, and nervously twisted his hands together. May put her arm over his shoulders and guided him to the waiting room. “She will be fine, I promise you. Rhian will sedate her so she can stitch her belly. I think she will be feeling much happier by the time she wakes up.” May led him from the room out to reception and Rhian could hear her asking for his phone number again so she could phone him later when the dog woke up.

  The old man gave her the details and thanked her. May opened the front door and promised again to call as soon as his dog was awake. She hummed as she walked back to the operating room where she stood by as Rhian drew the drug and inserted it in the dog’s vein, while May held the animal still as she fell asleep. Then May returned to the reception room, leaving Rhian to carry out her work.


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