Heart's Storm (Falling Underhill Book 4)

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Heart's Storm (Falling Underhill Book 4) Page 7

by Viola Grace


  He leaned back, and she whipped her t-shirt off over her head, unsnapped and unzipped her jeans, and wiggled out of them where she sat. It took a bit of rocking and wiggling, but when the jeans hit the floor and she reached for him, she muttered, “You are not going to be fussy about the socks, are you?”

  He laughed and pressed against her, rubbing the head of his cock in the slick welcome. She met his gaze as he pushed into her and tried to relax to take him as deep as she could. Audra stared into the heart of the storm, and the storm stared back as he settled inside and began a slow undulation that lifted her off the counter at the inward thrust.

  It started slow and picked up the pace until the slapping sound of skin against skin took up the silence in the room and the small guttural utterances of breath forced from their lungs on impact. She felt the crackle of lightning on her skin, and she wrapped an arm around his neck, bringing him closer and sharing the power. When she gasped and shuddered, he thrust quickly and followed her into release while holding himself deep inside.

  He dropped on top of her, shaking slightly.

  She stroked the dark hair away from his forehead and cheek. “Aw, poor baby, have I worn you out?”

  He looked at her, and there was an amused expression in his eyes. “Is that a challenge, my lady? My queen? My love?” Each affectionate name was given with a kiss.

  She chuckled. “Just an observation. I have demanded much of you today.”

  “Definitely worthy demands.” He smiled. He glanced over and touched his phone. “Twenty-five minutes before dinner arrives. I have to say, this is a far better pursuit than worrying about burning food.”

  She gasped as he put an arm under her and held her as he walked to the bedroom. With the friction against her clit as he walked combined with the slide of him inside her with every step, by the time he straddled the chaise lounge in his room, she was one hard shove from orgasm. Thankfully, she was able to do it herself. She arched back as she shuddered and twitched, panting as wave after wave of pleasure ripped through her.

  She let out a soft and low howl as she draped herself across his chest. He stroked his fingers through the length of her hair. It wasn’t nearly as long as his was in his elf form, but it stayed out of the dirt when she was working.

  She breathed slowly and felt the burn of muscle and tendon from the unaccustomed exercise. “I apologize for mocking your stamina.”

  “Apology not accepted.” He seemed serious.

  She tilted her head to look up at him, and she shivered at the expression in his eyes. “So, I threw down a gauntlet, huh?”

  “Indeed. I feel honour-bound to prove my worthiness to you.”

  “If worthiness translates into sex, I will be more than content to have my needs met with a dinner instead.”

  He grinned slowly. “Back pedalling?”

  “Like a duck in reverse.”

  He laughed and cupped her hips, slowly moving her on him with a deliberate purpose. Her breath had just begun to catch when he stopped and withdrew, conjuring her a robe. She struggled into it as he righted his clothing. The doorbell sounded a moment later. She groaned and headed to wash her hands. This was going to get messy.

  She couldn’t tell if he was appalled or enthralled when she finished her ribs, corn, sides, and three wet wipes. “You look surprised.”

  “I have to admit, I knew you were a woman with tremendous appetites; I just hadn’t realized they extended to food.”

  She sipped at her soda and chuckled. “I only had toast for breakfast, no lunch, and a lot of unusual exercise in between. I can guarantee that it takes a lot of effort for me to get this hungry.”

  Audra didn’t mention that she was upset that she had forgotten dessert. She really could have continued to stuff her face, but she supposed it was better for them both that she didn’t.

  An endless hunger had started inside her, but it could be sated with food or sex. She bundled up the detritus of her meal and his, tucking it inside each other until it was a tiny wad.

  “Is something wrong, Audra?”

  She continued crushing the garbage until it was about an inch square and weighed close to a pound. “No. Yes. I want... more. Of something.”

  He followed her into the kitchen and turned her toward him. “Oh, damn.”

  “What? What is it?”

  “There are storms in your eyes.” He stroked her cheek. “Do you feel different?”

  “It feels like I am hungry but obviously not. There is a hollow swirling, right here.” She pressed her hand under her ribs.

  He nodded. “Yes, that is the urge to destroy. It will flare and fade. You just have to learn to control it. I can give you some suggestions if you are amenable.”

  She smiled tightly. “Well, I am guessing this is one of those shared things that you offered?”

  He took her hand and drew her back into the bedroom, sliding her robe off her shoulders. “It was not my intent, but it seems to be the effect.”

  She sighed. “What do I do?”

  “Give it to me.”


  He smiled. “Let me demonstrate.”

  He stepped back, and a gentle summer rain fell over her. She blinked and looked at him, but he just let the rain fall. She chuckled and raised her hands skyward, the gnawing feeling inside her faded as she laughed, and joy took over the hollow feeling.

  Her skin was humming where the rain touched it, and she turned in a full circle before facing him again.

  He had disposed of his own clothing and was watching her with a smile on his face.

  She stepped toward him, and he turned off the rain. The water disappeared with the exception of the gleaming drops on her skin and lashes.

  She smiled, stroking his cheek. “Thank you for that. I feel better.”

  He nodded. “I am glad. Now, will you make me feel better?”

  “If I can.”

  “Oh, this is well within your powers as mortal or wife.”

  She shivered at the word wife. “What can I do?”

  He backed her up until the bed hit the back of her knees. “I just need every moan, whimper, and groan that comes to you, so to speak.”

  He dropped to his knees, even with her breasts. She knew where this was going. “I don’t know; it seems like I am paying a far steeper price than you are.”

  He laughed. “You are, but I promise to pay you back in kind whenever needed.”

  That was the last of the chatter as he devotedly and pleasurably mauled her breasts with his mouth.

  It was the beginning of a very long night.

  Chapter Eleven

  Darius stared at her the following day as they went over supplier lists and other documentation.

  “Why are you staring, Damek?” She glanced over at him and smiled at the wreath of leaves and flowers that was now visible. It seemed that the handfasting assisted with her sight.

  “Um, you look a lot different than you did yesterday.”

  “Yes, well. It was an eventful day.” She muttered, “And night. And morning.”

  Darius snickered. “I would not have thought that Raiden had it in him.”

  “So, you are just going to hold hands with Petal and consider it good enough?”

  “I never said that. I just have a certain amount of self-control that the storm king is not known for.”

  She chuckled. “I am fairly sure that you have more control over yourself, but how are you going to rise to her needs if you are only keeping yourself in mind.”

  His mouth opened and then snapped closed. “You get right to the heart of it.”

  “We have three days until Petal arrives, and you need to be up to speed on what to get and where to get it. If you want to expand, I can give you suppliers. You will need to learn who to talk to and what to say. This lot gets a lot of water and rain, so make sure to have it topped up and scraped twice a year. You can wait until j
ust before you start getting all the temp staff in.”

  She continued on, and he made them lunch from the menu he was working on. She had the lists of the old, tried, and true plants to grow and a list of the new ones. The tomatoes never failed. Every new varietal would sell out. There was no doubt.

  “So, where is Raiden today?”

  “He’s meeting with the architect. He wants a big-ass house on that property.”

  Darius smiled. “What is he planning on doing with it?”

  “I am guessing that he is going to aim for a large family. Nature abhors a vacuum, and an empty bedroom is too much of a temptation.”

  “So, you are all in on the large family?”

  She chuckled. “I always regretted being an only child, and considering what we are trying to pass along here, more is better.”

  “You don’t mind the thought of a child? I know many women here do.”

  Audra looked at him. “I had my time alone, and I think that is one of the things that Puck was looking for. We have had our fun, are single, and all of Underhill descent. There are probably more concerns yet.”

  Raiden chuckled from behind them. “And are all susceptible to pregnancy during their time in Underhill. The timing had to be precise.”

  Audra looked up and smiled. “Hey, sweetie.”

  He came in with a roll of very large paper.

  She got to her feet, and he kissed her hello, bending her back. For endless seconds, she was lost in his kiss, and then, he straightened, and she blinked at him, dazed.

  Raiden grinned. “Hello, my queen. Are you ready?”

  She nodded. “I am. Let’s go see if Puck is as good as he says he is.”

  Darius sat up. “What is going on?”

  She grinned. “Raiden asked Puck to talk to my parents. So, now, as far as they are concerned, we have been dating for six months and are moving in together. We met last summer and have been to dinner with them several times. When you said you wanted to buy a greenhouse, Raiden mentioned it to them, and they jumped at the chance to keep it in the family, more or less.”

  Darius blinked. “He planted the idea in their thoughts.”

  She nodded at his slow uptake. “Correct. It is the same way that I know I saw Petal get her leg broken by a stalker, but at the same time, I know I took her to the hospital for a sprain. What happened to the stalker, by the way?”

  Darius grimaced. “With her injury healed, he was never charged. With him never charged, he was free to try again. I will keep her safe. The moment that she remembers me, I will be free to keep her safe. Until that moment, I have to be content with putting wards around her yard that will last for a few days.”

  “Why only a few days?” Audra leaned back in Raiden’s arms.

  Raiden murmured, “Lawnmowers. Darius’s magic takes the form of new plants. His wards only last a few days if it is a place with regular yard maintenance.”

  Darius gave Raiden a black look. “Why did I ask for your help again?”

  Raiden snorted. “Because you antagonized both your bride and Puck. I was your only hope.”

  “Right. Well, this place is ready for business. The inspections are in place and will be happening in the next two or three days, so it looks like this place will be legal as far as the mortals are concerned.” He sighed.

  Audra put her hand on his and met his gaze. “Petal has had it rough. Respect that she has survived and come out of it a sweet and empathetic woman. Her generous spirit is something to treasure. Remember that, and I won’t have to drown you on dry land.” She smiled brightly.

  Darius looked from her to Raiden and back again. “She can’t actually call storms, can she?”

  Raiden pulled her back into his arms. “She will. Give her a week.”

  “Take your storm queen out of here, Raiden. She’s giving me an evil look.”

  She let herself be led out. “Just remember, Damek, next week it won’t be just a look.”

  A flicker of lightning shot from her finger and exploded the teacup that she had been drinking out of. He jumped and then scowled at her. “You owe me a teacup.”

  She laughed and left the teashop.

  Raiden chuckled. “So, lightning is your first mastery. Mine was thunder.”

  “I liked the feel of lightning on my skin that first time, so it was the thing I wanted to reproduce.” She chuckled. “Speaking of reproduction, is that why Puck picked us? Because we were ovulating?”

  “No, but that is why you touched the figure when you did. He sent it to you at the most optimal time, and the difference in time between our planes did the rest.”

  She laughed. “So, it is more likely than not?”

  “That is what I am hoping for.”

  “Another one of those anchor points for the realms?”

  He laughed. “And then another and another until we fill the house and then watch our grandchildren grow.”

  “Grandchildren. Wow. Well, before we plan for that, let me pee on a stick in a week or so.” She linked arms with him and laughed as they got into his truck.

  Dinner at her family’s home was strange. Her parents were enthralled with Raiden as if they had seen him a dozen times or more.

  When dessert was served, Audra smiled and said, “Well, as to the reason we came over tonight. I didn’t want to tell you that we are moving in together over text.”

  Her mother smiled. “It is about time, dear. You two have been testing the limits of the soundproofing on your house long enough.”

  Audra blushed, and Raiden kissed her hand.

  He asked her father, “When does your cruise begin?”

  “Next week. Everything is booked, and we sprang for the room with the balcony.” Her father grinned and talked at length about the trip while Audra ate her dessert.

  Her mother was bustling about with the plates, more energy in her than Audra had seen in a few years. She laughed at her husband’s jokes, and Audra noted that both of them seemed to have acquired a bit more energy. If she met Puck again, she would have to ask him.

  At the end of the night, she kissed her parents on the cheeks and left to return to Raiden’s place, where half of his closet had been surrendered to her.

  “And now, I can finally show you the house design. It has been in the works for months, and we have gotten planning permission from the municipality.”

  She laughed. “You are that sure that I want to live in the house built for a zillion children?”

  “There are those of my kind who love to become nannies. Royal children would have an extra attraction for them.” He smiled as he unrolled the paperwork and peeled the upper layer away to show the frontal view of the house.

  She blinked. “Wow. That is quite the country house.”

  He grinned and flipped to the aerial view. The huge two-level farmhouse hand wings that left an open courtyard that looked over the forest.

  “Wow. All that and a wraparound deck, too.”

  “I know. It is all kinds of fun. I am confident that we can have sex in all of the bedrooms before our first child arrives.”

  She laughed. “That is a very weird goal.”

  He shrugged. “Sex has been on my mind of late. Now, in that vein, I have something for you.”

  Audra blinked as he left the room and returned with a wooden box. He set it down on the table and stepped back. “Open it.”

  She could see by the look in his eyes that it was a present for him. The wood was smooth and satiny under her hands, and she opened the box to find a heavily embroidered gown in the Minoan style. Thousands of years had passed since it was appropriate as a court dress, but here one was.

  The embroideries were storms and lightning, churning seas, and bending trees. It was spectacular.

  “You know, since you showed me the image, it has been foremost in my mind to see how such a dress would actually be worn. The statuary doesn’t really do it justice. Would you put it on?”

  She looked at it and said, “I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

  “Oh, I can help you with that. Come with me.” He lifted the dress in both arms and led the way to his privacy-fenced back yard.

  “Please remove your clothing. Socks, too, in this case.”

  She started with her socks, shimmied out of her jeans and panties, and then stood for a moment watching him arrange the skirts that went with the gown. She took off her shirt and unhooked her bra. When her clothing was in a neat pile, she walked toward him, wearing nothing but the handfasting bands that only his kind and now her kind could see.

  The pleated underskirt went on, then the overskirt, the sleeves tied behind her neck, and that kept them on. The bustier that was shaped to cup and elevate her breasts was buckled behind her and very tight.

  Raiden brushed her hair, and he put a coronet on her to hold her hair. Heavy necklaces were draped around her neck and hung between her breasts. When he was done, he stepped back to look at her, and he shuddered. “I will be your lady’s maid any day of the week that you want to wear this. I would take a picture, but I think you would kill me.”

  She chuckled. “You are correct there. I said it was only once per month. If I do end up pregnant, this corset is not waist friendly.”

  “But it does look spectacular.”

  She turned slowly. “But I can’t bend or flex. It would be like fucking a doll. Even the sleeves are too snug. That sculptor was an asshole.”

  He laughed and stepped behind her. “Perhaps we should alter things a little. Do you have an alternative in mind?”

  She smiled and whispered her options to Raiden. He tailored the clothing to her, and when she was dressed in a light grey silk with a high-waisted stomacher with all the embroidery, she smiled.

  He traced his fingers over her nipples and whispered, “Almost as good.”

  She chuckled and placed her hands over his. “Bring the rain.”

  He blinked. “What?”

  “You heard me. Bring the rain.”

  His smile was bemused as she stepped back and raised her head to the warm, falling drops. She spun slowly with her arms out, and as her clothing got wet, she was the next thing to naked. She slowly stopped spinning and looked at him with rain on her lashes. “So, better or worse?”


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