Finding Life

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Finding Life Page 2

by Tiffani Lynn

  Once the nurse gets done checking her, Jeff shuffles back through the door looking a little tired from our long day at the hospital.

  “Is one of you staying the night with her?” the young nurse asks.

  Jeff pulls his hand from his pocket and raises it slightly as he and I trade spots so he can be by Shaunda. “Me.”

  “Crap, I forgot about that. My truck broke down and I had to catch a ride here. Marshall should have towed my truck to the shop by now. I was gonna have you take me home.”

  “Take my truck. You can bring it back tomorrow.”

  “I won’t be in until late morning though. I have to go to the shop and see if I can fix the fuel pump. I’m still working on a few things with the mustang so it’s not running yet and I can’t be without a vehicle.”

  “Not going anywhere till you get here anyway, so that’s fine.”

  God, I love my brother-in-law. Of course, he and Shaunda were middle school sweethearts so he’s been around our family for enough years to be one of us, but even so, he’s a great guy. He loves my sister like no one else could and seems to love all of us too. That’s the kind of man I want. The kind who will sit by my side through the night and hold my hand even though he’s exhausted, uncomfortable and scared out of his mind. The kind of man who’ll love me through all my moods and through all the changes my body would experience while growing our children inside me. I want a man who, without thinking twice, will give my sister his prize-possession truck for no other reason than because she needs it.

  Up to this point, I haven’t found anyone close. The men I’ve encountered have a handsome face and good body, but no brains and no heart. Or a heart and no brains. Or brains and nothing that turns me on. How do you find the whole package? I’m starting to think it’ll never happen.

  Chapter Three


  It’s been two days since I dropped Colby off at the hospital and I can’t stop thinking about her. After lying awake most of last night, I decided to do something I never thought I’d do. I call my best friend’s brother, Javier Suarez, who is a private investigator. We shoot the shit for a few minutes before I finally break down and tell him why I really called.

  “Listen, man, there’s someone I want you to look into for me.”

  “Sure. Everything okay? Who is it?”

  “Everything’s fine. Her name is Colby Averette.”

  There is a long pause before he asks, “Why Colby?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I won’t have to dig hard. I know her. Why do you want me looking into her?”

  “You know her? How?” The thought of Javier knowing her makes me feel a little ill. The guy was a serial playboy before he got serious with Valerie a little over a year ago.

  He chuckles. I’m certain he knows what’s going through my head. “Answer me first.”

  “I met her at the cemetery a few days ago. Her truck broke down and she needed a ride to the hospital.”

  “Colby? Needed a ride? Colby, my auto mechanic? You sure it was her?” He’s laughing full out now.

  “Yes, I was visiting Carol’s grave and I heard her beating on her truck and cursing it, so I went over to check on her. I guess it was something she couldn’t fix by the side of the road.”

  “So why didn’t she call her family? They have a tow truck.”

  “She called but she said her brother couldn’t get there on time. She had to be at the hospital. Her sister was having surgery and she wanted to be there to see her beforehand.”

  There’s a little pause. “Shaunda?”

  “I guess. I don’t know. I didn’t dig too much. I didn’t want to be creepy.”

  “So calling your private investigator friend after the fact isn’t creepy?” He laughs deep and long. Asshole.

  “Glad I could be a source of amusement for you today. Don’t be a dick. Is Colby dating anyone or married? Is she straight? I don’t want to show up and ask her out if she’s got someone. This isn’t easy for me, man.”

  “Wasn’t hard for you with Val,” he notes, his voice suddenly void of all prior humor.

  “You see how well that went for me since you’re living with her now. Can you help me or not?” I wasn’t in love with Valerie, but she’s an amazing woman, someone that could have been so much more if the timing had been right.

  “I’ll see what I can find out. I’ll call you back in a day or two. She’s not your usual type though. Are you sure about this? She’s a nice girl, but I don’t know how she’ll fit into your lawyer world.”

  “I don’t know, but I can’t stop thinking about her so that has to mean something.”

  We end the phone call pretty quickly after that. I see Javier at least once a week when his parents have their weekly party/family dinner because his brother Diego and I have been best friends since we were kids. I practically grew up in their house. Javier and I have always been close, except for the brief period of time when we found ourselves going after the same woman. I was a little late on that and she was already gone for him. She’s the only woman I’ve wanted to go out on more than one date with since Carol died.

  After three long days Javier finally calls me back while I’m in a meeting and leaves me a message. “She’s straight and single. Quit being a pussy. Go by the shop and ask her out.”

  I tap my pen on the desk at least 100 times as I contemplate what to do. Will it kill me to get turned down? What if she doesn’t turn me down? Where would I take her? The tapping continues. Javier’s right; I am being a pussy. I glance at the clock and find that it’s 3:45. I haven’t taken lunch all week and sure, I have plenty of shit to do, but I’m not interested in any of it. I stand and grab my suit coat off the hook behind the door of my office and slip it on. I hit the save button on my computer before I shut it down. When I walk out of my office, my assistant glances up at me with her brow furrowed. “Mr. Martinez, is everything okay?”

  “Yes, Nina. Everything is fine. Something has come up and I need to leave. I’m not sure if I’ll be back this afternoon. Family and friends can be forwarded to my cell. For everyone else, please take a message and let them know I’ll call back tomorrow.”

  “Oh. Okay.” I can tell she’s a little freaked out. I never do this so I don’t blame her, but I don’t want to go into why I’m leaving. I’m afraid it will get around that I’m ready to date, which I am, but I don’t want the women in this office to know that. Several of them have been overly aggressive since Carol died and I’m not interested in any of them. Up to this point I’ve always said that I’m just not ready, but it was only to avoid an uncomfortable confrontation.

  Once I’m in my car, I go over 101 possibilities of how this could play out. I feel like I’m in high school again. My palms are even sweating. They never sweat. I don’t get nervous about much so this is surprising. I pull into the parking lot of Averette’s Automotive and park.

  The tan building is a little older than some of the others in the area, but well kept. All four bay doors are open, with a vehicle inside each bay. I can see two men in navy blue coveralls talking between the first and second bay, but the third and fourth bays don’t have anyone in them. I leave my suit coat in the passenger seat where I put it when I got in the car and quickly tug my tie off, dropping it on the coat.

  I exit the car, straighten my slacks and proceed into the building. This is probably a bad idea. When I walk through the door, I notice Colby is in light pink coveralls peeled down and tied around her waist with grease smudges across the thighs. A little white tank top hugs her voluptuous figure and her blond hair is in a single braid down her back. She’s standing behind a young woman seated in front of a computer and is directing her on how to do something. They both look up at me.

  “Can I help you?” the woman at the desk grins and asks while flipping her hair over her shoulder and sitting a little taller.

  Colby’s eyes narrow as she glances down at the young woman in front of her before she steps forward, cutting
off the young woman from sight. “I’ve got him, Jasmine. You finish the parts order. Let me know if you need me.” Colby directs her attention to me fully. “Hey, pretty boy.” Her eyes shine with humor. “You here for that free oil change?”

  I can’t help but smile back at her. “No, actually, I wanted to see how your sister’s doing.”

  She tilts her head to the side, surprised. “Shaunda’s doing good. Doc thinks they got it all, and other than missing her boys and sleeping in her own bed, she’s good. But she should be back home tomorrow.”

  “Good, I’m glad to hear it.” I stand in front of her like a smacked ass, unable to say much.

  “You came in just to see how my sister is?”

  “Yes. Well, no.” I shift my weight and pull up courage hidden somewhere within. “I also came in to see if I could take you out to dinner tomorrow night.”

  She studies me for a moment, chewing the side of her lip, unsure. “I’m taking my sister home tomorrow and sticking around to help Jeff.”

  “Oh, okay. I get it.” I nod and take a step back as the burn of rejection starts in my gut. This is the worst part of putting yourself out there. How do you gracefully exit after someone shoots you down?

  “I’m free on Friday though,” she says, taking me off guard.

  “You are?” I thought for sure I was getting the brush-off.

  “Yeah.” She grins and I give her a relieved smile. I hope she can’t tell how nervous I am. I hate appearing as weak as I feel.

  “Is seven okay?” I ask.

  “Can we make it eight? I’d like to get a shower. What should I wear?”

  “Something nice. I plan to take you to Schneider’s.”

  “I’ve never been there.” She pulls her braid around her shoulder and begins twirling it around her finger. Now she’s nervous.

  “We can go somewhere else if you prefer.”

  “No, that’s fine. I mean good. Sure, that will work.” She’s babbling and fidgeting a little and it’s cute as hell.

  “Where can I pick you up?”

  “Um…here is good. Here is fine.” She looks unsure.

  “Are you certain? I can pick you up at your place.”

  “No, this is fine.”

  “Okay, so I’ll be here at eight Friday to pick you up.” I pull a card from my wallet and write my personal cell on the back and pass it to her. “If something changes, give me a call. I look forward to Friday.”

  I turn to leave and notice there are framed pictures all over the walls by the exit. In each one is a monster truck. I pause, look more closely and realize that it’s Colby in the fire suit posing next to each one. I turn and glance back at her watching me carefully.

  “You used to drive monster trucks?” I can’t wrap my head around that.

  “Still do.”

  My eyebrows shoot up. “You drive a monster truck? Now?”

  “Well, not now. During the season, yes.” She puts her hands on her hips like she did that morning at the cemetery and I can’t help but grin at her. It’ll be fun getting to know her. She has all kinds of things hiding behind that beautiful exterior.

  “Bye, Colby.” I lift my hand and wave before passing through the doorway and back out to my car. Yup, this is going to be fun.

  Chapter Four


  I almost fell out of my coveralls when I saw the pretty boy walk through the door. Damn, he’s good-looking. I’m not much for guys in suits, but his is obviously tailored to fit and it’s sexy as hell.

  My brother steps into the office, wiping his hands on a half-greasy towel. “Who’s the suit? Sweet ride, but I can tell by looking at the guy that he has a stick up his ass. Our garage not good enough for his Jag?”

  “I don’t know. He wasn’t here to get work done on it.”

  “Was he lost?”

  “No, he was here to ask me out.”

  “Corporate Joe was here to ask you out?” His eyes narrow on me and I can tell he’s not happy.

  “His name is Victor and yes, he came to ask me out.”

  “I hope you said no. The only reason guys like him cross the tracks is for easy ass.”

  How is it my brother, whom I normally adore and look up to, can turn into such an ass so quickly? “Fuck off. I’m not easy.”

  “He doesn’t know that.”

  He has a point, but he doesn’t know Victor either. “Don’t be a jerk,” I tell him as I roll my eyes. My brother can be an asshole sometimes. He opens his mouth to speak and I push past him to go back to work as he says, “You know it’s a bad idea. I’m just looking out for you.”

  “Shut up, Marshall,” I snap.

  My brother dampened my mood with his bullshit and caused a few doubts to creep in. Why did Victor ask me out? He probably has 100 high-society-type women he could ask. Is he bored so he’s going to slum it for a bit? Now that I think about it, a man like him asking a woman like me out doesn’t make any sense at all. Damn Marshall, for getting into my head!

  My mood grows so foul through the day that I actually snap at my sister when I get to the hospital.

  “Hey. What’s going on?” She presses the button on the bed to raise the head. I glance back at Jeff who is watching us carefully.

  “Give us a few minutes, honey, please?” my sister asks him.

  After Jeff kisses her cheek and leaves us alone I tell her everything about my two encounters with Victor.

  “What do you think?” I ask her nervously.

  “Go. He sounds like a gentleman. What else are you going to do Friday night?”

  “Nothing,” I confess.

  “Exactly. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen if you have your pepper spray? You could get a nice meal with a handsome man and say no to a second date. Go. Have fun.”

  “What about what Marshall said?” I twist my braid around my finger nervously, waiting for her response.

  “Marshall is doing what a brother should do. He’s trying to protect you. Can you blame him after Curtis? That doesn’t mean he’s right. Go and see for yourself.”

  I see her point so I nod.

  Jeff comes back with a fast-food dinner for us and we sit around discussing the kids for a little while before I head home for the night.

  Two days later, at eight o’clock sharp, Victor turns into the parking lot and shuts off his lights. I exit the building and lock up behind me. Last night, I raided my sister’s closet for a little black dress that skims my curves but doesn’t hug too tight and ends a little above my knee. I paired it with strappy black heels I found in my closet from a function last year. My hair’s down with a little curl added to the ends and I’m wearing a minimal amount of makeup.

  “Wow, Colby. You look amazing.” He leans in and greets me with a light kiss to my cheek that has me blushing.

  “You didn’t expect me to show up in rhinestone coveralls, did you?”

  He laughs. “Nope, but I also didn’t think it was possible for you to get more beautiful, and you did somehow. It’s rare that people surprise me and you keep doing it.”

  I’ve been told before that I’m pretty. On occasion, beautiful, but Victor’s words feel like a bigger compliment. I wish I could explain it. Maybe it’s the level of sincerity behind his words when he speaks. It doesn’t seem as if he’s talking just to hear himself talk.

  He helps me into the car and then slides in on his side. Ed Sheeran is playing lightly in the background and I can’t help but hum along.

  “You like Ed?” he asks, glancing at me.

  “Love him. I love most music actually, but Ed is a favorite for sure.”

  He grins and turns onto the highway, picking up speed as he enters traffic. We have small talk all the way to the restaurant and I notice he seems more relaxed tonight than he was when he asked me out. I wonder what the difference is.

  Once we arrive, he guides me inside with his hand at the small of my back. I’ve always loved that. It feels like a sweet, protective yet reverent gesture. As we’re about
to sit at our table, a woman who looks to be a few years older than me approaches. Her sharp eyes narrow on me and she reminds me of a Siamese cat as she looks me over.

  “Miriam, good to see you,” Victor greets her without the same level of warmth I’ve gotten from him so far.

  She changes her focus to him and a predatory smile spreads across her pinched face. It only takes that moment for me to realize I don’t like her.

  “Victor, I didn’t realize you had reservations tonight.”

  “Yes, Miriam, meet my date, Colby.”

  “Pleasure,” she says in the fakest tone possible as she gives me a weak, fingers-only handshake and quickly dismisses me again. She places her hand on his arm with a familiarity that makes me uncomfortable and practically purrs while scooting in closer to him, “Oh, Victor, we’ll have to get together next week and catch up.” She winks at him, turns and struts away.

  What a bitch. My eyebrows rise in question as he turns back to face me.

  “She’s a partner at my firm. Just a colleague, not even a friend,” he tells me without elaborating further. He pulls my chair out for me and sits in the only other one at the table. I’m still a little surprised by that woman’s attempt to lay claim on my date and how easily he blew it off, but I don’t know what to say so I don’t say anything.

  We both pick up a menu and I use mine to hide the minor irritation Miriam caused. The prices here are higher than I’m used to and it takes me a little longer than usual to pick something that doesn’t feel too expensive to me. We finally order and when the server leaves us, Victor starts conversation.

  “How did you end up a monster truck driver?”

  “I used to race ATV’s and built up a pretty big following. The folks at Monster Jam contacted me about driving. The rest is history.”

  “I looked up a few videos online and thought it looked like fun; I’ve never been to a monster truck show.”

  “It is so much fun. We had to go through a whole driving course to learn to do it right. It’s a fun job to have and because I have a huge fan base of mostly kids I do a lot of pictures and autographs after the show. That’s cool too. My fans are great.” I’m ready to learn a little about him so I change the subject and ask, “What do you do exactly? You mentioned a law firm, but not what kind and not what you do there.”


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