Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 18

by Kristen Echo

  He raised a brow as he pulled on his pants. She was sad to see him cover up. But if he waved that beautiful cock at her for much longer, she wasn’t sure she could stop herself from jumping him again. She didn’t want to back down on her resolve. It was crazy. Her body was deliciously sore, but she still wanted more.

  “You might say that. Yeah, I am. So, will you have breakfast with me?”

  “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you. You don’t have to beg. Gees.” He tackled her into the mattress and she giggled. The weight of his body a welcomed blanket of muscles. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders as their mouths collided. There was nothing gentle or demure about the way he claimed her mouth. He was a leader in every sense and she was happy to follow along.

  “I could feast upon you until the sun sets, but if I don’t feed the machine real food soon, I won’t be able to perform at optimal levels.” He rolled over and rubbed his flat stomach.

  Caroline laughed at him. “Did you just refer to yourself as a sex machine?”

  “Huh, I guess I did. Enough stalling, get up and get dressed.” He rolled off the bed and grabbed his button-down shirt from the floor. The wrinkled garment looked pristine once he put it on, his huge arms and chest stretching the material.

  She watched in awe as he finished dressing, knowing she wouldn’t be able to pull off the same effortless perfection. “I’ll need a few minutes.” She gripped the sheets around her and stood up. With the sunlight on her face she felt shy, like if he saw her naked, he’d see right into her soul. It’s not every day, or any day, she found herself in this situation.

  Two steps towards the bathroom and the sheet was torn from around her body. She glanced back at him, losing the tug of war. “There’s no need to hide from me, angel. I’ve seen it all already and I like what you’ve got going on.” He licked his lips. “A lot, so don’t take too long.” He plopped down on the bed with the sheets in his hands.

  He liked her. Nicolas Ivarsson liked her a lot and wanted to take her out. As she looked in the mirror, her smile shone brighter than the winter morning skyline. She beamed as she got ready for their date. He may not have used that word, but they weren’t done; they were just getting started.

  Chapter 8

  In the hours they’d known each other, Nico had shared little about himself. There were two personal facts she learned about him: his name and his off the charts skill level in bed. That wasn’t enough to forge a relationship of any kind. His lack of details gave her the distinct impression he might not be interested in pursuing anything more than a sexual encounter. That hurt way more than she wanted to admit.

  Caroline knew the score when she followed him to bed. The likelihood of this being a onetime event didn’t change. Nico taking her for food didn’t change things. Her eyes were wide open, and she wasn’t naïve enough to think he’d fallen in love with her. Yet, every time she looked into his powder blue eyes, she couldn’t help but want more. Every time he touched her, the connection grew.

  To hide her disappointment, she rambled on about University. She told him about her classes, and how all she ever wanted to do since she became an adult was sing. Her life story unfolded, but he refused to open. It was frustrating, but at least he listened. She told him about the drastic move to drop out of school and pursue music full time. He didn’t look at her like she had two heads like her father had. Nico didn’t call her insane like her most recent ex. Instead, he told her how talented she was and that he could see her becoming a huge star. Those words may have earned him an extra-long drawn out kiss.

  By the time she finished getting ready, she’d discovered absolutely nothing about the sexy man holding open the door. He had a story, but he wasn’t sharing. She had to find a creative way to draw it out of him. He took her hand as they walked to the elevator and his heat traveled the length of her.

  “We’re going to play twenty questions. I’ll ask the first question. What’s your favorite color?” She started with an easy one.

  “Red. Although, I have to say, the green flecks in your hazel eyes have to be a close second.”

  Her cheeks blushed to match his statement. “Why red? Any particular shade appeal to you more, and these don’t count towards the twenty; it’s a request for you to elaborate.”

  He laughed, and the sound echoed through the halls. “You’re tricky, but I’ll answer. I’ve always liked red. It’s the color of the maple leaf and I’m very patriotic. My favorite shade is the color your skin turns once it’s been spanked; beautiful and vibrant.” Nico moved his hand to her backside and gave a gentle pat. Then he leaned down and kissed her open mouth. “The shade of your lips after I’ve kissed them is also spectacular.”

  The temperature in the halls was stifling. Her palms became sweaty, and she found it difficult to catch her breath. They’d spent the morning in bed with his hands all over her, but it wasn’t enough. His touch and his words were a new addiction. She rubbed her thighs together, but the tiny friction only made it worse.

  “Good answer. I’ve always been partial to turquoise because it’s so calming yet vibrant. I once added blue streaks to my hair. It took forever to fade. I pretty much keep it natural now.” The rambling couldn’t be stopped. This was supposed to be about getting to know Nico better.

  “I like your almost white blond hair. You’re a natural beauty.” He nipped at her earlobe.

  “Flattery won’t get you into my panties again until after you’ve fed me.” Not that she wore any underwear. Her thong was tucked inside her purse, but she kept that little secret to herself.

  He released her ear. “That’s too bad, cause I’m sure if I checked they’d be soaked. Next question,” he said as the elevator doors opened and an elderly couple greeted them. They stepped inside and exchanged smiles.

  “Are you a dog or a cat person?” Caroline loved all animals but her allergies prevented her from having a pet of her own.

  “Both, though I don’t have any pets. With my crazy schedule, it wouldn’t be fair to the animal.” He pulled her closer and his breath ghosted over her ear. “For your information, I’m very fond of pussy.”

  Caroline choked on her own saliva. A coughing fit ensued as she tried to regain her composure. The couple gave her an evil glare as if she were the one being naughty. Nico twisted everything into something dirty.

  “Any siblings? And don’t even think about one-word answers, I want details.” She’d thought it was another easy question, but his entire body stiffened. Had she not been pressed against him, she might not have noticed. His face gave nothing away, but her question had struck a chord.

  Silence followed until they reached the top floor where the restaurant was located. There was no witty response or heated look. His demeanor changed from playful to stoic. It reminded her of how he’d looked last night when they’d first met. An almost pained expression marred his handsome features.

  The couple exited first, and they followed. Nico kept his hand on the small of her back, but she felt like she’d somehow alienated him with her questions. “You seem upset. Was it something I said?”

  He threaded their fingers and brought her knuckles to his lips. “Not in the least, but I’m hungry. Let’s get a table. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all.”

  They checked in with the host and discovered there would be a thirty-minute wait. Nico lingered at the desk. Caroline took a seat on the bench next to the same couple from the elevator. She crossed her legs, tugging on the hemline of her short dress. Nico’s t-shirt was way too big, but she’d knotted the extra fabric at her waist so her dress looked like a skirt. It wouldn’t win any fashion awards, but it covered the marks on her chest and she felt comfortable. It also smelled like him, the musky spice wasn’t cologne; it was unique and all Nico.

  “They’ve got a table for us.” He held out his hand as the couple seated next to her once again glared. By all rights they arrived first and should have been seated first, but she took his hand and followed.
r />   “Right this way, Mr. Ivarsson.” The young host guided them towards a secluded table near the back. It was far from the buffet, but quieter. She thought it was a perfectly quaint setting for their first date.

  “Thank you,” she said as he pushed in her chair before taking his own seat across from her. “So why do you think breakfast is the most important meal? It’s a proven fact that snacking throughout the day is better than eating large hearty meals.”

  He shrugged his huge shoulders. “My family made a point of eating breakfast together before we all split apart to do whatever the day entailed. Starting the day off right was a big deal to my folks. My sister and I used to groan and bitch, but I secretly loved it. It’s just me now; everyone else has passed away. Guess that tradition lived on and I always ensure I eat a good breakfast.”

  “Oh, that’s kinda sweet and sad. How long ago did they pass away?” She hadn’t expected him to be so forthcoming, but she latched onto his words like a sponge.

  He took a sip of his water before answering. “My folks were a lot older when they had kids. They were both in their late-seventies when they passed away within a year of each other. It wasn’t unexpected, is I guess what I’m trying to say. My sister’s death is an entirely different story, but she’s been gone for over a decade.” The pain in his eyes looked fresh.

  Caroline reached across the table and stroked his hand. “They say time heals all, but I know what it feels like to lose someone close. I’m not sure someone ever fully recovers.”

  “Who have you lost? Was it a sibling too?”

  “No, thank goodness. I couldn’t imagine not having my sister. I lost my mom nine years ago. Connie, my sister, was an oops-baby, and she turned nine a few months ago. I love her like she was my own and in many ways, she is.”

  “Did your mom die during childbirth?”

  Caroline shook her head. This conversation was intense for a first date, but she liked that he seemed engaged and responsive. “She suffered from really bad postpartum depression.” She didn’t want to say more than that. Most people filled in the blanks and she didn’t have to say the word suicide.

  “I’m sorry for your loss. That must have been tough having to grow up so fast.”

  “Thanks. We all grow up eventually.”

  “Yeah, but dealing with a tragic loss has lingering effects. My sister suffered from depression until she didn’t anymore. I miss her every day and sometimes events like last night bring it all front and center. I can hear the sorrow in your voice when you sing. It’s part of what drew me in. I’m a fan in case you haven’t noticed.” Nico’s thumb ran across her knuckles sending shivers all over her.

  That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said. Without trying he said the exact right words. “Thank you. I’ve had a while to come to terms with it all. It’s been me, Dad and Connie for many years. Dad works so much that I kind of fill in for both parents when I can. I’m lucky we have hired help.”

  “What does your Dad do?”

  Telling guys about her father was a surefire way of getting a second date, but not always for the right reasons. They figured dating her would get them free tickets to hockey games, but she never went and her father preferred it that way. Sharing he owned an NHL team, and that one day it would be hers wasn’t a good move. She’d learned that the hard way.

  “He’s a businessman with a diversified portfolio.” This was true. Her father owned many buildings around the city and the team. No lies. “How about you, what do you do for a living?”

  “I lead a team of highly qualified men. My schedule is insane and I’m out of town a lot. Would that be a deal breaker for you? Relationships are hard enough without dating a guy who’s not around much.”

  His words brought an ear to ear smile to her face, but then she couldn’t read his motives. “Are you asking me out or are you trying to set up a booty call? I’m not that girl, regardless of what last night might lead you to believe.” Her heart did a cartwheel followed by a back handspring. She really hoped he was asking what she thought he was. She could so easily picture herself with him.

  His half smile made an appearance, and he squeezed her hand. “I don’t need random sex with strangers. I can get that anytime I want. Trust me when I say it gets old quick. I might regret saying this, but I like you, Caroline. I’d like to take you out on a real date.”

  “Yes!” It came out far louder than intended, reeking of desperation and making him laugh. “I mean… that would be fun. Why would you regret telling me you like me? I like you too, for the record.” She reached for her water and ended up spilling the contents all over the white tablecloth.

  He chuckled at her lack of coordination. This wouldn’t be a onetime event. She was over the moon and bouncing with excitement. He looked relaxed with his arm draped over the chair to his left. “I’ve learned to play my cards slowly. People have to earn my trust. I’m twenty-five but sometimes I feel like I’m fifty with the amount of relationship hell I’ve been through. Games and lies, I’m done with that. How old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-one, so not jailbait in case you were worried. Although you’re a little late to be asking that now.” She sopped up the mess as best she could with her napkin.

  “I saw you at the bar with a drink so I wasn’t concerned. You also don’t have the eyes of a child. They are beautiful and seasoned, not to mention you don’t fuck like a woman with no experience.”


  He laughed, and that sound did naughty things to her. “Let’s eat. We can talk more with food in front of us.” He stood up and held out his hand.

  Their fingers intertwined. Caroline could so easily fall in love with him. “One last question before we eat. When you say you’re done with playing games, does that mean you want a relationship? You’re looking for a girlfriend.” She often fell too hard and too fast, which lead to much heartbreak, but love was worth it. One day she’d meet the right guy who would support her dreams and found her quirky sense of humor funny. Nico could be that guy.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m not into labels, but I wouldn’t be dating anyone else while we’re seeing where this goes. Keep the questions coming, angel.”

  One night of sin wasn’t supposed to turn into dating. As they ate their food and talked about everything under the sun, she liked him more and more. He was hilarious. Caroline hadn’t laughed so hard since… she couldn’t remember, maybe ever. He had so many stories about his friends and the craziness they got into when he wasn’t working. By the time the food got cleared, she was smitten.

  She wanted to call and thank the band for making her play the silly game that introduced her to Nicolas. One kiss wasn’t supposed to turn into meeting the man of her dreams. But the more she learned about him the more she realized he might be the one. As they consumed the last of their coffee, they solidified their plans for a second date, and exchanged numbers. Her legs shook as she watched him punch in his digits into her phone.

  “There you go.” He handed her back the device, and then it rang.

  Caroline checked the display; it was her dad. “Sorry,” she said to Nico before she answered the call. “Hi, Dad, what’s up?”

  “I’m taking Connie and Meagan for brunch at the hotel. I hate that we had a disagreement last night. Rather than driving them home, I set the girls up in a room. Your sister fell asleep instantly. We already ate breakfast, but please join us for a late brunch.”

  “Um, what time?” She looked down at her attire and cringed. Her dad knew she had boyfriends, and she was an adult, but she didn’t flaunt her sexuality in his face.

  “We’re at the restaurant now, but we can wait for you. How long do you think you’ll be?”

  Caroline searched the room but didn’t spot him. She wasn’t ready to introduce Nico. He wasn’t her boyfriend. What was she supposed to call the man she’d spent the wildest and most sensual night of her life with? There had to be an alternative, but hiding under the table wouldn’t work. She
spotted a platinum blonde set of curls by the host desk. “I’m closer than you think. I’ve already eaten, but maybe I could stop by and say hello.”

  They said goodbye, and she hung up. Caroline looked at Nico and chewed her lip. It was too soon for introductions. Her father was often in the media and extremely recognizable. She had no idea how to avoid them meeting without coming across as rude.

  “It sounds like you plan to ditch me and that blows. Spend the day with me. I have nowhere I have to be for once, and I’m not ready for our time to end. What do you say?”

  She didn’t want him to go either. “I’ll cancel my plans on one condition.” Her only plans were binge watching re-runs with Maddy, who would high five her once she knew the reason for being ditched. A quick text to her dad and she’d be free.

  “I’m not opposed to your type of conditions it seems. Name your price, angel.”

  “Keep the hotel room for another night.” She was glad he wanted to take her out, but at the moment, she wanted to get back in his pants. Caroline had eaten her days worth of calories, and she was ready to burn them off. Nico wasn’t the only one with a dirty mind in their new relationship.


  They stood to leave and both of them smiled. “I need to use the ladies room before we head back to the room.”

  “Me, too. We can meet back by the elevator. The food is on me, so don’t argue.” He kissed her cheek, and they headed towards the exit. Luckily her family had already been seated.

  Caroline took a few extra minutes to fix her makeup and run her fingers through her hair. The outfit was a dead giveaway she hadn’t been home, but she had an answer for that if her dad spotted her before she got away. She texted him and apologized for missing brunch. He didn’t respond.

  When she stepped out, she looked around for her family and her heart nearly stopped beating when she saw her father standing next to Nicolas. It sank into her stomach as the two talked. They looked familiar with one another; both smiling and Caroline couldn’t catch her breath. Her father knew everyone in the business world, and she tried not to jump to conclusions, but she had a terrible feeling.


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