Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 94

by Kristen Echo

  “You mentioned you’re not from here. Where are…” The words fell away when his hands landed on her knees. His legs were on both sides, caging her in. Only a thin layer of nylon prevented skin to skin contact. She wanted that in the worst way. Suddenly, her earlier assessment didn’t seem so wrong. The flirting wasn’t in her head. She forgot how to breathe.

  “Tell me more about yourself Jill. What brought you here?” Luka asked with a smile.

  She considered herself a private person, but his smile made her want to open and tell him all her dreams. All her desires. It was silly. “I’m here for some me time. My eldest just turned sixteen, and she’s perfect in every way, but she can be extremely demanding. She’s starting a rebellion phase. My boys came much later. They are two and a half and seven. They keep me on my toes. Are you a parent?”

  “I’m not, though I love kids.” His hands remained on her as he spoke. “I can’t believe you have a sixteen-year-old. Did you have her when you were ten?”

  She laughed. “You’re a charmer. Are you hitting on me?” The question popped out. “Don’t answer that,” she added.

  “Would that be a bad thing?” He squeezed her legs, and she shivered.

  “Not bad at all,” she answered.

  “Jill, I’ve had a rough night with too many things not going my way. Do you know what it’s like when you expect things to happen one way and then everything goes sideways?”

  Why was he touching her and how could she get him to touch her more?

  To prevent herself from blurting obscene comments, she chewed her lip and nodded. If she spoke it wouldn’t make sense. Breathe in and out, she reminded herself. Passing out from a pat on the knee would be mortifying.

  “Tell me something. How is a beautiful woman like you here alone?”

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “You must need glasses. I’d lend you mine, but I left them upstairs,” she joked. When he didn’t laugh, she filled the silence. “I… It just happened. So, you think I’m beautiful.”

  “Very. The way you carry yourself is sexy.” He inched his hand onto her thigh and paused. If he was waiting for her to push him away, it wouldn’t happen. He licked his lips and leaned forward. Smooth, like a move he’d performed countless times. Seductive and effective.

  “Luka,” she inhaled his combination of citrus and man. “What are we doing?”

  The corner of his mouth lifted in a sinfully sexy grin. “We are talking and learning about each other. No?” He pushed the hem of her dress up, revealing the top of her stockings. A predatory look came over him as he eyed her black garters.

  “Right,” she answered.

  Luka grit his teeth as his fingers greeted her bare leg. He leaned forward until his beard tickled her cheek. It was so soft. “We are touching,” he whispered into her ear.

  She ran her fingers through the short hairs at the back of his head. “Physical contact is good.” Jill felt like a live wire ready to explode. “What else?”

  “Feeling,” he said, grazing his palm along her thigh until the tips of his fingers met her panties.

  No one had touched her there in far too long. She struggled for her next breath as his heat penetrated her core. “That might be something for private.”

  “Would you care to show me your bath? You said you enjoy soaking your body. We could relax together and continue our conversation in private.” He removed his hands and leaned back.

  She nodded. The reaction was instantaneous. No second guessing. She was all in for spending more time with Luka. Especially if it involved him half naked and wet. She was almost purring at what that might look like. Jill slipped from her stool. Her legs wobbled, but she didn’t fall over.

  Taking him to her room would lead to many possibilities. They knew nothing about each other. A moment of hesitation followed as she grabbed her purse. He could have been an axe murderer or something, but a sociopath wouldn’t have saved a puppy. Besides the obvious attraction, he seemed like a decent guy. Anyone in her shoes would have accepted his offer. Right?

  “Follow me,” she croaked, moving from between his legs towards the door that connected the bar and the hotel.

  He reached past her and opened the door. “Ladies first.”

  Her heels clacked against the tile at warp speed as she led them to the elevator. His heat was only inches away as he kept the pace behind her. Her brain slipped into overdrive. This getaway had been booked to spend time with her ex. His effort to reunite her family. Being intimate with another man wouldn’t help make that happen.

  Luka’s hand landed on the small of her back when they reached the wall of elevators. Her heart pounded so hard she felt it throbbing in her ears. Once she did this, there was no turning back. Then again, hope for her marriage had fled long before this trip. It was a lost cause. Terry no longer shared her dreams anymore. But this fantasy was real and happening.

  She pressed the button and leaned her hand against the wall. They were two people about to share a hot tub. It didn’t have to go beyond that. But she’d be lying if she didn’t admit to wanting more. Jill ran her fingers through her hair to steady the shaking. It didn’t help.

  Luka wrapped his arms around her, pressing his chest to her back. “You’re shaking like a leaf. Are you cold?”

  If he meant, did she have cold feet? Yes and no. If he meant temperature wise, the answer was no. She was burning up.

  “I’m okay,” she said, melting into his embrace and letting her head fall against his chest.

  He was so much taller and broader. His size no longer intimidated her, but she was far from comfortable. It had been too long since she’d gotten this close.

  He leaned down, pressing his nose into her hair. He collected her hair around his hand and inhaled. The growl that followed made her core quiver. “We’ll warm you soon,” he whispered, pushing her hair over one shoulder.

  The doors opened. He moved her forward, keeping his body pressed against her. No one followed them inside. She pressed the fifth floor and turned to face him. Her eyes focused on his lips. She inched onto the tips of her toes.

  Jill had kissed no man but her husband in over seventeen years.

  She had kissed no man in over a year.

  It was time for a change. She was ready.

  Chapter 3

  His breath tickled her face as she neared his lips. Her focus zoomed onto this mouth as her hands gripped his shoulders. Their eyes locked. Jill inhaled, preparing for contact.

  “Hold the elevator!”

  Instead of pulling her closer, Luka removed his hand from her back and stopped the door from closing completely. Jill stepped back until her back landed against the mirrored walls, creating a distance between them. The kiss never happened. She tried to calm her breathing and steady her pulse.

  A woman around her age raced onto the elevator. Her cheeks were flushed from the cold and her hair windblown. Jill sported a very similar look but for different reasons. Luka lowered his arm and turned his back towards the lady as the doors closed.

  “Thanks.” The woman pressed the seventh floor. “These things take forever,” she said as the lift lurched into motion.

  “No problem,” Jill replied. She wondered what Luka was thinking as he kept his distance and stared at her. The energy traveling between them crackled and climbed with each passing floor.

  Under the bright lights, she could see bright flecks of gold in his brown eyes. She kept her hands by her sides. He did the same. His stoic features were completely unreadable. If he was disappointed at being interrupted, she couldn’t tell.

  When they reached the fifth floor, the doors opened and the woman stepped out of the way. Luka waved his hand for her to lead. They exited without touching. Her stride lacked conviction. She feared the intimate moment had passed and things had shifted.

  “My room’s over here.” She pointed to the far corner and headed towards her suite.

  The lights were on as they entered, and the door closed behind them
with a loud bang, startling her. She was on edge. It wasn’t every day she invited young men into her bedroom. That sounded tawdry even in her mind.

  “There’s a mini bar,” she said. “A drink could be good. Would you like a one?”

  Having a strange man in her room was unexpected but not unwelcome. Had she planned for company, she wouldn’t have left her suitcase open across the second bed. She glanced towards the open partition into the bathroom and cringed. It looked like a tornado had passed through, leaving her makeup and hair products scattered on every surface.

  When she looked back, he unzipped his jacket and leaned against the wall. “Do you regret me coming here with you?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  She copied his body language. “Not at all. Why? Are you sorry you came up?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “If you’re happy for me to stay, then I’ll stay. When the other woman joined us, you pushed away. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I suggested coming here to help you relax, but you seem more tense than before,” he said, removing his jacket.

  A red tank top clung to his body. The veins in his arms bulged under the stretched skin. She dropped her arms and swallowed her drool before answering. “I’m not,” she chirped.

  Adrenaline coursed through her veins. Desire and anticipation wreaked havoc on her nerves. He raised his eyebrow, challenging her.

  “She caught me by surprise,” she added. “We… the heat of the moment ended abruptly. Sorry, I didn’t mean to push you away or give you the wrong impression.”

  “So, are you comfortable enough to get naked with me?”

  His question was blunt, stealing her next breath. She blinked several times, trying to form words and came up blank. Naked. That went way beyond a kiss. Way beyond her comfort zone, yet it excited her.

  A nervous laugh escaped, and she covered her mouth. “We should—”

  He removed his top, and tossed it on the bed. His shoes came off next. Luka pushed off the wall. Over six feet of muscles and virility stalked towards her. “No bathing suit for the bath. Seems only fair we both be naked.”

  His Eastern European accent did funny things to her insides. Or it could have been the implications of his words. Luka’s body was a work of art. Young, fit and vibrant. He stepped into her personal space. Her hands trembled and collided with the ridges of his stomach.

  “I’ve been told I come on strong. But when I see what I want, I don’t know any other way.” Luka placed his hands over the tie on the side of her dress. “May I?”

  “You don’t want to talk a little first? Get to know each other.” Her voice trembled as much as her hands.

  He shook his head. “We can talk in the water. You’re shaking. Let’s warm you up.”

  She swallowed her reservations and nodded. “Sounds good.”

  The knot released within seconds and her dress opened, revealing half of her body. His eyes drifted down to her chest. “Gorgeous. I like the black against your pale skin.”

  “Thank you,” she breathed as he untied the other knot. Her entire front was exposed. She wanted to shrink away and cover herself but stood unmoving. Her curves and marks were a part of her and she wore them like a badge of honor.

  Luka pushed the fabric from her shoulders. His fingers trailed down her spine, stopping at her bra. The dress billowed to the floor by her feet.

  “I like you like this,” he said with a smile, taking in her lingerie and exposed body parts. “Later, after we’ve warmed you up, you’ll put it on for me again.”

  The bra clasp snapped open. He pulled it from her body. Her nipples puckered at the rush of cool air. His eyes zeroed in on her hardened tips. He licked his lips, and she shivered.

  “It’s a struggle not to touch you.” He balled his hands by his sides. “You’re so beautiful.”

  His praise bolstered her confidence. Jill gripped his pants and pushed them down over his ass. They dropped to his ankles. “I never said you couldn’t touch me.”

  His smile turned sinister. “I plan to, but we have all night.” Luka stepped out of his pants. His erection grazed his navel, confirming his attraction. “First, we talk like you wanted. I’ll run the bath. Then more will follow. Timing is everything.”

  More. Her mind raced to fill in the blanks of what that would entail.

  Touching. He’d said it was most definitely on the agenda.

  Kissing. She hoped so.

  Sex. It was highly probable.

  The prospect of being intimate excited as much as it terrified her. She swallowed hard as he winked and left her standing there half naked. His backside was round, firm, and perfect for squeezing. His back dimples waved with his noticeable swagger. He had the gait that only accompanied confident men. Terry walked with the same purpose and he’d almost destroyed her. She shook away those thoughts because tonight wasn’t about him. He was the past and Luka was her present.

  Water poured into the tub and whistling followed. Carefree and enticing. Luka was a breath of fresh air with his directness. He didn’t seem the type to keep secrets, and she found that extremely attractive. Her body vibrated with yearning.

  Seizing the moment and acting spontaneously weren’t her usual MO. Her life ran by a schedule and precise routines. This trip disrupted the flow, and she considered it a good thing. Bending down, she unclipped the garters and slipped out of her heels. The rest of her clothes landed in a pile which she collected and tossed in her suitcase.

  When she joined Luka, he sat in the tub with his arms braced around the edges. She halted mid-stride. He made it look tiny; like two people couldn’t possibly fit. The water continued to flow from the side faucet and barely covered his legs. His erection jutted towards her. Long, thick and perfect. She chewed her lip and tried not to stare, but it was impressive.

  Her attraction towards him tripled. The urge to dive into the tub, slide that hunk of flesh inside her and kiss him until they both exploded was hard to resist. Talking was overrated. She was ready to embrace the wanton side of herself.

  A low chuckle captured her attention. “Come here.” He held out his hand, and she went to him.

  “I’d like to sit on… I mean, sit facing you.” With his cock pressed against her, it would be impossible to resist grinding. Jill wanted to see his handsome face as she sank onto him. She wanted to feel his lips on hers as he stretched her full.

  “As you wish,” he responded, gripping her hand and opening his legs wide to allow room for her to step into the tub.

  The water was warm, but not too hot. She sat and hugged her knees. “Perfect temperature. Do you like baths?”

  “If you’re in them, I like it very much, but I’ve never been a fan.” He turned off the water before it spilled over the sides and turned on the jets.

  She moaned as six pulsing waves of water hit her back in all the right places. “Hmmm. I love them.”

  He picked up one of her feet and massaged her insole. Her eyes rolled back in her head. This was heaven. “What else do you like?”

  “What you’re doing right now. Wow, that’s amazing. I love my high heels, but my feet suffer for fashion.” She dropped her head back as he pressed his thumbs against her arch, working the tightness. “I won’t give them up no matter how old I get. How old are you by the way?”

  “Does my being younger bother you?” He pulled her foot out of the water to knead the muscles more. “Because I’m fond of experienced women.”

  At that moment, the age difference didn’t bother her at all. “Not really. Though you’re probably closer to my daughters age than my own.”

  “Age is a number and nothing more. I’m twenty-two. I left my country when I was eighteen and had been living on my own for many years before that. Besides spending time with your kids, what do you do for fun, Jill? When it’s just you.”

  She laughed. Fun didn’t exist without her babies. She preferred having the kids around all the time. “This might sound pathetic to you but being with my family is fun. They make me
laugh until I cry sometimes, and I don’t like being without them.”

  “Devotion is admirable not pathetic.” He switched feet, causing her to sink deeper into the water.

  “How about you? What do you do for fun and to unwind?”

  “I work out. When I have bad nights, I work myself harder. Parties and drinking don’t interest me. I prefer to watch movies or read. Good sex is the best way to unwind.”

  She slipped under the water, swallowed a mouthful of water and sputtered. Luka placed her feet beside him and dragged her body onto his legs. Jill straddled him and placed her hands on the side of the tub to steady herself.

  “Are you all right? He leaned forward, pulling her closer until she felt his cock against her stomach.

  A coughing fit followed as she tried to gain her bearings. Her ass rested on the top of his thighs. “I’m fine,” she wheezed, patting her chest as he squeezed her ass. Wrapping her legs around him brought their lower half’s together. “Totally good. Thanks.”

  Their position left little room between them. He moved one hand to the nape of her neck and pulled her flush against him. Their chests mashed together. “When was the last time you had sex?”

  “A long time ago.” She let go of the tub and draped her arms over his shoulders. Her fingers ran through his soft hair. Face to face their lips were so close. “You?”

  “It’s been months. It’s hard to meet women when I’m focused on work. I don’t allow many distractions into my life. But tonight, you came along.” He twirled her wet hair around his fist, holding her in place. “I hadn’t planned to take a partner, but I’m interested in you.”

  His accent, his body, his scent, everything about him drew her in. “I’m interested in you too.” She closed the gap between their lips and kissed him.


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