Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 123

by Kristen Echo

  “Breathe, Darlin’.” He smiled and squeezed her hand. “I need you to stay with me. Okay?”

  She nodded, fighting back tears.

  Spencer cleared his throat. “Gwen, I fell in love with you a long time ago, but our timing was off. When you stumbled back into my life, I wasn’t prepared for how hard I would fall all over again. One look was all it took. Your inner beauty shines so damn bright. I love you with all my heart. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “I would love to wear your ring and be your wife.”

  The room erupted in cheers as he slipped the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly.

  “I love you,” he said, rising to his full height and hugging her.

  She kissed him. Softly sucking on his lower lip. “I love you so much.”

  Gwen glanced at the ring. The elegant solitary diamond was beautiful. It took her breath away just like the man who gave it to her. His parents rushed from the curtains along the side of the stage and congratulated them. Their presence surprised them both, but she was elated everyone they loved could share in the celebration. The kids came on stage next and soon they were swarmed with congratulations.

  It seemed like forever before they had a moment alone. Spencer kissed her hard. Her toes curled, and she clung to his lapels to stay upright. She could almost taste the love between them. It was intoxicating.

  Their eyes locked as he pressed his forehead against hers. “I’ve always loved you. Let there be no more doubt.”

  “You’re the one.” She smiled and held his hand over her heart. “You own my heart and my love for as long as I live.”

  “I belong to you, heart and soul, for as long as I live. I bought that ring when I was nineteen. It’s been waiting a long time to be on your finger.” He exhaled and pressed her hand over his heart.

  Their hearts beat as one.

  True happiness was hard to process. Some things were worth waiting for. Spencer Northcote was definitely worth the wait.


  The wedding day had arrived. Gwen leaned against the dresser in her bedroom and looked at her bridal party. They were ready and so was she.

  Miranda bounced her son on her lap as Gwen searched for his bib. The baby had a head full of blonde hair. “Keep away from my little spitter. I don’t want to see a breast milk stain on your wedding dress.” “A bit of spit up won’t ruin anything,” Gwen replied. “Besides, Spencer wants our ring bearer to wear the little bib with the Puck Battle hockey sticks emblem on the front.”

  “I found it.” Wes tied the bib around the future NHLer’s neck. “Are you ready to marry Spencer?”

  “Nice people don’t have to finish last,” Cherie said, holding two bouquets. “I think they are both ready for this next step.”

  Gwen smiled at her sister and daughter. “More than ready. Let’s get this show on the road and not keep him waiting any longer.”

  “Good answer,” Caroline said as she adjusted the veil on Gwen’s head.

  The white sheer fabric ghosted across her face. She was a bride. This was a day she thought would never come.

  The girls had insisted she have a big white wedding. Spencer had attempted to steal her away and elope the day after his birthday, but the kids wanted a backyard wedding. Neither of them could deny their request. The only stipulation was it had to be soon.

  They wanted to be wed before they met with their foster care caseworker at the end of September. Even with all of Spencer’s connections and money, that was the soonest appointment available. They hadn’t told the girls about a potential sibling. Not until they knew for sure their family would be growing.

  Traditions and superstitions didn’t factor into her wedding plans. Gwen had refused to spend the night away from her fiancé. They woke up in each other’s arms and started their wedding day with a proper three course orgasm. She worried she’d walk funny down the aisle, but she didn’t care.

  “Thank you.” She walked over to the dresser and grabbed the lockets from the top drawer. She’d bought one for each daughter and one for her sister. As she handed them out, she felt her mother’s presence close to her heart. Cherie had given her their mother’s old locket to wear for the day as her something borrowed. The gesture had been unexpected and caused a ten-minute fountain to spill from her eyes.

  “I love you all beyond measure.” She choked up and paused to catch her breath. “My family.” She covered her heart and blinked away the tears.

  “Thank goodness for waterproof mascara,” Miranda joked.

  Connie stared out the window, rocking on her heels. Her pale, pink bridesmaid dress swayed above her knees. “He’s ready. I can see Daddy standing under the pergola.”

  Picturing him at the alter sent butterflies dancing in her belly, but she was surprisingly calm. There wasn’t an ounce of doubt that this decision was the right one. She’d loved Spencer for over twenty years. A legal piece of paper wouldn’t change anything except her last name.

  She joined her daughter at the window and peered at her future. The sun kissed the horizon as swirls of pink, purple and orange mingled. An explosion of flowers decorated the grass aisle. The chairs were full and so was her heart. The scene below was even more beautiful than she’d imagined. Her teenage dreams were coming true.

  Gwen climbed down the stairs and listened to the music as everyone followed the path and got into position. She gripped Westlyn’s arm as the crowd rose to their feet. Her eyes found his. The deep blue hypnotized her and everyone else melted away. His full lips parted as he returned her smile. He looked delectable in a tux.

  Was it wrong to skip the cake and go right for dessert?

  “Keep walking,” Wes whispered.

  She giggled and raced the rest of the way, dragging her daughter down the aisle. “It’s time.”

  Westlyn placed Gwen’s hand in Spencer’s and stood beside her as she spoke her vows.

  They declared their love in front of their family and friends. Holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes, they promised to be faithful. They pledged to take care of each other forevermore.

  As soon as the ring slid onto his finger, Spencer dipped Gwen backwards and kissed her. He didn’t wait for the announcement of husband and wife to seal their fate. His lips crashed into hers. He claimed her mouth and her heart just as he had the first night they met.

  Under a blanket of twinkling stars and glittering lights, Gwen married her best friend and the love of her life. She was glad they had hired a photographer and videographer to capture the special moments because she was too focused on him to remember any of it.

  There was nothing simple about Spencer and the wedding was a lavish event. NHL royalty were there, along with half the city. They greeted their guests and thanked everyone for coming. Speeches were quick, but everyone had something to say it seemed.

  Luka and Jill Pedlandsky held up their glass. “May the happy couple never fight,” Jill said.

  “But if they do, make up fast and hard,” Luka added, earning him a smack from his wife.

  Laughter filled the yard. The toasts seemed never ending. It didn’t take long for the conversation to switch from love and flowers to pucks and the Stanley Cup.

  Not that she minded. Hockey held her interest more than table runners and lace.

  Martin and Sylvie stood next, holding their glasses above their heads. “May your marriage be as successful as our last season.” Sylvie smiled. Gwen loved her French accent. “You’ll share many ups and downs.”

  “In bed,” Martin joked. “And may you always come out on top.”

  The group cheered. It was obvious the booze was working its way through the group. As the toasts turned progressively more inappropriate.

  Sergei, the newest draft pick, downed his beer and grabbed a glass of champagne from a tray. “You’re lucky to have found each other. I hope this luck follows us into next season.”

  Everyone cheered to the couple and another Stanley Cup

  Spencer stood and Gwen joined him. “The next season is just around the corner and the future is anyone’s guess,” he said, hugging Gwen tighter. “I’d love our team to win another Cup. But right now, I’d love to take my wife and—”

  “Thanks everyone for your well wishes,” she interrupted, not knowing where he would go with that statement. If his thoughts were following hers, it wasn’t meant for public consumption. “Enjoy your night,” she added.

  If it had been up to Spencer and Gwen, they would have skipped the rest of the formalities and left for the honeymoon as soon as they’d cut the cake. But they stayed.

  Caroline’s band, Altered Chords, played a ballade for their first dance. Nathan sang the hauntingly perfect love song Caroline had written for them. It was touching and Gwen cried. She’d held back the waterworks through the ceremony but hearing her daughter’s words proved to be too much. The tears poured down her cheeks as Connie, Westlyn and Caroline joined them on the dance-floor. The five of them held hands and swayed together.

  Once the kids left them, she wiped her face with a handkerchief. “Did you ever think your life would turn out like this? I’ll be honest. With all the mistakes I’ve made, I didn’t think I deserved a happy ending.”

  “I did.” Spencer twirled her out and pulled her back to his chest. “Mistakes are an opportunity to learn. I don’t make the same mistakes twice. The first time I dreamed of our future it wasn’t big enough. The sky’s the limit this time.”

  She peered into the endless ocean of his eyes and kissed him. “I love you. I look forward to building our future together.” Gwen squeezed his tight, round ass and purred like a cat in heat. “Are you ready to start our happily ever after?”

  “Darlin’, we started that tale two decades ago. I’m ready to take my wife to bed and make love until the sun comes up.”

  “Good answer.”

  She laughed, took her husband’s hand and headed for the house. The wedding was over. The honeymoon was about to begin, and she had a feeling it would last for the rest of her life.

  Extended Epilogue


  Their house resembled a daycare center with toys scattered in every corner and colorful finger paintings taped to the walls and appliances. Standing in the kitchen, summer sunshine beamed against his bare feet. Spencer inhaled the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, held his first cup of the day and smiled. He loved waking up to a full house. For some many years, it had been just him, Caroline and Connie. Then Gwen came along, filling the emptiness he’d been ignoring.

  “Good morning.” Gwen kissed his cheek.

  Her hair was still wet from their shower. With a house full of kids, they had to steal moments to be alone. Making love to his wife was the best way to start a day.


  He reached for her hand, but two toddlers raced between them. The early morning game of tag sent his cup sailing through the air. When the cup hit the tiles, it shattered and hot coffee spread across the floor.

  “Slow down,” he said as the giggling kids disappeared down the hall. He kneeled and collected the broken pieces. “Second cup broken this week.”

  She chuckled, tossing a rag next to his hand. “After the twins arrived, I switched to travel mugs with non-spill lids.”

  “Smart.” He cleaned the mess, tossed the remnants in the trash and washed his hands in the sink. “What are your plans for the day?”

  “Teleconference with Reba followed by a meeting with the Child and Family Services. My sister is coming over for lunch and then I’m helping Westlyn pack.” Her voice trembled on the last part.

  Spencer closed the distance between them, pulled her into his arms, and kissed the top of her head. The sweet scent of her shampoo tickled his nose. He breathed deeply. “I can meet with CFS and you can spend more time with Wes.”

  “Offer accepted. I can’t believe she’s moving. I’m not ready.” She snuggled against his chest. “I might lock her door, so she misses the flight. Our family is supposed to be getting bigger, not smaller.”

  They planned to foster as many kids as the city would allow. So far, they had adopted two and were fostering three. The process took time, but they hoped to foster another child before the end of summer. As each new face entered their home, his heart expanded.

  “She might move out of the house, but this will always be her home. We will always be her family.”

  “But what if she never visits? University will keep her busy. What if she gets into trouble and we aren’t there?”

  “She’s a grown woman with excellent survival skills. You’ve taught her well.”

  “We’ve taught her,” she corrected. “Since you entered her life, she’s really turned a corner. She smiles more. I smile more too. I love you, Spencer.”

  He winked and his heart skipped a beat. He’d never get tired of hearing her say those words. “I love you too.”

  “I want her to be happy.”

  “We both want her happy. If she doesn’t like it, she’ll move back, but I won’t hold my breath.”

  “I would never have allowed her this freedom if it weren’t for your influence. Spencer, what if—”

  He sealed his mouth over hers, swallowing her fears. The kiss was far from gentle. She melted against him. Her tongue was demanding. He gave her everything she needed. Her worries matched his, but he had to be strong. He loved Westlyn as though she were his blood. In truth, blood didn’t make a family. Love bonded them.

  When he removed his lips, they were both breathless. “She’s not an unsure teenager anymore. Gwen, you have let her go.”

  “You’re one to talk. I overhead you and your friend conspiring. The job with the new NHL team is your way of spying on her. Don’t act like I’m the only overprotective parent here.”

  He shrugged his shoulders and ran his fingers through her wet tendrils. “The league added a second team in Toronto. I had nothing to do with that, but I just so happen to the know the owner, and I may have asked him to keep an eye on her.”

  “May have?”

  “A part-time job with the Thunder will be good for her. She already knows a few of the players. If my friends keep her safe and out of trouble, I won’t complain.”

  Gwen’s eyes were glassy as she stared at him. “Thank you for doing that. You are so thoughtful. I feel a little better knowing she has friends close. When we moved to Winnipeg, I hoped it would be permanent.”

  “It is permanent. I’m never letting you go. Did that once, but never again.”

  Their lips met again. This time it was softer. Less rushed and frantic. Their tongues tangled as he pulled her flush against him. Her soft curves molded against his body and her hands trailed down his spine. She squeezed his ass, and he moaned.

  “Yuck,” Connie whined. “No kissing in the kitchen.”

  The kids didn’t appreciate their public displays of affection. Too bad for them because he had no intention of keeping his hands or lips off his wife. He’d lost years already. Each day was a second chance to love her as much as he could.

  Gwen smiled against his lips. “Good morning, Connie. Did you sleep well?” She patted his butt before walking over the table.


  The one-word answer was expected. His daughter didn’t like change. Her condition made it more difficult to adjust. Westlyn’s move was wreaking havoc on everyone. He sat next to Connie, pushed her blonde hair away from her face and draped an arm over her shoulder. Her blue eyes searched his for answers and a solution to a question she’d been asking for months.

  He exhaled. “We’ll visit her soon and she’ll visit us as often as she can. Toronto is only one province over.”

  “I know. You say the same thing every day. Daddy, can I play the piano at her party tonight?”

  “Of course.” He kissed her temple and relaxed. “She’d love that.”

  “Okay. I’ll have a muffin before my swim.”

  “Swim,” the twins yelled in unison a
s they raced towards the empty chairs next to him.

  Gwen brought a basket of freshly baked muffins and a jug of orange juice over. She placed them in front of Connie who inspected the contents before making her selection. The game of tag was abandoned, and their toddlers joined them at the table. The kids each grabbed a muffin. Spencer chuckled as they devoured their breakfast. Crumbs covered their faces, the table and the floor.

  “Take two,” Gwen said, handing him a travel mug filled with coffee. “You’ll need caffeine. We have a full day ahead.”

  “Thank you. For the coffee and for making each day more special than the one before.”

  Mornings were often a chaotic mess, but he wouldn’t change a thing. He set the mug down and pulled Gwen onto his lap. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Hugging his wife, he smiled and looked forward to another day of living happily ever after.

  Thanks for reading! If you can’t get enough of the Puck Battle crew, check out how it all started. How one moment turned into a series. If you want more hockey romance, stay tuned for more information about Westlyn and Sergei. All the extras and updates are available on my website: EchoRomance.com


  Thank you for reading the Puck Battles. Each book in this series and box set has been a blast to write, and I hope you had fun reading it. This was my first complete series and I loved getting to know each character. The bad guys have all been caught, the team won the Stanley Cup and they all lived happily ever after.

  If you didn’t get enough of the Puck Battle team, head over to my website and check out the bonus content area where you can claim the Puck Battle Beginnings short story. It’s exclusively available to members of my mailing list. Subscribe and get access to all the bonus content. I love writing extra scenes and short stories for my fans.


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