Toad-belly, spider’s feet, a pair
Of wings! A puny baby! 4260
Hardly an animal so far;
But a tiny poem, maybe.
We walk, short-stepped but high of heart,
Through honeydew and flowers.
Yes, you can trot with agile art,
But flight is not yet ours.
Is this not some stage trick again?
Unless my eyes deceive me
I see the godlike Oberon plain;
Though no one will believe me. 4270
I see no claws, I see no tail!
Yet there’s no doubt about them:
These goblins, like the gods of Greece,
Are devils even without them.
At present, all I can perceive
Is sketchy, to be sure;
But I’ll be ready soon to leave
On my Italian Tour.
How did I get here? What a stew
Of lechery! The whole place full 4280
Of half-dressed witches; only two
Are powdered, how disgraceful!
Powder is like a petticoat
For ladies old and greying:
I’m naked on my billy-goat,
And know what I’m displaying!
We’ll not waste words on you; we know
Our manners and our duties.
You’re young and fresh, but even so,
May you soon rot, my beauties! 4290
Fly-Snout and Gnat-Nose! This striptease
Performance is distracting.
Frog and Grasshopper, if you please!
Keep time while I’m conducting!
A WEATHERVANE [turning one way].
What better company does one need!
This place is simply swarming
With nubile maidens, and indeed
With nice young men; how charming!
THE WEATHERVANE [turning the other way].
I wish the earth would spring a crack
And swallow up the lot of them! 4300
I’d disappear to hell and back
Myself, just to get shot of them!
Gadflies and bugs is what we are,
We’re nasty little nippers;
We honour Satan, our papa,
With these respectful capers.
Just hear them buzz, just see them swarm,
Like simple children playing!
You’d almost think they meant no harm—
That’s what they’ll soon be saying. 4310
I’m happy to be on the loose
Among this Blocksberg rabble:
Witches are easy to seduce—
The Muse is much more trouble.
One must be well-connected! Come,
I’ll launch you! Many asses
Have climbed the Blocksberg’s hump, there’s room
On Germany’s Parnassus.
‘Tell me, who’s that so tall and stiff?
How pompously he paces!’ 4320
He’s hunting Jesuits! Sniff by sniff
He’s smelling out their traces.
‘When fishing for men’s souls, one tries
Both clear and troubled waters.’
He’d undertake to missionize
The Devil’s own headquarters.
For pious folk, all means will serve
When faith’s to be expounded;
Even on the Blocksberg, I observe,
Conventicles are founded. 4330
‘Is that some further chorus? Why
This sound of distant drumming?’
It’s just the bitterns’ mating-cry,
Their dreary bogland booming.
The bent ones leap, the dull ones hop—
How can they call this dancing?
If they could see themselves, they’d stop
Their skipping and their prancing.
This lot all hate each other’s guts
And long for mutual slaughter; 4340
Orpheus’s lyre tamed wild brutes,
Bagpipes keep these in order.
Let doubters rail and critics bawl,
I’ll stand by my conviction.
If there’s no Devil after all,
These devils here are fiction!
The power of my Fantasy*
Today seems much augmented.
I must say, if all this is me,
I’m temporarily demented. 4350
Is Substance now no longer sound,
Is something wrong with Matter?
I once stood four-square on the ground:
Today I’m all a-totter.
I am delighted to be here
And pleased to meet these creatures;
For devils prove to me that there
Are higher spirit-natures.
They search for buried truth; maybe
The flames will lead them wrong here.* 4360
Devil and doubt both start with D,
So I think I belong here.
Grasshopper! Frog! I’ll not endure
This clumsy ululation.
Fly-Snout and Gnat-Nose! Think of your
Professional reputation!
We’re the new Sans-souci élite,*
A merry lot of clowners!
We made no headway on our feet,
So now we’re upside-downers. 4370
Once we were shod, and got our share,
By dancing court-attendance;
God help us now! Our feet are bare
In these days of independence.
We’re from the bogs and swamps, and here
We come to join these revels.
We may be humbly born, but we’re
Now smart and dashing devils!
O dear, I’ve fallen from on high,
A brief and brilliant meteor! 4380
And now flat in the grass I lie:
Who’ll help me to my feet here?
Make way, make way! As we dance round*
The grass is all downtrodden.
We’re spirits too, but spirits can
Be very heavy-shodden.
You clodhopping calf-elephants,
How ponderously you trample!
Puck shall be clumsiest in this dance:
Just follow my example! 4390
Nature gave wings to some, in some
The spirit elevates you.
Follow me, I am light, so come!*
The rose-red hill awaits you!
THE ORCHESTRA [pianissimo].
The drifting mist, the veil of cloud,
Are touched by dawning day now:
Leaves rustle, and the reeds are stirred—
And all is blown away now.*
FAUST. In misery! In despair! Pitiably wandering about the country for so long, and now a prisoner! Locked up in prison as a criminal and suffering such torment, the sweet hapless creature! So this is what it has come to! This!—Vile treacherous demon, and you told
me nothing!—Yes, stand there, stand there and roll your devilish eyes in fury! Stand and affront me by your unendurable presence! A prisoner! In utter ruin, delivered over to evil spirits and the judgement of cold heartless mankind! And meanwhile you lull me with vulgar diversions,* hide her <10> growing plight from me and leave her helpless to her fate!
MEPHISTOPHELES. She is not the first.
FAUST. You dog! You repulsive monster! Oh infinite Spirit,* change him back, change this reptile back into the form of a dog,* the shape he used so often when it amused him to trot along ahead of me at night, suddenly rolling at the feet of innocent wayfarers and leaping on their backs as they fell! Change him back into his, favourite shape, let him crawl before me in the sand on <20> his belly, let me trample this reprobate under my feet!—Not the first!—Oh grief, grief that no human soul can grasp, to think that more than one creature has sunk to such depths of wretchedness, that the sins of all the others were not expiated even by the first, as it writhed in its death-agony before the eyes of the eternally merciful God! I am stricken to my life’s very marrow by the misery of this one girl—and you calmly sneer at the fate of thousands!
MEPHISTOPHELES. Well, here we are again at the end <30> of our wit’s tether, the point where your poor human brains always snap! Why do you make common cause with us, if you can’t stand the pace? Why try to fly if you’ve no head for heights? Did we force ourselves on you, or you on us?
FAUST. Stop baring your greedy fangs at me, it makes me sick!—Oh you great splendid Spirit, who deigned to appear to me, who know my heart and my soul, why did you chain me to this vile companion, who gorges his appetite on ruin and drinks refreshment from destruction? <40>
MEPHISTOPHELES. Have you done talking?
FAUST. Save her! Or woe betide you! May the most hideous curse lie upon you for thousands of years!
MEPHISTOPHELES. I cannot loose the Avenger’s bonds or open his bolts!—Save her!—Who was it who ruined her? I, or you?
[FAUST glares about him in speechless rage.]
Are you snatching for the thunder? A good thing it was not given to you wretched mortals, to blast your adversary when he makes an innocent reply! That’s the <50> way of tyrants, venting their spleen when they’re in an embarrassing pass.
FAUST. Take me to her! I’ll have her set free!
MEPHISTOPHELES. And what of the risk you’ll run? I tell you, on that town there lies blood-guilt by your hand. Over the grave of the man you killed there hover avenging spirits, waiting for the murderer to return.
FAUST. Must I hear that from you too? May the murder and death of a world come upon you, you monster! Take me to her, I tell you, and free her! <60>
MEPHISTOPHELES. I will take you, and I will tell you what I can do. Have I all the power in heaven and earth? I will bemuse the gaoler’s senses, you can take his keys and bring her out with your own human hand! I’ll keep watch, the magic horses will be ready, and I’ll carry you both to safety. That I can do.
FAUST. Let’s go at once!
[FAUST and MEPHISTOPHELES storming past on black horses.]
FAUST. What’s that moving around on the gallows-mound?*
MEPHISTOPHELES. I don’t know what they’re doing and 4400
FAUST. Up and down they hover, they stoop, they swoop.
MEPHISTOPHELES. A guild of witches!
FAUST. They’re scattering something, it’s a ritual deed.
MEPHISTOPHELES. Ride on! Ride on!
FAUST [with a bundle of keys and a lamp, by a small iron door].
That shudder comes again—how long a time
Since last I felt this grief for all man’s woe!
She lies behind this cold, damp wall, I know;
And her loving heart’s illusion was her crime.
Do I pause as I enter this place?
Am I afraid to see her face? 4410
Quick! She must die if I keep hesitating so.
[He grasps the lock. Margareta’s voice sings from inside.]
Who killed me dead?
My mother, the whore!
Who ate my flesh?
My father, for sure!
Little sister gathered
The bones he scattered;
In a cool, cool place they lie.
And then I became a birdie so fine,
And a way I fly—a way I fly 4420
FAUST [unlocking the door].
She doesn’t know her lover’s listening at the door,
Hearing the clank of chains, straw rustling on the floor.
[He enters the cell.]
MARGARETA [hiding her face on her straw mattress].
Oh! Oh! They’re coming! Bitter death!
FAUST [softly]. Quiet! Quiet! I’ve come to set you free.
MARGARETA [crawling towards his feet].
If you are human, then have pity on me!
FAUST. You’ll waken the gaolers, speak under your breath!
[He takes up her chains to unlock them.]
MARGARETA [on her knees]. Oh, hangman, who gave you this power
Over me? Who said
You could fetch me at this midnight hour?
Have pity! Tomorrow morning I’ll be dead, 4430
Isn’t that soon enough for you?
[She stands up.]
I’m still so young, still so young too!
And already I must die!
I was pretty too, and that’s the reason why.
My lover was with me, now he’s far away.
They tore my garland off, and threw the flowers away.
Why are you clutching at me like this?
Oh spare me! What have I done amiss?
Let me live! Must I beg you, must I implore
You in vain? I’ve never even seen you before! 4440
FAUST. How can I bear this any more!
MARGARETA. I’m in your power now, I’m ready to go.
Just let me feed my baby first.
I was cuddling it all last night, you know.
They took it from me; that was just
To hurt me. I killed it, is what they say.
Now things will never be the same.
They’re wicked people: they sing songs against me!
There’s an old tale that ends that way—
Who told them it meant me? 4450
FAUST [throwing himself at her feet].
It’s your lover, I’m here at your feet, I came
To free you from this dreadful place!
MARGARETA [kneeling down beside him].
Oh, let’s kneel, and call on the saints for grace!
Look, under that stair,
Under the door,
Hell’s boiling there!
You can hear the voice
Of his angry roar!
FAUST [aloud]. Gretchen! Gretchen! 4460
MARGARETA [hearing her name]. That was my lover’s voice!
[She jumps to her feet. Her chains fall off.]
Where is he? I heard him call to me.
No one shall stop me, I am free!
To his arms I’ll fly,
On his breast I’ll lie!
He stood and called ‘Gretchen’! I recognized him!
Through the wailing and gnashing of Hell so grim,
Through the Devil’s rage, through his scorn and sneer,
I knew it was his voice, so loving and dear!
FAUST. I am here!
MARGARETA. It is you! Oh, tell me once again! 4470
[Embracing him.] It’s him! It’s him! Where’s all my suffering, then?
Where are my chains, my prison and my fear?
It’s you! You’ve come to rescue me from here
And I am saved!—
I think it’s here again, that street
Where I first saw you; and by and by
We’re waiting again, Martha and I,
In that lovely garden where we used to
FAUST [trying to leave with her]. Come! Come with me!
I love being anywhere when you’re not away! 4480
[Caressing him.]
FAUST. No, don’t delay!
Or we shall have to pay
Most bitterly for this!
MARGARETA. What, you’ve forgotten so soon how to kiss?
We’re together again, my sweetest friend,
And our kissing’s come to an end?
In your arms, why do I tremble so?
A whole heaven used to close in on me,
You spoke and you looked so lovingly;
I was stifled with kisses, you’d never let go. 4490
Oh kiss me now!
Or I’ll show you how!
[She embraces him.]
Oh! Your lips are dumb,
They’ve nothing to say!
Why has your love gone cold?
Who can have come
Between us to take it away?
[She turns away from him.]
FAUST. Come! Follow me! Darling, you must be bold!
I’ll hug you later on ten-thousandfold,
Just follow me now! It’s all I ask of you! 4500
MARGARETA [turning to him]. But is it you, can it be really true?
FAUST. It’s me! Come!
MARGARETA. You undid my chains, they fell apart,
And you will take me back to your heart.
How is it you don’t find me a vile thing?
Do you really know, my dear, who you are rescuing?
FAUST. Come! Come! The deep night’s giving way to dawn!
MARGARETA. My mother’s dead; I poisoned her, you see.
I drowned my child when it was born.
Hadn’t it been God’s gift to you and me?
To you as well—It is you! Can I trust 4510
This not to be a dream?
Your hand! Your dear hand!—Ugh, but it’s wet! You must
Wipe off the blood! To me there seem
To be bloodstains on it. Oh my God,
What did you do!
Put away your sword,
I beg of you!
FAUST. Forget what happened, let it be!
You are killing me.
MARGARETA. Oh no, you must survive! 4520
I’ll tell you about the graves now, I’ll describe
Them to you. You must arrange all this,
Tomorrow as ever is.
You must choose the places. Mother must have the best,
And my brother right next to her with his,
And me a little further off—
But not too far! Just far enough.
And my little baby at my right breast.
There’ll be no one else to lie with me!—
When I clung to your side so tenderly, 4530
Oh, that was so blessed, a joy so sweet!
Faust: First Part Page 21