Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 16

by Kristen Echo

  “I’m adaptable and willing, angel. It seems like you have a destination in mind. Tell me where do you want to go?” He put his hands on her thighs.

  Tingles raced towards the apex between her legs. “Um, I thought you did,” she said, leaning in for a kiss.

  He held her back and laughed. It was the first hint he wasn’t all serious and broody. The sound wrapped around her like a vise squeezing away the last of her resolve.

  Caroline licked her lips. “We can go anywhere or just go for a ride?” She let the last word linger.

  “I assumed since you put your coat on, that you wanted to leave the hotel. I’d like to hear about what kind of ride you have in mind, Caroline. Because if all you want to do is fuck my brains out then we could have gone up to my hotel room.”

  “Oh. I guessed when dancing was off the table that you meant you wanted to leave. You told me to grab my stuff.”

  He laughed again. “Well, you couldn’t leave it there. You seem prone to leaving things behind.” His arrogance was becoming less of a turn on, making her leap into defensive mode.

  “For the record, I didn’t leave my purse behind so you’d come find me. You’re not that hot.”

  “Yes, I am. You’re here with me, aren’t you? Ready to sleep with me when you don’t even know my name?”

  Caroline thought about his statement, and he was right. It made her seem like a slut, but it takes two. “Um. Get over yourself.” She wasn’t sure what to say, and she was never normally at a loss for words.

  “Look, I assumed we were on the same page,” she said as her cheeks heated with embarrassment. Then anger set in. He brought her outside and asked her to trust him. Her indignation took the front seat. “You’re not any better than me. I didn’t ask you to chase me down and you don’t know who I am either. We’re two strangers passing in the night. Instead of passing judgment on me, you can go F-yourself.” She tried to crawl off his lap, but he held her thighs firmly around him.

  “F-myself.” He laughed. “That’s a new one. I know who you are, because your singer introduced the band, Caroline Masters.” He gave her a cocky smile that she didn’t care for.

  “Right, I forgot about that. Either way, because you know my name doesn’t mean—”

  He pulled her closer, exposing more of her leg as her dress rode higher. “For the record, I never said I was better than you. There is no judgment here,” he said, pressing something hard between her thighs. “You didn’t misinterpret my intentions. I think we’re both after the same thing.”


  “I want to make sure you aren’t getting in over your head.” He slowly inched one hand up her thigh.

  She lifted her hand to smack the self-righteous smirk off his face, but he caught her hand. “Maybe you’re the one getting into something you can’t handle.”

  His lips landed on her knuckles. “Your name doesn’t matter, angel. I’m almost positive no one can handle you.”

  She’d used her stage name, Caroline Masters, not her real name Caroline Northcote. Not that it mattered; like he said. “Names might not matter, but let’s even the playing field and tell me yours.”

  He took a deep breath before answering. “I’m Nicolas Ivarsson.” His name didn’t ring a bell or throw up any red flags. He was nobody famous to her knowledge. His eyes remained locked on her as she processed what he’d said.

  Introductions were a good start. She grabbed his hand off her leg and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you Nicolas. Do people call you Nick or Nico for short? I’ve had two friends named Nicolas, and both went by Nick, but I always preferred Nico.”

  His laughter was so sexy. It’s wrong for a man’s laugh to make a girl feel so naughty.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Caroline. And my close friends call me Nico.”

  “That’s awesome. I was half joking, but kinda—”

  “Do you always ramble when you’re nervous?” Nico ran his nose along hers. His breath caressed her cheek. The raspberry scent from her gum sent a shiver down her spine.

  This man had kissed her and chewed gum that had been inside her mouth. Why that felt so dirty she didn’t know. “I’m not nervous. There’s nothing to be nervous about,” she lied. She was petrified that she’d say something to make him run away. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of being in his arms, surrounded by him.

  It felt good; better than good. Being intimate with a man she barely knew was uncharted territory for Caroline. The handful of boyfriends she’d made love with, she’d known for well over a month before they got down to business. This was so not like her.

  Now that introductions were out of the way, she felt a little more comfortable; only a little. “I like the name Nico; it’s solid. Kind of suits you. And I like to talk. It’s not rambling when—”

  His lips covered hers. The gentle press was enough to shut her up and make her moan. He gripped the back of her head, deepening the kiss.

  Everything else was forgotten.

  Chapter 6

  When they broke apart, her lips tingled, and they were both panting. Caroline rested her forehead against his and stared into his eyes. How could one man’s kiss render her so senseless? His lips had the power to take away all the pain and loneliness, leaving her without a care in the world.

  “So, what do you want to do, Ivarsson?”

  His lips twitched and her core clenched. “I prefer when you call me Nico. And if you’re willing, I’d like to take you to my room and kiss more than your delicious lips?” He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, and she whimpered. He left a wet trail along her neck. She giggled as his hand moved down her side, grazing the ticklish spot near her ribs.

  Positively sinful, there was no other way to describe this man.

  “That sounds like a plan.” He might not be offering forever, but having more of him sounded perfect. Her fingers sunk into his silky, blond waves as he nipped at her collarbone.

  “Trust me. This will be a night you won’t soon forget.”

  She believed him and didn’t miss the implication of one night and only one night. “I’ll come to your room on one condition.” Her hesitation had the potential to backfire. But if he left in the middle of the night she’d regret not asking for more.

  He stopped and sat up straight. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing but I want more than a few hours. Promise you won’t kick me out the second we’re finished fooling around. I’m not saying pledge your life to me or anything like that.” Though part of her screamed for a commitment. As the words came out, he sat back, creating distance. She was losing him before she even had him. “I’ll trust you, if you give me time.”

  His hands loosened their grip on her legs. “Tonight I—”

  Caroline pressed their lips together. She had to convince him she wasn’t a girl he could easily dismiss. Her tongue battled for an agreement and as his fingers dug into her thighs. Grinding her sex against his shaft, he growled her name. “I’ll do whatever you need, angel.” He kissed his way down her neck.

  “Thank you. Out of curiosity, why do you have a room and a limo service? It’s not really my business, but it kind of is—” He licked across her collarbone towards her heart. “You… did you plan on getting laid tonight?”

  He looked up, and their eyes connected. “I shared the limo with some of my buddies. When I arrived, sex was the farthest thing from my mind if you want the truth. I grabbed a room because I wasn’t ready for celebration.”

  “Is that why you looked all pensive and sexy when you walked into the party?”

  His eyebrow arched. “You watched me come in?”

  “I may have been watching the door at the exact moment you entered the room.” She chewed her lip, praying he didn’t ask why because she wasn’t sure how to answer that. Kissing him to win a game didn’t bode well for her being more than a fling chick. Their first kiss may have been planned, but everything else was a pleasant surprise.

  “Is there any parti
cular reason you came up to me at the bar? Do you have some kind of motive here?” His voice took on a hard edge she hadn’t noticed before. His entire body stiffened slightly. Along with another part that rested between her legs.

  Her eyes drifted down at the impressive package. “My only motivation was a kiss. I honestly, had no idea if you’d even agree to it, but I had to try. Remember, you could have been gay, or married.”

  His demeanor became less rigid, and he moved his hands to her back, pressing her closer to him. “I already told you, I’m neither of those things.”

  “Right,” she said as his bulge poked against her most intimate area. Their clothing became a barrier she didn’t want. Caroline sucked his earlobe into her mouth and swiveled her hips, earning a roar from Nico.

  “You’re killing me here, Caroline. If you want me to rip off your panties and thrust into you right here and now, then keep that up.” He pressed into her for added effect.

  As much as she wanted him inside her, she wanted to see him naked. She wanted the freedom to explore him and that would not happen if they had a quickie in the back of a limo.

  “Let’s go find that room.” Her hand pressed against his chest and she lifted herself off his lap.

  He told the driver to return to the hotel because they no longer required his services. A few minutes later, the limo stopped and the driver opened their door. Nico took her hand and she followed him. The cold air didn’t stop the heat that had taken over her body.

  The hotel suddenly seemed a million miles away; much too far to walk in her current state of arousal. Her high heels clacked against the frozen sidewalk. She looked up at the hotel; one of the oldest buildings in the city. She loved the architecture, which reminded her of a castle. The old building had always been one of her favorites growing up.

  When they reached the main doors, she hesitated. Once she did this, there was no turning back. She’d always be the girl he slept with on the first night. She’d never be someone he’d think of as girlfriend material. As she looked at his long thick fingers, threaded with hers, she decided none of that mattered. If one night was all they had, then she’d make the most of it. Maddy was always telling her to live a little and take risks. This was a huge risk.

  “Are you coming?”

  The way he said the last word, left no doubt in her mind that she would do that very soon. “Yes.”

  One little word was all it took to get him to smile. His beautiful straight white teeth made their first appearance, and they were spectacular. He didn’t appear as intimidating when he smiled. It took the edge off his big bad biker vibe. “You should smile more. It’s beautiful.”

  The elevator doors closed with only the two of them inside the tiny capsule. He pressed the sixth floor. “I think you’re the beautiful one.”

  She blushed and snuggled into his arms, hugging him around the waist. “Thanks, and for the record, flattery will get you everywhere with me.”

  He chuckled. “Duly noted, sweet angel, but you should know I don’t say things I don’t mean. What you see is what you get with me. I don’t lie and I’m not trying to butter you up.” He let go of her hand and his fingers rubbed against the nape of her neck. Nico placed his other hand under her chin, tilting her face towards his. He stared into her eyes.

  So many naughty things raced through her mind. Visions of movie scenes where couples attacked each other in the elevator swarmed her. It made the air thicker and more sexually charged. She wouldn’t have stopped him if he’d kissed her, but she sensed that wouldn’t happen again. Not yet. Once their lips connected again, they wouldn’t be coming up for air for a long time.

  She took a deep breath and exhaled as she tried to come up with a neutral topic that wouldn’t make her combust. “Did you like the show? I saw you in the back. But you didn’t look like you were enjoying yourself. You never took your jacket off, and it looked like you might bolt before it ended.”

  A smart girl wouldn’t have admitted she’d been watching him. She would have slapped her forehead if he hadn’t been holding her face. He probably thought she was desperate, or fishing for more compliments. She chewed her lip, waiting for his response.

  He pulled her lip from between her teeth. “Your voice sends shivers down my back and makes me so hard I can barely walk. From the first word, and all the ones since have hypnotized me. It’s like every syllable you utter is stroking my cock. You’ve got me so horny. I’m itching to bend you over and take you, but I want to savor and enjoy you. I want those creamy white legs wrapped around my waist almost as badly as I want them around my neck. Decisions, decisions.”

  A nervous laugh escaped. No one had ever been so blunt. She wasn’t shocked by his words so much as turned on.

  The elevator stopped, and the doors opened before she could respond, although, there wasn’t anything to say. She had soaked through her thong, and she was fairly certain the strap of satin would not be salvageable. He guided her down the hall with his hand on the small of her back.

  Nico pulled a keycard from his pocket and inserted it in the slot. It wasn’t a sexual act, but it sent her pulse racing. Her palms were sweaty and the butterflies in her stomach were having a battle royal. “Maybe we could talk for a bit and get to know each other. Before… You know.” She swallowed past the lump in her throat.

  Sex. Three little letters that packed a punch and she couldn’t even say them. If the word was too much for her; how could she be expected to perform the act? This wasn’t her first time, but it may as well have been.

  “We can go as fast or as slow as you want. We’re in no rush.” He opened the door for her. The lights turned on as she entered and the first thing she noticed was the gorgeous view of the city. Snowcapped buildings and sparkling city lights illuminating the darkened sky. She walked to the window with Nico’s body at her back. Caroline placed her hands and forehead against the window, hoping to cool down.

  “Take a few minutes and get comfortable.” He kissed the top of her head and stepped away.

  She stood there for a few moments, trying to catch her bearings. People did this sort of thing all the time. Sex didn’t have to mean commitment although in her mind the two had always been synonymous; she couldn’t do one without the other. It wasn’t a dating rule per se since she only had one of those: don’t mix business with pleasure. In other words, never mess around with a hockey player. She questioned her principles, and the part of her that believed in the value of being in a committed relationship before having sex. No one had ever appealed to her as much as Nico.

  One kiss had thrown her completely off kilter. As she stepped away from the window she knew the sparks between them were too much to ignore. Caroline turned and bumped her knee against the mattress. The bedside lamps were off, and the only light came from the entryway.

  Unsure where to go or what to do, she sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off her heels. Her feet were thankful for the freedom. The room was dominated by two double beds and not much else. The dark brown tones and red accent colors gave an old-school romantic vibe to the space. She kept her legs together and wiggled her toes. She stared at the chipped polish then nearly leaped off the bed when a set of bare feet planted themselves on either side of her.

  “You seem jumpy. Would you like a drink to take the edge off?”

  Her eyes drifted up, and her mouth became as dry as an over-baked pie crust. She’d been thinking the turn of the century hotel was understated but impressive. None of it compared to the topless man standing before her holding a bottle of wine and two empty glasses. This body looked like it was chiseled from stone. Once again, she noticed his lips moving, but didn’t register a thing. She was too busy cataloging every inch of him and imagining what that solid chunk of man would feel like on top of her.

  He didn’t have a lot of body hair; not as much as expected given the thickness of his long waves and beard. The light spattering of blonde hairs begged for her touch. She wanted to rake her teeth over his tiny erect nipple
s as her hands discovered the contours of his six pack. His abdominal muscles rippled as he talked and she had a sudden desire to lick along each dip and fold. She leaned back on her hands and admired the view.


  Her name snapped her out of her dark fantasies and forced her eyes on his. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  His muscles flexed and tormented her as he chuckled. “If you keep staring at me like that, I will rip that dress off you, and you’ll be forced to leave here in the bathrobe.” He put the beverage down on the dresser.

  She didn’t doubt his capabilities. “That won’t be necessary.”

  “You’re right, because it’s coming off right now; this second.” He grabbed her ankles and flipped her over. Then her zipper was lowered, and the dress peeled off her skin in one forceful yank. Her backside was exposed, only a strip of satin covering her.

  “Every bit as sexy as I pictured.” His fingers moved up her calves, caressing her skin. Then his tongue followed the same path, and her breath hitched when he touched the spot behind her knee. When his hands reached the top of her legs, massaging her inner thighs, she was short of breath.

  “Nico, I thought we’d talk first. What happened to slowly getting to know each other and all that stuff?”

  He kissed the crease between her leg and ass. “Talk away, angel. I’m all ears.” He kneaded her ass cheeks, digging his fingers into her flesh. It felt better than it should.

  “I figured it would be more of a two-way conversation. I ask questions… Oh.” The wetness and pressure from his tongue stole her sentence as he licked along the strip of her thong. Pulling the fabric away from her skin with his teeth, he gripped the sides and pulled them down her legs. Smacking his lips, he kissed the base of her spine and removed her panties. “Then you ask questions. Banter back and forth.” She was completely naked and at his mercy.


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