Playboy Pilot

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Playboy Pilot Page 13

by Penelope Ward

  “God, it’s just too much to take sometimes,” he said before suddenly exiting the bathroom, leaving me completely aroused even though I’d just come.

  When I came out fully dressed, Carter no longer had an erection, which made me wonder if he’d gone to his room and jerked off. That thought turned me on even more.

  After he’d taken his own shower, he emerged from the bathroom, looking delicious with his wet hair slicked back and donning cargo shorts and a fitted T-shirt. “Ready for the neighborhood tour?”

  “Sure.” I smiled.

  The Florida sun was shining brightly as Carter and I walked about a block until we came upon a line-up of about fifty Segway scooters parked along a fence. He bent down and unlocked two of them.

  “What is going on?”

  “These scooters belong to everyone in the neighborhood. They give us a key that unlocks them. It’s what most people use to get around.”

  So strange.

  Carter was so big that he looked kind of ridiculous as he got on one and started down the road to demonstrate how it worked. He turned around after a short time to help me onto mine until I was comfortable with how to ride it.

  Unable to contain the smile on my face as we scooted along, I listened as Carter pointed out important features of the gated neighborhood, such as a lake that ran alongside it, a small community center and an in-ground pool. The area was massive; it was starting to make sense why people travelled around on scooters.

  As we continued riding, something else became abundantly clear. We hadn’t passed anyone under the age of seventy-five. Also, everyone who scooted past us had either blue hair or no hair at all.

  “There sure are a lot of senior citizens in your neighborhood.”

  Almost as soon as the words had exited my mouth, Carter nearly fell off the Segway. He stopped and began to laugh hysterically. It wasn’t a normal laugh. It was a full on laughing fit.

  He held his stomach as he said, “I was waiting for you to catch on, Perky.”

  “Catch on to what?”

  “You’re so cute.” He hopped off the scooter and kissed my nose.

  “Why are you laughing at me?”

  “It took you long enough.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “There aren’t just a lot of senior citizens here, Kendall. Pretty much everyone is. This is a community for active seniors over the age of sixty-five. Most of the residents are actually in their seventies and eighties.”



  “What the hell are you doing living here then?”

  “That’s the question of the year, isn’t it?” He gave me a quick pat on the ass. “Come on. Get back on the scooter. I’ll tell you a little story.”

  As we zipped along, Carter began to explain. “Okay, so a couple of years ago, my grandmother passed away.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks. Anyway, my condo was actually hers. She and her cat Matilda lived here for many years. After she died, I was surprised to learn that she’d left me the condo in her will.”

  “Why you and not your sisters?”

  “I think she didn’t want to have to choose between the two of them. They’re very competitive. She’d left them some money and gave the condo to me. I’d had every intention of selling it. But when I flew down to clean it out, I realized with each day spent down here that I’d never been more at peace in my life. It didn’t matter what I looked like, what I did for a living…no women my age to have to worry about fucking over. It was like a total escape and hideout.”

  “So, you stayed.”

  “I did.”

  “Are you the only young person here?”

  “As far as I know, I am. But the thing is…even if I wanted to leave now, I’d feel a little guilty.”


  “This is gonna sound strange…”

  “Strange?” I quipped full of sarcasm. “There’s nothing about this situation that’s strange!”

  “Many of these people have come to depend on me. For the most part, I live a pretty selfish life when I’m flying. But when I’m here, I leave my ego in the sky. You know? Helping these people out, whether it’s driving them to run errands or lifting something…it makes me feel good.”

  Then, it hit me. “Oh my God. The Suburban. That’s why you have such a big car, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah.” He chuckled.

  “You’re like that van that shows up at the supermarket trucking the elderly around.”

  “Basically, a few times a month, I am.”

  “Wow. I guess there are a whole lot of things I didn’t realize about you, Carter.”

  “There’s a lot more I hope to show you, baby. Trust me.”

  “Don’t even try to act sexy on that fucking thing,” I said as we continued to roll along.

  “This would definitely be the first time I’ve ever tried to seduce someone on a Segway.”

  “Where are we going anyway?”

  “We’re almost there.”


  “My father’s house.”

  “Your father? I thought your parents were in Michigan?”

  “They are.”

  “I’m confused.”

  “You’ll get it pretty quickly. Remember what you told me back in Amsterdam…to just play along?”


  “That’s what I’m about to ask you to do.”

  CARTER HAD A KEY to enter one of the other units. A man who looked to be in his eighties sat in front of an older television set.

  “It’s about time, Brucey! My fucking feet are killing me.”


  Carter glanced over at me with a smile. “Don’t embarrass me in front of my friend, old man.”

  “What are you doing with Michelle Pfeiffer?”

  “It’s not Michelle Pfeiffer, Pops.”

  “Who is it, then?”

  “Her name is Kendall.”

  “Ken Doll?”

  Carter raised his voice. “Kendall…Kendall.”

  “Whatever. Come cut my toe nails.”

  “They haven’t been done since I was last here?”

  “Who else is gonna do them?” the man grumbled.

  “True. Where did you put the clippers?”

  “Fuck if I know.”

  “You’re gonna send me on a scavenger hunt again?”

  “Get me some prune juice while you’re up. Been backed up for days,” he said before letting out a big fart.



  “Oh, that one sounded wet!” Carter joked before nudging his head for me to follow him down the hall.

  “Who is he, Carter?”

  Carter spoke low, “Name’s Gordon Reitman. He was a friend of my grandmother’s. In her will, she asked me to keep an eye out for him. He has nobody else. His wife kicked off a few years before Grandma passed. He gets a visit from some nurses a couple of times a week, but it’s not really enough.”

  “Why does he call you Brucey?”

  “Bruce was his son’s name. Only child. The kid died in a car accident as a teenager. When Gordon started losing his mind, he started to think Bruce was still alive and that I was grown-up Bruce. I tried to correct him once, and he didn’t believe me. Got belligerent. So, I just went with it.”

  “He really believes that you’re him, or he just wants to believe it?”

  “I think he really does believe it at this point, yes.”


  Carter fished through some drawers in Gordon’s bathroom and finally located the small plastic bag containing the clippers. He also placed two rubber gloves over his hands.

  “Why do you need those to cut his nails?”

  “You’ll soon find out.”

  Back in the living room, Carter sat down on an ottoman in front of Gordon’s feet before pulling the old man’s socks off. His toenails were yellow and crusty. It became abundantly clear now why Carter was using the latex gloves.
  While he began to tend to Gordon’s toes, I walked over to a mantle that displayed pictures of a young boy in a baseball cap. There was another picture of the same boy as a teenager. Then, on the far end of the mantle was a picture of Carter, kneeling down next to Gordon.

  “Ow, fucking hell!” Gordon yelled, prompting me to turn around.

  “Hold your foot still and watch your language in front of my girl, Pops, or I’ll have to tickle your feet.” Carter proceeded to tickle the bottom of Gordon’s foot briefly as a warning, and the old man let out an uncharacteristic cackle.

  “There’ll be more where that came from,” Carter said.

  “Bout time you brought a girl home, son.”

  Carter looked over at me. “Well, this one is special.”

  Had he never brought a woman to this place?

  “I loved you in Grease,” Gordon said.

  I looked at Carter in confusion. “Hmm?”

  “Apparently, he still thinks you’re Michelle Pfeiffer. Just go with it.” Carter put the clippers back in the bag. “All set.”

  To my amazement, Carter then started to pump some lotion into his hands and began rubbing Gordon’s feet. The old man bent his head back on the chair and closed his eyes. He started to moan out in ecstasy. After several minutes, the moaning turned to snoring. Gordon was out like a light.

  Carter got up, and I followed him into the bathroom. He suddenly turned around and lifted his lotion-covered hands teasingly. “Let me cup your face.”

  “Gross!” I laughed. “Take off those gloves!”

  “Come on, you know you want some of what I have.”

  “Carter, seriously, no joke. Clean your hands off if you ever want to dream of touching me again.”

  He inched closer teasingly and wriggled his brows. “Nothing wrong with a little fungus.”


  “Alright. Alright.”

  Carter removed the gloves before washing his hands. He then turned around, slowly backing me against the wall and planting a warm kiss on my lips.

  Running my fingers through his hair, I looked into his eyes. “You know, I’ve been slowly learning to trust you, seeing the person beneath the playboy pilot façade. But this, what you’ve been doing for this man—not just the feet stuff but letting him feel that he has some family—really shows me who you really are. It reminds me of how much I loved helping Wanda all those years ago and inspires me to be a better person. You’re selfless, Carter.”

  He inched closer. “Well, at this particular moment, I’m feeling the opposite of selfless…very greedy.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are, Perky?”

  “I think so, yes.”

  “No, I mean, really told you. I don’t think I’ve ever really made it clear aloud how badly I want you, and I need you to know that, before you try to leave. I know I’ve been on my best behavior, but I’m gonna be honest. Ever since we landed here in Florida, it’s getting harder for me to hold back. If you told me right now that you’d let me fuck you right this second, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to resist any longer. So, I’m just letting you know, that I’ve reached my breaking point—my dick’s reached it’s breaking point. I need to fuck you, need to be inside of you.”

  “Here? In this old man’s bathroom? With his dentures practically staring at us from the sink?”

  “If you told me you wanted it here… fuck yes. I’d fuck you right here. I wouldn’t waste another second of our precious time. But seriously, the ball’s in your court. I have a spare bedroom. You sleep in there tonight, alright?”

  “Wait. I don’t get it. Now, you’re telling me you don’t want to sleep with me?”

  “No. Not anymore. I can’t sleep next to you anymore with my dick pressed against your ass, unless you let me inside. A man can only take so much.”

  “Okay. I can understand that.”

  “And while I’m being honest with you, I’m gonna say something else, because things might get a little crazy tonight, and I might not have a chance.”


  “We only have a few days here. I know you have to spend some of that time deciding what to do. I feel at the very least, we’ve become close friends. So, as your friend, I need to let you know that I think you’d be making a huge mistake going ahead with the artificial insemination in Germany.”

  “Okay, tell me why.”

  “It’s a fuck of a lot of money at stake. I get that. But money isn’t everything, Kendall. Some day, when the panic of this deadline has passed, you’ll look back and regret giving up your beautiful baby. And believe me, that baby will be precious if it’s coming out of you. You can’t play around with human life. Not to mention, money can’t truly make you happy, either. I think your childhood is proof of that. It may not be millions, but that’s my two-cents. Pun intended.”

  I just stared into his eyes, absorbing his words before asking, “What makes you happy?”

  “You,” he said without hesitation. “You’re the only thing that’s made me happy in a really long time. And I don’t want to even imagine losing this feeling.”

  “Thank you. I feel the same, and your opinion on everything is noted. Believe me, I heard it loud and clear.”

  Carter let out a deep breath and looked down at his phone. “We’d better get out of here before he wakes up and makes me wash his ass.”

  “Say what? Has that happened before?”

  “He’s got a bad back…has trouble reaching behind himself. I’ll come back tomorrow and check in on him.”

  “God, you’re a saint.”

  “Nah. Just doing what any good son would do.” He winked.

  “Earlier you said we had a busy night. Is something happening tonight?”

  He looked way too amused for my comfort. “I’ll let you guess, but before you ponder it, just remember where you are.”

  “Give me a hint.”

  “It starts with a B.”


  “Fuck. Why did you have to say that? Now, I’m gonna be scooting down the road with major wood.”

  I concentrated and repeated to myself, “Where we are…where we are…I know! Barbecue!”

  “Good guess, but no. I’ll give you another hint. You might get lucky tonight.”

  I laughed. “Ball gag.”


  “That’s it? I’m right? Ball gag?”

  “No, Perky. Bingo. That’s the answer. It’s Bingo night.”

  “COME IN!” I YELLED over my shoulder as I stood in front of the mirror in the guest bedroom finishing tying up my hair into a ponytail.

  The door creaked open. “Come in? Fuck. You gotta stop talking dirty like that to me when we’re about to go out and be in front of a hundred senior citizens.”

  I laughed, “Come in isn’t dirty. It’s your brain that’s dirty, Carter.”

  He walked and stood close behind me, speaking to my reflection. “I think you should avoid using certain words tonight, like come and maybe a few others.”

  “What others might that be?”

  “Off the top of my head? Blow, suck, jerk, hole, ride, bend, swallow, inside, meat, nuts, slurp, taste, munch, lick, pull, yank, hot, warm, wet, nibble, throb, bang, cherry, box, eat, ache, stroke, push, pull, ram, screw, messy, plow, thrust, and fill.”

  My eyebrows shot up. “All of that was off the top of your head?”

  Carter looked down and groaned. “Fuck. Better add head to that list, too.”

  “I think you’ve gone insane.” Finishing my hair, I turned to face him. Since he had been standing behind me in the mirror, I hadn’t noticed what he was wearing. “You’re wearing your uniform? To Bingo?”

  Cocky Carter seemed to blush. “The ladies ask me to wear it.”

  I covered my mouth and cracked up. “Oh my God. You’re old lady eye candy.”

  “Shut up.” Carter was embarrassed. It was the first time I’d seen him be modest
about his looks, so I couldn’t help but goad him.

  “You’re their bingo bitch.”

  “Pipe down, Perky.”

  “The cougar caller.”

  He shook his head, but I could see the corners of his mouth twitch.

  “You’re their PILF.”


  “Pilot I’d like to fuck. Like a milf, but with a hot pilot instead.”

  Carter grabbed my ponytail. “Keep talking, big mouth. Every time you tease me, I’m gonna tease you back.” He gave my hair a good strong yank, exposing my neck to him. Then he proceeded to lean down and slowly lick from my collarbone to my ear. When a small mewl fell from my lips, he whispered into my ear. “You’re going to have to lock this door if you decide to sleep in here tonight.”

  MY LIPS WERE STILL SWOLLEN when we arrived at Bingo ten minutes late. The room erupted in cheer when Carter walked to the front of room. Some of the men walked to greet him, slapping him on the back and shaking hands. The women all buzzed in their seats. It was the craziest thing I’d ever witnessed. Carter was a rock star…to a group of elderly people in a retirement community.

  I watched amused from the back of the room until an older woman approached me. “You must be Kendall?”

  “Yes. How did you know?”

  “Carter texted me earlier asking me to take care of his girl tonight. And…well…” She looked around the room. “You’re the only one who didn’t have to sling your breast over your shoulder for the walk over to the bingo hall.”

  I smiled, and she offered me her arm. “Come on. I’m Muriel. I saved you a seat between me and Bertha.”

  Muriel and Bertha each had at least a dozen bingo cards spread out in front of them. Both had also set up their tables with personal items. Muriel had a small silver frame with a picture of three small children, a water bottle, three different colored ink stampers and a small candy dish filled with jellybeans. When she caught me looking, she lifted the frame. “This is Seth, Rachel, and Emma. My son’s kids. He married a bitch on wheels but she gave me the gift of grandchildren, so I tolerate her.”

  “They’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you. You and Carter want to have kids some day?”


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