Sharing Body Heat

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Sharing Body Heat Page 5

by Lexie Davis

  “Is this what you want?” he asked, pressing his cock into her. He laid his full weight on her, pushing her down into the mattress with his powerful thrusts. She lay helpless to him, completely at his mercy while he fucked her.

  Every part of her screamed for more. The lust-filled air was scented with sex and sweat as they fucked. She squeezed him inside her and he cursed, tightening his hold on her hands. Then a smack against her ass caused her to completely come undone. She cried out, writhing beneath him as her cunt milked his cock. Each time he fucked her it only got better. Her body tensed and shook. She clenched her eyes tight as pulse after pulse of pleasure washed through her. Throbbing inside her, his cock swelled then released hot spunk in short bursts of pleasure. He collapsed beside her, both spent.

  “That is how you fuck someone.” Lauren closed her eyes, unable to move. He’d taken what he wanted and she willingly gave it to him.

  Reid squeezed her ass as he leaned over to kiss her. “I think we’re spending more calories than we’re taking in. I need a fucking steak with the complete works right about now.”

  She smiled. “At least I’m not the only one that thinks about food.”

  He kissed her shoulder and stared into her eyes. “You are so fucking beautiful when you know what you want. Don’t ever hesitate to ask for it.”

  She pulled him closer and laid her head on his chest. For a while, they didn’t say anything, simply enjoying each other’s company and the silence that surrounded them. When Lauren finally decided to move, she pushed up from her spot and rubbed his thigh.

  “I know a relationship isn’t probable, but I want to exchange numbers.” She took in the length of his body and all the muscled perfection. “If you’re ever in New York City, maybe we can go get that steak you want. My treat.”

  He linked his fingers with hers. “That sounds like a good idea though I’d never let a woman pay for my meal.”

  “Why not?”

  He pulled her down so that she was draped across his body. “Because I want to be the one that takes care of her, not the other way around.” He cleared his throat. “So if I’m in New York, we’ll get that steak dinner and I’ll pay for it. Or if you’re feeling extra spontaneous, you can cook for me. I’d let you do that.”

  She smiled, resting her chin on his chest. “Okay. Deal.”

  She moved so that she straddled his hips. He pressed his lips to her temple, holding her close while they lay there entwined in each other. He didn’t feel like a one-night stand. He felt like a promise of so much more.

  “I’m really going to hate parting ways with you.” He stroked her thigh with one hand. “Are you sure you don’t want to come work for me? I’d find you the job you wanted at any rate of pay you want.”

  She smoothed her hand along his stomach. “Very tempting.”

  “You’re tempting.” He cupped the side of her head. “When I’m in the boardroom Monday, all I’m going to be able to think about is your mouth on my cock. And then I’m going to want to call you, because I’m just as fucking needy as you are.”

  Pushing up over him, she stared into his eyes. “We’ve fucked five times and we’re nowhere close to getting each other out of our systems.”


  She licked her lips. “Then I guess we’ll need to try a little harder.”

  Moving down his body, she knelt between his legs and licked the length of his cock. She liked that she could make him shudder. She liked that he grunted when she wrapped her lips around him. She liked it even more that he could fuck her hard and still want her afterward as if they hadn’t fucked at all.

  She lifted his dick and guided it into her mouth as far as it would go. She wanted to believe that he’d call her for that dinner date. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she thought he would. His hands held her head as she sucked him. Even if he didn’t, she wanted to enjoy her time with him as much as she could. And if she could spend the rest of the weekend giving him the complete satisfaction and extreme pleasure he gave her, then she was grateful for every fucking second of it.

  Chapter Five

  Work couldn’t wait for Lauren to get back to the city. She’d barely reached the city limits before her supervisor called her into the office to meet the new board of directors. She worked for a top cosmetics company in the industry, which was recently purchased by another investment team and the new boss was in town to lay down the new rules. While she knew it would happen eventually, she was less than thrilled that it had to happen now. After making her way through the traffic, she finally got to the parking garage and pulled into an empty spot. She didn’t have anything prepared to impress them so she really hoped that all they wanted to do was introduce themselves. She grabbed her purse and headed up in the elevator to the sixteenth floor. As an afterthought, she glanced down at the tattered black jeggings and oversized purple plaid tunic she wore. It wasn’t exactly professional, so that would probably get her a lecture from her supervisor.

  Lauren smiled at a few of her coworkers and answered their questions about her trip. She had had a better time than she ever dreamed but all that came crashing to a halt when she saw her ex, Tommy, waiting in her office for her.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He sat in her desk chair and fidgeting. “I screwed up. Please give me another chance. I don’t know why I did it, but I’ll never do it again. I swear.”

  Lauren rubbed her forehead. “I don’t have time for this.” She unlocked her desk and put her purse inside. “I have to meet with the board of directors. Your bullshit will have to wait.”

  “She’s pregnant.”

  Lauren snorted. “Congrats.”

  “It’s not mine.”

  Lauren let out a snicker. “You sure about that?”

  “Not completely. She was screwing around with some guy that went to her gym.”

  “Wow. She did to you what you did to me...shocker.”

  “I messed up.” Tommy walked around the desk to where she stood. “Please, Lauren. I’m sorry. I want what we had back. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Lauren moved away from him. “You should have thought about that before you fucked my sister. I have a meeting to get to. Please leave.”

  She left her office and went to the boardroom where she saw her supervisor, TJ.

  “You’re late.”

  “I’m here,” she countered.

  “What are you wearing?”

  She’d taken off the black beanie but the rest was not office appropriate. “I haven’t been home. I didn’t have time to change.”

  “This is the only first impression we’re going to get with these people. You look like a homeless person begging for change on the sidewalk.”

  Lauren stared at her boss, annoyed with his attitude. Smiling, she said, “And I’m wearing our new pink lip gloss to enhance the look.”

  TJ shook his head. “If you weren’t so damn good at your job, I’d fire you.”

  “You would not.” Lauren reached for the door handle. “Who else would bring so much fun to your day?”

  He rolled his eyes and held the door open for her. “Please act professional and don’t argue with them.”

  Lauren walked in the room and smiled at the men gathered around the table. TJ hurried in front of her to make the introductions.

  “This is Lauren Sparks, senior business analyst for KC Cosmetics Global. She’s been with the company for nearly seven years and is one of the best in the city at what she does.” It probably killed TJ to compliment her that way, but she appreciated it nonetheless.

  Lauren sat in the empty seat at the table smiling at the men staring at her. “It’s nice to meet you all. KC Cosmetics is a wonderful company with a profitable financial outlook for the next ten years. You made a wise decision in acquiring us and we look forward to working with you to mak
e KC even better than what it is today.”

  One of the men stood. Wearing an impeccable black suit that probably cost more than what she made in a month, he undid the button of his coat as he stared at her. For a second, Lauren didn’t recognize him. Then she looked into his deep green eyes—the same eyes she’d stared into all weekend long.

  “Welcome, Ms. Sparks.” He glanced at his watch. “This meeting is an informal introduction to who we are and what we’ll be doing. I’m Reid McKenna, CEO of McKenna Corporations. I’ve gone over your reports and they are very promising. The financial health of the company seems to be very good, but I will expect you to work with my advisors over the next few months to learn how I like to do things.”

  Lauren didn’t say anything as she watched him sort through the papers on the table before him. All the conversations they’d had that weekend came flooding back into her mind. For a moment, she thought about him saying he couldn’t work with her. Would he fire her now that he was her boss? She valued her reputation in the company and put pride in her work ethic. Sleeping with her boss was disastrous on so many levels. She may have just messed up everything for a few orgasms. Propping her elbow on the table, much to TJ’s dismay, she stared at Reid.

  “I assure you that I’m very good at my job. Whatever you plan for your advisors to show me is probably something that I have already seen or done before.”

  TJ’s eyes widened as his jaw dropped slightly. A few of the men stared at her, shock written all over their faces. Reid glanced up at her, a smile playing at his lips.

  “Furthermore,” she continued, “I fully understand that your company purchased mine, but between you and me, I’m the one that understands this business and the market. Let’s not pretend like your advisors are going to teach me anything about the cosmetics industry, but I sure as hell could teach them a thing or two, I’m sure.”

  TJ blinked a few times before standing. “Oh, Lauren. Always the kidder. She’s just kidding. Office jokester. Uh, Mr. McKenna, I assure you that my office will do everything we can to make sure that the company transition is as smooth as possible. Lauren will gladly work with your advisors and come up with plans to make the business better than ever imagined.”

  Lauren didn’t take her eyes off Reid. He looked completely different clothed, she thought. Everything was immaculate. From his hair to his pressed suit and his damn tie clip. Gone were the messy hair and bedroom eyes. Despite everything, she couldn’t stop the attraction she felt. He could fire her on the spot and she’d still want to fuck him again. How messed up was that?

  He shoved his hand in his pocket while he kept his attention on her. “Good.” Reid pulled out his cell phone and tapped the screen. “The first order of business is a trip to McKenna headquarters in Duluth. My advisors are there and they would like to talk with both of you about the financial health of the company. I’ll have my assistant book your flights and accommodations. It shouldn’t be longer than week.”

  “I can’t do that.” Lauren stood. “I have a family thing.”

  Before she could elaborate, Tommy busted in the boardroom. “Lauren, please take me back!” He fell to his knees beside her chair. “I’m nothing without you. I want to marry you. Please don’t let one little hiccup ruin what we had together.”

  He reached for her hand and she jerked away from him.

  “Who is this clown?” Reid asked.

  “Uh.” TJ stood and walked over to the phone hanging on the wall. “I’m calling security right now.”

  “Lauren, please,” Tommy pleaded. “I’m nothing without you.”

  Lauren glanced up at Reid, who stared at her intently. “I can’t do this right now.”

  She stood and ran out of the room, heading back to her office. Leaning against the door, she forced herself to take a few deep breaths. Reid was her boss. Jessica was pregnant. She didn’t want to go to Duluth. She’d slept with her boss. Everything came crashing down on her at once.

  Reid pushed her door open and stepped inside her office. “What the hell was that?”

  She sat on the floor with her arms propped up on her knees. “That would be my ex.”

  Reid sighed and closed the door behind him. Lauren glanced up at him. Not only was he her boss, but he was here, reminding her of her stupidity on top of everything else. He sat in the floor beside her looking completely uncomfortable in his expensive suit. “Why is he here?”

  “Aside from wanting me back, he told me my sister’s pregnant.” Lauren shook her head. She wouldn’t cry over the damn bastard. Combing her fingers through her hair, she tried to process it all.

  “I mean it’s one thing to screw around with her, but...” She shook her head as tears filled her eyes. “It’s just a nightmare that won’t end.”

  Reid didn’t say anything for a moment. Lauren knew better than anyone that having meltdowns at work was bad for business. Nothing affected her and she tried really hard to keep it that way.

  Dabbing at her eyes, she glanced over at him. “So you’re my boss now? You look different with clothes on. I didn’t recognize you.”

  Reid pulled her closer, tucking her against his side. “A man makes a woman’s panties wet. Not her eyes.”

  Lauren stiffened but the soothing caress of his hand along her back forced her will to bend. He was too damn easy to melt against and in that moment, she wanted someone to give her that strength.

  “Are you okay?” He rested one hand along her thigh while the other continued to rub her back.


  “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Don’t make me go to Duluth?” She pushed away from him.

  “I think Duluth is what you need right now. Plus, I live in Duluth.” Reid tilted his head to the side. “You can stay with me.”

  “So I’m supposed to ignore my problems and spend my time locked away in your home with you?”

  He grinned. “Why not?”

  “You’re my boss.” She sighed. “I slept with my boss. It never ends well for people that do that.”

  “Neither one of us knew that at the time.” He smoothed the backs of his fingers along her cheek. “But if you want me to fire you, I can.”

  Lauren narrowed her eyes as she dropped her head back against the wall. “I need my job.”

  “I figured that.” He stared at her lips. “I also assume you don’t want me to make you my personal assistant either.”

  She snorted. “Your sexual assistant?”

  He grinned. “Nobody said anything about sex.”

  “You were thinking it.”

  Reid lifted her hand and laid it on his thigh. “What do you want, Lauren? Tell me.”

  “What? You’re going to wave a magic wand and give it to me?”

  He met her eyes. “If I can.”

  She licked her lips. “You said yourself that we couldn’t work together. We’d butt heads more than we’d get along.”

  “My comment was in reference to my inability to keep my hands to myself. It had nothing to do with you being incapable or that we wouldn’t get along. HR doesn’t like workplace relationships for the whole ‘inappropriate conduct at work’ thing.”

  He stroked his fingers along hers. It was too easy. She didn’t even know the guy and he was offering her whatever she wanted?

  “I’m assuming you spread out on my desk while I go down on you is inappropriate conduct at work.” His finger lazily caressed her skin. “And I’m no psychic but I’d bet my annual salary that that would be happening more often than not. You bring me your analysis and I thank you by eating your pussy. I’m the fucking boss, I can do it.”

  “You said you don’t like relationships.”

  “I said I entertain relationships when I have the time.”

  “And you’re always busy.”

  He laughed. “You’re not going to make this easy,
are you?”

  “You don’t know me. I could be a gold digger. I could only be screwing you for your money.”

  His smile never wavered. “I’ll take my chances. You’d probably know what to do with my money better than I would.”

  “You don’t know that.” She glanced down. “I’m a faithful customer at Neiman Marcus.”

  He chuckled and leaned to the side. After pulling out his wallet, he handed her a black credit card. “Knock yourself out.”

  She looped her arms around his and laid her head on his shoulder. “I don’t want your money.”

  “I know.” He put the card back in his wallet and kissed the top of her head. “You’d probably give me a lecture on the new car I bought.”

  “I’m not a lecturer.” She rubbed her cheek against the silky sleeve of his suit coat. “I’d just give you a dirty look and tell you there are starving kids that could benefit from that money.”

  He cupped the side of her head and kissed her. “What can I do to make you feel better? Because right now all I want to do is scoop you up and take you home with me.”

  She sighed. It sounded so good to have someone willing to protect her like that. She didn’t experience it often and the feeling was quite addictive.

  “It’s bad for business. Work relationships don’t mesh well when things get personal.”

  “I don’t know. I think it would be fun.”

  “And if it doesn’t work out?”

  “You want marriage?”

  She rolled her eyes and let his arm go. “You’re good in bed, but you’re not that good.”

  He dragged her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her. “I find that offensive.”

  “I find marriage offensive.”

  “You’re just butthurt about your ex.” He kissed her cheek. “A few weeks with me and you’ll change your mind.”

  He did feel good against her. With his arms around her, he held her close. His spicy cologne teased her senses. She could definitely get used to coming home to him or going to work with him. Being around him all the time didn’t sound like a bad idea either.


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