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Goldilock's Misunderstood Billionaire

Page 7

by Laura Ann

  Finley might not sleep in the buff, but the silky pajama pants and bare chest were almost worse.

  Goldie closed her eyes and gulped. Oh my gosh, how can one guy be this attractive? Her eyes popped back open. And why the heck do I care? She clenched her teeth. I don’t!

  Putting her hand on her cocked hip, she tossed her curls. “Well, as your girlfriend, I thought I would help you come up with some good inspiration for your art project.”

  Finley reached the door and put his hand on either side of the frame. He leaned down, a scowl on his face.

  Uh, oh. Goldie gulped.

  “Do you mean to tell me, that you broke into my house before the sun was even up just to help me do some ART!” His voice was extra gravely from sleep and when it rose at the end of his rant, Goldie couldn’t help but think he sounded like a grizzly bear being woken from hibernation.

  Goldie clenched her fists to keep from running her hands through the rumpled hair on his head. Suddenly, she couldn’t help it. She giggled.

  Finley’s angry stare turned into one of confusion.

  Whether it was nerves, tension or just the absurdity of the whole situation, Goldie couldn’t help but think she might have cracked. Giggles bubbled through her lips and before she knew it, it had developed into a full-blown belly laugh.

  “I’m sorry!” She gasped between bouts of laughter. “It’s just, this whole situation... I can’t... your face...” She doubled over, gasping for breath.

  Finley growled and turned back to his room. “Find your way back to the family room, I’ll be down in a minute.” He stopped. “I assume you remember where that is? Since you broke in and all?”

  Goldie had finally gotten herself under control. “I didn’t break in at all!” She sniffed and turned to walk away. “Your door was unlocked.”

  Finley shook his head and turned toward the attached bathroom.

  When Goldie heard a door click, she glanced over her shoulder. The bedroom door was still open and with a quick grin, she turned and darted inside. Keeping one ear tuned to the bathroom in the corner, she ran over the bed and pushed both hands down on it.

  She sighed in contentment. “Ah, yeah. That’s what a bed should be. Just right.” Glancing at the bathroom door again, she ran out and didn’t stop until she had reached the sitting area and had jumped into the recliner.

  FINLEY SHOOK HIS HEAD as he came out of his bedroom and looked over the railing, into the room below. There, snuggled into his favorite recliner was a blonde-headed sprite who didn’t seem to know anything about personal boundaries. He ran his hand through his hair. “All for the sake of art,” he grumbled.

  Blowing a large breath out, he headed towards the stairs. “Comfortable?” He asked as he descended.

  Goldie didn’t move, in fact, it appeared as if she snuggled into the chair even more. “Oh, yeah. This chair is just perfect.”

  “Yeah, it’s my favorite too,” he said with a smirk.

  “Unlike that one,” Goldie pointed at another chair across the room. “It’s a lying hypocrite.”

  Finley stopped. “What did you do? Try out all my furniture?” It was still slightly dark, so it was hard to see, but it appeared as if Goldie was blushing.

  “I plead the fifth,” she said defensively.

  Finley rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” He put his hand in his jean pockets. “All right. I’m up, What did you want to do?” He yawned.

  “Well, it’s too late to go somewhere, so,” she stood and walked toward his back doors. “Come on, we can watch from out here. You have a fantastic view.”

  “Go ahead, make yourself at home,” he muttered as he followed her, his socks sliding along the hardwood floors.

  He followed her out onto the deck that overlooked a canyon. Muted colors were just beginning to shoot across the sky. Finley had a short, hard shiver rock through his body as the nip in the air cooled his skin.

  “Cold?” Goldie asked with concern in her voice.

  “Yeah. Maybe you could hold me and warm me up,” Finley said with a smirk. “Isn’t that what a girlfriend would do?”

  Goldie snorted. “I think your ego is big enough to keep you warm.” She turned back to the sunrise. “Here it goes, now watch and listen.”

  Finley’s brow furrowed. Listen? What the heck is she talking about? Pinching his lips, he turned toward the horizon... and was bored after two-point-four seconds. “I didn’t know the sun made any noise,” he mock whispered out of the side of his mouth.

  Goldie tisked her tongue. “You have to actually be quiet to hear it.” She glanced at him through the corner of her eye. “Let go of your inhibitions, Fin. Let nature take over.” She pointed out over the canyon. “Notice how the entire world is dark and cold. Shapes are only discernible in shades of grey and black, leaving us feeling cold and dark.” Her finger shifted to the where the light was getting brighter. “Now, notice the strength of the sun. First, its light is so eager, it can’t wait for the sun itself to crest the horizon. If you still your mind, you can actually see the light move.”

  Finley nearly jumped when Goldie’s voice came from directly under his ear. As his eyes were trained on the valley, she had stepped closed enough that their arms brushed, sending warmth and sparks through him. And I’m supposed to focus on the sun? Yeah, right.

  “Come on, Fin. Open yourself up. Start by closing your eyes,” she whispered.

  Finley looked heavenward and mumbled for a moment before following her instructions. “How can I open myself if I’m closing things?”

  “By letting your other senses take over,” Goldie explained. “Now, feel.” She stepped behind him and began lifting his arms up.

  “Am I supposed to shout about being a king now?” Finley asked.

  Goldie barked out a laugh before containing herself. “Please, don’t. In fact, turn off your mouth too.”

  “Bossy,” he grumbled before pinching his lips together.

  “Now, feel, Fin. Feel as the sun’s rays begin to warm up the world, waking it from a long night’s sleep. Listen, and you will hear the leaves and the trees begin to stir,” she whispered.

  Her voice was husky and soothing and Finley found himself entranced by her words. Without another sarcastic word, he did his best to follow her instructions. Slowly, he tuned his senses into what was in front of him. After several long moments, he could almost tell what she was talking about.

  In the distance, a few birds began to stir, letting random chirps and squeaks loose into the still air. Slight rustling noises accompanied the sounds. His cheeks proved to be particularly sensitive to the temperature changes, and he noticed that the slight bite from when he had come out was beginning to thaw.

  “Can you feel the anticipation of the world? How everything is waiting, just waiting for the one thing that gives us all life? Feel it crawl up from your toes, rising and tingling through your body with the rise of the sun itself,” she continued.

  For a moment, Finley felt like the world held still. For one minute space in time, everything slowed. His breathing hitched, the raising temperature stilled and the very earth itself seemed to pause collectively.

  “Now, open your eyes,” Goldie encouraged.

  Time jumped back into existence as he obeyed. Streaks of purple, orange, yellow and red flooded the sky, searching tendrils that darted and danced from object to object. Everything they touched seem to come to life. The bird’s picked up their songs, the shadows gave way to luscious colors and Finley felt his body suck in a breath that awoke every nerve ending inside of him.

  Finley had never felt so alive and he couldn’t help but turn his gaze to the woman at his side. She had her head tilted up, facing the sun. Her eyes were closed, yet a content smile played on her cupid bow lips. The golden rays of the sun danced through her blonde curls, causing them to appear as if they were spun gold.

  Finley’s body tensed as he watched her; every muscle tightly coiled. When she opened her eyes and turned the bright, orbs his way, he coul
d wait no longer. Reaching out, he bracketed her face with his large hands and pulled her in.

  The emotions and energies running through him were overwhelming and he poured everything into this particular outlet. Their gentle kiss in the parking lot was history. Instead, Finley kissed her as if she was the very bringer of life itself.

  Sliding one hand further into her hair, he let the other slide down her back until he was able to pull her into his body, connecting them all the way down. Goldie’s hands slid up to his shoulders as she tucked herself in as close as she could go.

  Not enough. It’s not enough. Rang through Finley’s mind as he hunched over. Stumbling backwards a few feet, he pulled her with him until his feet found a chair and he fell into it.

  A startled whimper came from Goldie when their connection broke and Finley mentally agreed with her. Reaching out, he grabbed her around the waist and deposited her on his lap. As he leaned back in, Goldie put a hand on his chest.

  “Fin, maybe we-”

  “No,” he murmured as he stopped her lips with his own. “Not yet.”

  It took only a split second for Goldie to give in to him. He kept one hand in those magnificent, wild curls and the other wrapped around her waist, holding her as tight as he could. With the easier proximity to her mouth, he deepened the kiss and nearly groaned when she answered his demand.

  Numb. For over a year I’ve been numb. It hadn’t occurred to Finley how much of himself had been shut down when he had found out the truth about Victoria. But now... He couldn’t begin to describe all the emotions running through his body. All he knew was that he owed it all to the tiny woman in his arms.

  Her feisty attitude and persistent pushing had broken through the brick wall he had erected and he wasn’t sure how he was going to go back to his normal existence after their relationship was over.

  Who says it has to be over? The thought was startling enough to jerk Finley out of the kiss. His chest was heaving as he pulled back just far enough to look at the woman in his arms.

  After a moment, Goldie’s eyes fluttered open. Her bright, red lips were a solid testament that she had been well kissed, along with the wild, tangle of curls around her head from where his hands had run through them.

  “Wow...” Goldie breathed.

  Finley groaned and put his forehead to hers. I shouldn’t have done that. This is a fake relationship. She’s only here to help get the press and Victoria off my back. He took a deep breath. “Look, Goldie I’m sor-”

  Goldie’s eyes widened and she jumped out of his lap. “No. Stop.” She ran her fingers through her hair, her movements were jerky and stiff. “I, uh, I got carried away.” She cleared her throat, her eyes darting everywhere but at him. “I mean, I get it, you know, the sunrise and all can be super romantic, you know, it just... I...” Her eyes hit the french doors they had come through. “I should go,” she said as she began inching toward them. “I’m sure you felt inspired enough this morning to do a little brainstorming. Let me know when you want to do your art project.” With that, she shot into the house before Finley could stop her. After a few moments, he heard his front door slam and a car squeal out of his driveway.

  With a groan born of frustration and confusion, Finley put his face in his hands. “Oh, I was inspired all right,” he grumbled. “In all the wrong ways.”


  Goldie spent two days calling herself ten kinds of a fool. “It’s not real, it’s not real.” she chanted over and over again. Maybe one of these times, I’ll actually believe it. Goldie couldn’t get the kiss out of her head. Despite her frustration with Finley’s attitude and ego, that kiss had been life changing.

  At twenty-six years old, Goldie had kissed a few guys. But nothing in her life had prepared her for the all encompassing reaction her body would have to Finley Gruffman.

  “He only kissed you because you were an available female. You were both caught up in the moment. It was all too romantic as the sun rose and light flooded the world.” She huffed. Even as she said the words, she knew they were wrong. Something had changed in Finley during their kiss. She had felt it after he had pulled her into his lap. He might have been caught up in the moment when he started, but by the end, it was as if he needed her.

  Goldie sighed and her shoulders slumped as she drove her car. And being needed is an intoxicating thing.

  She pulled her car into the parking lot of the warehouse she’d had her eye on for the art exhibit. The owner had agreed to meet with her so she could go through the interior and figure out what all was needed in order to have it ready for the show in a few weeks. A check from Finley’s accountant had come through a few days prior and Goldie was giddy at the thought of making this the best exhibit they had had to date.

  As she stepped out of her vehicle, a man in a baseball cap caught her eye. He was standing by the door of the building, smiling wide. He’s cute. Goldie thought as she approached. Too bad he doesn’t send lightning through my veins like Finley does. The thought made Goldie want to growl. Finley is not yours, you ninny! Your relationship with him is fake! He’s a spoiled playboy who will kiss anything female within ten miles, so don’t take anything he does seriously.

  “Hello, I’m Steve Miller,” the man said as she approached.

  Putting out her hand, Goldie answered, “And I’m Goldie Lockwood.”

  After shaking her hand, Steve looked her up and down and chuckled. “You’re not quite what I expected when I heard someone wanted to rent the space for an art gallery.”

  Goldie stiffened her spine and stuck her chin in the air. “Artists come in all sizes and shapes,” she tilted her head, “just like normal people.”

  The chuckle broke into a light laugh. Steve put up his hands. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way. I expected an old, crotchety woman who was going to chew my ear off about every grain of dust and ask impossible angles for the light fixtures.”

  Goldie raised an eyebrow. “How do you know I won’t do the same thing?”

  Steve gave a crooked smile. “Call it intuition.”

  Goldie burst out laughing. “Well, I don’t think I’ve quite reached crotchety, old woman stage yet, but I do have fairly specific ideas of how I want things set up. Although, I will try to not make impossible requests.”

  Steve grinned wider. “Sounds like a plan. This is for a school event?”

  “Yes! I’m the Art Director at Middleton Prep and every year we do a showcase for our juniors and seniors!” Goldie’s hands flew through the air as she began telling Mr. Miller all about the project. Talking about her students and their art was exciting and Goldie was always willing to share.

  “Hello, Beautiful,” a deep, growly voice said in Goldie’s ear.

  Goldie froze and Steve frowned. Where the heck did he come from? Turning slightly, Goldie pasted a smile on her face. “Hello, Fin. I didn’t expect to see you today.”

  “I was in the bank across the street and saw my favorite lady over here flirting with someone.” His dark eyes pierced straight through her. “I thought maybe I should come check it out.”

  Is he jealous? Goldie refused to feel guilty. She hadn’t been doing anything wrong, no matter what Finley thought. “Flirting?” She laughed lightly, glancing carefully at the still scowling Steve. “I think you are mixing up flirting and boring to death. I was telling Mr. Miller, here, about the art showcase.”

  Finley’s stoic face didn’t change.

  She tilted her chin down and tried to use her eyes to tell him to play nice. “He owns the building I’m going to be renting,” she said through a tight smile.

  Finley raised a brow. “Oh, you mean the one you’re going to rent because of my money?”

  Goldie huffed and folded her arms across her chest. “Yes. That one,” she said flatly. What is wrong with him?

  “Okay, well...” Steven rubbed a hand across the back of his neck, obviously uncomfortable with the tense exchange. “Shall we?” He opened the door and swept an arm toward the interior.r />
  “Yep!” Goldie put extra pep into her voice. “Let’s go take a look.” She walked through the door and glanced back. She nearly groaned when Finley followed her, smirking at Steve as he walked past him.

  Fin has like six inches and fifty pounds on the guy. What the heck is he trying to prove?

  Finley put a possessive arm around her shoulders. “So, what exactly are we looking for?”

  Goldie resisted the temptation to roll her eyes. “Well, darling, I wanted to have a walk through so I knew what kind of supplies I would need in order to have everything set up the way I wanted for the show.”

  Finley nodded sagely. “Show me what you need.”

  Goldie eyed him. Is he honestly interested? Or is he just putting on a show? As she stared into Finley’s bottomless eyes, she felt herself falling under a spell she wasn’t sure she wanted out of. The sensations from their last kiss went through her mind and Goldie was positive the sparks she felt were visible to everyone.

  Clearing her throat, she forced her eyes away, coming to land on Steve, who was watching her and Fin with a confused expression on his face.

  “Right.” She rubbed her hands together. “I want to look at lighting, where I can place hangings, and a good place for display tables. We also will have a section for refreshments, so I need to know the best place for those.”

  Steven nodded and turned. “Okay, well this front wall, as you can see gets lots of natural-”

  “Goldie! What the heck are you doing in here?” Ridge asked as he and Sawyer burst into the building.

  Goldie’s jaw dropped as she looked at her brothers. “Ridge, Sawyer, what are you two doing here?”

  Sawyer glared at Finley’s arm over her shoulder, before looking back to Goldie. “We saw you three walk in as we were coming out of the hardware store.” He crossed his arms over his chest, eyeing Steve standing across the room. “What are you guys doing?”

  Goldie let out a long sigh. “Mr. Miller, I guess I should make introductions. I apologize that I haven’t been as polite as I should. This,” she indicated next to her, “is Finley Gruffman. My... boyfriend.” She hoped no one noticed her small hesitation. She bit her lip to swallow a laugh as Finley smiled triumphantly at Steve. Geez, like Steve was ever competition. “And these,” she indicated the two newcomers, “are my brothers, Ridge and Sawyer Lockwood.”


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