The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1)

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The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1) Page 10

by Autumn Winchester

  Sebastian, although being the right hand man for one of the deadliest men alive, was only a few years older than Chase. His life was filled with killing and watching everything around him. He had no wife, no family of his own as he watched his parents killed before his eyes five years before.

  Just because Sebastian and Chase were bound by family ties, didn’t mean they liked one another. They were complete opposites. Half the time, they bickered until someone threatened to shoot one of them to get them to shut up. And even then, they still kept shooting jabs at one another.

  “So you just go out and pick up the first girl that was willing?” Ivan asked, trying to hide his anger at the boy. “How can you be sure she’s capable of standing by your side while you do what needs to be done?” The Don knew that being the wife of a mobster was the most difficult status to have. Chase would be gone at all hours day and night. He’d even come home hurt more times than not. Would this girl have the strength to see that? Be there for him?

  “No, dad. I saw her and knew she was it for me,” Chase answered truthfully. He knew the moment he saw her picture exactly who she was. He may not have been told her name until he went to pick her up, but it was his Summer, the same one he made a promise to all those years ago. She really hadn’t changed much through the years, unlike himself. She still had the same soft brown hair, fearful blue eyes that had more depth in them than he ever thought possible, and still completely the girl that stole his heart.

  Chase had changed a lot since he was child. It took more than he ever wanted to admit, but now, older, he knew he had no choice in the matter back then. But now, he did. And that choice was what brought him here today in a way.

  He knew that once Ivan laid eyes on the girl, he’d know why Chase picked her, and what he wanted to do in the long run.. Chase never made it a secret from his parents that he was working on bringing down the Meads through the years. Just no one expected it would be the way he was planning.

  Although, Chase knew that everything always didn’t go according to plan, and he was prepared for that. He always had a backup plan. He just really hoped like hell that he didn’t have to do that.

  “You can’t just go and do things like this,” Ivan seethed, his anger spiking. “Haven’t I taught you anything, boy?” It was a rhetorical question, as he didn’t expect an answer. His voice was hard, stern.

  Continuing, he said, “I have made sure you grew up, knowing your limits, and that of the families. You can’t just go off, doing what you want without thinking of the consequences! What if she’s using you? Or what if she kills you in your sleep? Didn’t you think any of this through? If she ends up not being who she seems to be, or even meant for this life, and you bring danger to her doorstep, I’ll make you deal with it. I’m not dealing with it this time. I won’t be there to clean up your fuck ups!” he slapped his palms on the marble top. The sound echoed around the empty kitchen.

  “I’ve gotten you out of tricky situations more than enough times. I’m done trying to keep you on the right track, Chase,” he said, spitting his son’s name. “I won’t stand back and watch a woman, who you can’t even let me have a say over apparently, turn you into someone you aren’t meant to be. I’ll kill her myself if need be, got it?” And he would without a thought.

  “Yes, sir,” Chase said, feeling the Don’s power over him. He knew his father wasn’t going to be happy, but the Prince felt that he did what needed to be done.

  Ivan sighed, rubbing a hand over his face to help calm himself down. This sort of life had tired him out, and he was more than ready to hand everything over to his only son, he didn’t want the burden on his shoulders either. Ivan knew that Chase would make things better for everyone, as he had many different ties all over the city, and even the state. And possibly more outside of their jurisdiction. Ivan wasn’t for sure just how far they reached, and it was safer to not know who some of his son’s ‘friends’ were.

  “You can meet my wife at the family dinner,” Chase spoke after seeing his father calm slightly. “But I hope you will accept she is meant for me. She really is perfect, and better off where she is now than where she had been.” Ivan was just about to ask where this woman had been before Kayla’s voice reached his ears.

  “Chase Howard Marcel!” Kayla screeched, entering the kitchen with a hard look at her boy. Disappointment and happiness battled on her face, hands on her hips. She was still in her pale green scrubs, hair pulled back in a messy bun that was beginning to fall from its confinement.

  “Hi, mom,” Chase said, ducking his head after turning around and looking up at her with a shy smile though his eye lashes. The same look used to get him out of the dog house when he was a child. He even stuck out his lower lip in a pout, hoping to get out of whatever trouble he no doubt gotten into. Plus, it helped that he was a momma’s boy.

  “You’re married?” she repeated, calmer, eyes loving.

  “Yes, it appears so,” Ivan replied darkly before Chase could. “To a Summer, who we have not met.”

  “Oh, that poor girl. I met her just the other day,” Kayla said, her posture relaxing. “I approve of her. She’s a sweet girl. Much better than those hooligans that want him.”

  “Kayla!” Ivan said, shocked. He knew his wife was more of a free spirit, letting her thoughts control her actions inside of the home. But how did she get to meet this girl before he did? Didn’t Ivan get a say in who would be best for his son? He was the Don, for goodness sake!

  “Oh hush Ivan, she is more than perfect for Chase. Believe me,” Kayla said sweetly, giving him a look that said to not fight about it. “She will be everything he needs to keep him grounded when things get tough. Plus, you’ve hardly been home this past week, Ivan.” Even though he was the Don, Ivan knew it was pointless to argue with his wife.

  Kayla went to Chase, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. He had to bend down, but returned the hug all the same. “He won’t be happy when he sees her, but it’ll all work out,” she whispered in his ear.

  “Thanks, mom,” Chase replied. Pulling back, he met his father’s eyes. “She is lovely. And has a sister who moved in with me also.”

  “Chase, I know you want to help everyone like your mother, but are you sure about all this?” Ivan asked, not sure what his son was thinking. He folded his hands across his chest, leaning against the counter now. "Taking a wife without letting anyone know, is one thing, and then taking in her sister in too?" How could his son be so reckless? What the heck had he been thinking? And surely not with the correct head, either.

  “Absolutely,” Chase said matter of fact. “They are stronger together than apart, even with being apart for most of their lives. I can’t tear them apart now.”

  They really were better together. Both Summer and Clare worked together, getting things done better than anyone else Chase had hired. Of course, it was now only two days after the wedding and Summer was back to her normal self, for the most part. Chase had caught her humming a few times off and on, and made sure to not comment about it. He rather enjoyed her humming. And he wondered if she could sing.

  He did compliment her any time he could, hoping that someday she would believe that Chase liked her in all ways. From the way she cleaned without being asked, to how she dressed simply, even the way she blushed when he would catch her staring at him. Summer was like a breath of fresh air.

  She stayed quiet, refusing to speak unless he asked a direct question that required more than a simple nod of her head. Her voice was always quiet, but soft. He had not touched her other than a few simple hugs, showing her that he was a gentleman. He wanted to ease her into his life, knowing that there would be times that she would need to be seen with him in public, and at their home.

  Chase also planned to keep her safe, ensuring her that he would do his best to make sure she’d never have to witness him in action again like what he did to James. No woman should need to do that, least of all the Princess. He was more than capable of keeping her safe.

>   Clare had taken well to living at his house. She was growing out of her shyness, often asking Chase questions about anything she could think of. Both girls still jumped if a door slammed, or if Chase raised his voice while on the phone, but that was understandable. It had only been a few days.

  Chase had figured he should let his parents know he would be bringing two extra guests with him the next day for their family get together. More for the fact that they wouldn’t embarrass Summer, or cause too much of a scene. It was well known that Ivan didn’t hold his tongue with newcomers into the family. He liked to test them any way he could.

  “Alright, son, I guess I have to accept that you know what you are doing,” Ivan spoke after much thought. He could see that this mean more than almost anything else to his son, so he’d give him the benefit of doubt. For now.

  “How about we make tomorrow’s dinner a little more special, then?” Kayla stated more than asked.

  “I’d prefer not to,” Chase said. “Summer isn’t a fan of large get together's or attention. Clare wouldn’t care, I’m sure. But they both have had a tough life and I wouldn’t want them overwhelmed. Maybe in a few months once they adjust.”

  “That is true. Summer doesn’t seem to be the type to want much,” Kayla mused. “Not sure how Zinna will take it.”

  “Zinna will understand more than anyone else, I’m sure,” Chase said with a fond smile for the girl he saved. “But please, nothing fancy tomorrow. It’ll be hard enough introducing them to everyone at the same time. You can have a reception in a few weeks after I take care some business around town.” He paused, thinking for a moment. “Mom, who will be working tomorrow?”

  “Emma and Maria I believe. I’ll have to double check,” Kayla answered with a knowing look. “Are you sure about bringing them tomorrow? We can wait to properly meet your wife till next week.”

  “I’m sure mom,” Chase said. “Next Saturday I have a meeting I have to attend. She can’t be kept in a house for the rest of her life.” Plus, he wanted to give Summer the gift that only he would be able to. She needed it more than anyone he knew.

  Shortly after, Chase parted ways with his parents. He didn’t want to stay too long, worried about Summer and Clare at his house alone. He was sure neither of them would try to run, but he wanted to be safe. He had someone watching the house for him and no one called so he gathered they hadn’t left, or tried to leave.

  If they had, he would have found both of them, bringing them back to his house. Chase wasn’t sure what he’d do after that, though. His parent’s house was closer to town than his own. His father liked being close by in case of things going wrong, while Chase preferred to stand back, but having everything under strict control. Chase was more laid back, simpler.

  The ringing of his cell phone drew his attention from the road for a second. Of course, looking at the caller ID, he saw it was Sebastian calling. He had been calling every few days, trying to keep on Chase’s good side. It only served to aggravate him more than anything else.

  “What can I do for you, Sebastian,” Chase answered after a sigh. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with him.

  “I heard the news,” he stated, keeping his voice in false calmness. Chase could hear the underlying thrill. “Congratulations are in order.”

  “Thank you,” Chase said, knowing that there was more to this phone call than that. And of course, his father probably told everyone about him finding his Princess. At least it would be easier to not have to explain to everyone he saw now.

  “I was going to bring someone to your attention, but I see I’m too late,” he went on, almost sadly. “Too bad. I guess I may keep her. She really is . . . how do I say it . . . princess material.”

  “Thank you for your concern, Sebastian, but I am good with who I met,” Chase said. “Now, I have things to do.” With that, he hung up. Chase knew he was lying. Sebastian may know of many women but that didn’t mean he was ever going to pass those onto Chase. Being ten years older than the Prince, it was amazing to think of Sebastian thinking he could order the Prince around at times.

  Chase also knew that he would be getting hell for hanging up like that, but he really wasn’t in the mood to deal with the known-it-all attitude that Sebastian often had.

  Pulling into the drive, Chase nodded towards the guard he had set up watching the house. He parked in the garage, as he had taken one of his other cars this time. Walking into the house, his phone rang again. He kicked the door shut as he dug his phone out once again as he heard a pan drop in the kitchen. He had forgotten to be quiet, and he said a ‘sorry’ before quickly answering his phone.

  “What?” he growled, seeing an unknown number flash across the front. It was normal to use burner phones in his line of work so he didn’t think anything of it.

  “Hey boss, we have a problem,” Trent spoke quietly, but urgently. “The cats got in, and I don’t know how to get them to leave. My dogs ran off again.”

  “Alright. Give me twenty minutes. Call dad if need be,” Chase sighed, entering the kitchen and seeing a frightened Summer standing at the stove, the pan still at her feet. Her hair was in soft waves, one side pinned back from her face slightly, and she wore a pair of jeans and a tank top with a long sleeved shirt that had a lower neckline. Her new necklace laid at the base of her neck, he was glad to see she was still wearing it.

  “The cats seem to be parked outside waiting for something,” Trent said.

  “Okay. I’ll be there as soon as i can,” Chase said, hanging up the phone. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “Hi, Chase,” Clare said, taking a load of laundry to the washer to start. She wore an oversized shirt with leggings, her hair pulled back in a low bun.

  “Would you be okay for about an hour or so by yourself, Clare?” Chase asked, his eyes never leaving Summer’s.

  “Sure,” She shrugged, stuffing the pile of clothes into the washer, her voice slightly muffled from another room.

  “Summer, please go get shoes on. I have somewhere I needed to be ten minutes ago,” Chase said gently, but in a commanding way.

  Cats was a code word that they used when some of Meads’ guys were around, and what better time than now to show that he was married. Most of the guys that Jason had wouldn’t know who Summer was, so she wouldn’t be in any danger, at least he hoped not. They just like to watch the places that Chase had, and sometimes caused business to drop because of their stance on how they went about it.

  Sometimes, they used it as a scare tactic, but Chase wasn’t worried this time. It had been quieter than normal, though. Summer, looking frightened, did as she was told, grabbing a pair of flip flops that she had used for the small wedding, slipping them on. She also slipped on a long jacket that reached just below her butt to help ward off the chill in the fall air.

  It was a warmer day than it had been a week ago, but still cool enough to need more layers than she currently had on.

  She had no idea what was going on, and wasn’t sure she wanted to know. This was the first time she had ever gone out of a house for anything other than going back to the compound. He wasn’t taking her back there, was he? Summer silently followed Chase to the black R8 Spyder Convertible. Even though he was in a hurry, he opened her door, making sure she was in before shutting it and jogging to his side.

  Once the garage door was opened, he backed out, peeling his tires. Summer held on to the side of the seat in a death grip. Her blue eyes were wide, not sure what was going on. She knew that Chase had planned to go to his parents’ house shortly after lunch, and had been gone for about two hours before returning, scaring the shit out of her. And she wasn’t the type to swear, but his entrance was so unexpected.

  Clare was working on the laundry, washing the bed linens, hoping to rid the couples’ room of the stale sex smell, knowing it would be better for both of them to start anew. Clare knew who Chase was and how he would be taking over the Marcel family soon enough. She'd made sure to let Summer know what the man w
as capable of, because that way they both knew what to expect. It was easier.

  Summer had been going to make some cookies, finding a pre-packaged case in the freezer. She didn’t know what to do with herself, she just wanted to keep busy as Chase had purposely not given her a list of things to do while he was gone. Chase was giving the girls options. He didn’t expect them to just sit around, as it wasn’t in their nature, but he had hoped that they would take time for themselves even if every single chore wasn't done on time; he wanted them to feel like this was their home.

  He kept calling Summer, Princess and she didn’t know why. She couldn’t wrap her head around the thought of being married to a Prince. She didn’t live in a fairy tale.

  Did his parents demand that he give her back to where he had found her? Kayla had seemed nice, but did her husband have more say over what he did or how Chase acted? Were the promises that Chase made, to keep her safe, giving her everything she possibly wanted, all a lie?


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