How to Catch a Bad Boy

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How to Catch a Bad Boy Page 10

by Cat Schield

  “What kind of a break did you have in mind?” She glanced up at him, anticipation making her breathless.

  “I have twelve polo ponies in training and they need exercise. Wanna help?”

  Lani blinked at him, adjusting to this unexpected development. “Help how?”

  “How long has it been since you’ve been on a horse?”

  “A while.”

  When they first met, he’d been intrigued that she’d been a barrel racer when she was young. He’d persuaded her to take him to visit her parents’ hobby farm. Introducing him to her horse had gone a lot smoother than meeting her parents. Once they found out he was a professional polo player, they’d definitely not approved and campaigned for her to break things off.

  Maybe part of her recognized that she and Asher were too different to work, but she’d waved away their concern, telling her parents that it was just a summer fling and ignoring their exchanged looks that said they believed otherwise.

  “What’s a while?”

  Although her folks hadn’t sold her horse, she’d been too invested in starting up her investigation firm to take time for recreation. “A year.”

  “That’s too long. Why don’t you throw on your boots and I’ll saddle Royal Flush for you. She’s the best I have and she’ll take care of you.”

  “I guess I could use a break,” she said and went to change her footwear.

  When she entered the barn, Lani found he had pulled out two horses and was in the process of saddling one of them. She sidled up to the closest one and extended one of the carrots she’d brought as a treat.

  “This is Cactus,” Asher said, reaching beneath his horse’s belly to snag the end of the girth and buckle it into place. “And Royal Flush.”

  “Hello, beautiful.” She scratched the chestnut’s shoulder and felt her lean into the caress. Her own horse always seemed to have an itch at this exact same spot. It made her smile.

  Asher slid the halter off the bay and plucked the bridle off his shoulder. He threw the reins over the horse’s head and poised the bit against the mare’s long yellow teeth.

  “You’re using a gag bit,” Lani murmured, recognizing the three-part bit with two joints. “When I raced, I used something similar because Reggie tended not to bend around the barrels and the gag bit really helped with that.”

  “The gag bit in polo came into popularity in Argentina because the players there were always looking for ways to improve their game. And they found that this style of bit made the horses more linear and less lateral.”

  “Do you miss it?” Her question caused Asher to still for a moment.

  “Do I miss galloping down the field with seven other guys’ mallets whizzing past my head as we pursue a little white ball?” His mocking grin flashed, knocking the breath from her body. “Hell ya, I miss it.”

  “So why aren’t you still doing it?”

  “Do you think you can manage an English saddle? Or should I put a Western one on Royal Flush?”

  The difference between an English and Western saddle was pretty significant. A Western saddle had a deep secure seat with a substantial horn atop a pommel at the front and a high cantle behind. Weighing upward of twenty-five pounds, the design enabled cowboys to stay firmly seated while on bucking broncos and chasing down erratically moving cattle.

  English saddles, on the other hand, were flatter and less bulky by comparison and required the rider to work to stay balanced atop their mount. That being said, because of the reduced weight, it was the saddle of choice for jumpers and polo enthusiasts.

  Lani could see the dare in Asher’s gaze and knew he was trying to divert her attention from the question she’d asked. Still, she gave her options serious consideration. She’d ridden English before, but never while running full tilt across a polo field or while trying to hit a ball with a mallet.

  “I think if I plan to stay on, I’d better take the Western saddle.”

  Ten minutes later they were leading the horses out of the barn and toward a large fenced field. She’d mistaken it for a turnout before this. Instead the groomed grass indicated that this was Asher’s training ground. Out of habit she tested the girth before fitting her foot into the stirrup, making sure it remained snug around Royal Flush’s belly.

  “You don’t trust I can saddle a horse?” he teased, swinging up on the bay with no effort whatsoever.

  Lani’s muscles protested this unaccustomed exercise and she grunted at the effort it took to swing her leg over the Thoroughbred’s back. Seating herself with an ungainly thump, she shot a glance Asher’s way, hoping he hadn’t seen her struggle. While Royal Flush stood still despite her awkward landing, Asher had his hands full keeping his own mount in place.

  “Reggie loved to hold his breath when I saddled him and I always had to double check the girth after I walked him around a bit.”

  While Royal Flush stood perfectly still, waiting for Lani to cue her, Cactus was full of impatient energy as she sidestepped and backed up.

  “She’s new,” Asher explained, his calm handling of the antsy equine demonstrating a level of patience and skill that was having a dangerous effect on her hormones. He didn’t saw on the reins in an effort to control the horse, but sat quietly letting his legs and seat tell the horse what to do. “I adopted her from Donovan Horse Rescue. She’s a former racehorse, purchased by an inexperienced rider and badly neglected before Valencia Donovan got her. I guess she was skin and bones. Valencia thinks she might’ve been abused. But she’s fast and loves to run—it’s the slowing and turning that we have to work on.”

  “How come you have so many horses? I thought a string was two or three.”

  “That’s typical for a hobbyist. Three to four is common for a more serious player and if you’re professional, a string can be up to ten.”

  “Are you training these horses because you’re considering going back on the professional circuit again?”

  “No, these days I play to give these guys experience. It’s hobbyist-level action, but I can’t give it up entirely. I enjoy the training far too much.” He urged his mount forward and used his head to indicate she should come along.

  “So once they’re trained, then what?”

  “I’ll sell. I have several people coming to look at horses over the next week or so.”

  She could hear the ache in his voice. This wasn’t something he was doing lightly.


  He gave her question a negligent shrug. “Since it doesn’t seem as if my family’s going to help me and I’m going to be facing some pretty stiff legal bills, I thought I should generate some cash.”

  They rode in silence for several minutes while Lani processed Asher’s pain.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, stroking the bay’s sweaty neck. The mare had worked herself into a lather before they’d walked to the end and back.

  “Ready?” Lani echoed, unsure what he had in mind.

  A second later he and Cactus shot away at a gallop. Lani felt Royal Flush gather herself to follow and keyed the mare. As the ground whizzed by, she realized how much she’d missed this. Losing the battle to contain her excitement, a whoop ripped free. All too soon she had to slow the horse as the far fence loomed.

  As she drew back on the reins, the chestnut slowed to a smooth canter. Lani’s heart was thundering in her ears and she was sure she was grinning like an idiot from the amusement on Asher’s face.

  “How did that feel?” he asked, sidestepping his mount over to the fence where a couple of mallets sat propped against the railing.

  Lani was breathing hard from the exertion. “She’s really fast.”

  “Argentinian born and bred. They take their polo ponies seriously down there. I bought her as a two-year-old and trained her. She’s the best I’ve ever owned.”

  And yet he was selling her because his family refused
to help him out. Once again Lani had to withstand the urge to comfort him. Still, she hoped the mare went to a good home.

  “Let’s see how you do with one of these.” He handed her a mallet, his wicked grin on full display. “Head weight on that one is six ounces, which is on the lighter end. You should be able to handle it without problems.”

  As Lani swung the mallet to get the feel of it, she braced herself against the challenge in Asher’s expression. Five years earlier, after discovering a mutual love of climbing, white-water rafting and mountain biking, they’d pushed each other to do all sorts of crazy stunts. Afterward, hyped up on adrenaline and endorphins, they’d fallen upon each other in ravenous desire.

  Feeling a familiar tingle between her thighs, Lani shifted in the saddle, but this only pressed her sensitive areas against the leather’s firm surface, intensifying the ache there. A breeze blew across her hot skin, and she savored the cooling caress. Damn it! The man could get her hot and bothered just by being in the same vicinity.

  She was glad when Asher started demonstrating the finer arts of polo. Riding a horse while holding the mallet was challenging enough. Successfully connecting the mallet with the ball absorbed all her focus and energy. They played for an hour and with each minute that passed Lani’s appreciation for Asher’s talent grew.

  “I won’t be able walk tomorrow,” she groaned, the overworked muscles of her inner thighs protesting as she mounted the stairs to his apartment.

  “You just need a hot bath and a massage.” His eyes kindled. “I can help with both.”

  * * *

  Lani emerged from the bedroom, dressed for work, jeans, boots, white button-down shirt and black leather jacket. Asher sat at the breakfast bar, a mug of coffee within easy reach as he texted. She wondered if his sister had responded to any of his messages. He’d reached out to her once a day since being released.

  In the seconds before he noticed her arrival, she snatched the opportunity to regard him. Worn jeans hugged his lower half while a blue polo shirt molded to the muscles of his shoulders and chest. The faint scent of hay and horse hung in the air. He sat perched on a barstool, the heel of his left boot caught on the lower rung. He looked ready to spring into action. All this inactivity was clearly driving him crazy. He hummed like a live wire, his energy zapping and sizzling with the need to go and do.

  She didn’t know if she made a sound or if he was just so tuned in to her presence that he became aware he was no longer alone in the room. His eyes lifted from the phone screen and darted her way. The impact of his gaze raised goose bumps on her arms. A familiar breathless state came over her. This was bad. She never should’ve started up things with him again, but he was irresistible and she was powerless against her own longing.

  “Have you heard back from Gina?” she asked, needing a distraction from her thoughts.

  “Yeah.” His neutral tone gave away none of his feelings. “She knows if anyone can find the money it will be you.” His gaze roved ever so slowly over her outfit. “Looks like you’re dressed for business. I guess we’re not going to spend the morning in bed.”

  “You’re the one who got up.”

  Her response was a little too tart. But honest all the same. Because deep down she was disappointed that he’d left her in bed to go tend to his horses. It had always been that way with her. She’d been so starved for his attention that any distraction left her feeling bereft and insecure.

  “I didn’t realize...” He set down his phone, held out his hand, a silent command to come to him and one she lacked the strength to ignore.

  All too aware that a week earlier she might have flung up some sort of defense against him, Lani let herself be drawn toward him, nearly purring as his long fingers stroked her cheek and tangled in her hair. Her whole body swooned with pleasure as he hooked her hip with his other hand and drew her between his thighs. His lips grazed the sensitive skin below her ear and she shivered. Damn the man for being so good at this.

  “You didn’t realize what?”

  There was a catch in her voice as she asked the question. He couldn’t fail to hear it, couldn’t fail to understand what caused it. When he touched her, she became someone else. Someone who forgot who she was, forgot right or wrong, up or down. There was just his touch anchoring her to him, helping her make sense of the emotional maelstrom inside her. All she needed was this man. His deep passionate kisses. His body possessing hers. The rest of the world didn’t exist when he was kissing her.

  “I didn’t realize how much you miss me.” He curved his hand over her butt and pulled her pelvis against the growing hardness behind his zipper. “When I’m not around.”

  Although it was true, confronting this chink in her armor was a puff of icy air against her hot skin. She stopped clinging to his impressive biceps and shoved against his chest. Not hard, nor with any vigor, but with enough pressure to part them, allowing her to take a half step back.

  “I have a meeting in half an hour that I need to get to,” she said, refusing to notice the smug light in his eye.

  “May I come?”

  Lani tugged her jacket straight, all too aware of the unfulfilled ache in her breasts and the clammy texture of her overheated skin. “Not a good idea.”

  “Because it’s about the investigation?”

  Plucking an elastic tie off her wrist, she fastened her hair into a low ponytail. “That is why I’m here.”

  “I hope that isn’t the only reason why you are here.”

  He had her there. She’d already determined that he had no intention of skipping town. And the electronic bracelet around his ankle would allow the cops to track him down in a heartbeat if he ventured beyond the estate without her. She really didn’t need to babysit him. In the beginning she’d stuck around to get inside his head. She could entertain the theory that he’d been set up and go back to her apartment in Dallas.

  Yet the thought of being parted from him awoke a sharp pang of reluctance. She wasn’t ready to move on from the long passionate nights in his arms. Or to ponder what might happen in the days to come.

  “I really have to go,” she said, uncomfortable with the direction her thoughts had gone.

  “Who are you meeting?”

  “Zach Benning.”

  The social media influencer had come to Royal to promote the festival and fallen in love with Lila Jones, Royal’s Chamber of Commerce representative.

  “I’d heard he’s living in Royal now. Moved in with Lila Jones.” Asher’s gaze sharpened as it rested on her. “Gave up his entire life in LA just to be with her.”

  Lani found herself bristling at his thoughtful tone. What point was he trying to make? That she should’ve given up her plans for a master’s degree five years earlier and trailed after him like some lovesick idiot? For how long? He’d offered her nothing she could count on. Made no promises. He had no plan for what they would do in Royal. She was a girl who needed a set of achievable goals to move her forward. Playing things by ear was not in her comfort zone.

  “Yes, well...” She glanced toward the kitchen, dodging his assessing gaze. “I’d love a cup of coffee, but there’s no time. I don’t suppose you have a to-go mug?”

  “I always have a to-go mug,” he said, his lips lifting into a sardonic quirk. He was no stranger to their differences, but rather than ignore them, he was more likely to lean into the problems created between them. “I’d really like it if you’d let me go along. Where are you meeting him?”

  As he spoke, he went into the kitchen, pulled out a travel mug. Once he poured in the coffee and doctored it the way she liked, he handed it to her. Appreciation threatened as she took the mug. Damn him for being so good to her.

  Against her better judgment, Lani felt herself softening toward his entreaty. Why not bring him along? He’d already proven a handy guy to have around and by sleeping with him she’d crossed a professional line. Pl
us, if she really believed that he wasn’t responsible for taking the money, then maybe having his perspective would prove useful. Oh, hell. She was making excuses. Before this case she’d always worked alone and liked it. Relying on anyone besides herself meant she couldn’t control the outcome.

  “At the Royal Diner.” She wondered if the public location would deter Asher.

  He wasn’t exactly anyone’s favorite Edmond right now. A lot of people had suffered in town because of the failure of the festival. Keeping a low profile was a better way for him to go; but one thing about Asher, he never seemed to take the safest route.

  “Will you wait while I change? I just need to get out of these barn clothes.”

  With a reluctant sigh, she nodded. “I’ll call the monitoring company and let them know you’re coming with me.”

  He winked at her before departing for the bedroom. Lani’s insides turned to mush as her gaze locked on his tight rear end. A sigh whispered out of her before she realized what she was doing. Stop! Sure, the man had a body to die for and a knack for getting beneath her skin with his cocky smiles and heated glances, but she shouldn’t indulge in his candy-coated yumminess during the day. She was a professional with a job to do. She needed to stay focused on that.

  Before she’d finished her phone call, Asher had reappeared in clean denim and a light gray button-down shirt with the collar open to reveal the strong column of his throat. Her gaze locked on his tan skin as she remembered nibbling her way along it the night before and the heady sounds of his groans. She’d been so entranced by the sounds he’d made that she’d continued exploring him with her lips, teeth and tongue far into the night. A familiar flutter of excitement awakened deep in her belly as she picked up her laptop case.

  “Let’s get going,” she said tersely, hating the husky note in her voice and the heavy pulse of longing that made her want to tear off his shirt and taste him once more.

  “After you,” he murmured, a wry smile softening his hard masculine features into irresistible boyish charm.


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