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Searchable Terms
Note: Entries in this index, carried over verbatim from the print edition of this title, are unlikely to correspond to the pagination of any given e-book reader. However, entries in this index, and other terms, may be easily located by using the search feature of
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I Corps (British) 36, 55
1st Armored Division (US) 207, 484
II Corps (British) 23, 36, 37, 249, 402
II Corps (US) 177–8, 352
II SS Panzer Corps 33
2ème Regiment des Chasseurs Parachutistes 588
III Corps (US) 527
3rd Division (British) 37
3rd Division (US) 261, 403
V Corps (British) 41
5th Infantry Brigade (US) 25
VI Corps (Allied) 458, 459
7th Armoured Division (British) 413
VIII Corps (British) 265
8th Air Force (US) 588
8th Division (US) 208
10th Armoured Division (British) 183
10th Division (Indian) 588
12th Army Group (US) 510, 511, 531, 534, 540, 543
15th Air Force (US) 540, 588
18th Division (British) 15, 65
XIX Corps (US) 503
21st Army Group (Allied) 57, 510, 511, 531, 540, 563
21st Panzer Division 3
XXII Corps (US) 163
28th Division (US) 477
30th Division (US) 208
50th Division (British) 184, 421
51st Division (British) 39, 40, 421
52nd Division (British) xxxix, 38, 39–40
77th Division (US) 208
82nd Airborne Division (US) 534
85th Division (US) 481
88th Division (US) 481
101st Airborne Division (US) 534
106th Infantry Division (US) 534
A-22 prototype tank 224
Abbot, George 363
ABC-1, 2, 3, 4 (Anglo–American Staff talks) 45, 50, 53, 84, 116, 127
ABDA (American–British–Dutch–Australasian) unified command structure 67, 79, 81, 120
Abdication Crisis 374
Accra 378
Aden 263
Churchill’s criticisms of 44
dinner for American delegation (July 1942) 257
and fall of Tobruk 3
Adriatic Sea 429, 458, 492
Aegean Islands 360, 410, 413, 418
Aegean Sea 300, 303, 328, 417, 424, 431, 437, 444, 464
American 523
British 90, 140, 309, 539
French 249, 252
German 247, 249
Italian 319, 367, 403, 415
Afrika Korps 3, 62–3, 84, 116, 182, 260, 263, 291
Agheila, El 63
aircraft carriers
American 65, 414, 437
British 47, 50, 109, 411
Japanese 238, 241, 437
needed for Operation Gymnast 187, 190, 193, 278
and Operation Avalanche 388, 411
aircraft detection equipment 32, 33
aircraft production
American 19, 26, 46, 67, 85, 122, 342, 468
British 46, 67, 118, 342, 468
Ajax, Operation 41, 47–8, 157, 173, 179, 586
see also Jupiter, Operation
Akyab 354
Alamein, El 207, 265, 272, 289, 291, 294, 295, 346, 389, 541, 561, 582
Alanbrooke, Alan Brooke, 1st Viscount
see Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan
Alaska 122, 155, 170, 206, 285
Alban Hills 459
Aleutian Islands 371, 375
Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty A. V. (later 1st Earl Alexander of Hillsborough) 153, 256, 257
Alexander, General Sir Harold (later 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis)
Algiers strategy talks (May–June 1943) 376
background and career 502
and British Expeditionary Force (1939–40) 23, 36
Brooke’s views on 225
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 317, 323
Cunningham’s views on 530
Eisenhower’s views on 529
Italian campaign 389, 413, 416, 423, 424, 457, 467, 472, 481–2, 483, 486, 490–91, 495, 501, 509
on Ljubljana Gap plans 517
and Mediterranean command 449
North African campaign 380, 382
Operation Husky 383
Operation Torch 262, 289, 293
possible replacement for Auchinleck 117
proposed as deputy supreme commander 537–8, 559–60
takes over Middle East Command 268
takes over supreme command in Mediterranean 530
views on American troops 543
visits Chartwell 42
Alexander VI, Pope 124
Alexandria 3, 205, 324, 328, 556, 558
Algeria 203, 211, 279, 282, 296, 298, 299, 351
Algiers 90, 203, 234, 311, 466
Allied strategy talks (May–June 1943) 372–3, 375–80, 389, 577
Operation Torch 260, 274, 277, 278–9, 280, 281–2, 291, 300, 337
Alice, Princess, Countess of Athlone 514
Allied Control Commission (for Germany) 550, 555
Alps 459, 460, 490, 491, 495, 509, 519
Alsop, Joseph W., Jr 30
Alupka 545
America First movement 54
American Civil War 11, 15, 16, 70, 141, 145
American Lake, Washington 25
American Revolutionary War 364
Amery, Leo xviii, 60, 184, 487, 527, 536
Anakim, Operation 323–4, 329, 330, 331, 332–3, 334, 336, 341, 357, 362, 379, 404, 586
Ancre, battle of (1917) xxxix
Andaman Islands 437, 442, 451, 452, 469, 491, 577
Anderson, Sir John (later 1st Viscount Waverley) 60, 81, 183
Anderson, Lieutenant-General Kenneth 274, 296, 303, 312
Andover 110
Anglo-American Air Agreement (1942) 209–10
anti-Bolshevism 127, 215, 450, 515
Antonov, General A. E. 527
Antwerp 36, 220, 492, 512, 532, 533, 552, 563, 578
Anvil, Operation 578, 586
command of 455
discussions at London Combined
Chiefs of Staff talks (June 1944) 492–3
discussions at Quadrant (First Quebec)
Conference (August 1943) 406
discussions at Teheran Conference (Eureka; November 1943) 447, 451, 491
divisions over Allied strategy 457–8, 461–2, 464–7, 476–7, 477–9, 494–501, 502, 504, 505, 524
launch of 505, 508
see also Dragoon, Operation
Anzio 221, 355, 409, 426, 493
beachhead 463, 464, 465, 466, 478, 479, 481
landing craft for 437, 451, 452
landings 459–61, 462
and Operation Anvil 456–7
Apennines 467, 490, 492, 509
appeasement 82
Arcadia (First Washington)
Conference (December 1941–January 1942) 66–7, 70–76, 79–84, 86–9, 345, 576
see also WW1 (document)
Arctic convoys 4
Ardennes 511, 531
Ardennes Offensive 355, 510, 532, 533–4, 535–6, 538, 552
see also Bulge, battle of the
Argentina 555
Argonaut (Second Washington) Conference (June 1942) 1–3, 181, 187–218, 576
Ark Royal, HMS 169
Arlington Cemetery 96, 529, 538
Army (British)
administration of 61–2, 299
criticisms of 124–5, 149, 181, 225–6, 287, 441
General Staff xxxiii, 14, 16
Army (United States)
British views on troops 543
Field Service Regulations 139
General Staff 12, 69, 114, 178
growth of 28, 32–3, 50, 85–6, 170–71, 296–7, 352
Senior Officers Oral History Program (SOOHP) 95, 141–2, 166, 213, 258, 260, 338, 489
training methods 209
tripartite structure introduced 114
War Plans Division 69, 71, 82, 114
Army Groups (German)
A 305
B 533
/> E 527
G 508
South 546
Arnhem 355
Arnim, General Jürgen von 358
Arnold, General Henry H. ‘Hap’
Anglo-American Air Agreement (1942) 209–10
Argonaut (Second Washington) Conference (June 1942) 190
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 314, 317, 321, 338, 339, 342
character 100, 190–91
diary xxxviii, 535
First Cairo Conference (Sextant; November 1943) 435, 439, 441, 448–9
Masters and Commanders Page 82