Alien Explosions (Zerconian Warriors Book 12)

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Alien Explosions (Zerconian Warriors Book 12) Page 20

by Sadie Carter

  “If this is about what happened to Saffron in the market place, I was told that Fincy attacked her first.” He would not have his mate punished for what that female did.

  “Actually, it is not,” the Emperor replied. “I believe Darac is handling that. We would like to speak to Saffron, though. With your permission, of course.”

  The Empress snorted and her mate gave her a firm look.

  “About what?” He could not deny the Emperor, of course. But he would protect his mate.

  “We have a job for her,” the Empress replied with a grin. He had learned that when the Empress grinned that you should be very, very careful. “One I think she’s going to love.”

  “Really?” He did not know how he felt about that, but ultimately if there was no danger to his mate and if she wished to do this job then he could see no reason to deny her. “All right, you may talk to her about this job.”

  “How generous of you to allow me.”

  Was that sarcasm?

  The Emperor gave his mate another warning look. “Zoey.”

  She just smiled up at him. Then looked at Moroco. “Good, then we might as well walk with you.”

  “Yes. That is…good.” Not the word he would use, but he could not tell them to go away. Much as he was dying to.


  Saffron entered her house with a sigh, coming to a stop in the foyer as the scent of thunderstorms and rain on a hot pavement hit her.

  No. No way. It couldn’t be.

  She took a step back, trying to move quietly. Maybe they were gone. Maybe they hadn’t heard the front door open. Maybe…oh shit.

  Scar appeared in the doorway leading to the living area. “I thought I heard you.”

  He stumbled forward then turned with a frown to whoever stood behind him. “Do not shove me.” He pushed at the other male and they disappeared into the living room. She winced as she heard something crash.

  And instead of running away while they were distracted, she stupidly ran towards the noise. She came to a sudden stop as she saw Scar and another warrior rolling around on the living room floor. One of them smashed his fist into the other one’s face and she winced. They rolled again, slamming against one of the chairs and sending it flying into the wall. She scowled as she saw the big dent it left.

  “Stop it! Stop fighting in my house!” she yelled.

  Another Sky Warrior walked in from the kitchen area. She finished his mouthful then took a swig from what had been a full bottle of sola.

  “Hey!” She strode over to them and snatched the bottle of sola from Icy’s hand. “What the hell do you think you guys are doing? Do you know how expensive this stuff is?”

  “Tastes like toilet water.” Icy spat it out on the floor.

  “You idiots have no manners. Stop them from wrecking my house!” she demanded of the leader who appeared from the bedroom, holding one of her panties in his hand. “And let go of my panties!”

  “Is that what these are? Where do you wear them? They are not much protection for your head.” He placed her white cotton panties on his head and she just gaped at him.

  Under other circumstances, if there weren’t two warriors destroying her house, another one eating her out of house and home, then she might have laughed. But right now, she was feeling murderous.

  “Take them off right—”

  “What is going on here?” a voice roared from behind her.

  She turned, her stomach jumping into her throat as she saw Moroco standing there. Then her gaze shifted to the people standing behind them. The Emperor and Empress of Zerconia. Oh fuck.

  Even the idiots fighting stopped and pulled apart at the sound of the cold fury in Moroco’s voice.

  “This isn’t what it looks like,” she said quickly, looking down at the sola she held in her hand then over at their leader who still had his panties on his head.

  “Really?” a feminine voice asked, and a blonde head peeked around from behind the Emperor’s back. “Because it looks like these guys broke in here, destroyed the place, and are now trying on your clothes.”

  “All right, then it does look like it is.” She watched Moroco worriedly. She knew how his mind worked. Catching her alone with four men like this was not going to go down well with him.

  “Get behind me, my own.” The Emperor shoved Zoey gently back, glaring around at the Sky Warriors. “What do you all do here? I have had no communication from you asking permission to enter our airspace let alone step foot on Zerconia. Not that you would be welcomed after you kidnapped two of my people.”

  His people? She was one of his people?

  “Moroco?” she half-whispered.

  He hadn’t moved. He just stared around at the mess, the Sky Warriors who were now watching them all with dark looks on their faces. The tension in the room grew and she swallowed.

  “Come here, Saffron.”

  She immediately moved toward him. He took the bottle of sola from her hand then flicked his gaze over her. “You are unharmed.”

  “I’m fine. I just got here a few minutes before you. I didn’t know they were here. I swear.”

  He frowned slightly. “Of course you did not.”

  “I definitely didn’t give them permission to enter or wreck the place or eat our food.”

  “Or touch your clothing,” he added, glaring at the leader who plucked her underwear from his head and tucked it in his pocket. God, she hoped they were a clean pair.

  “Get behind me, mate,” he ordered in a soft voice that sent a shiver up her spine.

  She shook her head. “Nope.”

  “No?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “See. I told you they were not happily mated,” Scar said to Big Nose.

  “But they co-habit together,” Big Nose countered.

  “Does not mean they like each other,” Icy said. “Look at the way she defies him. She would be happy to go with us.”

  “What?” Saffron whirled, glaring at them. “I’m not going anywhere with you lot. I’m mated to him.” She pointed at Moroco.

  “But you are not happy. We have watched you,” Big Nose said around a mouthful of food. “He upsets you.”

  “Makes you cry,” Scar added.

  “I do not cry!”

  “No. You are strong,” the leader said. “You easily took care of that foolish female who attacked you, you are a worthy mate.”

  “How the hell do you know about that? And what do you mean, you’ve been watching me?” Now she was completely creeped out.

  “How long have you been here without my permission?” the Emperor half-roared.

  The baby let out a cry and everyone froze, turning to look at the Empress as she rocked her daughter. “She doesn’t like when Daddy gets grumpy, do you, poppet?”

  “Zoey, take our daughter and leave,” the Emperor said in a cool voice.

  Zoey stuck out her lower lip. “I always miss out on all the fun.”

  Fun? This was her idea of fun?

  “No,” the leader said sharply. “No one leaves.”

  The Emperor’s eyes grew red and Saffron took in a sharp breath. Things were going downhill fast.

  “What do you mean, a worthy mate?” Moroco roared and she jumped, staring at him. Shit, she suddenly realized that she’d taken her attention off the biggest threat in the room. Moroco looked ready to kill. His eyes were red, his hands curled into fists, the muscles in his neck pulled tight.

  He looked dangerous. Lethal. And totally hot.

  Now is not the time, Saffron.

  She stepped between Moroco and the Sky Warriors. It was time someone was the voice of reason and she couldn’t believe it had to be her.

  “Get. Behind. Me.”

  All right, so she could see how obeying his order right now might help. But if she got behind him then there was nothing to stop him attacking the Sky Warriors and it was five against one. Two, if the Emperor joined in.

  So instead, she reached up and cupped his face between her hands. “Moroco, look a
t me.” She waited patiently until he turned that gaze on her. “I am your mate. Your mate. No one else’s. I don’t want anyone else. I don’t even see anyone else. All I see is you.”

  She watched him, hoping she was getting through. Eventually, he closed his eyes and when they re-opened his eyes were a dark brown once more. She started breathing again. Thank you, God.

  He ran his thumb over her cheek. “I know.”

  “I don’t know why they’re here. But it’s not because I want anything to do with them.”

  “Of course not,” he said, surprising her with his easy agreement. “But they discovered what took me a while to see. That you are a woman like no other. Strong, fierce, loyal.”

  To her embarrassment, tears filled her eyes. She had to blink them away. “Well, okay then.”

  “And I love you.”

  She took a sharp breath. “You do?”


  She slapped his chest. “Took you long enough, you big lug.”

  Something crossed his face. He looked almost vulnerable. But that couldn’t be right. And then she realized she had yet to tell him her true feelings.

  “I love you too.”

  That familiar arrogant look reappeared on his face and she had to hide her smile. His ego was back.

  “I knew we should have come earlier,” one of the Sky Warriors commented.

  “I say we still take her,” another said. “In a few weeks she will forget about him.”

  Moroco growled and she placed a hand on his chest. Reaching out, he pulled her to his side.

  “Nobody is taking me anywhere. I’m staying here. And if you try you’re in a whole world of pain.”

  The leader looked at Moroco, then the Emperor. “There is only two of them.”

  “I wasn’t talking about them. I was talking about me. I will make your lives a living hell.”

  Big Nose grimaced. “I am not that interested in her to risk that.”

  Scar nodded. “She does like to talk a lot. We would have to keep her gagged.”

  “And tied down,” Icy added. “Not that that would be a terrible thing.”

  She sighed. “I don’t know why you guys think I would want to be your mate.”

  And did they mean she would mate all of them? Sheesh, she could barely handle just Moroco.

  “Is that why you came back here? For me? Couldn’t you find a closer female?” What made her so special?

  The leader shrugged. “Sacaren said that human females are compatible with us sexually. We wish to breed. We thought we would visit your planet and take some females but then we learned how far away it is and we did not want to take the time to travel that far just for a female. So we thought we would return for you.”

  “Wow, I’m flattered.”

  “You should be,” Scar said. “We have taken time from our schedule.”

  “Yes, to invade my planet and try once more to take one of my people,” the Emperor said darkly. “This is unacceptable. I should arrest you all.”

  “Good luck keeping us in a cell,” the leader said darkly. “But do not worry, we are leaving. We have jobs to do and we have wasted enough time. If you ever change your mind, let us know,” he said to Saffron.

  She grabbed hold of Moroco’s arm, feeling him tense.

  Big Nose winked at her. Icy frowned and Scar winked. Icy let out a massive burp then they disappeared. One minute they were there, the next they were gone.

  “Wow, those guys are intense.” Zoey moved out from behind Dex. He clasped hold of her, pulling her against his size as she fanned her face. “Talk about testosterone overload. Are you really letting them just leave?”

  The Emperor frowned. “I do not have much choice. They could teleport out of any cell. But we do need to figure out some sort of warning system that will tell us if they enter our atmosphere again.”

  “I don’t think they’ll be back, since they can’t have what they want.” Zoey looked at Saffron.

  Saffron glared at her. “They don’t want me. Just some female to breed for them.”


  “I need to talk to Koran about this,” the Emperor said. “Come, Zoey.”

  “But we didn’t talk to Saffron,” Zoey protested.

  “About what?” Alarm filled her. “Is this about what happened at the market place? Because I tried to walk away from her.”

  The Emperor waved his hand, still looking tense, although he took hold of his daughter when she reached for him, pulling her from the front pack. “No, Darac is handling that. However, on the way over here, I was stopped several times by people who wanted to tell me that Fincy instigated everything. Do not worry, if she tries to create problems, Darac will take care of everything.”

  “People were sticking up for me?” she asked, shocked.

  Moroco squeezed her tight.

  “Yes, good to have friends, isn’t it?” Zoey smiled at her. “Both Alice and Annabel told me what happened. Don’t you worry about Fincy. Now, we’re here because I want to talk to you about opening a shelter.”

  “A shelter?”

  “Yes, but not like what they have on Earth. More of a safe place, a haven, I guess, where women who have been in bad relationships or been abused or just need to get away from Earth can come and recuperate and feel safe. I’ve been talking to Dex, and we have plenty of room and resources and the means to protect women being persecuted. We don’t want them to feel like they have to mate our warriors to be welcome here.”

  She looked at Zoey, speechless. Then she had to glance away before she burst into tears. That was embarrassing. Nearly crying twice within one hour.

  “Saffron?” Moroco questioned. “If you do not wish to do this, you do not have to.”

  She glanced up at Moroco then back to Zoey. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Well…I want you to run it. You’ll have lots of help, of course. I know you don’t necessarily like dealing with people but we wanted someone strong to head it, but who would also have empathy for these women. It’s a lot of work, so we will understand if you don’t want to take it on. You can think about it, and let me know.”

  “All right, I will. Thank you.”

  She walked with Moroco as they left. Then her legs just went out from under her. If not for Moroco’s fast reflexes, she would have fallen to the floor.

  “Saffron! What is wrong?” He pulled her up against his chest, holding her tightly in his arms. Carrying her into the living area, he placed her on the couch. He sat next to her, his thigh against hers. He grabbed her hand, taking her pulse.

  “I’m fine,” she told him, attempting to sit.

  He gently held her down. “Lie still. You are pale. When is the last time you ate?”

  She thought back. When did she last eat?

  “If you have to think about it this hard then it was too long ago. Lie there. No moving.” He gave her a stern look then stood and moved into the cooking area.

  She heard him curse and looked over as he strode back into the room. “They have eaten everything.”

  She grimaced. “There’s some food in the bag I was carrying. I don’t know where I put it, maybe by the door.”

  He moved into the foyer area then returned, holding her bag. He drew out one of the tankka fruit and held it out to her. But when she tried to clasp hold, he pulled his hand back with a frown then held it to her mouth.

  “You haven’t done this since we’ve been back,” she told him quietly.

  He looked surprised. “Done what?”

  She blushed slightly. “Fed me. You did it while we were on Equin, but not since we returned.”

  Moroco nodded. “Things will change. I have not taken care of you as I should have.”

  “When you came in here and saw me with those Sky Warriors, what was your first thought?”

  “Which one I could kill first. But not because I thought you were doing anything untoward with them, although it is obvious that they wished that.”

  “I didn�
�t want them.”

  “I know that. I hear you met Fincy today.”

  She eyed him. He didn’t sound upset with her, but…

  “I tried to walk away from her.”

  “I know. I heard many accounts of what happened, also. I was trying to make my way here to check on you when the Emperor and Empress stopped me.” He grimaced. “Unfortunately, I could not tell them to go away.”

  She snorted. “I’m sure they are grateful for your restraint.”

  He smiled. “I do not have to be restrained around you, though, do I?” He pulled her onto his lap and nipped her lower lip. “Open.”

  She kissed him, loving how he took charge, her whole body tightened, her nipples brushing against his chest. She moaned and writhed against him.

  He slid his hands up her thighs.

  “So you’re not mad?” she asked.

  “At you? No. At myself? Yes. I should have shut Fincy down long before now. And because I didn’t she could have harmed you.”

  She snorted. “As if. That woman couldn’t fight her way out of a paper bag.”

  “Why would she need to fight her way out of a paper bag?”

  She waved her hand. “Nothing. I just mean that I can take her.”

  He kissed her again. “But you should not need to defend yourself or me. She will be punished and she will stay away from you.”


  Moroco watched his mate as she spoke to a small group of males. Her face was animated, her body relaxed as she pointed at her tablet then towards the clearing. Her dark hair glistened in the sunlight. It was slightly longer now, with lighter highlights from being out in the sun. He crossed his arms as he watched one of the males grow closer, nearly brushing against her.

  She laughed at something he said and he tensed, waiting to feel a pang of jealousy. But when he felt nothing but enjoyment over her delight, he relaxed. Sometimes he still struggled with jealousy, with doubt, but those incidents were few and farther between now. And he knew it was all due to Saffron.

  And the way she loved him.

  She was happy now that she had a purpose. Creating a place that would house females who had been abused or who needed a safe place to live had taken up much of her time lately, but that did not worry him. She was in his arms each night. Warming his bed. Making his life better in so many ways.


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