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Hannah Page 3

by Andrea Jordan

  “I’m waiting for you.” Hannah purred as she answered.

  “Oh you’re good,” he smiled as he lay back against the cold, hard bars.

  “Don’t tell me you’re giving up already.”

  “A second lock, that’s not fair.”

  He heard her giggle.

  “Please, Hannah what’s the number?” he openly begged as he randomly turned the dials with his free hand.

  “Have you tried my bra size?”

  Hannah then hung up but two minutes later walked back into the underground parking area. She was wearing high heels and a black leather jacket underneath which she wore a very short black silk nightie. The jacket was unzipped, but she held it closed with her hands in her pockets. She walked up to the bars and looked down at where Tom was slumped on the floor.

  “God, you look fantastic,” Tom said.

  “I see you’ve removed the chastity cage without my permission.” Hannah replied.


  Hannah was feeling more confident. She now felt she had real power over him, over and above that afforded by cuffs and padlocks.

  “Please Hannah, what’s the number?” he begged as he automatically kissed her shoe that she’d just pushed though the bars.

  “Put your chastity cage back on.” she ordered.

  Tom tried to clear his mind, but her partially silhouetted figure standing above him and the smell of her leather shoe that he was kissing were overpowering. He pick up the chastity cage and slowly and as gently as he could, forced his cock back inside.

  “Put the key in my panties.” Hannah ordered as she opened her leather jacket a little.

  Slowly Tom reached through the bars and slipped his slightly numb fingers into her black silk underwear. It was warm and right then he wished his whole body could slip inside. Reluctantly, he let go of the small key which dropped down into her crotch. He removed his hand and she quickly reclosed her leather jacket.

  “Goodnight,” Hannah smiled as she turned to leave.

  “Hannah, I thought we had a deal?”

  She smiled and walked up to the bars. “I didn’t say I was going to let you out.”

  Tom was close enough to reach the key he needed to free his cock, but he didn’t. Although this was way past anything he’d done before, he realised that her power was intoxicated him. Right then, looking at her semi naked body through the bars, she could have done anything she wanted to him.

  “There are blankets and some of my old clothes in that suitcase.”

  Tom looked up and smiled resignedly.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you.” he breathed.

  Hannah started to smile, but stopped herself. “Enjoy your night behind bars,” she replied as seriously as she could manage.

  He watched her silhouetted shape walk away as his numb fingers started to turn the padlock dials.

  Hannah gave Tom the benefit of her sexiest walk as she left the basement, although once back in the warmth of her apartment she immediately questioned whether she’d done the right thing. She removed her leather jacket and looked at herself in the full length mirror.

  It had seemed sexy at the time, but surely Tom couldn’t be happy spending the night locked in that cold storage room. As she put her fingers into the front of her knickers and pulled out the chastity key she felt embarrassed, why had she made him do that? Why had she locked him back into chastity? She put the key down on her bedside table and sat on the edge of her bed.

  She sat there playing with her high heeled shoe, slipping her foot in and out. She had to go and free him. But maybe she shouldn’t, and anyway maybe he’d already cracked the combination. Wearing only her very short black nightie, she sat on her kitchen bench top and poured herself a glass of wine. And then another. After the second glass, Tom’s fate for the night was sealed.


  Chapter 4

  Dinner at Hannah’s, making love and the trunk

  Tom was woken at 10am the next morning by a knock on his front door. He wrapped a towel around him, walked to the door and found his neighbour standing there in a short black flared skirt and low cut stripy top. She looked slightly uncertain and was reluctant to make full eye contact.

  “I brought you some coffee?” Hannah said hesitantly, holding up two takeaway coffees. She studied his reaction eagerly, but his smile told her that maybe she hadn’t messed up the night before. They sat down on the bar stool in Tom’s kitchen and started to drink.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look of you in that black leather jacket, and not much else.” Tom smiled as he took a mouthful of coffee.

  “How long did it take you to get out?”

  “Long enough, it turns out 4 dials is much harder to solve than 3.”

  “What time?”


  “Oh my god, that’s long. All you had to do was turn them to 9-4-6-9.”

  Tom smiled. “Nice skirt by the way.”

  Hannah smiled and slowly crossed her legs for his benefit.

  “Don’t do that!” he smiled as he pointed to his crotch.

  “Nice chastity cage by the way,” Hannah giggled as she pulled the towel from around Tom’s waist and let it fall to the floor.

  “Oh yes and while we’re on the subject, any chance of letting me out Madam, Mistress or whatever?” he asked.

  “Mistress, I like it.” she giggled.

  “It’s aching like hell.”

  “Kneel,” she ordered as both of them tried not to smile.

  Hannah stood up from the stool. “Find the key and I’ll unlock you,” she said, “but you can’t use your hands.”

  Tom was delighted, he had free reign over her fantastic body. He looked up and down checking for pockets, but there were none. He want to feel her breasts and so ran his lips over them slowly.

  “And no tickling,” she giggled, almost spilling her coffee.

  “Enjoying yourself?” he asked as he put his lips over her erect nipples.

  “Hey, mind your own business and keep looking if you ever want to get out of that thing.”

  “They’re not here,” he finally concluded.

  “Yes they are, keep looking.”

  He knelt back down and with his hands behind his back, put his head up inside her skirt. Again in no hurry, he ran his lips very gently around and inside her white silk underwear. He soon felt the key inside and used his tongue to let the key fall out and on to the floor.

  At that point, Hannah pushed him backwards on to the floor and sat astride him, rubbing herself against the steel cage for several moments before unlocking him.

  “Thank you,” he cried as his cock immediately became hard.

  “It looks as though you wanted to get out of that for a while.”

  “I did, but somehow the key ended up inside your panties,” he replied.

  “Funny that,” she giggled as she sat back down on the stool, again playing with her shoe.

  Tom was still exhausted from lack of sleep and so lay down on his sofa and closed his eyes. He opened them a few minutes later as he heard Hannah picking up his keys and phone.

  “Let me cook you dinner at my place tonight, to thank you for the meal last night,” she said.

  “What are you doing with my keys?”

  “I don’t want any distractions while you get your beauty sleep.”

  Tom watched as she took his key, knowing full well what she was planning. He watched as she positioned the chastity tube and the unlocked padlock on the table. The key to the padlock was nowhere to be seen.

  “Make sure you dress for dinner,” she reminded him, pointing to the steel chastity device.

  Hannah then blew a kiss and left Tom’s flat, dead locking the front door as she went. Tom lay back down on the sofa. He was now locked inside his own flat. Ironically, he had given the woman in the flat opposite his other spare key and now Hannah had taken his key. He was now the only person on the floor who didn’t have a key to his flat.

  He didn’t even have a phone. And a few seconds later he didn’t even have electricity, as Hannah switched off his power from the meter box in the hallway. He had no choice, but to lie there, think of Hannah and wonder what surprises his newly inducted dominatrix had planned for him that evening.

  Hannah clutched Tom’s front door keys with both hands as she walked quickly along the corridor and back to her apartment. She placed his keys on her sofa and sat down on top of them, if she couldn’t see the keys then maybe she wouldn’t be so over excited about the situation.

  She looked around her lounge, thinking about what she would do for him that evening. It had to be good, it had to make up for a night locked up in a cold basement and a day locked inside his own flat. She had to keep his interest. She felt the keys beneath her and smiled to herself. Whether he was still interested in her or not, he was going nowhere that day.

  But how would she keep his interest? She stood up and walked over to the metal trunk that she had locked him in the day before. She automatically raised her hand to her mouth as she thought about how she had locked Tom inside. She closed the empty trunk and slowly sat down on the lid. She pulled up her skirt and wriggled her butt over the air holes.

  “Try and get out of that,” she purred to nobody other than herself. “And if you don’t kiss my butt right now, I’ll fart in your face.” she continued.

  She blushed, jumped up and walked into her kitchen. What was she doing? Why was this turning her on? She flicked on the coffee machine and looked back at the trunk. She was fidgeting with lid of the coffee jar and dropped it noisily on to the floor. It made her jump. She looked back to the trunk.

  Slowly, she unzipped her short skirt and let it fall to the floor. With her heels still on, she walked as seductively as she could back to the trunk and sat down on the lid.

  “You are now completely trapped under my butt,” she whispered, afraid that someone might hear her. “And there is no way I’m letting you out.”

  What would it be like in the trunk? Hannah stood up and opened the lid. She locked the padlocks to the open hasps to make sure that they wouldn’t fall down and trap her inside.

  Hannah then climbed inside the trunk and lay on her back with her knees drawn up. She started to pull the lid closed above her, but the lid was heavier than she realised and it banged closed on top of her. She startled, but then calmed down and explored the small dark space. She started to imagine that someone was locking the padlocks and securing her inside, but the thought frightened her and she quickly pushed the lid up and climbed out.

  Why would Tom let someone lock him up like that? Why would he let ‘her’ lock him up? Whatever the attraction, it must be pretty strong to overcome the fear of being locked inside. Hannah closed the trunk and sat back down on the lid. Whatever it was, this was fun.

  It had gone midday when Tom finally woke up. He turned on the kettle to make some coffee, only to remember that Hannah had switched off the power. In desperate need of caffeine, Tom made himself a cup using water from the hot tap.

  As he drank the lukewarm coffee he inspected the chastity tube that Hannah had left for him to wear that evening. The idea of locking himself into chastity before going to a girl’s place for dinner seemed bizarre. Nonetheless, the thought excited him and he knew that he would comply with her request. Tom finished the questionable coffee and took a long shower.

  At six o’clock, Tom changed out of his old boxers and t-shirt, and into chinos and shirt. He brushed his hair, shaved, applied aftershave and all the usual things he did before an evening out to ensure that he impressed the girl.

  He examined the cock cage again, turning it in his hand. He thought about masturbating one more time, this may be his last chance for a while, but decided against it. It would be more fun to find out what Hannah had in store.

  He fitted the cage around his cock and balls, although no matter how he positioned it, it was tight. He slipped the padlock in place and looked at himself in the mirror with the open padlock hanging from the lock. It actually felt nice, although if Hannah hadn’t unlocked him by this time tomorrow, it might not be so comfortable. With a picture of Hannah clearly in his mind, Tom locked the padlock. He pulled up his boxers and chinos and waited for his date to arrive.

  Tom had to wait almost an hour for Hannah to unlock his door and walk in. Tom thought she looked stunning in a short fitted red dress with a thin brown belt around her waist. Her long brown hair was hanging around her shoulders and she wore brown leather bangles on her wrist. Tom walked up to her and kissed her on both cheeks.

  “You look fantastic.”

  “Thanks,” she replied bashfully. He was already having that effect on her.

  “Your place then?”

  “Umm, yeah, sure.” she replied.

  Tom followed Hannah down the corridor.

  “Are you wearing it?” she asked.


  “And do you have the key?”

  “Yes, I’m wearing it,” she smiled.

  Tom studied his hostess in her tight dress, trying to imagine where the key might be.

  They walked into Hannah’s apartment, where the table was laid for dinner. In front of one of the two places was a heavy steel neck and wrist fiddle. Tom started to examine the fiddle as Hannah poured two glasses of wine.

  “Standard wear for dinner guests?” he joked.

  Hannah felt embarrassed. She had fantasized all afternoon about locking him inside it, but now he was actually here, she was embarrassed. She drank half a glass of wine straight down and had to top it up before bringing the glasses out.

  “OK,” Tom smiled as he held his hands up in front of him.

  “You want to try it?” she asked hesitantly.

  “I assumed I had no choice.”

  “Umm, yes, that’s right,” Hannah said quickly as she put down the glasses, slightly spilling one, and picked up the fiddle.

  Hannah was four inches shorter than Tom and looked up into his eyes as she positioned the fiddle around his neck. She could smell his aftershave and had to try desperately to keep a steady hand. She enclosed his neck and wrists and locked the whole thing with the padlock. She then grabbed a glass of wine and stepped back still clutching the key in one hand.

  “It’s tight,” Tom said as he tried briefly to escape.

  “Can you get out?” she asked.

  “Yes, if you give me the key.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Well I could try and grab the key from you.” he baited.

  Hannah smiled and tucked the key into her bra. Tom stepped forward as if trying to take the key, but at the last minute bent forward and kissed Hannah on the lips. Hannah stepped back and sat down on the sofa with her eyes looking down to her lap.

  “Tom, what’s happening here? Am I your dominatrix or your girlfriend?”

  Tom sat down on the opposite sofa looking past his restrained hands to where his hostess was sitting. Tom knew why she was asking, but didn’t know how to reply. He loved being restrained and dominated by her, but he was also aware that he was falling for her.

  “The truth is I want you to be both, I guess,” Tom finally replied.

  “Really?” Hannah looked up timidly.

  “How do you feel about this?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve fancied you for ages. I also really like doing.... this stuff to you, it makes..... me feel sexy.” Hannah replied.

  Tom smiled. “It seems strange having this serious conversation while I’m locked in this fiddle.”

  “I know,” Hannah laughed nervously, “do you want me to unlock you?”

  “I really don’t.”

  Hannah could see that he was getting off topic.

  “So what are we?” she persisted.


  “Friends?” Hannah replied, “You’re sitting her in my flat in chains and in chastity.”

  “Good friends, then?”

  Hannah stood up and walked over to him.

  “Can this work?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, but if we both enjoy it, maybe we should find out?”

  Hannah thought for a moment, “OK. Good friends, who like to play umm.... games and.... maybe sleep together?”

  “Really?” it was Tom’s turn to be surprised.

  “Maybe, if you do as I say.”

  The next two hours was spent eating the meal that Hannah had prepared. Tom ate as well as anyone who was locked in a fiddle could eat. His mishaps were a constant source of amusement for Hannah, although at no point was she tempted to release him.

  Halfway through desert, Hannah sat down on Tom’s lap and with her arm around him and started to feed him the crème brulee.

  “What shall we do now?” he asked.

  “The washing up.” she giggled.

  “Can’t I’m stuck in this, sorry,” Tom smiled as he rattled the heavy steel fiddle.

  “Yes, I’m looking forward to watching you try.”

  “No chance of being unlocked?”

  Hannah shook her head and threw him a cloth which landed on his head. She then sat down on the kitchen counter, crossed her legs and watched.

  Washing the dishes was almost impossible, every time he put his hands in the sink, his face almost touched the water. A couple of times Tom got bubbles on the end of his nose, which gave Hannah almost uncontrollable giggles. Plus the task wasn’t made any easier by having the world’s sexiest woman sitting next to him in a very short dress.

  “That’s so funny,” she smiled.

  Tom pulled at the padlock securing the fiddle. “It would be so much easier if you gave me the key to this.”

  “I know.”

  “Can I have it?”

  “No,” she giggled as she jumped off the kitchen counter.

  Hannah instructed Tom to crouch down. She then placed one high heel clad foot inside each of his arms, so that each foot was inside a closed circle formed by his arms and the fiddle.


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