Alien Explosions (Zerconian Warriors Book 12)

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Alien Explosions (Zerconian Warriors Book 12) Page 11

by Sadie Carter

  “Yes, and it was awful and humiliating and painful and I’d really rather not talk about it right now.”

  His gaze narrowed. “And that is the only time you have joined?”

  “Yes!” she cried out, shutting her eyes as he drew his fingers out and pushed them back.

  “That is unacceptable.”

  “You don’t need to tell me.” Her whole body trembled, on the cusp of something amazing.

  “Open your eyes.”

  “No!” she screamed as he stopped.

  “Open your eyes, look at me.”

  She stared up at him.

  “I wish to watch you as you find your release and I want you to know exactly who brings you to pleasure.”

  “Believe me, I’m not likely to forget you.”

  He circled her clit, his fingers thrusting back and forth. “Find your release, Saffron.”

  “Can we turn the lights off or something?” She felt entirely too vulnerable with him staring down at her, forcing her to make eye contact. She couldn’t even attempt to cover herself since he still held her hands above her head.

  “No.” He rubbed his fingers against some spot inside her she hadn’t even realized existed, his thumb moving over her clit with talented precision. Shivers racked her body and then she exploded. She arched back, her mouth open on a silent scream as wave after wave of electrifying pleasure slammed through her body. He continued to manipulate her clit and another wave caught her by surprise, sending her into a tailspin.

  She cried out, her body shaking with her tremors. She’d never felt anything like this before. Her entire body was awash with arousal. As soon as he withdrew his fingers and loosened his grip on her wrists, she rolled to her side, curling in on herself. It was too much. Too intense.

  Moroco lay back, willing his erection to dissipate. His shaft was so hard it ached and he gritted his teeth against the pain. It wouldn’t take much to roll Saffron over, spread her legs and thrust himself deep.

  Except she was injured. He had been unable to resist her. Her arousal had called at him, demanding that he give her what she needed.

  She was his mate. He could do no other than see to her needs. Whatever they may be. But he was determined that he would not succumb to his overwhelming need to take her. He could still remember her lying on the ground, her face pinched with pain. No, she was too fragile for anything more right now.

  But later…that was another story.

  As he tried to draw his needs back under control, he became aware of how she had rolled to the other side of the bed. Normally, he would leave a female’s bed after achieving release. But Saffron was not just any female. He had an obligation to see to her care.

  He reached over and touched her hip. He loved the way her waist tucked in. The females of his race were very thin and narrow. Not Saffron, she was soft and curvy. She jolted at his touch, as though he hurt her.

  “Saffron?” he asked, uncertain of her mood. Had something happened? “Have I hurt you?”

  “Stop asking me that! I’m fine.”

  She was anything but fine, that was clear. But what the problem was exactly, remained a mystery to him. She had found pleasure in his touch, her release intense and hard. Was that it? She was unused to pleasure; perhaps it had taken her by surprise. The memory of her screams of fulfilment rocked his body, hardening his cock further.

  “What do you need of me?” he asked, his voice rougher than he intended.

  She turned to glare at him and he was startled by the brightness of her eyes, the way they glistened with tears. Alarm filled him. “Saffron, what is it?”

  She rolled away and off the bed. He quickly reached out and grabbed her arm then let her go just as quickly as he remembered the last time he had refused to release her. He did not wish to harm her. But he wanted to know what had put that fearful look on her face. Was she frightened of him? Why?

  Had he been too controlling?

  He cursed himself. Perhaps he had frightened her with his demands.

  “I apologize if I—”

  She twirled on him then winced, reaching back to rub her back. He frowned. She was undoing all of his good work on her back.

  “Do. Not. Apologize.”

  Now he was completely confused. Why would she be mad at him for apologizing? She turned away, striding towards the bathroom.

  Running from him. Hiding.

  He scowled, his own temper stirring. He did not like this habit she had of trying to hide from him. It would not be allowed. The bathroom door slid shut just as he stood to chase her. He knocked on the door.

  “I’m going to the toilet for God’s sake,” she snapped.

  “You seem to do that often,” he drawled slowly, trying to keep his own impressive temper under wraps. One of them had to remain calm and it seemed she was incapable of that at the moment.

  The irritation he felt at her behavior was tempered by concern. He had not thought Saffron would be so emotional or given to female hysterics. She had never shied from a fight with him in the past. So why would she be frightened of him now?

  “You have two minutes, then I am coming in.” He paced back and forth, knocking when he thought the two minutes had passed. “Open. Now.”

  A screech reached him through the door and he winced. But the door opened and she glared up at him. He was pleased to see her tears had dissipated, replaced by hot temper. Her temper he could handle. If she got too out of control he would merely take her in hand.

  The idea brought him a lot of pleasure.

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “So you have said. Many times.” He leaned against the doorjamb, pretending a nonchalance he did not feel as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You were not given permission to dress yourself.”

  “I don’t need permission.” Her eyes flared. Good. Make her angry. That should wipe the last hint of sadness and fear from her gaze. “Give me my top.” She held her hand out imperiously.

  When she was in a temper she really was magnificent. He shouldn’t let her get away with such demands, of course. He was supposed to be training her. But since he had goaded her temper, he supposed he should allow her some leeway.

  He raised an eyebrow. “I think not. I like the way you look right now.”

  She grabbed at her stomach and shook it. “Like watching my fat jiggle, do you?”

  He straightened. He might have decided to go easy on her, but that did not mean she was permitted to put herself down.

  “If you were not still in pain you would be over my knee right now.”

  “Like fuck!” She shook her finger at him. “You might think I’m some pushover because I let you boss me around in bed, but I am not about to stand by and let any man abuse me. Not again.”

  “Again!” he roared. “Who abused you?”

  She winced at his roar. Shit. Why had she said that? Not only did she not want to go into what Ricky had done to her, but she couldn’t compare Ricky to Moroco. Moroco had threatened to spank her, which pissed her off, but mainly because the idea of being bare-assed over his lap was kind of a turn on. Ricky had thrown her down a flight of stairs breaking three vertebrae in her back.

  Two very different things.

  “Who. Abused. You.” He barely got the words out through his clenched teeth.

  She bit her lower lip. Damn it. She wasn’t used to feeling so uncertain. Once she made a decision she stuck by it. She didn’t need someone thinking he could boss her around, demand to know all her secrets, give her mind-blowing orgasms that left her feeling vulnerable and tearful afterwards.

  An orgasm wasn’t supposed to make you cry.

  But in those few moments as she’d come, she’d completely let go. The pleasure had been everything. She hadn’t been worried about where they were, what the future would bring, she hadn’t been on guard against Moroco.

  She’d just succumbed to the pleasure, trusting that he would take care of everything else. And that had shaken her more than anything else. How
could she trust him like that? She didn’t even like the jerk.

  “Forget I said anything,” she said quickly.

  “I will not.”

  She grimaced. “I didn’t mean it. I was just angry.”

  “First you hide things from me then you try to lie about them?” The outrage in his face made her wince. “Mate, you—”

  A sudden jolt sent her flying. Just as she was about to slam into the wall, Moroco grabbed her, turning so he took the impact. She groaned as she landed against him, her body absorbing the shock. “What the hell was that?”

  He set her away from him. “Your back? Is it injured?”

  She shook her head and he grabbed her arms sharply. “Do not lie to me.”

  “It’s a little sore but you took most of the impact. What was that?”

  “I do not know. Get dressed.” His voice had grown cold, detached, but she didn’t take offense. He had his mind on other matters right now. He moved out into the bedroom and she rushed after him, hastily drawing her shirt on as he stared out the single porthole.

  Suddenly he turned and dove for her, pinning her to the bed with him on top of her. She held back a groan. Not because he’d hurt her but because her body didn’t care about any sort of danger they were in. All it cared about was having his hot, hard body pressed against hers. And unless that was a banana in his pocket, he was pretty pleased to be pressed up against her as well.

  The ship rocked again and she had to bite down on her lip to hold back a frightened cry. As soon as the ship stopped rocking, Moroco rose. Striding to the door, he placed his hand against the pad.

  “Um, that won’t work, it’s locked remember? What the hell is going on?”

  She started to roll off the bed, wanting to go to the porthole and see for herself when the door slid open. Moroco turned, a smug smile on his face.

  “What the hell? How did you get it to do that?”

  “We’re under attack. The system will be pulling all power from unnecessary areas to keep the shields and weaponry working. Which means we’re probably about to lose light. Come.”

  He held out his hand. She rushed over and grabbed hold. If they were about to be plunged into darkness, she wanted a firm grip on him.

  He rushed down the passage and she had to sprint to keep up with him. The lights flickered then died as they rounded a corner. She bit down on her lip to hold back a whimper. She’d always hated the dark. It was a weakness she detested. She tightened her grip on him. God, it was dark. She couldn’t see anything around her. He didn’t even hesitate, just kept moving forward.

  “Please tell me you can see where you’re going?”

  “Just barely. Now hush, if there is anyone about I do not wish to alert them to our presence.”

  “Somehow, I think they have more important things to worry about right now.” But she kept her voice at a soft whisper.

  The ship rocked again and she went flying, her hand slipping from his as she slammed against the wall and tumbled to the floor.

  Oh God. Oh God.

  She couldn’t stop the cries that erupted from her lips as she lay on the ground, attempting to get her bearings. Where was he? She drew her legs up under her, her whimpers growing louder. She remembered what it was like to be locked in the dark, to not know if she would ever be free…

  “Saffron. Come here.” He drew her up, running his hands over her. “Where are you hurt? I cannot see.”

  The frantic tone to his voice cut through her terror. “I’m okay.”

  “I can hear your cries of pain.”

  She couldn’t tell him the truth. “I just wrenched my back.”

  “Stars!” He hugged her gently and she clung to him, unable to let go. “I should have been carrying you. I am sorry.”

  He picked her up, cradling her against his chest. “Is this okay on your back? We must keep moving, we have to get to the escape shuttles.”

  “I’m all right.” She clung to him; she knew she should tell him to let her down but in truth, she wasn’t sure that her legs would carry her right now. Her limbs felt like limp noodles and she was scared if she tried to move that she’d end up on her ass.

  “We’re really getting out of here?”


  Chapter Ten

  Moroco glanced over at Saffron in concern. She was pale, her lips pressed together, her hair tangled and wild. He cursed himself again for not keeping a tighter hold on her back on the ship. He set the guidance controls of the escape shuttle towards Equin, a planet he had visited before and where he knew they could get help.

  “That seemed almost too easy.” She looked over at him. Her lips were so pale they almost looked blue. It had seemed almost too easy. It hadn’t taken them long to reach the area that housed the escape shuttles. They’d climbed into the nearest shuttle then set off. He hadn’t even needed a code to get the shuttle to launch. But now was not the time to question why his normal bad luck had changed.

  He turned to check the contents of the shuttle, hoping there was some sort of medical equipment available.

  “What about the Sky Warriors? Who do you think attacked them? Do you think they’ll be all right?”

  “No doubt one of their many enemies caught up to them. What happens to them is not our concern. They kidnapped us.”

  “I know…it’s just…they didn’t seem so bad.”

  He stilled as jealousy filled him. Had she come to care for one of them? Did she wish to mate with them? He forced himself to think rationally. She was his mate. No other. She was here with him and with him she would stay. Once the mating was completed she would be his in every way.

  And she would never look at another male again.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “A medical kit. You are in pain.”

  “I’m all right. Just not used to all this excitement. So, will this shuttle get us back to Zerconia?”

  “No. It is too small and does not carry enough fuel.” Ah, here it was. He checked the contents. Good, it contained several pain inhibitors.

  “Roll to the side and lower your skirt,” he ordered, preparing the inhibitor.

  “What?” She gaped at him.

  He bit back a sigh of impatience. “Is it necessary for you to question me about everything?”

  “Ah, let me think…” She tapped her chin and he waited impatiently. “Yes, it is. Particularly when it involves you and my ass. You seem to have some sort of obsession with it.”

  “I am not obsessed with your ass,” he snapped at her. “Roll. Now. I am going to give you a pain inhibitor.”

  “Give it to me in my arm!”

  “No. Your buttocks have a larger muscle.” This inhibitor was not one he would normally use for a female, due to the pain it could cause. It was designed to work quickly and on much larger bodies than hers.

  She narrowed her gaze, still not moving. “If that’s your way of calling my butt big…”

  “Stars, woman! You must be the most frustrating female alive. If this is what all human females are like then I do not know how my fellow warriors have not strangled their mates. Roll over and pull your skirt down or I shall do it for you.”

  She muttered something under her breath that he was certain was not flattering. But she undid her safety harness and rolled to the side, drawing her skirt down a few inches. He grabbed at the material impatiently and tugged it down the rest of the way then quickly injected her.

  “Ouch! Fuck, that hurt!”

  “Which is why I gave it to you in the buttocks, instead of the arm where it would have been far more painful.” Despite his impatient tone, he found himself rubbing the spot where the injection had gone in. The softness of her skin stirred his body.

  Now was not the time.

  Oh, but it was so very tempting. He snatched his hand back.

  “You can cover your buttocks now,” he snapped, angry at himself for becoming so easily distracted. He had seen other warriors become clearly infatuated with their mates. That
would not be him. His mate had a place in his life, of course. She would keep his bed warm; do as she was told and hopefully bear him offspring. Hmm…he had not thought of children. But a human mate did have the advantage of being fertile. A child would be even more fragile than his human mate. Especially a half-human child. His protective instincts went into overdrive. What did he know of raising a child? What if the child was female? No, it didn’t bear thinking about. Perhaps a child was not a good idea.

  “Moroco, what is it? Is someone following us?”

  Following us? Why would she think that?

  “Of course not.”

  The shuttle jolted and she grabbed the arms of her seat.

  “Put your harness back on,” he snapped, reaching over to fasten it himself. His arm brushed against her nipples and he had to ignore her shiver of pleasure. “Do you wish to get hurt?”

  “Jeez, what put you in such a grump?”

  “I am not in a grump,” he snarled.

  “No, I guess this is just your normal attitude, isn’t it?” She crossed her arms. “Is your family tree a cactus?”

  “What?” Why did she wish to talk of horticulture now?

  “Just wondering if everyone in your family is a prick.”

  He stared at her impatiently. “I must concentrate. You will be quiet.”

  Typical male. As soon as they got what they wanted they slipped back into their asshole ways.

  Except he didn’t exactly get what he wanted, did he? He never got to come. She wondered why he hadn’t taken her. Oh, he said it was because of her back but was that bullshit or the truth? She hadn’t been feeling a lick of pain while she was in the middle of her orgasm.

  “Where are we going?” She couldn’t stay quiet for long, her need to know what the hell was going on was driving her crazy. Where were they? And how were they going to get back to Zerconia? “Can’t we contact Zerconia?”

  He shook his head. “The communications system is not powerful enough to reach Zerconia. We need to land and then contact them.”

  “So where are we going to land? I can’t see anything.” They seemed to be in the middle of deep space, which was seriously freaking her out. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She hated being so out of control. Having to rely on someone else didn’t come easy.


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