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Collapse Page 14

by Xavier Neal

  “But Merlin eats those,” Jazz interrupts.

  “Right. But she said he was a bigger guy like Lordy not smaller than me. The other day when we were leaving your office he was eating a bag he said he took from Merlin but would replace. He said he did that kind of shit all the time. That happened shortly after our meeting.”

  “Shit,” Director Shepard grumbles.

  “We have a bigger problem.”

  “Than that asshole leaking information?” Lordy pipes up. “How does it get any worse?”

  “He told the Face that the bitch who didn't pick him would pay.”

  “That could be anyone,” Lordy defends.

  “It's not,” Jazz answers softly. “He's been telling me that since I went recruiting. I had a chance to assemble a team with him and I didn't. Once we even physically got into it over the subject.”

  “He attacked you?” Shepard snaps. “And you didn't think to tell me?”

  “I didn't think it was that big of a deal sir,” she answers. “He came at me. I defended myself and left him with a pretty good gash from my nails.”

  “Khloe said he had a bandage on his arm from some bitch who will pay for the day she didn't pick him.”

  “So you're saying Jazz's life is at risk,” Lordy's voice falters.


  “We need to get you to a different location,” Director Shepard speaks. “And now.”

  “That's a bad idea.” Jazz shakes her head. “If you transfer me now he'll be tipped off. Tyger's not that dumb. He'll catch on to the timing being after we just completed a rescue mission. We have to make him think nothing’s wrong.”

  “Why not ship Jazz off to some random place as a punishment for a mission failed?” Grim finally adds to the conversation.

  “Huh?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “It's already been reported that we rescued a victim. Report it to the team she died in medical. We'll get her into hiding where we know she'll be safe. At the same time for a mission failed, ship Jazz off to some odd job in an unexpected location while making it look like you're disbanding our team. Make us look weak. Make him think he has time to strike and when he does, we move in.”

  Director Shepard nods. “But where do we send you?”

  “Last place anyone would look for her,” I answer absentmindedly. “Send her with Lordy to Georgia.”

  “What?” Lordy's voice booms.

  I explain, “Send Lordy to the last place he would ever want to go. Send Jazz with him stating you don't trust him to complete the mission given his previous history and behavioral analysis. Lordy can just tell his family he's visiting for work for a couple weeks.”

  “I don't wanna fucking go back.” Lordy glares at me.

  “What do you hate more? Your family or the idea of Jazz's death being something you could've prevented and didn't?” Grim states harshly.

  Immediately Lordy runs his hands through his hair. “FUCK!”

  “Been there,” I try to lighten the mood.

  “You two can lay low there for a few weeks while we'll make it look like you're on medical leave for that wound you took,” Director Shepard points to my chest that's still sore. “Which just leaves you Grim to keep your eyes on him.”

  “Yes sir.” He acknowledges.

  “We can't hide Khloe in any of our typical locations. He'll know,” Director Shepard sighs frustrated.

  “I know where she can stay.” Grim shoots me a look. “And it'll be a place Glove and I can constantly keep an eye on her.”

  “I'm trusting you Jackets with this,” the Director says still skeptical. “Don't fuck it up.”

  In unison we agree, “Yes sir.”

  8 days After The Wedding

  Stretching my feet across my couch, I twist the lid off my beer thankful to have a moment of peace for the first time since rescuing Khloe. Just as Grim and I suspected, Mindy took her into her home with open arms. Besides Mindy being the best mother I could imagine to take care of Khloe, she lives across the street from Grim leaving him capable of keeping a constant eye on her. Makes visits for me whenever I feel like it possible. Haven can also serve as an extra pair of eyes when we're away, not to mention Whiskey is the fucking Sheriff and ex-Navy, so she's secure. While that situation makes me rest easier having my best friend gone blows. It's hard having Lordy shipped away back to his Georgia roots, but having him protect Jazz while we work on taking down Tyger is more important than hating the feeling of living alone.

  I tilt my beer to my lips, eyes on the remake of Robocop. The sound of my door knob being messed with has me reaching for the knife I keep hid underneath the couch at all times. When it swings open Mandy stumbles in and I relax.

  “Didn't I tell you I wanted my key back?”

  “And I gave it back.”

  “What did you do? Make a copy of it before then?”

  “Jazz gave me a spare to check on you while Lordy's away.” She shuts the door. Damn it Jazz. Payback for sending her away with Lordy? Because there was really another choice?

  “I'm not a goldfish. I can survive without him for a couple weeks. I've done it before. I can do it again.”

  “I believe you.”

  “Good.” I take another sip of my beer. “You can go now.”

  “No.” She drops her purse and locks the door.

  “What do you mean no?”

  “I mean, no. You gave me this big ass speech at my sister's wedding then just walked out without letting me say something.”


  “No.” She stomps her wedge covered foot. At least I think those bricks underneath the flip flop are called wedges. “You had your turn to talk. It's mine.”

  Popping a hand behind my head I wave my bottle at her. “So talk.”

  “You drive me crazy,” Mandy declares folding her arms across her chest.

  “This is clearly your first apology.”

  “You make me laugh. You make me mad. You make me cry. You make me feel like it's okay to be me.”

  “And that's bad?”

  “That's fucking horrible!” She yells creating a dumbfounded expression on my face. “I was raised believing most of life being me wasn't okay, so for you to just waltz in and accept me for everything I was willing to give, the good and the bad, just...I...” her hand ruffles her hair. “I didn't know what I was supposed to do with that. You made this huge war inside me that made me want to stop doing things to please or piss off my parents, and just do things that made me happy. And I've never had that before. It's a really bizarre feeling.”

  “I know.”

  “Losing you has hurt in ways I didn't think were possible. I just assumed Haven was my best friend, but I was wrong. You are. It's you I watch sports with. It's you I go drinking with. It's you I turn to when I've had a bad day and need cheering up. I need you in my life Michael. More than I've needed anyone else. More than I thought I could. And I am sorry. I'm sorry about treating you like you didn't matter. I'm sorry about Jack--”

  “Did you fuck him?”

  “God no,” she croaks in what sounds like disgust. “I didn't even make it through dinner.” Mandy shrugs, “I only went because my parents had been praising me for making a good choice with choosing you. The one thing they're proud I did and it's a huge lie. I made a mistake going out with him, but nothing happened. I never saw him again.” I tip my beer to my lips to stop from smiling. “I'm sorry for hurting you.” Mandy slowly takes a step towards me, my eyes stuck on her face, “And if you let me...I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.” The words have me swallowing hard. She straddles my lap and says, “And loving you until you don't let me anymore.” Her warm hands stroll down my chest and my cock tightens from missing their touch. Bastard. Such quick betrayal.

  Placing my beer down on the coffee table, I sit up and pull her lips to mine by the back of her neck, igniting a loud and pleased whimper out of her. Our tongues rush at each other's while our hands get lost in exploring each other's body, despe
rate to feel anything we can.

  Through the passionate kisses I manage to strip her naked and get her underneath me. I shove myself to the hilt inside of her, welcoming the overwhelming sensation of the familiar high that feels different for the first time in my life. It doesn't feel like I'm trying to forget the list of shit I've done wrong or the people I've let down. It feels like just the opposite. Like I'm bringing new promises to the table. New unspoken hope that I'll always be there to take care of her. Mandy's nails dig into my flesh the harder I pump, the bite of pain tempting me to come too early. My hands capture hers and pin them above her head as I roughly rock into her, moans muffled in her neck.

  She requests, “More.” I don't change my movement. On another moan she repeats, “More.” Still ignoring the demand, she begs, “Michael give me more!”

  I give a short smile before I lick the sweat coating her jawbone. On a whisper I growl, “Brat.” Mandy moans my name in an orgasmic prayer while she falls apart, shaking, twitching, and releasing something inside her that invades me. Something that lets me know we're no longer two people who need saving, but two people who have been rescued. Two people who are ready for a different outlook on their lives separately and together.


  “It's still crooked,” Grim says from leaning against the wall on the other side of the dresser.

  “I fucking hate ties,” I whine. “That 50 Shades of Sex dude had it all wrong. Ties are the devil.”

  Grim shoots me a look of disgust. “I'm going to pretend you didn't just make a 50 Shades reference.”


  “Because then I won't have to fight the urge to punch you.”

  “You always wanna punch me.”

  “You're so fucking punchable.”

  “And here I thought you were just jealous you don't look this good,” I smirk widely.

  His fist tenses at the same time Haven opens the door. Immediately she notices the look she knows all too well. She should after being married to him this long. “You can't hit him. It's his wedding day.”

  “I know.” Grim's head hits the back of the wall.

  “Makes you miserable doesn't it?” She teases.

  “Why do you find joy in my misery? You're my wife. Shouldn't you be on my side?”

  “She already was, that's how you got JD,” I push my luck.

  Grim's face tightens and Haven playfully hits him, “Quit.” Turning to me she shakes her head, “And that's not how we got JD. It was a much more eventful experience.”

  “Haven!” I erupt in laughter and he looks at his wife his face turning red. “Why? Why would you say that?”

  “It's the truth.” She leans up and kisses him sweetly. “Now relax. It's a wedding day! It's a happy day!”

  “It is when you've been blessed by The Don to marry his youngest daughter.”

  “Mandy's father is not a member of the mafia,” Grim sighs. “I knew watching the Godfather as the start to your bachelor party would have you saying shit like this.”

  “I'm just sayin'.”

  “Khloe wanted a word with you before the ceremony,” Haven says waving her in. “And we have a three year old to try to convince to keep his tie on.”

  “Just like his uncle Glove,” Grim grumbles walking out as Khloe walks in.

  “Thanks Haven,” Khloe replies before pushing a strand of hair out of her face. “And JD is already playing hide the tie with Mandy's sister.”

  “Shit,” Haven whispers out, quickly exiting.

  Once it's just the two of us my eyes settle on the girl that will always be my little nine year old sister who needed me to save her from monsters, real and imaginary.

  “You look beautiful,” I compliment her on her bridesmaid attire.

  “I'm just lucky Mandy wanted me in the wedding.”

  “Are you kidding? You two are practically sisters. She does treat you better than her own sister, which is funny if I must say.”

  “Melissa isn't the nicest person, but not the worst.” She softly smiles looking much too grown up at the age of 17. “Mandy's mom keeps giving me free clothes from her shop and her dad keeps slipping me wine samples, so I like both of them.” Seeing my reaction she quickly giggles and fidgets with my tie. “Chill big brother. No harm. No foul.”

  “I don't want my baby sister drunk.”

  “A sample isn't the same as being drunk,” she assures me. “Anyway, I didn't come to talk about that. I just came to check on you before the ceremony. Mandy's crying, so I figured it would be a good time to give her a moment and check on you.”

  “Why is she crying?” Panic sets in. Pure unadulterated panic. “She doesn't wanna marry me, does she?”

  “Relax.” She pats my chest that's slightly broader than it was when I rescued her years ago. “Bride hormones. She'll be fine. I just wanted to make sure you're fine.”

  “I'll be better once she can't escape like I think she's been secretly trying to do. I'll be better once she says I do.”

  “She will.” Khloe smiles widely. “How could she not? Who wouldn't wanna marry a superhero?” When I smile in return she states, “Thank you Michael for never giving up on finding me. For rescuing me. For keeping your promise to protect me, even after Mandy adopted me. I know that you're about to get married and someday have your own kids to protect--”

  “I'll never stop protecting you Khloe.” I step towards her pulling her into an embrace. “Ever. I promise.”

  She hugs me back. “I know. And you'll always be perfect to me Michael. Always.”

  The first promise I ever made in my life is one I'll continue to keep, just like I know the one I'm about to make in front of my family and my friends, to the woman who I need, who needs me, is one I'll die to keep.

  Thank yous!

  Crazy Lady: When you call this time to yell because it's over and because you cried, please make sure it's not during my afternoon nap. Lol

  Her Husband: Hopefully soon, we can spend more time together.

  The Law Student: When you read this, whenever that may be, still know that even though we don't talk every day, I love you.

  Sissy B: Ha. Yes. You are here. Thank you for being a part of our family.

  The Lumberjack: While I know you don't read these, it doesn't matter to me. You were here during this time and it should be known that I thank you for not trying to send me away for being a crazy person during the writing season, lol.

  Katniss: May we have many more amazing times ahead. Us and the Gatsby couch. Lol

  Real life Erin: I'm always one text away.

  The Doc: Thanks for knowing how important writing is to me and letting me do it while working for you too.

  The PAs: Yes both of you. I need you both for as long as I can keep you. You girl keep me strong and less crazy. You make it possible to do my favorite thing in the entire world all the time. I thank the universe for you every morning and every night.

  Dreamers: You girls are amazing! Best team ever!!! Rock it! Stay strong! Remember we are a big family! And thank you for holding it down to let me hide in the cave. I have a dream that has come true with your help and if I can ever return to the favor to you I will.

  The Photographer: Paul, yes I am calling you out by name so the world can follow you! You are an amazing photographer with an amazing talent, more importantly I treasure our ever growing friendship. Thank you for the connection we have made. Thank you for sharing your gift with me and the world. Thank you for simply being you.

  The Army: You girls are strong. Even as the world tries to knock us down, your heads never fall. Big things are coming. Amazing things. Let's stand together, Bama Mamma, Genie, and Swagmasta.

  The Guru: #hashtag. Enough said right? Lol

  My Editor: That's right. From now on, til Death or book flop do us part, you are my editor. My friend. Someone my life and book life need. Thank you.

  Boss Lady: You get singled out for this one. What what! You are an incredible individual. You aim to see the wo
rld in a similar way to me. You want to believe only the best things about people. You want people to see the best in themselves. You want the world to change for the better and believe in making dreams come true. Well, I hope you know every morning you wake up that you have succeeded. My life has changed. My life has grown. My life now has a dream I chased over a decade because you didn't turn me away after hundreds did. I will never be able to thank you enough for that or for the fact you are one of the closest people to me during the good and the bad, the sane and the crazy. You're a vital piece of me now and I can't live without our friendship. Thank you for everything.

  Bloggers: #IndieAuthorLove. Thank you for never hesitating or turning me away.

  Readers: Youuuuuuu!!!! You make it all worth it. The sleeplessness. The weird hours. You make every day worth living for simply reading. Not just me either. For simply reading. By doing that you are giving people hope. Making dreams come true. And making the world go 'round. Thank you.

  Until next time...and as long as you let me folks...there will always be a next time.

  If you enjoyed Collapse check out Fractured by Leanne Pearson

  Fractured Excerpt

  Chapter 1


  ~ Kate, 22 February 2011. 12:49 p.m. ~

  Danny and I emerge from Cinema 3. Looping my arm through his, I gaze up at him as he cuts his eyes down to me, his smile mischievous. “What?” I smile broadly at him, tightening my grip on his arm. “I love you just that little bit more for sitting through an hour and a half of estrogen-fuelled drama with me, babe, really owe you one now,” I say, giving him a loaded wink.

  Danny wiggles his eyebrows at me suggestively while hooking me around the neck with his arm, kissing my temple as he brings his mouth down to my ear.

  He starts saying something to me, but his voice is lost as the ground and building begin shaking violently, while a deafening roar like an express train fills the room.

  “Danny, what the—” In that split second, he grabs me by the hand and shouts above the rumbling building around us, “Run, Kate, it’s a quake!”


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