Rozalyn 6: The Finale

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Rozalyn 6: The Finale Page 25

by Shan

  “Get the fuck off of me!” I yelled.

  “Mr. Andrews, calm down please. Everything is going to be okay. If you can please step outside so that the doctor can concentrate on what is he doing? If he is distracted something can go terribly wrong and we don’t want that.”

  I glanced up at Rozalyn one last time. I walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead and then her lips. Her eyes were closed and that shit had my heart beating fast as hell.

  I backed away and stepped out into the waiting area. My mom and Taylana were here along with all of the kids. Starr and Neek had come and so did Brian and Kevin.

  “What’s wrong?” Tamarion asked me. “Is mama okay?”

  “Yea, she’s good. She just finished having your sister,” I told him putting my game face on.

  “Go get her.”

  “They’ll bring her out in a few so that everybody can see her.”

  I sat back in my seat in deep thought. This shit had me shook. I heard a few stories before about women dying after giving birth but I never thought about it ever happening to Rozalyn. I felt like shit right about now. Just as things had started going really good for us, it felt like I was about to lose her. This was the same hospital that Keysha had to give birth to our dead son and I couldn’t take him home and now Rozalyn had given birth to our daughter and I might not be able to take Rozalyn home.

  A tear slipped from my eye and I hopped up from the chair and began to take a walk. I didn’t want to scare the kids or anyone else for that matter. I wanted to go outside and smoke a cigarette to calm my nerves, but didn’t want to leave out without knowing what was going on.

  I took my cell phone out of my pocket to see if that would help shift my thoughts and saw that I had a few missed calls and a message from none other than that trick Keysha. Kinda funny how she would contact me after all this time and on the very day that Rozalyn went into labor. I opened up her message and frowned after reading it.

  Keysha: Just want to say that I am sorry for everything. I know you know about everything that I did and I can’t say that I am sorry enough. I should’ve never did any of what I did and I thought about it every day after I left. Feelings were definitely hurt, but no one deserved to die because of it. Please tell Rozalyn that I am sorry too.

  I had stopped looking for Keysha a couple of weeks after she disappeared on me. Karma always had its way of getting around to those that deserved it and I didn’t feel the need to go after her for what she had done. Part of me felt guilty for the way I had treated her and how quickly after she lost our son, I was sending her on her way.

  Me: Preciate it. Send.

  Keysha: I never told you before maybe because I was too salty, but congratulations on your latest endeavor. Wish you nothing but the best.

  I decided not to respond to that last message and had deleted any evidence that we ever talked out of my phone. I turned around to head back towards the waiting area and saw Starr waving me over. I took off in a light jog and the doctor had finally come out of the room.

  He sighed. “Mr. Andrews, Rozalyn lost a lot of blood. There was small tear in her uterus that caused her to bleed out and hemorrhage. That’s what caused her to get weak and pass out the way that she did. She is better now and we are keeping a close eye on the tear. I did the best I could to repair it, but in a couple of days if it’s not healing the way that I feel it should, I will need to perform a hysterectomy.”

  “So, she’s okay.”

  “She’s good. She’s very tired and might not be very responsive, but she’s fine. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” I said and breathed a sigh of relief.

  We had to wait out in the waiting area for them to get Rozalyn cleaned up and taken to her private hospital room. It took at least an hour, but soon as they were done, the kids and I went inside and sat with Rozalyn.

  “Daddy, you okay,” Zyir asked me.

  “Yep, I’m good. You like your new little sister.”

  “She looks just like mama,” Zavier said.

  “Sure does,” Tamarion added.

  “Yea, she does look like her big headed mama.”

  “I’mma tell mama you said she had a big head,” Zyir laughed and Zavier joined in with him. Trina didn’t know what was funny, but the thought of laughing made her laugh too.

  I watched as Tamarion climbed up on Rozalyn’s bed and pulled the cover up closer to her chin. He kissed her on the forehead and pulled her hair out of her face. I knew that if I ever left this earth any time soon, I could always count on Tamarion to look after everybody.

  I stood up and placed Taeanna in her baby bed and the sat on the opposite side of the bed from where Tamarion was sitting. I grabbed Rozalyn’s hand brought it up to my lips and kissed it. Tamarion did the same thing.

  “I love you mama,” Tamarion said and it caused a chain reaction because all the kids screamed out their I love yous right behind him.

  “I love you, too big head,” Rozalyn said weakly. She opened her eyes and looked at Tamarion and smiled at him. She then looked at me. “They made me go to sleep and I dreamed that you were gone.”

  “That’s why you haven’t been sleeping at night, huh?” I asked her and she shook her head yes. “You can sleep ma’. It’s not a dream, I love you so much that I’mma spend the rest of my life showing you how much.”

  Epilogue: Tamar

  I sat back in my leather chair at the head of the boardroom table choking on a thick blunt filled with Kush. Blowing out a thick cloud of smoke, I ran my eyes over the crowd of gentlemen that sat before me. When I looked hard enough, I could see Tavon and Taron sitting back while bobbing their heads to a beat that only they could hear. Keylan ducked off in a corner waiting on a nigga to make one wrong move, Brandon in another daydreaming about some bitch, and Dmitri contemplating how he was going to take over the world.

  Although, they all had passed away, I could see them clearly. I had lost them all in one way or another and each of them had taught me something that I carried with me and had made me the man that I was today. Even though Tavon and Brandon had crossed me and I participated in their deaths, I no longer hated my brothers for what they had done to me and I knew that they felt the same way.

  Life for me had been nothing short of fuckin’ beautiful over the past year and a half. I had five beautiful kids and was still loving the married life with my soul mate Rozalyn. I had taken the quote that Jahkim had given to me and repeated it to myself on a daily; Whoever bears arms against us is not one of us, and whoever cheats us is not one of us.

  I hadn’t cheated on my wife since hearing it and knew that she had been loyal to me as well, not only that; the UNC was built damn near to perfection based off of loyalty and trust and any problem that had occurred had been one so small that it was barely even mentionable.

  The United Nations Cartel was now deemed by the FBI, DEA, the CTU, and of course the muthafuckin’ streets as one of the most lethal and richest cartels that they had ever come across. The UNC accounted for some of the most ruthless criminals in the world and had continued to fly over the judicial systems heads.

  It had been difficult for any of the government agencies to figure it all out and for the life of them; they couldn’t believe that it was being run by a black man. They had such a hard time believing it, that they had practically ignored it and had continued looking elsewhere for the leader of the infamous UNC. For that reason, they would never figure it out and because of their prejudice, I continued to stack my paper.

  I was literally in awe at the things that I had accomplished. Most days I couldn't believe it and other days I just sat back and basked in all the glory. I had always said that it wasn’t about the money for me. It had long ago stopped being about the money. It was always about the level of power that I possessed and the amount of respect that I received that came with it. That was all I had ever wanted in life and the wealth that came with it was just an added incentive.

  “Yo’ I’m telling you the bit
ch ran out the house butt ass naked holding this nigga’s dick her hand!” Kevin cracked catching my attention. I looked at my brother-in-law and smirked. I’d known Kevin almost as long as I had known Rozalyn and I was happy to see that Kevin was in the position he was in today. Our relationship had started off rocky, but had later progressed into a brotherly love.

  Kevin was definitely getting money; so much that he didn’t know what to do with it. The bitches were bowing at his feet and still running through the hood calling him King Kev. I had hated that Kevin and Kayla couldn’t come together and work out their relationship, but I understood it.

  Kayla had preferred a regular nigga that worked a nine to five, but had latched onto a nigga that wasn’t built that way. Because of that, she had completely lost him to the streets. Kevin was on a get money, fuck love, and fuck plenty bitches mission and was doing so with his young nigga Gotti right beside him. The two of them were tearing up the streets of Miami and doing all the things that me and my boys used to do.

  “Sure it wasn’t a dildo nigga?” Neek jumped in the conversation and everybody gave him that look. “What? I’m just saying it could’ve been a dildo.”

  “No, it couldn’t have been a dildo, that doesn’t even make sense you fucking cabron,” Chalo, Dmitri’s loyal friend said.

  “Fuck you,” Neek told him as he threw him the bird.

  Seeing Neek had made me think of my cousin Dro. Me and Dro weren’t very close and had only seen each other a few times before Dro had been locked up. In my attempt to help Dro out and ensure that his pockets stayed how he was used to, I felt like I had gotten Dro killed.

  I knew that I should’ve sent Dro back to New York and set him up the same way, but I hadn’t, and he was now dead. It wasn’t entirely my fault though because had someone told me that the reason behind Dro’s time in prison was because he had attempted to kill a woman that he had been having an affair with because she called it off, I would’ve known what was coming.

  I was cool on it now though. Neek had survived it all and was doing real well for himself. He was bringing in a lot of money and had made a great asset to the UNC.

  Neek and Starr had been living in their new home for quite sometime now and seemed to have gotten back to way things were before the drama. I didn't know how long that shit would last though because I had recently seen Neek hugged up in the mall with some chick that definitely wasn’t Starr, but that wasn’t my business. I just hoped that Starr didn’t find out because I knew how she gave it up when somebody fucked with her. Neek was gonna fuck around and the wifey was gonna kill him and that bitch. I ain’t doubt it.

  The person that I had been waiting for so that I could begin the meeting had finally entered the room. It was Jahkim. I had thought that after trying to get rid of Jaheim again that I ruined the relationship that I’d formed with Jahkim, but I was wrong. Jahkim and me had developed an unbreakable bond and each time the two of us talked, Jahkim was always schooling me on some shit. I loved it because knowledge was power. And power I felt I could never have enough of.

  I was glad that I had gotten my muthafuckin’ act together when I had because if Jaheim listened to half the shit that Jahkim had been teaching to me, Jaheim definitely could’ve had Rozalyn and had gotten away with her. And I knew she would’ve never came back.

  Jaheim had become a huge deal out in Dallas and with the help of his father, the empire that they were building was one that I knew would ruffle a lot of feathers in the streets. Jahkim claimed that they had it under control. Every time I offered to help him out in some kinda way, he declined. He said that I had done enough and that his boys needed to learn when and where to declare war and needed to know when it was time to wave the white flag.

  “A’ight,” I said and cleared my throat. I put my blunt out in the ashtray and stood up. Everyone stopped speaking and gave me their undivided attention.

  This wasn’t the last that people would hear about me. My legacy was just beginning. The UNC would keep my name ringing bells across the globe, through the hoods, the suburbs, organizations, fortune 500 companies, and then some. Fuck niggas would definitely toss my name out there thinking it would gain them some clout or even if they thought it would get them lighter sentences, but anybody that really knew me knew I only fucked with the real and it was always fuck the fake.

  The United Nations Cartel and the niggas affiliated with it had some stories to tell. You’d hear about them.

  Rozalyn: Look what I bought you baby.

  I looked down at the text message that Rozalyn had sent me that had came through attached with a picture of her standing in front of the mirror with a lingerie piece on. I had lost my entire thought and had completely stopped talking when I opened that message up. She was gonna fuck around and be pregnant again if she kept this up.

  Me: You bought that for me huh. Send

  Rozalyn: Yep. It says the panties taste like strawberries. Come taste it and see.

  Me: On my way. Send.

  Rozalyn: Love you Tae.

  Me: Love you too. Forever. Send.

  “I’mma make this real quick. The wife said I gotta come home.”

  The End.

  Hey everyone,

  Thank you so much for reading. Please leave a review and let me know your thoughts good or bad. I love hearing from you.

  My intentions were to leave a sneak peek into my next series, but because my releases have changed in the order that they will be released, I will just send that out through my mailing list, so make sure you are signed up.

  Jaheim whom Rozalyn briefly dated in this last installment will be one of the main characters along with his little brother Nas in my next young hood love story and I am sure that you all will enjoy that one. It deals with the teen love, young adult love, and the gritty street life. I plan to have it out in February or either March, no exact date yet. But I will be giving a peek into that series pretty soon, so be sure to sign up by texting SHAN to 22828 so that you don’t miss out on that.

  I really appreciate everyone’s support, especially with this series. I never intended to do this many books for Rozalyn when released the first book lol, but I am glad that I did. I was ready to end it after the third book, but readers were telling me no and to keep going. The support has been tremendous. I receive emails, inboxes on Facebook, and twitter, just about every day and I never thought that people would love these stories this much.

  I hope that you all have enjoyed them and I hate to see Rozalyn and Tamar’s story end, but you will be seeing them pop up in other books even if for a brief moment. They gave me my start into this book world so I just can’t forget about them. They must live on.

  I added Starr’s story along with Kevin’s story because people were asking about them and wanted to hear more. As you can see, I left their stories open somewhat for the possibility of creating something more if that is what people want. If you want more let me know, if not let me know that as well. I have so many ideas and storylines to give everyone so be sure to stay with me.

  Well it’s been real. Love you all.





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