The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1)

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The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1) Page 8

by Autumn Winchester

  Clare let the silence overcome them once more as the breeze blew from the open window that she had opened earlier in the room. She didn’t know what else to say to the frightened girl. Summer simply closed her eyes.

  The younger girl hated feeling so lost. Her sister was in pain, and she wanted to kick Valerie where the sun didn’t shine. It didn’t matter if it was a legal rape drug that many people used to boost their sex drive or not. It was still a drug, and made both Chase and Summer do something neither of them would have went through otherwise.

  Clare was right. Chase wouldn’t have gone through with what he did if it wasn’t for the fact that he was drugged right along with her. He would surely have stopped Summer if she made moves on him otherwise. If Chase had wanted her that way, he would have taken her as soon as she stepped foot into this house, she was positive of it. Maybe Chase didn’t even want her at all that way. Maybe he was gay and only needed to be married to get people off his back.

  As the options ran through Summer’s mind, her breathing evened out more as her body relaxed into the mattress with Clare snuggled behind her. The dark tan comforter covered her body with Clare on top of it.

  Chase was a nice man when compared to the other places she had been. She didn’t want to think about how she was treated there. Before she knew it, Summer was asleep, not knowing that Chase stood in the doorway watching the two girls. He had gone to check on Summer, since his thoughts wouldn’t stray from her tearful cries just an hour earlier. He hated what he had done and he was going to do everything he could to make up for it.

  He made a few calls, making sure that Hank had the papers completed and sent in the mail. He had to make sure that everything was set up, such as accounts, wills, and schooling. He set each girl up a bank account, giving them more than enough money to be comfortable for many, many years. He wanted them to have the entire world if he could do that one simple thing.

  He ordered two laptops that would work great for the girls to use for school, and a couple of desks that would be delivered by the end of the week. He wanted the room cleaned up before they arrived to make it easier.

  He then called Trent, making sure that Valerie knew that if she pulled a stunt like that again, she’d be paying with blood. He wouldn’t hit her, but knew the threat would frighten her the most. Just knowing that there was a threat would hopefully pull her head out of her ass.

  “She really is sorry,” Trent said, his voice low, but not happy. “She was only trying to help but I handled it here. I will pass the message on to her when she gets up.” Trent was a very, loving husband and knew how to handle his wife when the time called for it. Valerie tended to act like a spoiled brat, as she had been born into this lifestyle and needed a firm hand to keep her in line.

  It wasn’t Chase’s business to know how Trent handled his wife, so they changed topics to the upcoming family dinner. Every two weeks they got together for a family meal since they didn’t get to see each other often otherwise.

  “Mom won’t be happy Saturday when she sees that ring,” Trent mused. “I haven’t said anything, but you know how mom is, since you put a rush on the blood results. Plus, Zinna said she had a feeling you were up to something when you last talked to her.”

  “Zinna knows nothing of my plans,” Chase laughed. Zinna was a sweet girl and like an adopted sister. She thought that her dreams meant something, and somehow was always able to figure out their meanings.

  Chase had come across Zinna a few years ago on one of his rounds to the holding compound when she was eighteen. He was instantly taken to her, mostly because she didn’t let her life get her down. She was still so full of life and knew what she wanted. Nothing was going to stop her. Chase took her home that very night, saving her from Nick’s clutches. He saw his look as Zinna skipped in, not a care in the world. Nick wanted her; wanted any girl really.

  She was bright and bubbly, doing everything Chase needed before he ever asked. Within hours, he was wrapped around the eighteen-year old’s finger. She had been depressed and hid it well behind her happy demeanor, but it certainly didn’t take long at all for her to completely come out of her depression with some therapy.

  Now, she was married to his second hand man in commanded, as they fell in love instantly at first sight. He knew she’d be safe with him, almost safer than with Chase himself.

  But they were still close, like brother and sister.

  “That’s what you think,” Trent laughed. “She probably knows when a little one will be running around your home.”

  “There won’t be any little kids running around in my home,” Chase said in a serious tone, his voice low. He didn’t want to subject an innocent child into this way of life, no matter if he wanted to make the world a better place or not. He was born into this life and hated every minute of it.

  He didn’t even care that it was expected of him. His family was a long line of heirs, and Chase would be putting a stop to that. He wanted the Marcel family to die out. It was one of the easier ways to get of the family business.

  “Yeah, I know, bro,” Trent said sadly.

  Trent desperately wanted to have children, but Valerie was doing everything she possibly could to make sure that didn’t happen. It was much of a secret that Trent wanted to try harder, either.

  Chase ended the call shortly after, then went to check on the girls. He snapped a picture of them asleep in his bed. He could see that they looked so much alike. Same rounded like jawline and nose. Their eyes were different shades, but they were sisters. Even the DNA test results he requested confirmed his suspicions. It only made his plans set more in stone, knowing that not only was Jason Meads Chase’s hated neighbor but also the father that caused these two girls so much pain.

  Chase had met Jason a number of times, and because of the vibe that man had, Chase knew that if he got a hold of the entire Marcel family, no one would survive. But Chase wouldn’t be letting that happen anytime soon. Besides, he had his own plans for Jason Meads. He would pay for the misdeeds he had done against Chase’s family and his daughters if it was the last thing Chase ever did.

  After a few more moments of standing there watching them, he decided he’d work on the spare bedroom since neither of them were up to it. It wasn’t something he really wanted to do, but to pass the time it would hopefully get his mind off of Summer. He worked, listing for any sign of the girls waking up. He knew that they were both tired for different reasons. He was tired too, but pushed on. Being tired was normal for him.

  Ever since he could remember, he had been learning how to run the family business. He could take down a man in cold blood without a sound in many different ways. He could even knock someone out with just a touch. Chase learned how to sneak drugs into drinks; how to hide said drugs so not even a trained cop could find them.

  He was deadly, but only when he needed to be. He hated being the next in line for the Don. The training was bad enough, and he possibly couldn’t imagine what life would be like once he fully took over.

  His father was tough, but he knew what buttons to push to get Chase to do what needed to be done. Chase was thankful that his mother had some sort of say in how he was raised, and when he was to learn certain things. With his mother in his life, he slowly learned the skills to survive, to live. He learned to keep his emotions under control, so only family could see them. But also, he learned how to treat women with respect, not matter what their status was.

  At the age of seven, Chase learned how to take down a man by a simple touch in one’s neck. And unfortunately, not shortly after he learned that trick he had to use it as he had been almost kidnapped by a man he would have the pleasure of killing himself one day soon. At the age of ten, he not only knew how to shoot a gun, but how to clean and hide one. At the age of twelve, he learned about drugs, and how deadly they could be when mixed with certain chemicals and other drugs.

  At the age of fifteen, he learned how to protect his mother as a gun was pointed to her head, her eyes filled with
fear. Chase shot that man in the face, missing his mother’s head by inches. It wasn’t the first man he killed, and it wouldn’t be the last. He shot to protect. His heart wouldn’t allow him to kill someone for the joy of it.

  Chase did get a thrill out of killing the people who deserved it. Sometimes, he took his time, causing as much pain as possible. He’d take pleasure out of hearing the screams, the begging, before finally giving mercy. Other times, he’d just kill them flat out. But he hated killing innocent people who did nothing against what his family was doing.

  Because he was the Prince of the Marcel family household, he had no option but to learn the ropes. The only difference between his father and himself was their view of the world. While Ivan thought everyone should bow down and obey his law, his words, Chase wanted the world to be a safer place. He didn’t like killing. Didn’t like seeing the fear on people’s faces.

  Chase knew he needed to put his touch on things. He’d be changing how things were handled, how things were wiped clean as if nothing ever happened. He was fed up with how things were covered up and seemed like normal everyday accuracies. Chase would be putting a stop to drugs, sex trafficking, and cold blooded killings.

  Once the news was out that he was married, things would take a drastic change. Ivan wanted Chase to be married by the age of twenty, but somehow, Chase got it pushed back until now. With marriage, he would be slowly taking over for his father, bit by bit. Ivan would no longer have a say in how Chase ran things and before anyone knew what hit them, his mark would be painted.

  Chase already had the person he’d be using as a right hand man in his plans, making sure that he had an in for every possibility. He knew his father wasn't happy with the way he went about things, but it was best for everyone. They would understand after the shock wore off.

  Remembering why he choose Summer, and of course in turn Clare, was because he wanted to piss Jason off. He wanted Jason to sweat while he waited as his men slowly disappeared from his clutches. One by one.

  Trent was already on a hunt for a couple of men who would never be found come morning if the man did his job correctly. Chase was a powerful man, and with having a few friends that worked under Jason’s tight hold, things had been in motion for a few years now.

  Chase quietly laughed to himself when he came upon the stack of boxes that Clare had sat out for him to look through. There were a good ten boxes by the door that needed donated, and another five boxes in the closet filled with books.

  His pile sat near the window and contained three boxes. One was filled with porn items. Lubes – that was sure to be dried out by now – and a few toys. He never really liked the toys, as they were gifts from Trent and they would be thrown out. Chase had always had better ones he preferred to use on women he took to his bed, not that there was many.

  He would just throw it all out. The next box was filled with porn movies and magazines. He smirked, remembering a time he had used these daily. There was no need for them now, tossing them out too. The last box was filled with a few school mementos, which he took to the attic. He’d look at them sometime later.

  Peeking in on the girls on his way back from the attic, he found Clare alone asleep on the bed. Listening, he heard a few pans being moved around downstairs in the kitchen, so he made his way there. Walking quietly, he found Summer starting on dinner as she hummed to herself. Would he ever cease to be amazed by his girl?

  Chapter 8

  Summer woke up feeling much better than she had for several days. Her head was clear, her thoughts unjumbled. She almost felt refreshed.

  Her emotions and thoughts were calm, back to her normal concerns. She refused to think about being married to a man she didn’t know. Married to a man who worked for the mafia. Not thinking about it made it not real, right? At least, that’s what she hoped.

  She left Clare to sleep, since the young girl needed it. Summer couldn’t remember when Clare had came to lay with her, but it was welcome nonetheless.

  Summer was unsure of what all had happened but she wanted – no she would – act like nothing had happened. If Chase wanted her again, she of course, wouldn’t be opposed to the idea. Truthfully, she almost wanted to see if normal sex with him was just as good as drugged sex was. She wasn’t sure it was even possible.

  Making her way down to the kitchen, she tiptoed down the stairs, not making a sound. Her bare feet brushed the carpet. She had heard Chase moving things around in the spare bedroom as the door was left opened when she stepped out of the room she had been sleeping in. The growl of her hungry stomach drew her attention to the fact that she had slept the day away.

  Getting out the pans that she would need, along with the ingredients for chicken spaghetti, Summer began to hum quietly to herself. She had heard an annoying song a few weeks ago, and no matter how often she tried, it got stuck in her head. Plus, she was in a good mood. She was safe, had a nice warm bed to sleep in, and knew without a doubt that Chase wouldn’t hit or kick her. There was something about him that warned her to be careful, to not test his limits, but he wouldn’t hurt her. Summer didn’t think he physically could hurt her for some reason.

  As she removed the boneless chicken from the boiling water, she felt eyes on her. Instantly, her humming stopped and she stiffened her once halfway relaxed shoulders. She didn’t know what to expect from him now that he was in the same room as her. She thought she would act like nothing had happened between them, but after setting the bowl of chicken she had removed from the hot water on the counter next to the stove and turned around to face him, all coherent thoughts left her.

  Chase stood leaning against the doorjamb, looking nothing like the men Summer had been with before. Black hair brushed, although still crazy, bright green eyes, a day’s hair growth on his face, and in relaxed clothing. Almost like he hadn’t forced her to marry him. He looked . . . normal. He was just a man that could have easily looked over her without a second glance.

  But Summer knew that he was a hard man, and could pull out a gun without a blink if need be. She had seen him do that just two days before. Or was it three? She shivered at the thought of seeing Nick’s body drop to the ground. Yes, she knew he could be a deadly man if crossed; that didn't stop her being drawn to him.

  His stance was calm, waiting. He wasn’t going to force her to do anything she didn’t want to do. His smile was shy, but warm as he gazed at a frightened Summer. Her light blueish eyes widened as she saw the smile, as it wasn’t what she expected. She began to fiddle with her hands, looking down at the floor.

  How could this man be so strikingly handsome and fearful in the same moment?

  “What are you making?” Chase asked, pushing himself off the doorjamb and began to walk towards her in no hurry. She didn’t answer, keeping her eyes anywhere but on the man. He walked calmly, keeping his hands in his pockets as he strolled to her, peaking at what she had dug out to make.

  Chicken, spaghetti noodles, rotel tomatoes and cheese sat on the counter, waiting to be put together. Chase was unsure of what she was making, as the ingredients didn’t ring any bells when put together in his head.

  “Now, I know you can talk. You did last night,” Chase said, stepping towards her, his head tilted to the side just slightly. He knew he had promised to not touch her, to let her take the first steps, but he couldn’t help himself. Slowly, he raised his hand to her cheek, running the back of his hand over the slight blush that tinted across her pale face. Her skin was soft and warm. She was so much lighter than his sun kissed skin.

  “But of course, you don’t have to,” he said with a sigh, stepping back and letting his hand drop back to his side. She was just too tempting. He’d love nothing more than to pull her into a hug and never let her go again. If only it was that easy.

  “Although I would like to talk to you, it can wait.” Chase then went to the table, taking a seat in one of the chairs, and pulling out his phone so it wasn’t so obvious that he was watching her. He was drawn to her, but he also was drawn to
her the first time he laid eyes on her. He’d always be drawn to her, no matter how much time passed.


  Chase Marcel, the Marcel Prince, entered his oversized family kitchen. He was dirty from head to toe, but what ten-year-old wouldn’t be? He had been outside playing with Trent and Jackson in the water sprinkler, and ran in to get a drink. He skidded to a stop, seeing his mother talking to a woman with a scared girl clutching to her leg. The woman was about the size of his own mother, but had a determined look about her. She was running from something. Chase had seen many people come and go, so it was nothing new. But the little girl caught his attention.

  Sure there had been other children to pass through, but none that looked like this one before him. She was covered in hand shaped bruises up and down her arms. And one side of her face looked like a fresh bruise. But her brown hair was high up in a messy ponytail, a number of strays falling all over the place. He couldn’t deny she was a cute girl.


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