Stupid Cupid (Holiday Heartthrobs Novella Series Book 2)

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Stupid Cupid (Holiday Heartthrobs Novella Series Book 2) Page 3

by Annelise Reynolds

  “Sorry,” I said over Jim’s full-blown laughter. I glared at him, but he missed it because he was doubled over, holding his stomach, and laughing. Without thinking, I grabbed a couch pillow and chucked it at him. It fell short, missing him completely, which made him laugh even harder.

  He was holding himself up with the door frame. Robyn came in, Grace and Garrett holding her hands.

  “What the hell?”

  My face flooded with embarrassment. Cory, finally able to right himself, pulled himself up slowly from the floor onto the couch beside me.

  “Sorry,” I said again, quietly, so only Cory could hear me. He just nodded, and reached for my hand, giving it two slight squeezes, letting me know it was ok.

  “How are you, Robyn?” I asked, trying to get the attention off Cory’s and my compromising position.

  “I’m ok. The doctor wanted to keep me as a precaution. I was fine, but Jim insisted I stay. He even threatened to tie me to the damn hospital bed if I didn’t.”

  “Good. How’d you get out so early this morning?”

  Jim grinned and Robyn looked defiant. “I may have threatened to chop off the doctor’s balls if he didn’t let me out within the hour.” She shrugged as if it were no big deal. “He had me out in forty-five minutes.”

  I pushed myself off the couch and went to her. “I’m so glad you’re ok.” I carefully wrapped her in a hug, and she squeezed me back.

  “I haven’t forgotten what I walked in on,” she whispered into my ear.

  “Nothing happened,” I said back – well almost nothing, I silently added.

  “Careful there, your nose will start growing.” She grinned at me.

  I shook my head – not really ready to talk about it because I wasn’t really sure what it was or what to say. ‘Hey, your husband’s best friend knocked me up,’ didn’t really seem the thing to say.

  “You hungry? I can make you something to eat before I leave.”

  “No. I’m not really hungry, I just want to rest.”

  “Ok. Well, I have to get home to take Cocoa out. Thank God it’s Saturday. Are you sure you don’t need anything?” I asked her again.

  “No, but we will be talking later.”

  “I know,” I smirked at her then gave her another hug. “Love you. Get some rest.” I pulled back and raised my voice so Jim would hear me. “Make sure he spoils you for a few days.”

  Robyn laughed. “He’ll be driving me batshit crazy is more like it.”

  I said goodbye to the kids and Jim. I really didn’t know what to say to Cory, so I just nodded and turned toward the door.

  “Stop.” He had that tone in his voice again. The one I heard the night of the auction. I loved it.

  I froze and turned toward him. Jim and Robyn were already making their way to the kitchen with Garrett and Grace in tow. She looked back at me and winked. I rolled my eyes and found Cory’s gaze.

  “You aren’t going to give me a proper goodbye?” he asked, his arms crossed over his chest. God, he’s sexy.

  “I – I didn’t know what to say.”

  “How about ‘I’ll see you later’, or you could’ve had me walk you to your car so I could kiss you? Just nodding is not how you say goodbye to me, Kitten.”

  “How would you have me say goodbye when there are people around – two of which are children?”

  He walked toward me slowly, with each step my heart rate accelerated. What I used to think was agitation was now obviously an attraction. My body was on edge around him; not from annoyance, but from desire. Now that I’ve had him once, I didn’t want to not have him. I just had to make sure he wanted me for me and not just for the baby.

  Chapter Eight


  I could see her pulse fluttering in her neck as I walked toward her. She shifted her feet nervously, and I grinned. I loved seeing her squirm – it made me hot.

  “I’d have you kiss me, Kitten.”

  “Not around the kids.”

  “Do you think those kids don’t see Jim and Robyn kiss?”

  “That’s different.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  I pulled her against me and claimed her lips – kissing her hard. She melted against me – immediately responding to me.

  When I let her go, I ran my thumb over her bottom lip, her eyes were still closed and heavy-lidded.

  “That’s how you say goodbye, Kitten.”

  Her eyes opened – clouded with arousal. She licked her lips to get another taste of me, and I almost went in for another taste of her. I stopped myself knowing another taste would never be enough.

  She left Jim and Robyn’s house heading home. I told her I would call her later. I would have followed, but I needed to get to the station for work.

  I ate some breakfast with Jim and the kids. Robyn went to lay down – wanting to get some rest.

  “Thanks for covering for me today,” Jim said, handing me a cup of coffee.

  “No problem. You’d do the same for me.”

  “Yeah. I’ll return the favor if you need it.” He nodded toward the door Katie had just left by.

  “Yes. I will need it in a few weeks.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  When I got to the station, I showered and played a few hands of cards before the first call came in. The next few hours we spent battling a house fire.

  The home was completely gone, but nobody was hurt – which left us all feeling lighter. Things were bad for the family, but it could’ve ended a lot worse. Right now, they were in shock and dealing with the loss of their home, it was fortunate they weren’t dealing with the loss of a loved one as well. Homes can be rebuilt – families can’t.

  We came into the station and took shifts eating and showering. When you got a chance to eat, you shoveled down your food, and when you got the chance to shower, you did it fast.

  It must have been a full moon because they had us hopping all day. By the time I was ready to go home, all I wanted was another shower and then to crawl into bed with Katie.

  I was driving on autopilot and found myself at Katie’s door. I knocked and listened as I heard the yelps of her dog and the clip of nails on the hardwood. Katie’s voice telling Cocoa to calm down came through.

  “Cory?” she said when she opened the door. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “I know.” I wanted to take her in my arms, but I smelled like gas. Our last call was a wreck, and it didn’t have a happy ending. We’d spent hours on the highway blocking off the road from rubbernecking onlookers. The truck was no match for the semi, and the gruesome wreckage had me wound tight.

  I didn’t want to be alone, and there was nobody I wanted more than Katie.

  “Can I borrow your shower?” I needed to get the stench off me and to feel her against me.

  “What’s wrong? Is it Robyn?”

  “No. Rough day at work.” Her eyes were searching as she looked at me. “Let me in, Kitten.”

  She moved back, allowing me to pass her. I patted the dog on the head and threw my duffle on the floor by the table.

  “Shower?” She shut the door and walked toward the back room. I snagged her hand before she could move past me. I just needed to touch her.

  “You can use the shower in the master. It’s bigger and the spray is better. Are you hungry? I can make us something to eat.”

  She seemed nervous. Her teeth worried her plush bottom lip, and I wanted to lick and bite that full pouty lip.

  “Yeah, Kitten, that would be great.” I went into her bathroom and shed my clothes. Her large shower felt like heaven, and the hot water helped revive me.

  I turned off the water and went toward the cabinet, grabbing a towel. I looked down and froze. Water dripped on the floor around me, but it went unnoticed.

  Shock and anger flooded my veins. How long has she known, and why the hell hasn’t she said anything yet? I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down, but my hands were visibly shaking.

  I finished drying off
, but my eyes kept going back to the trash can. She would tell me. There’s no way she would keep something like this from me. I just needed to give her time. Katie probably just found out and hasn’t accepted it herself.

  Slowly, the world started to right itself. My first impulses melted away, and I started to calm down. Every reason I had gone over in my head was valid. It was only the beginning of February, so she had to have just found out and was still trying to wrap her brain around it. The fact that the pregnancy test was still in the trash also pointed to that conclusion.

  I closed my eyes and took a moment to process the fact that Katie and I were going to have a kid. The knowledge both cut deep and pleased me. I hated that she was only giving me a chance based on our kid, but damn the fact that she was carrying my kid made me want her even more. I’d give her until Valentine’s Day to tell me. If she didn’t, then I’d confront her.

  Chapter Nine


  He looked tired and worn out when he came in. I’ve never seen him right after any shift much less one that had been hard, so it was a new look in his eyes. Cory wasn’t the goofy, cocky, obnoxious clown he normally is when I see him. Tonight there was a heaviness about him.

  I didn’t question when he said he wanted to borrow my shower – the tension running through his body was visible. Whatever he had encountered on the job today was weighing on him, and I wanted to take some of the burdens away.

  The steaks I had been planning on making tonight were already thawed out. Cocoa wouldn’t be happy that she wasn’t going to get her share, but I’d make it up to her later.

  I grabbed my cast iron skillet and put one of the marinated steaks inside. The instant smell of beef and the sizzle as the meat hit the heated pan made my mouth water.

  Cocoa was at my side as I was cooking. Anytime I moved from the stove to the fridge, she was right behind me – just waiting to get any food I may drop. I threw together a salad and grabbed veggies – throwing them into another pan and drizzling them with olive oil.

  I didn’t hear Cory come into the kitchen, so I jumped when I turned and saw him there. He had a towel around his hips, and he was leaning against the counter, staring at me.

  My stomach fluttered, and I forced myself not to place my hand over it. I just wasn’t ready yet. I needed to know what there was between us first.

  “Smells good.”

  “Thanks, you smell better.” I smiled at him and moved to the fridge, taking out a beer and handing it to him.

  I twisted off the top to a water for myself and moved back to the stove.

  “You don’t want to join me for a drink?”

  “No. I don’t drink much, and I’m just not in the mood for it tonight. My stomach has been wonky the last few days.” I didn’t lie exactly. It was all true. Those beers had been in there for a while, since the last time Robyn and Jim came over for a barbecue.

  “Have you gone to the doctor?”

  I looked at him, but his eyes gave nothing away. He seemed just genuinely concerned – not like he knew or suspected the secret I was holding.

  “No, but if it keeps up, I’ll make sure I go.”

  I watched as he lifted the beer. I followed the line of his body from his neck, over his wide shoulders and muscular arms. His wide, muscled chest gave way to his solid core that made me want to bow down and pay homage to his perfect, chiseled body. The deep V that disappeared beneath that flimsy towel was enough to drive me nuts.

  I didn’t get to look the last time we were together, so I looked my fill now. The towel was tented by his impressive cock. I remember the way he felt as I washed him and sucked him down in the shower.

  Absentmindedly, I grabbed my water, taking a long drink. It was now hot in the kitchen, and the room seemed to shrink around me. My eyes met Cory’s again, and he gave me a knowing smirk.

  “You can put your clothes in the wash. I’m sure you won’t want to put dirty ones on again later.” I went back to cooking, trying to calm myself and my libido that was suddenly kicked into overdrive.

  He moved behind me, his hands skimming up my arms. “Thank you, Kitten,” he said as he kissed my neck. Then he whispered in my ear. “But I’m not putting my clothes back on until much later.”

  My body was on a live wire, it had been too long since I had him. Yesterday was just an appetizer – getting off on his fingers took the edge off, but I wasn’t fully satisfied.

  I told myself I wasn’t going to fall quickly into bed with him, but the truth was glaringly obvious – before the night was over, I would be back in his arms, back underneath him, and back in his control. I couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Ten


  She didn’t take the bait and fess up to the baby, but I would get it out of her, eventually. The dinner she made was delicious, and we actually had a full conversation without getting into an argument.

  Katie regaled me with funny stories from her students. I’ve never really been around kids, so I needed to learn fast not to say anything that I didn’t want to be repeated.

  “My favorite story was two years ago. It was so funny, but the mom and I both left that conference completely embarrassed. She could barely look me in the eye.”

  The way her face lit up – mischief and laughter dancing in her eyes made her all the more beautiful. “What happened?”

  “The little girl was upset because she had gotten in big trouble for jumping on her bed.” She smiled widely.

  “That makes sense.” When I was a kid, I had gashed my leg open on the bed rail when I had fallen off – the scar was still there, so I could understand the parent’s getting mad at the kid. Though I bet it stopped the kid about as much as stitches had stopped me.

  “Well, my student came to school telling me that while she got in trouble for jumping on the bed, mommy and daddy were jumping on theirs and it woke her up.”

  We laughed so hard together, Katie even wiped a few tears from her eyes as she told me one story after another. There was a student that told the whole class his mommy had handcuffs just like the police officer - only they were girl cuffs because they had pink fuzz on them.

  “I don’t think I would be able to keep a straight face.”

  “Oh, believe me, I was biting the inside of my lip so hard that I tasted blood.”

  I told her a few funny stories from my job as we wrapped up dinner. It took my mind off of my day at work and the tragedy of the family’s loss. She calmed me and unknowingly soothed and lifted my heavy soul.

  “It’s time for dessert, Kitten. Come here.”

  She went still, her eyes grew wide, and excitement flashed in her eyes. “Cory.”

  “Sir, Kitten. Always Sir.”

  She swallowed and nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Now, come here.”

  She didn’t say a word or question me, she just slowly got up and walked around the small table to stand in front of me. The good little sub that she was.

  When she was between my legs, I reached up and started to unbutton her shirt. My knuckles scraped against her skin as I undid them. Gooseflesh spread across her chest, and I spread the shirt wide to see her in nothing but her black lace bra.

  I slid the straps down to the crook of her elbows, essentially pinning her arms to her sides. The cups of her bra gaped with the new position, and I was looking at the most perfect pair of breasts I’d ever seen.

  “You are so damn beautiful.” Her nipples were both hard. They say women’s breasts change with pregnancy, but hers seemed the same to me – full, lush – perfect. I leaned forward and flicked my tongue over one nipple then the other, then blew a steady stream of air over them. She groaned and her already hard nipples tightened further.

  “Go to the bedroom, Kitten. I want you naked and waiting for me on the bed.”

  When she moved to go around me, I slapped her on the ass again – it was something that I could easily get used to doing.

  I hung back to give her time to get undressed and p
repared. It also had the added benefit of building up anticipation, excitement, and curiosity.

  “Cocoa,” I called out. She had followed Katie into the room, and the last thing I wanted was a cold nose goosing me in the middle of sex. The cute lab came out, tail wagging. I took what was left of Katie’s steak and put it on the floor for her to eat.

  While she was busy chowing down, I made my way back to Katie’s room and shut the door behind me. I leaned back against the wood and looked toward the bed where she was sitting – naked.

  I held her eyes as I walked slowly toward her. “Don’t take your eyes off me, Kitten.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Since the moment I saw him standing at my front door with his duffle over his shoulder, I felt an edge in him. It was anger and heat simmering beneath the surface. He hid it well, but I could feel it there just hanging around him.

  The simmering seemed to calm after his shower, but it felt like he was just on the edge of losing control. When he told me to go get undressed, I felt his need, and it made me wonder if his controlling me wasn’t just for my benefit, but for his as well.

  When he came into the bedroom and shut the door, I couldn’t help but rake my eyes over his body. He was gorgeous, his muscles were hard and rippled. His tattoos only enhanced his appeal.

  Every step he took toward me had excitement coursing through my veins. I could see him change from Cory to ‘Sir’ as his dominant took over something inside him. He was the same, yet so different, and I loved it. The change excited me.

  I held eye contact as he walked to me. When he stood right in front of me, my neck was tilted up, and he towered over me. The look in his eyes was hunger and need mixed with concern and determination.

  “Take off the towel.” His voice was gruff – the low timbre felt like a caress. My core clenched at the sound of it.

  I looked at the towel and placed my fingers into the top fold. He placed a crooked finger under my chin and brought my chin back up, so I was looking him in the eye again.


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