Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 58

by Kristen Echo

  She stared at him and couldn’t think of a single thing to say because she felt the same. All the sadness, the anger and the loss were still there. It had lessened, but barely. “It never goes away. We live with it and we live on.” Beth leaned down and kissed the cold stone. “Goodbye daddy. We’ll talk again soon.”

  Being there didn’t make her feel any closer to her dad. She adjusted the flowers and stood. Benny stayed on his knees and said a silent prayer. Whatever demon’s he needed to work through, it seemed like he did it. His shoulders relaxed and when he took her hand, walking back to the car he was smiling.

  They stopped by and visited Mr. Wilder and Benny left the flowers beside his headstone. She didn’t ask him what he whispered to the men because it was between them. Brenda had warned her that going would be painful and may not bring any closure, but it had. As they pulled off of the gravel path, Beth felt lighter. She finally forgave Benny for not being there with her when her dad was first brought to this place. He was with her now, and that’s all that mattered.

  The chatter was minimal on the way back to the hotel as they both processed what had happened. This trip wasn’t supposed to be somber. “Let’s do something fun. I’m in the mood for a good time.”

  He eyed her over his sunglasses. “That sounds perfect. I’m glad we did that. Visiting them, but I could use something less heavy before I take the ice.”

  The hockey game wasn’t until evening, which meant they had another two hours before he had to head into work. That would give her plenty of time to do something else she’d been wanting to do for a while.

  “I’ve got something in mind. Let’s go back to the hotel. This is the last trust exercise.” Their second chance at love was in full swing and she no longer needed him to prove himself. She loved him exactly the way he was; flaws and all.

  “I don’t mind them. If you need more—”

  “All I need is you. Preferably naked.”

  The pedal dropped, and the car lurched forward. Benny drove them back to the hotel in record time. When the door closed on the hotel room, her back hit the wall and his mouth claimed hers.

  Beth ran her hands over his shoulders. “I’m proud of you. We knew this would be hard. I want to reward your efforts.” She unbuckled his belt and undid his pants.

  “I like where you’re going with this so far,” he said as his pants hit the ground with a thud.

  “Shirt… off.” She stepped back as he followed her command. Damn he looked good. “Go lie down on the bed.

  Benny jumped onto the bed and smiled at her. “Are you getting naked and joining me, or do you want to watch?” His hand gripped his shaft, stroking its length.

  She admired the view for a moment. “Put your arms above your head and spread your legs.”

  In her bag she pulled out a blindfold, and bondage ropes. She let him see what she held as she approached the bed. They had discussed bondage in the past, but it required a level of explicit trust. They had that.

  “What are you doing?” Benny asked as she trailed the silk blindfold scarf over his chest.

  “Do you trust me?” She crawled onto the bed and gripped his wrists.

  “Yes.” He let her bind them and tie them to the headboard.

  Next, she placed the scarf over his eyes and kissed him. “Good answer,” she said, moving to his ankles. She wrapped the soft ropes around one and secured it to the footboard. She followed with the other ankle. When she was done, he was completely at her mercy.

  His cock was hard and begged for attention. “Are you naked yet?” His voice had dropped to the deeper, more sensual tone that called to her primal desires and beckoned them.

  This exercise wasn’t meant to torture. She stripped quickly and climbed back onto the bed. “I’m not going to whip you or tease the fuck out of you. Instead, I’m going to please you, like you’ve pleased me. I love you, Benjamin Wilder.” She rained kisses all over his body. Some places tickled him, and it was a pleasure to watch him squirm.

  It was even more of a turn on to watch him buck his hips as she licked along the ridge of his cock. She gripped it with both hands and lavished his manhood with attention. She sucked and rubbed exactly the way he needed to explode. It didn’t take her long to bring him to that place.

  “I’m coming!” His warning came seconds before his release.

  Not that she couldn’t tell by the way his body went ridged and his balls tightened in her hands. She drank every drop and licked him clean. He softened slightly, and she knew in a few minutes he’d be ready to go again. She kissed his mouth and watched him lick his lips as he chased her retreating lips.

  “I’m not sure it’s normal for a woman to get this wet from sucking cock.” She dipped her fingers between her legs and painted her arousal over his lips.

  He licked it off like a man starved for more. “Delicious.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” she said as she placed her legs on either side of his face. Beth gripped the headboard for support and lowered her mound against his mouth. She cried out when his tongue licked inside. He struggled to touch her, but their only form of contact was his mouth against her sex. Moving her hips, she rubbed herself against his face. She was so close to coming. When she reached down and pressed her fingers against her clit, she couldn’t hold back. “Oh… Oh… Right there!”

  He licked and sucked until her orgasm subsided and she moved her body away. Still, his mouth chased after her for more. They both wanted more.

  His cock was fully erect. She mounted him and she dropped over him in the reverse cowgirl position. With his legs apart, she was able to ride him hard. She kept a speed that had them both panting in minutes. Each thrust punched against her G-spot. She clenched her walls, and she twisted around at the last minute. She kissed him as they both climaxed. His body trembled, and hers quivered against him. They completed each other perfectly.

  “I love you, Elizabeth. Will you untie me now?” He pulled against the restraints.

  She kissed his full wet lips one last time. “You know, through our past, we are tied together forever.” Beth walked around the bed and undid all the restraints. He removed the blindfold.

  “I like that. As long as it keeps us together in the future,” he said, pulling her into his arms.

  She laughed. She could have done anything to him, tied up or not, but all she wanted to do was love him. Love him today and forever.

  Extended Epilogue


  He gripped her delicate hand and squeezed. The scent of bleach and antiseptic that clung to the hospital room burned his nose. Her hand was cold, and her eyes were shut. His heart was in his throat. Benny wasn’t ready, but it didn’t matter. It was time.

  “Mr. Wilder, you need to move,” the nurse said.

  Benny had no intention of moving from that spot. Nothing she could say would make him leave. It would take a horde of security guards to pry him from the room.

  “I’m not leaving her,” he replied.

  His voice conveyed a confidence he didn’t feel. As he looked at Elizabeth attached to machines and struggling, he could hardly catch his breath. He needed to be strong. This was not the time to crumble and retreat. He’d done that once and promised her, and himself, he’d never do it again. His free hand rubbed over his tattoos. The strongest men he’d ever met were gone. Men, he wished could be here with him on a night like tonight.

  The pain of losing his father and Elizabeth’s father still lingered on his heart. The holes they left never would never be filled. Through intensive therapy, he’d found ways to deal with the grief. Unfortunately, nothing could have prepared him for nearly losing his wife and unborn child. That was a new level of hell. The moment Elizabeth’s blood pressure spiked, she’d gone into premature labor, and his fight-or-flight response had kicked in. More than anything, he’d wanted to shut down, but he’d stuck by her. Luck was on their side. The medicine and bedrest had worked to stop the contractions and lower her blood pressure, but her pregnancy w
as a high risk.

  “You don’t have to leave, but the doctor needs room.”

  He shuffled along the side of the hospital bed. “Elizabeth, you’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met. I love you so much.”

  Her eyes fluttered open, and she gifted him with a weak smile. “I love you too.”

  “Do you need anything? Tell me how to make you more comfortable.” He kissed her hand and then adjusted the pillows behind her back.

  She scratched at the IV tape on her arm and squirmed on the bed. Her long black hair hung loosely over her shoulders. The beeping from the heart rate monitor increased as she moved. Another machine monitored her contractions. The baby’s heart rate seemed steady. After only thirty-five weeks of pregnancy, they were about to meet their son.

  The stress of protecting the net at a Stanley Cup final had nothing on this moment. At least behind the crease, he had control. He knew the rules of the game and excelled at his role on the ice. Fatherhood didn’t scare him. He was ready to try to live up to his role models. Labor and delivery freaked him the fuck out. There were too many unknown variables. Anything could go wrong. In the blink of an eye, he could lose them both. Benny swallowed those negative thoughts and buried them deep. Everything would turn out fine.

  As if she sensed where his mind had wandered, she gripped his t-shirt and pulled him closer. “Stop fusing. Comfort is relative at this point. Our son is coming.”

  He smiled. “I’ll never stop fusing over you or loving you. You should be used to it by now.”

  Her chuckle was cut short as another contraction rocked her. They were coming closer, barely giving her a moment to catch her breath. Her face was pale, but she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She shook her head, grunted and exhaled through a contraction. His face was still inches from hers. With their eyes locked, he breathed with her.

  They were in this together. The doctor entered the room as they breathed in and out over and over. He kept his focus on his wife but listened as the doctor chatted with the nurse.

  “Ten and fully effaced,” the nurse said.

  “Good.” The doctor settled at the end of the bed and adjusted the blankets. “The numbers are stable for both?”


  “Great news.” Her gentle tone and positive words help calm the erratic beating of his heart. “Beth, the baby is crowning. On the next contraction, give me a big push.”

  Elizabeth kissed the bridge of his nose where a permanent bend remained after several breaks and then released his shirt. “Let’s do this.” She leaned forward and pushed. “Ahhh!”

  Benny rubbed her back and encouraged her through each contraction. Close to an hour later, their son arrived. He held his breath as the doctor pulled a tiny, slimy bundle from between his wife’s legs.

  The baby was so small, but his voice was loud and filled the room. As they placed him against Elizabeth’s chest, she smiled brightly, and he finally exhaled. He was a dad.

  “Hello, little man,” she cooed.

  Sweat dripped down the side of her flushed cheeks. She looked radiant. He leaned down and kissed her temple and then her mouth. Tasting the sweet and soft lips of a warrior. She never stopped amazing him.

  “Hi, son.” He kissed his wrinkled forehead as five teeny, tiny fingers wrapped around his index finger. “You’re small now, but one day you’ll be big like me Junior. One day maybe you’ll play in the NHL too.”

  “Or not. No pressure. You can be anything you want to be.”

  The nurse collected him to take his measurements, weight and check his vital signs. Despite his early arrival, he was healthy. Benny’s eyes misted with tears as the doctor delivered the placenta and explained both mom and baby were going to be fine.

  He sank in the chair next to the bed. “I didn’t think it was possible to love this much. Thank you, Elizabeth, for giving me a second chance. Thank you for trusting me with your heart. Thank you for marrying me and having my baby.”

  “You are most welcome.” She grabbed his hand and threaded their fingers together. “But your sexy whiskey-colored eyes won’t sway me.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “What exactly am I trying to do?”

  “We are not naming our son Benny. You called him Junior, but I thought we agreed to name him after our fathers.”

  “I couldn’t think of a more perfect name for him or tribute to them.” His heart swelled. “I love you.”

  “Love you more.”

  “Not possible.”

  He kissed her again, sealing his mouth to hers. The next chapter in their lives would be full of adventures, love and trust. He could handle anything as long as he had her and maybe a little luck.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Extended Epilogue

  Chapter 1

  “Did you always want to be a nanny?” Connie’s question took Meagan aback, and she wasn’t sure how to respond.

  “Like how Daddy always wanted to own a hockey team?”

  In the ten months she’d been working for the Northcote’s, the little girl had asked nothing personal. The job had found her, not the other way around. Being a nanny wasn’t her life’s ambition. At nineteen, she was still trying to figure that out, but this got her away from home and paid better than minimum wage. “Not always, but I love working with kids. This job lets me do that and I get to hang with you. That’s pretty awesome.”

  The petite blonde pondered her response and the tiny puzzle piece in her hand. She rubbed her chin and smiled. “I’m trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. Playing piano is fun. So, maybe I’ll be a musician like Caroline. I like babies, but diapers… yuck! No, thank you.”

  Meagan laughed as she stared at the two-thousand-piece rainbow sprawled on the coffee table. They were almost done. The bottom grass area proved to be more challenging than they’d initially thought and the project had taken hours. Connie picked up another piece, eyed the corners and found the correct spot.

  “I’m not a fan of dirty diapers either, but I’m lucky I don’t have to worry about those. You have a lot of years before you have to decide. Your tenth birthday isn’t for another two months,” she said, eyeing the remaining ten pieces; they all looked the same.

  “Once we finish, are we swimming?”

  A glance outside, revealed a setting sun. The days were getting longer as spring approached, but darkness still dominated this early in March. She looked at her watch and back at Connie. “It’s nearly dinner time. How about we wrap this up and you can ask Mrs. Booth if she needs help with anything? I know you love adding the finishing touches.”

  “I’m not hungry. You said we would swim this afternoon.” Connie crossed her arms and rocked from side to side.

  Connie had Asperger’s and lived by a schedule. Meagan rarely deviated from the planned activities because of how it impacted the little girl. They’d been having fun, and she’d lost track of time. She didn’t want to cause a meltdown and weighed her words carefully.

  “I’ll let you decide what we do. We can leave these last pieces and go swim now, or we can complete the puzzle and swim tomorrow.”

  The rocking increased. “I don’t know what to do.”

  Meagan stood up and walked around the table to where Connie was seated cross legged on the floor. She kneeled next to her. “This is my fault, not yours. I am sorry I lost track of time. Connie, look at the puzzle and tell me if there are any other pieces you think fit?”

  Connie didn’t move right away. Meagan waited, giving her time to adjust to the change. A minute later, her little arm reached out and moved another piece into place.

  “Great job, honey,” Spencer Northcote said from the doorway. Meagan watched her boss enter the room. His salt and pepper hair covered his forehead, shielding his eyes. He was in his mid-forties and oozed dominance and sex appeal. He made her nervous.

  “I’m so sorry, Mr. North—”

  He waved her off. “It’s not an issue. Connie, I asked Mrs. Booth to make your favorite dessert, but she needs you to put it in the oven.”

  “Yummy!” Connie stood and raced out of the room.

  “Follow me to my office, Meagan. We have business to discuss,” he said and left, without waiting for a response.

  Meagan stood and dusted off her knees. The black yoga pants were comfortable, but not the attire she’d have picked to wear around her boss in a formal setting. She’d only been in his office once and that was the day of her interview. Her palms instantly got sweaty. “Yes, sir.”

  The office door was open and Mr. Northcote sat behind his large mahogany desk. “Take a seat.” He never looked up from the paperwork in his hands.

  In the corner, a fire roared in the fireplace, giving the room a soft, warm glow. She entered and took the seat across from him, crossing her legs to prevent them from bouncing. He didn’t speak right away. Her mind wandered, trying to recall any mistakes, but she came up blank.


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