Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 90

by Kristen Echo

  Renee exhaled and shook her hands. “I’ll start from the beginning. My name is Renee and I ran away from home. A few months ago, I started experimenting with drugs. I met Joe Larson at the shelter where I lived off and on. He was a volunteer. I met Hailey there too, and she was there like me because she needed a place. I’m not proud of my actions lately. The mistakes seem never ending; like using drugs and trusting the wrong people.” She glanced at Hailey and shrugged her shoulders.

  “Those two people you’re smearing with your lies are probably the nicest people I’ve ever met. They are my heroes. Hailey and Joe have been nothing but kind to me and everyone they meet. They’ve been trying to help me get clean and back in school. The picture you all think is tawdry was the night they saved my life. Hailey could have left me behind, but she didn’t. Joe could have driven by, but he didn’t. That’s not who they are. They saw a young kid with issues and didn’t turn a blind eye. Joe let me stay at his place while he was away.”

  She stepped away from the microphone and pointed at the reporters. “That’s right check your dates, morons, he was away playing hockey while I detoxed in his guest room.” Renee shook her finger, shaming them and Hailey held back her laughter.

  “He gave two homeless people a place to stay. Joe never once touched me in an inappropriate manner or said anything sleazy. He cared, and that’s it. He hasn’t paid me to say this. It’s my statement and these are my words.” She stepped away and then turned back. “One last thing. If there were more men like Joe Larson, maybe there would be fewer kids on the streets. The next story you write should be about all the work he does for our city when he’s not winning hockey games. That’s it.”

  Renee turned and closed her eyes. Her body was vibrating. Hailey moved closer and rubbed her arms, helping her off the podium. It took an enormous amount to guts for her to tell her story like that. Hailey hoped she was half as brave. The room was warm, almost stifling. She squared her shoulders and stepped behind the mic.

  The chatter stopped as she cleared her throat. “I had a statement all typed up. The facts you missed.” Hailey held it up and crumpled it. “Instead I will tell you what’s in my heart.” She placed her hand over her heart. “I served in the Canadian Army for close to four years and the bravery Renee displayed just now blew me away. My adult life has been plagued with tragedy and I’m only twenty-two.”

  Hailey had a hard time expressing her feelings to herself never mind a room full of reporters. But she could work past her anxiety and get it out. She had to for Joe. She inhaled and rolled her shoulders. Picking one spot on the far wall, she focused and let it out. “I met Joe Larson close to two months ago, and he’s changed my life for the better. He’s selfless and kind. He’ll say he’s not patient, but he takes the time to listen to people. Joe cares about this city and the challenges facing today’s youth. He’s not one to shy away from the ugly. That’s why I love him. I love that he donates to countless charities not just money but his time. I’m proud to be his girlfriend.”

  She stopped staring at the mark on the wall and scanned the crowd. A sea of strangers stared at her. They wanted more. They wanted dirt on the hockey hero, and she couldn’t give them any. “You’re looking for a story to sell your papers and increase your ratings, but you missed the big picture. My love story with Joe isn’t newsworthy. The missing teenagers was newsworthy, and you let them down. The bust at the Reeza property was a huge story, and you missed it. I realize gangs and drugs aren’t as sexy as Joe. Hell, nothing’s as sexy as him,” she snickered, and several people laughed.

  “The real story is what are we going to do to prevent something like what happened at the Reeza farm from happening again. Our teenagers are crying for help and no one is listening. Give them a voice and let’s hear them. Drugs aren’t the answer. Living on the streets isn’t the answer. Suicide isn’t the answer. I’m going to sound like my therapist here but talking is the start.”

  People mumbled, and cameras flashed. She pushed past the distractions “We need to be more open. That’s why I choose to speak out today. Also, Rex Reeza’s face needs to be broadcast far and wide. He’s a master manipulator, and he’s dangerous. Keep the reports on the things that matter, like catching the criminals and making our city safer. Thanks.”

  Her heart raced a mile a minute. The knot in her stomach grew. There was a chance she’d gone too far. Maybe professing her love in front of millions wasn’t the best idea. She stepped down from the podium and smacked into Joe. She couldn’t see his face with her nose buried in his chest, but it was him.

  “Are you and Joe going to get married?” Someone yelled.

  “No more comments,” Caroline answered, ending the event.

  His fingers grazed her chin, and she looked up at him. “So, you love me.”

  She could no longer find her voice. She raised her shoulders and kept her mouth shut. He smiled which did nothing to calm her racing heart. Each breath took more effort as she searched his eyes for a hint at what he was feeling.

  “You didn’t follow the script,” he said. Hailey shook her head as his thumb traced her lower lip. “I never figured you would. Everything you do is off-the-cuff, and I love how you roll. I love the passion in your heart. Hailey, I love you too.”

  With the cameras still rolling, Joe kissed her, and she kissed him right back. She didn’t care their kiss was rated R. Nothing else mattered except being with him and grabbing her second chance at happiness with both hands.

  Chapter 17

  The league hadn’t benched him, which was great because with Joe on the ice their chances of winning were better. His team was playing well, and they were one win away from advancing to the next round. They were one step closer to the Stanley Cup. A hockey game wasn’t won by one player, it took an entire team of exceptional athletes to make it happen.

  “With any luck, we’ll have the Cup home by Father’s Day. Those will make for some epic Father’s Day pictures of me and April.” Cameron squeezed Meagan’s ass, making her yelp.

  She swatted him away. “Let’s get through one holiday at a time. This is my first Mother’s Day in April’s life and I’m nervous. I don’t want her to feel awkward.”

  Hailey watched Meagan freak out for nothing. She suspected her baby sister would waffle about everything which is why she’d dragged Joe to their house minutes after sunrise. First her sister couldn’t decide what to wear, then it was what to make for breakfast. Hailey took the reins, and Meagan wore a beautiful A-line dress that complimented her curves. As for breakfast it was a moot point since they were going to their parent’s house. Correction, her sister was. Hailey hadn’t been invited.

  “That little girl adores you. Stop fussing,” she said, sitting back on the couch and leaning against Joe. In the days since they professed their love, their relationship had settled into something close to perfect. They bickered, and they made love. She was happy, but the little secret growing in her belly threatened to burst that bubble. Joe would either be thrilled or hate her. It was a toss of a coin and could go either way. She didn’t like those odds.

  “Easy for you to say. You’re not a step-mommy. Or whatever I am,” Meagan adjusted her ponytail and glanced in the mirror for the tenth time.

  The door squeaked down the hall. Everyone froze. The little girl was finally awake, and the pitter-patter of tiny feet raced down the hall towards them. April’s blonde curls bounced into the room and halted in front of Meagan.

  Her sister was whiter than a ghost and looked ready to pass out. “Morning. Did you have a good sleep?”

  Cameron ruffled his daughter’s hair and smiled at his girls. “No nightmares. Great job, princess.”

  April glared at him and put her hands on her hips. “I’m not a princess. Tell him mommy. I’m a super hero.”

  Meagan’s smile brightened the room. “You are the best super hero ever,” she said, crouching down.

  April hugged Meagan. “Happy Mother’s Day. I love you.”

ey’s eyes filled with tears. It was so sweet to see the love all around her. Her hormones had shifted, even commercials made her teary eyed.

  “I love you too, April.” Her sister lifted the little girl into her arms and spun her around. “Uncle Joe and Hailey are here to visit.”

  A moment later, April was on Joe’s back and he ran around the room like a fool. Moments like that made her think it would go well. He’d be an amazing father. But there were other times when he’d tell her how happy he was to be free and how because of his childhood he wasn’t sure kids would ever be in his future. For those reasons, she kept her lips locked.

  “We should get April dressed and kick it. Otherwise your mom will blow up your phone,” Cameron said to Meagan while removing his daughter from Joe’s back and placing her on the floor.

  “Thanks, Uncle Joe. Help me pick a dress,” April said, flashing her dimples and looking like the spitting image of her dad.

  Hailey wondered who the baby would resemble. Joe smoothed his hair off his forehead and took April’s hand. He shook his ass, making her laugh as he weaved the entire way down the hall towards her room.

  “Are you coming?” Meagan sat down next to Hailey and grabbed her hand.

  “I’m not welcome. Trust me, I’ve reached out. Over fifty times at least. They hate me.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  Meagan picked up her phone and pressed a few buttons then smiled. “I told mom you’re coming with us. Don’t make a liar out me.”

  “I hate you,” she said, sticking out her tongue.

  “No one hates me. I’m too loveable.” Her sister stood and ventured down the hall to retrieve April while Hailey pounded the couch with her fists. Her mini tantrum solved nothing.

  The group traveled separately but arrived at the same time. She refused to go into her parent’s house without Meagan and Joe by her side. She braced herself for the door slam in her face that was bound to follow. Her sister opened the door and announced their arrival. Hailey held Joe’s hand and hovered over the threshold.

  “Oh good,” her mother said, stepping into the foyer with the Colonel on her six. “I’m glad you all could make it. The holidays are a time for family. Right, dear?”

  Colonel Rylen looked at everyone but her. “It’s Mother’s Day which means we celebrate mother’s. Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy. All mothers are welcome here.” He kissed his wife’s temple.

  “Well if it’s mother’s only, I guess we should leave,” Joe joked and bumped shoulders with Hailey.

  She closed her eyes and tried to reign her temper. Joe had hit the nail on the head. Mothers were welcome, and she wasn’t. Her father had no idea she was pregnant. He’d said those words to wound her. He’d succeeded. “Do you want us gone or are we welcome to stay?”

  Her mother stepped closer, and she noticed the tears fluttering on the verge of spilling over. “Today, let’s bury the hatchet. No talk of work or the past. My children are here, and I choose to believe your brother’s here in spirit too. So, take off your coats and come in.”

  “Can you do that dad? Can you stomach to be in the same room as me?” She wanted him to let go of his ideals and be proud of her even if she wasn’t serving her country for a living. She wanted him back in her life and in her child’s life. Her baby needed grandparents.

  “I don’t know,” he answered honestly.

  “Your stupid stubbornness is going to ruin everything! Dad, you’ve always been my rock and my pillar of strength. I need you for this next chapter in my life. Who the hell will teach my kids how to shoot? How to love this country with passion and pride.”

  “Hailey we both know you’ll never have children so you’re talking nonsense.”

  She dropped her head. “Never say never,” she mumbled.

  Meagan gasped and dropped her purse. “Hailey! Get out,” she squealed.

  Hailey’s head snapped towards her sister. “What?” Her grip on Joe’s hand tightened.

  “I knew it. I told Cameron that you looked different.” Meagan slapped Cam’s arm and did a little happy dance. “This explains your abrupt change from wolfing down every meal in quick military fashion to grazing and hardly touching anything.” Her sister was the only person smiling.

  Joe looked between the sisters and settled on Hailey. “I’m missing something and you’re hurting my hand, baby.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her palm.

  “Oh!” Meagan dropped her hands and looked to the floor. “I’m sorry.”

  Hailey took a big gulp of air. “You’re right, little sis,” she said and offered a weak smile. She turned and faced Joe, taking both his hands. “There’s never going to be a great time to say this, or there just hasn’t been so far. I’m pregnant.”

  He stood there and silently stared at her while the rest of the group inhaled in surprise. She overheard the murmurs, but her focus was on the father of her unborn child. This wasn’t at all how she’d planned to tell him. She’d envisioned getting him a few glasses of wine to loosen up and then springing it on him. Maybe do it while he was naked and satiated, so he wouldn’t run instantly.

  Hailey shook his hands. “Joe, say something.”

  “Um. Happy Mother’s Day.”

  She burst out laughing. Joe pulled her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. He didn’t hate her, but that didn’t mean he was happy about this news. Weeks had passed since she’d received the news. The shock had worn off, and she was elated. She couldn’t wait to hold her dark haired munchkin.

  Joe kissed the top of her head then kissed his way down the side of her face, ending on her lips. “Wow. This is a surprise. You’ve been a constant surprise in my life, woman. Never a dull moment, baby.”

  “I’ve had time to process this. So, it’s okay if you need time. It’s a big change. We have a few more months before the baby comes,” she said.

  “This is happy news. I mean, I’m going to be a dad.” He picked her up and twirled her in the air. “We’re going to be parents. Watch out world, our kid is going to be epic.”

  His reaction was far better than she ever imagined. “I love you,” she said, kissing him again.

  “I love you too.” Joe stepped back and put his hands on her belly. The same way Martin had lovingly caressed Sylvie’s bump. Hailey wasn’t far enough along to show, but the baby was growing.

  Her father cleared his throat, and she looked at him. “Are you sure? I was with you when you mourned the possibility.”

  “Yeah. I’m sure. I was shocked, but the doctors confirmed it. More than once,” she added.

  Her father moved towards her and hugged her. “This child is lucky to have you. You will make one hell of a mother.”

  The tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks. Most teenage girls cried on their mother’s shoulders when things went wrong, but Hailey had always been a daddy’s girl. The Colonel had held her and let her cry. They weren’t the type of family that hugged or kissed. Physical affection was usually provided with a handshake or tap on the back. This hug meant everything to her.

  Hailey wrapped her arms around her father’s waist and smiled. “So, will you teach my kid everything you know?” She looked into his eyes and happiness reflected.

  “I apologize for my reaction to the end of your career. Your mother’s been harping at me to say that. Now, it’s said, and we won’t discuss it again.” He gripped her arms and nodded. “You’ll always be my daughter. You and your family will always be welcome in my home.”

  “Roger that,” she said with a salute.

  Her mother squeezed her arm and began telling her about the labor process. The aches, the pains and the pushing. There was so much to learn. Joe held her hand through it all. By the time they left her parent’s her cheeks hurt from smiling.

  “Are you ready to go home or would you like to make a detour?” Joe closed his door, smiled at her and pulled out of her parent’s driveway.

  Life had dealt her a series of trials and heartache to endure, but s
he’d survived. From those endings she found her way towards acceptance. Some beautiful people, like Denis and Ryan, weren’t meant to be in her life forever. Their lights shined bright and helped her grow. Their memories would remain with her eternally. Joe taught her how to let go. He opened her eyes and healed her heart. He provided her a second chance at happiness. She planned to hold on to it and cherish every moment.

  She leaned over and kissed him. It wasn’t disrespectful to her past. It felt good. Being with Joe felt right. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. So, what will it be?” He gripped the wheel as they coasted down the road.

  “Let’s take the long way.”


  They lost the next game, but not the round. Tied at three a piece going into the final game was nerve-wracking. There was a lot riding on this one game. If they won, they’d advance with only two more teams to beat before winning it all. If they failed, Joe would have plenty of time to house hunt. There was no question which way she wanted things to go. The Stanley Cup was in their future.

  After their statements, the papers had printed a retraction though it never made the front page. Scandals increased ratings, but they’d have to find their story elsewhere. Hailey had tried to find Frank to thank him, but his number was disconnected and his room at the boarding house occupied by someone else. He’d vanished. She had a sneaky suspicion if she ever became a detective for the city, she might see him around.

  Joe scrolled and pointed at the laptop. “This one has a pool and a hot tub. Watching you prance around year-round in a bikini sounds awesome.”

  She settled on his lap and slapped his shoulder. “For starters, I don’t prance. Secondly, naked hot tubbing is the only way to go.” Their lips met, and his tongue wiggled into her mouth. Every kiss turned into more. They didn’t have time to mess around, unfortunately. Hailey pulled his hair back until he released her mouth.


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