Cosmic Bounty

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by Cosmic Bounty [Evernight] (mobi)

  In the back of her pleasure-drunken mind, she realized she not only needed Hul, but all four brothers like she needed to breathe. Maybe it was partly due to the Stockholm Syndrome, and maybe it was wrong, placing her heart and happiness in the hands of others. Kat was always overly needy. It was a part of her nature, wanting to love and care for someone and have them love and care for her, in return. Captive in Hul’s powerful arms, she couldn’t bring herself to care.

  With one hand, he shackled both her wrists together, before tilting her backwards over his arm. He lifted her up, giving him more room to thrust up into her, as he pulled her down, impaling her over and over.

  The angle of her arched back gave him better access to her breasts. Kat gasped and mewled, as he took one hardened nipple into his mouth and sucked. He cradled her head when it fell back, unable to support its weight. He held her firm, fucking her like she was a sex toy, to be used for his pleasure. It made her burn hotter.

  Each tug of his hot, wet mouth on her breast sent sensations shooting down to her clit, making it throb. She was going to come in record time.

  “Oh, god, Hul, yes, yes!” Her cry echoed through the room; her body trembled as she drew closer to climax. He released her breast and nipped his way up her throat.

  “You belong to us, Kat, our pet, our female. Only we will possess you.” His words vibrated against her skin. She lost control, screaming Hul’s name as she came. She shook as the pleasure swamped every one of her nerve endings.

  Hul’s thrusts became faster, more urgent. He lifted her head. “Look at me.”

  His command made her snap open her eyes; their gazes clashed. His eyes were a smoldering, molten gold of intense passion. He crushed his mouth against hers in a brutal kiss; his growl was low in his throat, and his body shook. In the next moment, he shuddered and she felt his hot semen flood her insides.

  He pulled her forward, releasing her wrists. Kat collapsed against him, sucking much needed oxygen into her lungs. They stayed meshed together, neither inclined to move.

  “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” His deep voice broke through the post-sexual bliss.

  Kat forced her arms to move, wrapping them around Hul’s neck. She raised her head from his shoulders, grinning widely.

  “Better than alright. You can do that to me anytime you like, my big boy.”

  The smile splitting his handsome face made her heart melt. Yup, she was most definitely a goner.

  Chapter Ten

  Three weeks with the brothers were the most wonderful time of her life. Who knew it took getting kidnapped to fall in love. All four brothers went out of their way to make sure she had everything she wanted. When she declared they were spoiling her, the brothers united, smiled and kissed away her protests.

  They looked almost pained when they could not provide her with some of her requests, such as a tour of the ship. Instead, Hul gave her a holographic tour, explaining once again that it wasn’t safe to let her out of their quarters. Kat grew quite accustomed to having one or two of the brothers with her all the time.

  When they were all together during a meal, it was a riot to watch them interact, tease and goad each other. The brothers were more than happy to tell her stories of their great victories in battle.

  Three of her men sat around her on the bed, while Hul was on duty. Her back rested on Gol’s front as they explained the adoption process. In itself, it was simple and quick, but to make it official, she had to go live with her adopted family for two Galafrax weeks. A Galafrax week equaled eight Earth days. Afterward, she would be granted full citizenship and given the same rights as any Demos female.

  “This is when we are permitted to court you,” Gol explained.

  She grinned. “How romantic, and how do you do that? Dinner dates and dancing?”

  The men gave her a perplexed look. “I would love to see you dance, little Kat.” Div sat on her other side. He was feeding her little bits of juicy fruit he sliced with a wickedly sharp looking dagger, while Ric gently rubbed her ankles.

  “Courtship involves fighting to impress the female, to show her we are capable of protecting her and creating strong offspring.”

  “Oh, I really don’t like fighting. I’m already yours anyway. Can’t we just skip the fight and go straight to the wedding?”

  “We know you are ours.” Gol’s smile was heartwarming. “But it is our way. You will find we are not the only ones who will want to court you. Every female has to have more than one quad unit to court her, to insure she has a good choice.”

  Kat raised an eyebrow at that. “Has to? What if no one wants to court her, then what does she do?”

  “In the long history of Galafrax, this has never happened. The males have always greatly outnumbered our females. Our desire for sex and to reproduce is a strong instinct.”

  “Well, I can see why, but I still get to choose you. I won’t be forced into accepting another set of brothers, if you get your asses whipped,” she teased.

  “We are Demos Lords, the best, fastest and strongest of all in Galafrax.” Ric spoke matter-of-factly. “We will not be beaten, and it is always the female’s choice no matter the winner.”

  “I’m glad of that. Is there anything else I should know about this courting thing? Any hidden surprises?”

  “Apart from proving ourselves as strong warriors, we must also prove ourselves capable of pleasuring the female of our choice.”

  Kat sat up at Gol’s words. “I don’t have to let anyone one else touch me, do I?” She twisted around to face Gol. “I don’t want anyone else to prove if they can pleasure me. You are all I want, all I need.”

  The brothers glanced at each other before Gol pulled her back into his arms.

  “We would not allow anyone to touch you. You belong to us. This is simply a formality we must go through. You will choose us to pleasure you first, then after that night, declare to the officials you are pleased with our performance and have chosen us. The others will never have an opportunity. It will then be over and we can have, as you say, our wedding.”

  Kat relaxed against Gol. “Phew, you had me worried for a moment.”

  “You do not know how much it pleases us to hear you say you want no others.”

  “I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. I care for you all. I simply could not imagine belonging to anyone else.”

  As if unable to stop himself, Gol kissed her. It was a passionate, reverent kiss, leaving her breathless.

  Dazed, she smiled at him. Now, happy in her role of horny twit, Kat felt empowered at how much her men always wanted her and she them.

  “In the next rotation, we will be arriving on Galafrax,” Ric interrupted, tugging her from Gol’s arms and pulling her onto his lap. Automatically, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I suggest we make the best of our time, before we have to part from you.”

  “But only for a short time, right?”

  “Correct.” Div crowded in on her left, pushing back her hair from the nape of her neck, placing open-mouthed kisses down her spine.

  “Then you will belong to us for the rest of time,” Gol declared. The others grunted their agreement, more eager to love Kat until she was once again boneless and mindless.


  From the holographic display in front of her, which was connected to the front bridge screen, Kat got a clear view of the planet, which would become her new home. It was a swirling red, black, brown and yellow planet, with hints of green. One end was covered in white and blue, much like icing on a plum pudding. In the darker areas, pin dots of lights glittered and gleamed from the dark side of the planet, showing it heavy with population. It was exotic and eerily beautiful.

  “What do you think?”

  She glanced through the holographic screen at Div, who had won the toss to stay with her until the ship docked. “Very different from my home world, but it’s magnificent.”

  Div’s smile was one of pride. “In time, you will feel as at home here as we do.”
/>   The ship shuddered under her feet. Div rose and grabbed the clothes she would wear once off the ship. “Come, let’s get you ready.”

  Kat sighed and let Div wrap the heavy cloth around her body, placing the cloak’s hood over her head, almost blocking her vision.

  The door swished open and the rest of the brothers stood waiting.

  “Let us take you home.” Gol stepped through, offering his hand to her.

  She smiled nervously up at him and placed a trembling hand into his warm one. Silently, she prayed she would grow accustomed to the strange Demos ways and be able to call this alien world home.

  “I feel like a moving, carpet bag.”

  “I’m sure you’re a very pretty carpet bag, if I knew what a carpet was,” said Div, waggling his eyebrows at her. She giggled, drawing attention from passing Demos soldiers.

  They escorted her through the ship to the ship’s docking bays. Hul and Gol took point as Div and Ric walked behind her, like armed guards taking her to the execution chamber.

  She could see other quad brothers lining up to board the transport shuttles, all of them eyeing her with curiosity.

  There was no seating, only straps dangling from bars above them. Each soldier reached out, gripping a strap. But there was no way she could reach up that high. A strong arm encircled her waist, pulling her firmly back against one of the brother’s hard bodies. She glanced up to see Hul gazing down at her, a small smile playing on his lips.

  “Do not be alarmed by the drop. We have you and will not let you fall.”

  She fought the rising panic of so many large soldiers in one small space. If they did topple over like dominos, no doubt she would be crushed in the process. There was no choice but to trust her quads would keep that from happening, and no one else appeared concerned.

  Without warning the shuttle’s door closed. She heard a whirring sound, and then it did exactly as Hul said, dropped. Kat squealed in alarm, twisting in Hul’s hold to wrap her arms around him, trying to stop her stomach from ending up in her head. She buried her face in Hul’s uniform, clinging onto him for dear life, waiting for the gut-pulling feeling to stop.

  “Easy, little pet,” he whispered in her ear, realizing he lifted her off her feet, cradling her against his chest. “It will end soon.”

  After five long minutes, the falling stopped and the craft glided with a gentle rocking from side to side.

  “Are you going to reveal what you have, Lord Gol? The whole ship knows you’ve been keeping an alien female slave in your quarters. We want to know what species she is.”

  “Mind your words, Til, the female is none of your concern,” Gol growled, with deadly menace. “Until the shuttle docks, you are still under my command.”

  Kat felt relieved when silence again fell, but could still feel the heavy stares of the men around her. Hul pulled her tighter against him.

  The shuttle landed with a heavy thump, the doors slid open and quad soldiers filed out, leaving them till last.

  “Thank you,” she murmured to Hul, as he released her and set her on her feet. She wobbled, still feeling shaky.

  “We should have realized the atmospheric drop would be hard on you.”

  “I’m okay. I’m just glad I had you to hold on to.” She smiled at Hul.

  “Katrina, welcome to Galafrax.” Gol took her hand and led her out of the shuttle. A gust of warm wind hit her face, making her hair whip around. She inhaled the air; her mind struggled to find similes to compare the scents to. On one hand, it felt tropical, a slightly fruity tang with a hint of spice. The color of the sky was tinged purple red and they felt the heat of the large, red sun shining down on them.

  Glancing around, she realized the shuttle had landed on a high building. She walked forward, gazing for the first time over the vast, alien city.

  Kat stared in amazement. Streets were lined with earth shades of red and brown; the houses and buildings were a mix of different sized, pyramid structures. The streets were positioned uniformly, one after the other and stretched on for miles, all surrounding one central pyramid. Kat was sure it would be five times bigger than the pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

  “We have those kind of buildings on Earth.”

  “Qyi-buildings?” Hul questioned.

  “On Earth, we call them pyramids, built by an ancient civilization called the Egyptians. I think there were a few Qyi-Buildings, built by other cultures on various parts of the planet, as well. But that was long ago. Humans don’t build pyramids like this anymore.”

  Ric took her hand, leading her away from the edge of the building, towards a large entrance other Demos quads vanished into.

  “Where are we going, now?”

  “We wish to get the adoption process underway promptly,” Ric stated. “The sooner it is done, the sooner we can formally court you and claim you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Kat forced a smile and tried not to gape at her new ‘adopted family’, P’Tala. She would be known as Katrina P’Tala. It didn’t sound too weird.

  “Katrina, this is Tev, Yuv, Riv, Oul, and their sheraz Sarrbeem, your new fathers and mother.”

  “Um, lovely to meet you and thank you for doing this for us,” Kat said politely.

  This was Kat’s first proper look at a Demos woman. She was almost as tall as the men, heavy set with a flat chest. It wasn’t a wonder her men were so taken with her breasts, now that she thought about it. Her black hair was tinged with shades of grey, the same as the older men who flanked her. Apart from the body shape, her features were more delicate and feminine. Her eyes were a lighter gold, almost light yellow in color, as she gazed coolly down on Kat.

  “It is our pleasure, little human.” Tev spoke first.

  Kat remembered it was usually always the oldest who was the spokesperson.

  “She speaks very softly,” Sarrbeem stated boldly with a frown, critically glancing over her, making Kat feel self-conscious, almost like a bug on display. “And very pale. I did not expect her to be so pale; she looks frail. Are you sure she is suitable to be a sheraz?” She addressed Gol and Hul.

  “Very suitable. We would have not asked this of you if she was not,” Gol defended, looking more than annoyed.

  “Oh, very well, as long as she does not get in my way,” the woman said, rather rudely. She then swiveled on her heel and walked away. The door opened and slid shut behind her.

  None of her ‘husbands’ were bothered by her behavior.

  This time Kat did gape. “Are you sure this is alright? I don’t want to be the cause of any trouble.”

  Her soon to be ‘adopted’ fathers all stared at her in astonishment, but quickly recovered.

  “We are honored to have a daughter,” Yul said with a smile. “It is rare to find a female so … polite.”

  “Rare?” Kat blinked in confusion. “I’m sorry, but I am finding your world and customs confusing. On my planet, it is common courtesy to be nice to one another, no matter the gender.”

  “You have been lacking in educating your human, Gol,” Tev said, before again addressing her. “Demos females may speak, act and do as they please, and it is our duty to see their every demand is met.”

  “Even if they offend everyone else around them?”

  “We learn never to be offended by what our females say or do,” Oul spoke up.

  She turned around and eyed her men. “You four. Why didn’t you tell me this when I asked about your culture?”

  The four brothers looked sheepish, glancing at each other.

  “We treasure you for your human traits, Kat. We thought if you knew…” Gol began.

  “—You would want to be like them,” Ric finished.

  Kat shook her head. “I am what I am, and I can't be anything else. I'm hurt you didn’t trust me enough to tell me the truth.” She hooked her hands on her hip. “You really thought I would turn into a first class bitch?”

  “What is a bitch?” The question came from the brothers behind her.

one who acts nasty and doesn't care for the feelings of others.”

  Div dropped to his knees, snatching her around the middle, pulling her tightly into his arms. He pressed his face into her chest.

  “Forgive us, beauty, we have no desire to lose you.”

  She glanced up to see identical expressions of regret and worry. It touched her heart they cared so much and, at the same time, were so clueless. It wasn’t a wonder why they wanted her so much, if they were faced with having a Demos bitch as their sheraz.

  Surely, not all the Demos women could be that bad. Could they?

  “There is nothing to forgive, Div, don’t worry. I don’t want to let you go either. I care very much for all of you. I think you should start to have a little faith in me.”

  “It is not a mistake we will make again,” Ric crowded in from her side, gently turning her head with his fingers, bending to brush his lips across hers. He was soft and gentle, unlike the heated kisses she was used to with her men. She felt Gol at her other side, stroking her, making her skin heat. Surrounded by her men, she felt secure, protected, but most importantly, she felt she was where she belonged.

  Someone cleared his throat and her men backed up reluctantly, leaving her bereft of their warmth and comfort. She turned again to face the others—her ‘fathers’.

  “We clearly see the affection you have for your chosen. We shall endeavor to get the proceedings over with as quickly as possible, so she can be your sheraz.”

  “It is appreciated. Take care of her for us; she is our treasure,” Gol, said, giving Tev and his brother a respectful bow.

  “We have to leave you now, but shall return in a few days. It will be worse to be parted from you than sending us to the ice plains,” Ric told her.

  She nodded, yet still struggled to hold herself still and fight back the tears, as they each bid her goodbye before turning to leave.


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