Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me 2

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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me 2 Page 2

by Angie Hayes

  Once I got home, I went upstairs to my master bath and filled my tub up with hot water and my peach bubble bath. I lit my candles and turned on my Pandora to the Luther Vandross station, as I got in the tub to relax. I felt so much peace and calm as the hot water caressed my body and the music filled the bathroom.

  I closed my eyes and started reminiscing back to the last time Eddie and I made love. I placed my fingers inside my pussy and started grinding on them imaging that it was his tongue. As I started going faster, I felt myself cuming as I put my right tittie in my mouth to suck on its nipple. Seconds later I came so hard that I had to catch my breath.

  I got up to cut the shower on and wash myself off. After I got out of the shower, I was tired from my little semi fuck session I had in the tub by myself; so I lotioned up and got into my bed to go to sleep. I quickly dozed off only to be awaken by a soft tongue nibbling on my clit.

  “Hmmm.” I moaned as I started stirring in my sleep.

  I didn’t know if it was a dream or not, but this shit was feeling so good! I opened my eyes to find Eddie having his way down there.

  “Damn baby, lick that shit.” I whispered as I grabbed the top of his head.

  Eddie had my legs wrapped around his head as he continued to lick my pussy. He then started sucking on my inner thighs and making his way up to my face.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him as he laid on top of me.

  “You said we needed to talk to so I came over. I saw you lying here looking sexy ass fuck with nothing on so I couldn’t help myself I had to taste you.” Eddie responded as he started kissing on my neck.

  My neck is my spot so he had my pussy so drenching wet it felt like I pissed the bed. I opened my legs wider as I felt his thick pole slide up in my hot box.

  “Ooh” I moaned out as I arched my back.

  “Damn baby this pussy always tight every time I dive right in.” Eddie whispered in my ear as he was pumping in and out.

  “I wanna ride this dick daddy.” I demanded

  We switched positions and I started riding Eddie like I was on a bull. I was contracting my pussy muscle walls together to grip his dick as I bounced up and down on it. We fucked hard for about twenty more minutes until we both came.

  “What a way to wake me up.” I said as I rolled from on top of him onto the bed.

  “Like I said I couldn’t resist yo sexy ass, never could.” Eddie told me as he got up and went into the bathroom.

  I heard the water running which let me know that he was washing my smell off of him. That right there brought me back to the reality of things.

  “So was it that you wanted to talk about?” Eddie asked me as he came out of the bathroom fixing his pants.

  “Eddie I’m tired of this situation.”

  “What situation are you talking about Yolanda?”

  “This situation between us.” I said as I stood on my knees in the bed.

  “Come on Yolanda don’t start this shit again. Every time things are going good with us, here you go with the dramatics!”

  “Oh so now I’m with drama Eddie? Muthafucka all I want is for my kids and I to have the opportunity to be a family with you and you have a nerve to say I’m with the dramatics!” I yelled as I got up in his face.

  He knew I was beyond pissed because my heavy Puerto Rican accent was emerging.

  “Man look, we done been over this shit time after time Yolanda. I love you and definitely love all my kids, but I’m not leaving my home, that just ain’t happening! And you need to lower your tone with my kids down the hall.” Eddie seethed through his teeth.

  “If your ass was here more often you would have known that OUR kids are at a sleepover!” I said emphasizing on the word our. “And yea I know we had this discussion before, but like I said I’m tired of it!”

  “I swear if I knew this is what you wanted to talk about, I would have stayed my ass home. I got training camp coming up and I don’t need to be stressed out about shit else man. Aye look, I’m out. I’ll holla at you later when you calm down.” Eddie got up and kissed me on the forehead and left out the room. Shortly I heard the front door close. Every time I try to talk to him about changing things with us, his ass always seems to avoid the subject and up and leaves. Well I got something for his ass because I refuse to continue to just sit back and allow me and my kids to be a secret.


  I was so tired and worn out from my fuck fest yesterday with Katrina that I didn’t even hear Eddie when he came home late last night, hell it could have been this morning for all I know. I don’t know how I ended up back in the web of Katrina pussy, but I was hooked once again! This chick must have some crypto-night or something, because just like before I can’t get enough of her. Only this time I’m not only betraying my husband again, but I’m also betraying my good friend Kema.

  Not only should I not be fucking with Katrina again and cheating on my husband, but as soon as I found out that she was fucking around with Rashaad I should have told Kema about it. But, I knew blowing their cover would blow my mine as well, so I just kept my mouth shut and my pussy open. I rolled over to find Eddie side of the bed empty. I heard the sounds of the TV and the kids laughing downstairs which let me know Eddie was up with them.

  I went to the bathroom to handle my hygiene and headed downstairs to join them.

  “Good morning baby.” Eddie greeted me as I came into the kitchen. He was making what looked to be turkey bacon and pancakes on the griddle while brewing coffee.

  “Morning handsome. Hello my babies.” I said to everyone as I made my rounds to give each of them a kiss.

  Guilt was overcoming me and my conscience was kicking in. If my secret got out I could lose everything I have right here. I knew Katrina wasn’t worth it but I just couldn’t stop!

  “So what time did you get in last night?” I asked as I poured myself some coffee.

  “I’m not sure, it was pretty late. Rashaad called me and needed to holler at me about some shit he had going on.”

  Immediately, my mind went to wondering if Kema found out about Katrina and Rashaad. I needed to call her up and see what she knew or if she knew anything at all.

  “They always got some shit going on.” I replied.

  The kids were called for breakfast and we all sat around the table said a prayer and ate like the family we were. If, only they knew that a part of my prayer was asking God to forgive me for getting my juices sucked out of me last night by another woman.


  It’s been three weeks since I found out about Rashaad and Katrina and I’d be lying if I said that this shit wasn’t eating me up. When Rashaad is around I pretend like the shit doesn’t even exist. I continued to make sure he came home to cooked meals every day, the house stayed clean; I made sure I was always on point every time he saw me with my hair, nails, feet and outfits. I definitely made sure I fucked him every night as if he was the last nigga on earth and this was the best pussy he was ever gone have!

  If Katrina thought that her being the hoe that she was and getting pregnant by my man was going to push me away, that bitch had another thing coming. I put entirely too much into my relationship to let anyone fuck it up!

  “So what do you want for dinner tonight bae?” I asked Rashaad.

  We were both in the living room on the couch lounging, while he watched an old classic Super bowl game on the NFL Network Channel.

  Normally, while he watches those games, I busy myself and leave him alone to watch his games in peace, but since things have been good between us with no arguing and drama lately, I decided to do whatever I had to in order to keep it this way.

  “Whatever you feel like cooking is fine by me.” Rashaad responded not taking his eyes off the TV.

  “Fine, I’ll just make us some shrimp pasta with broccoli and garlic toast.” I told him.

  “That’ll do.” He said.

  Just then I heard our door bell. I got up to see who was at the door since Rashaad was still into the ga
me on TV. I looked through the peep hole and immediately saw red! I looked to see Katrina’s ass standing on the other side of my fucking door. I snatched that shit open ready to beat this bitch ass!

  “What the fuck yo ass doing at our house?” I yelled at the bitch soon as I opened the door.

  “My, my, such language coming from a prissy lil chick like yourself.” Katrina laughed.

  I promise you if this trick wasn’t pregnant I would have dragged her ass in my front door and beat the shit out of her. Then I would have called the police and said she was trespassing.

  “I may be prissy, but I damn sho’ know how to keep my legs closed to other people’s man! Now what the fuck do you want?” I asked her again still standing there blocking my doorway.

  “Girl please, you need to be worried about why yo man couldn’t stay out this pussy, now where is my baby daddy? Since he seems like he can’t answer the phone I decided to come over here and see what the fuck his problem is.”

  Before I could respond Rashaad came up from behind me.

  “Katrina what are you doing here?” He questioned her.

  “Really Rashaad? You just think yo ass can play me to the left now that this bitch knows that I can give you something she obviously can’t?” Katrina threw in my face.

  I swear this bitch was just inches away from miscarrying. Especially, since she wanted to hit below the belt.

  “Look Katrina just go home and I’ll call you later.” Rashaad asked her as if he was begging.

  “No Rashaad, let’s see what the bitch has to say. After all, she is your baby momma and that is my step child she’s carrying.” I said as I smirked back in the bitch face. Immediately, you could tell by my comment that she was heated. Katrina started laughing before responding.

  “Oh, so you think that lil step momma comment was supposed to hurt me? Here is something you need to learn Kema. I just don’t give a fuck boo! Rashaad can have you, me and ten other bitches which I’m sure he does.” She said looking at him smiling while he just stood there like a fucking dummy shaking his head. “Long as he takes care of us, I’m good.” She laughed rubbing her stomach.

  “Katrina can you please just go home?” Rashaad pleaded again.

  “Whatever Rashaad. Next time I call, you need to answer the phone or be knocking at my door. Although, I think knocking at my door will be better considering the fact that OUR baby misses you feeding it.” Katrina blew a kiss at Rashaad and turned around to leave.

  I slammed the front door so damn hard I just knew it made a crack in the wall.

  “Baby I’ll handle it, don’t worry.” Rashaad tried to comfort me as he reached out to hug me.

  I quickly moved out of his reach, turned around and went upstairs to our bedroom. I went inside the bathroom and slammed the door shut and locked it. I sat on the toilet and cut the shower on so that it could drown out the sounds of me crying. If Katrina main goal was coming here and pissing me off, she succeeded.

  I heard Rashaad on the other side of the door asking me to open up so that we could talk, but I wasn’t trying to hear him right now. I knew once I found out about him and Katrina and still chose to stay by his side, that I would have to deal with her and her drama; but this bitch had me wanting to commit a double murder of her and that fucking baby.


  Things were going cool between Kema and I until Katrina ass showed up at our front door with the bullshit. It’s true, I have been ignoring her calls and texts, but I needed to make sure my home was straight before I dealt with her again. I guess her lil pop up visit must have really gotten to Kema because she has been walking around the house with a funky ass attitude and ignoring a nigga. With training camp coming up, the last thing I needed right now was fucking drama.

  I decided to hit my man Eddie up and see if he wanted to meet up for drinks. It’s been a minute since we caught up and I really need some shots right now. Once he texted me back saying he was down, we decided to meet up at Sidebar which is a sports bar in downtown Atlanta with some fye ass wings and drinks.

  “I’m a head out to Sidebar for a while with Eddie, I’ll see you later.” I said to Kema before heading out the door.

  “That’s fine.” She said to me dryly while on her laptop.

  I knew she was still mad, but I wasn’t about to kiss her ass, so I just bounced. Thirty minutes later I pulled up to Sidebar and went inside. I found Eddie at the bar already starting to drink without me.

  “What’s up my dude?” I greeted him a light slap on his shoulder and sat down. I immediately ordered a shot of Jack Daniels straight.

  “Damn something must be going ‘cause yo ass going straight for the hard stuff and not that baby shit you usually get.” Eddie teased me laughing.

  “Man you don’t know the half.” I told him as I took my shit to the head.

  I started filling him in on everything that went down from the time Kema caught me and Katrina at the Doctor’s office up until now.

  “Man I need to have a drink for yo ass after hearing this shit!” Eddie laughed as he downed his drink.

  Although, I knew shit wasn’t funny, I had to laugh with him.

  “So what you gone do because it sound like Katrina ain’t gone be nothing but drama.”

  “I know man, but shit what can I do? She carrying my seed and in order for me to be in my shorty life I have to deal with her.” I reassured him.

  “And what about Kema. I mean I know this shit is killing her man.”

  “I know it is, but she told me that no matter what that she was still riding with me so I guess her ass is gonna have to find a way to deal with it.” I took a swig from my third shot and was starting to relax.

  For the next twenty minutes, we sat there still shooting the breeze talking about this upcoming season eating and drinking when this bad ass Puerto Rican chick interrupts us.

  “So I see you can make time to have drinks but you can’t make time to come by the house Eddie?”

  Eddie looked like his ass was about to choke on that damn chicken bone he was eating. I on the other hand was sitting back and getting ready to enjoy this little show. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on or who this chick was because as far as I knew, Eddie was a one woman man.

  “Yolanda what the fuck you doing here?” Eddie questioned the chick.

  “I’m here trying to have a relax time considering the fact that I’m home with your damn kids all the time!” She blurted out.

  I started coughing uncontrollably from swallowing my drink. I know damn well she just didn’t say his kids?

  Eddie grabbed her arm and moved her closer to him so nobody else could hear their conversation, but I was ear shot away and listening my ass off.

  “I know damn well you not trying to show yo ass off in public with me Yolanda. I don’t know what the fuck is going on with you lately, but I suggest you take yo ass home and straighten it out!” Eddie warned her ass in a threating whisper.

  The chick just snatched away from him and stormed out the door.

  “I see I’m not the only one with women trouble.” I teased him as he turned back around to the bar and ordered another drink.

  “That ain’t nothing I can’t handle, besides I been doing it for years now.” Eddie said as he threw back his shot.

  Did I just hear this nigga right? Handling this shit for years? All this time I been coming to him and telling him my fucked up situation when all along he been in the same boat as me.

  “Nigga I think you need to fill me in since you always down my back about the shit I got going on with Kema and Katrina.” I demanded.

  I sat there for the next thirty minutes or so as Eddie explained how he has this whole other family and kids with this Yolanda chick. Once he was done I couldn’t do shit but shake my head.

  “I know I’m the last person to judge ya dog, but Pam is gone kick yo ass if she ever finds this shit out.” I reminded his ass laughing.

  “Pam a do more than that, which is why I have always ha
d my shit intact; but lately Yolanda been on some other shit and I ain’t having that.”

  “So what you gone do?” I asked him.

  “I’m a get my shit and my bitch back in order that’s what I’m a do. Yolanda knew from jump I wasn’t leaving my home and she was cool with that. Now all of a sudden she wanna be giving demands and shit. I take good care of her and my girls so she shouldn’t have no fucking complaints.” Eddie explained.

  I couldn’t do nothing but agree with him. As fucked up as both of our situations were, he was telling the truth. If a nigga providing for you and his, then you shouldn’t be ungrateful by complaining and trying to cause drama. I decided to swing by Katrina place once I leave here and make sure we got a better understanding on shit. Once Eddie and I were done, we paid the tab and left.

  One the way over to Katrina’s, I decided that it was time for me to put some order in my own situation. Katrina may be having my baby, but she damn sure wasn’t about to fuck up my life in the process.


  After I left Rashaad house that day after fucking with Kema, I still haven’t heard from his ass. That’s ok though, because little did he know I was just getting started. The thought of Kema trying to play his ride or die bitch by saying my baby was gone be her step child was hilarious! Shit in all honesty I could care less because I really didn’t want to be no damn momma, but I wanted to be a paid bitch and this baby was my guarantee.

  I was packing for my quick trip I had to make to New York in the morning when I heard my front door slam. I already knew it was Rashaad because he was the only one with a key to my place.

  “Where the fuck you going?” he questioned me, standing in my bedroom doorway.


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