The Dunwich Romance

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The Dunwich Romance Page 11

by Edward Lee

  I guess what happened tween me and Sary was what my grandfather yewst to call a Right of Passage, one uv them things that got to happen to me bfore I become a full man. “Ye carn’t force it, Willy, ye jest gotta let it come to yew in the way the Gods think proper. Ye might be tempted ta force it, but then ye likely be tainted by one’a the fair rooker of curses men of the airth got on ‘em. See, boy, yew EN’T one’a them men, but only haff, and the other haff’a ye be a hunnert times more importint’n than fellas hereabouts.” I wasnt very old when he tolt me this, and didn’t quite follow him. Then another time I was washin an Grandsire got a good gander at my dick, which werent filt at all with cum just then, just hangin empty but reel long, and he say, “Good God DANG, Willy! Thet be some fierce dick ye got on ya, boy! Dun’t be dispirited thet ye got no balls like other fellas cos, see, yer balls is INSIDE. And when ye get a yearnin in yer head for a gull, wal, SHEEEEEEEEEE-it! That pecker on ye’ll load up with yer jism like packin a durn blunderbuss, it will, and’ll be stickin up hard an long as a hammer handle. Heed me, boy, heed me true. Onct women get a gander at yer dick, some of em’ll head for the hills, but thar’ll be others thet’ll follow ye to the ends’a the airth fer a fuckin!” I were of the age by then to start gettin them yearnins in my head and was already havin at myself with my hand, but I thougt hard bout what Grandsire say, first about how I cant FORCE my proper becomin a man, but also what he say that day, bout how some girls might reely like bein fuckt by me on account how my seed make em cum so good. I like the idea of that, thinkin maybe the girl would wanna be with me. So I member one day not long after, I was comin down Sentinel Hill just after Candlemas Eve cos I liked all the smells up there, and anywaye, I meet up with this girl comin opposite on the trail tween Frye’s pasture and the west woods. This girl looked a rite feisty inner sackcloth skirt cut off so’s her bare belly show and a top from a old pink blouse with sleeves tore off holdin in a parcel of bosom that my grandsire would say is “formidable,” witch I think is the word he used. He wud also call a bosom the likes of this sumetimes “tits aplenty.” She had nipples stickin thru that top like they was pipe ends, and I could tell she had a fare plot a hair between her legs too, cuz so mutch there was of it it was pushin out the front of her skirt. The word Grandsire ud use to descrybe this gal I think wud be “fecund,” which I guess means she got a look bout her that get a fellas dick up hard right off. The girl turnt out to be Bonnie Sawyer whose I remember with her brother Jeb used to throw rocks and horse-apples at me when I was little comin my way through the Glen. N Fact I knew what fuckin was back then and how my dick and jism differ from that uv fellas hereabouts due to that self same pair, Bonnie and her brother Jeb, cos sometimes on my walks I see the two a them sneak into the old abandinned Corey stable that hasnt been used sinct alla Corey’s horses die from some distemper after Grandfather put that hex on em for dumpin their shit buckets in our yard. I peek over the haff doors and watch them git at each other, Bonnie playin with her bruther’s dick till it gets to stickin up and then she take it in her mouth, took his balls inner mouth to, and then shed get on her hands’n knees and hav him do it to her like a dog. Once he pull out and squirt his jism onner back, and I just thuoght Dang, it aint only his dick that be far differnt from mine but his seed too, just kinda white n snotty! Noothing like mine! Couple uv times Bonnie start yellin back at him over her shoulder sayin how he need to put his dick up the hole where her shit come out, and he do that too, witched she seem to like a lot, and there was another time she suck his dick inner mouth and then beat it off on her chest. “Thet’s what pa likes best,” she said after she done it. Jeb I heard hung himself by the neck in jail that time he got arrested in Aylesbury for trine to fuck some litle girl, and I just thought that was fine. But that be a wile back but now Bonnie she stop me on that old trail next to Frye’s grazeland and she act like she don’t rmember me and how she yewst to throw rocks, but I swored she really did know. She bring up a big foney smile and say she’ll let me fuck her for twenty cents, and it just happend I had twenty cents in my pocket from what Grandsire give me for helping him knock out the downstair walls the day afore. I had sum fire in me that day, on account I was havin what I think is called “puberty” and I was all antsy to pak my dick inna gal’s privit place to see what it feels like, so I give her the twenty cents and pull my trousers down, and she just fly into a fit she did when she see my dick already stickin out and fulla my seed and my pants was low enough that my probosciduct slip out and start reelin about over my head with its mouth openin and closing. Screamed a long while, she did, and then she start to cussin at me fierce sayin such like “My ma and pa was right, yew’s one of Lucifer’s gargoyles, yew be!” I didnt know what to make a that, no sir. “Be damned ta Hell!” she say. “‘T’was the DEVIL thet knocked yer ma up with yew, oh I know, that pink-eyed whore-witch Lavinia, and yer grandpa crazy Wizard Whateley that call him up!” and of all things she take a knife out and come at me with it! I wasnt scairt, I just stepped out the way, but my probosciduct don’t follow what be in my mind all the time, so it wrapped about her neck in a blink, and lift her up so she hang to deth just like her brother. When it dropped her I just stare and a mite angree I was cos I wanted bad to fuck her which she offered anyway on account of the twenny cents she ast for, but I cudn’t very well stick my dick inner pussy now she was dead. That woud’nt be nattrull, and it ud likely cauze the Old Ones to look upon me wth disfavor. Thats what Grandsire ud say, and I larned qwik to heeed his wurds. But there was something Grandsire DIDNT say, he DIDNT say it be unnattrul to set my EYES on a ded gal, nor beat off on her, so’s that be just what I did after I open her top so’s ta see her big tits sticking up and pull up that skirt to see all that hair on her split, n fact I hadda beat off TWICE on her, and she werent no good anyway so I didnt think it be what Grandfather would call a Transgression. While I was doin this, thouhg, my probosciduct had already slipped up her pussy and took a shit there, a big one. Wished she be still alive a little at least so to be sensable that shit was goin up her pussy. When it was done, I put in back down my pants and get myself fixed up. I knowed then it were best ta always lissen to what Grandfather say. Its bad to FORCE proper things to come to ye, but good to let the gods BRING em. Praise Azazoth. A course I took bak my twenty cents afore I went on my way.

  Right now Im sitting on one uv the smooth rocks down the slope of Sentinel Hill. I guess the word be “nostalgic,” but thats how I felt today fur some reeson. I went up the hill previous to gander the big circle of standin stones. Fascinating how they be all set up in a perfect Rhimes circle with six non-Euclidian angles inside. The place smell mighty rich with Their Odor which be a good sign, and I know if it was closer to a Special Time, the ground would be atalkin without even me sayin a intercession. Then I walk up to the big stone slab which I know was carved from rock not from hereabouts. Acourse, my father werent from hereabouts neether, and this place be wear I was conceeved. Guess thats why I got to feeling nostalgik. I was standin zactly where I come from. When I lefft, I heard the sky rumble like it done so many times almost like words, and I knew the Old Ones were smilin on me.

  I knew I had some big thinkin to do but I think it best to leave all that out uv my head for now. Sometimes ya think about things too much and wind up foulin up whats coming. Got to keep my Faith, cos Faith is Trooth and Trooth be Power in the Name of Him Who Is Not To Be Named.

  Instead I said me some prayers and kiss the soil and the Altar, then go back down the hill with some fire in my eye.

  I knew what it be I hadd to do.

  Don’t know why but as I was heding for the Corners, somthing told me to walk around the woods by the bridge way. Don’t know what wud compel me to do sutch becuase the only thing out that way was Nallers ole potato farm. I never mutch cared fore the Nallers. Was them, Ike and his fat, flat-titted wife Prudence, who filed complaints bout Grandsire with the sheriff in Aylesbury how the cows we bought wasnt seen no more shortly after we buy em. Sheriff didnt do noth
ing cuz when he come by, Grandfather had already lighted a Obfuscation Candle. Then he put a Tormentus Hex on Nallers wife so to make it so her pussy hurt like it got a thorn branch being yanked back and forth in it for six minutes evry hour from dusk to dawn for a whole moon cycle. Grandfather always kinda laff after that sayin such like “Gee, Willy, why ye think Ike Naller look like he en’t slept in a month?” Well, the Nallers never filed no more complaints aganst us. Anyway, I didnt know why I’d wanna walk by their farm, but when I do, what I saw refreshed my memry about some things I heard. Standing rite there in the middle of the field was a barn house the likes of which I never dream. TWICE the size of my house, it was, and all made uv fine timber sealed with bug sap, serius roofin, and two hay lofts. It look dang neer brant-new. Then I member that I herd Ike Naller built hisself a new barn a couple of yeers ago, a reel nice one held together with nails insted uv mortice peggs and had tar neath the roof shingles so it’ll never leak, so this must be it. Reminded me also about how Ike Naller up and died last fall when one of his plow mules head-kicked him, and more reecintly them loafers was jabbering at Osborns when I went in for some whale oil, and they was saying how Prudence Naller was lookin to sell that big fancy barn but acorse there wasnt no one in Dunwich with money. Shure enough, wen I walk up to that big barn I see a For Sale sign out frunt. Were no lie neether, it was a dang nice barn, and likely the first new building to be put up in Dunwich since the old mill and, durn, that were built way back in 1806, I think. I was standing their admirin it when I heer a rustle and a sharp wommin’s voyce, “What YEW want? Git offa my land less’n yew want a trespassin charge!” and I turnt and see it was Prudence Naller, looking twyce as fat than the last time I see her all that time ago. “Juss was wunderin’ what ye be askin’ for yer barn, ma’am,” I tell her. She dagger-glared me hard and say, “I’se askin’ five hunnert, but for YEW I’ll take a thousand! And I know no piss-poor Whateley got THET kinda cash!” Oh, I had the cash all right, but I didn’t say so. Guess I let her poison voice and look in the eye git to me, and I wanted so bad ta whip up on her a pussy-hurting spell that’d last the resta her LIFE instead of just a moon cycle, and theer was another one I lerned that could make her tits go all full up with pus and then bust and rot off. Why she talk to me like that? And she kepp on talkin, she did, saying I was a low down bastard witchs son, and my ma was a retart, and we was so poor we hadda eat the cobs after we wipe our asses, and my grandsire was a criminal warlock who shuld’a been burnt at the stake and what not, and then she say, “How your retart dirty mama had YEW was by fuckin a blammed GOAT, Wilbur Whateley, and everyone KNOW thet! Cos that be what yew look like, a GOAT!” I kinda smiled wanting to say Hey yew fat hatchet-face old biddy, my father en’t no goat, my father be a GOD, but I didn’t of course, and I decided I wun’t gonna put no extra pussy-hurtin spell on her neether nor nothing else. She just hateful backwater trash not werth my time and effort, and I walk away. The Old Ones surely spect me to use the wunderfull powers they teech for more than the likes of Prudence Naller. Better she sit and fester all alone with her fat and her hate and her saggin tits and no money.

  Then I got back to hedding to my original bizzniss. Deans Corners wasn’t but a half mile walk and the Loveman Trail not five skore cubits past that.

  It was a shitty lookin little cabin now that I was seeing it again, or maybe my thoughts was colored by knowin bout sum of the shitty things Sary’s father did to her in it. Noticed smoke comin out the smoke pipe so I figgered he must be cookin in there, pole cat probablee judging frum the smell. The doorknoker strike me as qweer, jess a old metal plate showing a face with no mouth nor nose, just two eyes. Ugliest knocker I ever see. First I thought just to push the door open, walk in, and take care of the miscreant, a word Grandsire yewst to say, but then it seemed better that I take off my shirt ferst so to get his blood thick with feer before I kill him. Now my own blood was boiling feerce, so when I take off my shirt my tentaclettes was whippin and churning and squirmin like a mass of twennie blood red coperhead snakes, and their mouths all snapping open showing their liddle needle fangs. I was riled up big to see the look on this fellas face when come I through his door!

  But I got it in my mind it be better to sneak in the back rather than bust in. I keep quiet as I can once inside, trine not to step on any uv the trash layin about. Werent much of a cabin, couple rooms, dirt floors mostly covered by old planks, and furniture my Grandfather would have laffed at, so slapped together it was. In the kitchen there was a shelff holding at leest ten fruiting jars, and there werent no fruit in em, no sir. They were full instead of some milky likwid, I remembered what Sary tell me, so I didn’t hafta wonder what was in em. I get to thinkin so I take the tops offa those jars and let my rite-side domminent tentaclette suck all the cum out of em. Then I hear kind of a panting noyse I thought, while I was moving through the kitchen past the woodstove. I keep my tentaclettes and probosciduct perfect still so they don’t make no ruckus, and then I peak round the edge of the doorway. And, well—

  There be Sary’s father—a skinny, dirty little rube runt, he looked like, scruff faced and mostly bald—settin in a chair and he was buck naykid sure as I am tall. He sit all tensed up with eyes clozed, one hand pullin on his ballbag like it were a bell rope while beatin off furius with his other hand. Hadda be the funniest thing I ever saw, and oh how I wished Grandsire was still alive to see it! And sure enough settin right by him is a haff full fruitin jar, so I know just what he plan. I wate there hiding behind the doorway on purpose, so to give him enough time, then he grab that jar and just when it look like he was gonna have out with his cum, I step into the room.

  He drop that jar right away, and I never figured a man could scream like this one did, more like a sheep being gutted than a terrorfied human being. He take one lookit me with my tentaclettes all abuzzin, and I sware his eyes come half out his head! I guess the man was so clutched up in fear that it keep the blood up his dick so it stay hard, and it is reel funny seein a naykid man scream but, well, for some reeson its EVEN FUNNIER when that naykid man be screamin with a hard dick. Anyway, he keep screemin and then try to run off, but one uv my tentaclettes shoot way out and trip him so he fall flat on his face. I pull my trousers down and let my probosciduct come out, and when he see THAT I thought he would up and die. I sent its node lickety split rite up his ass and take a shit. Was a ample meal I eat last night with Sary and likewise it was an ample shit. Packed it all right up inta the middle of his bowels I guess theyre called. Would like to know what thoughts go threw his head when he realize he been filt up with another man’s shit. And filt up he was too cos when my probosciduct get done, that piss-ant skinny reprobate scumm werent skinny no more. Belly stuck out on him like Henry Wheeler! “That’s for what ye done ta Sary,” I tell him, and when he herd the name his mouth fall open, but then I add, “and so is this,” and I sent my dominant tentaclette straight down his throte. His belly then get even more bigger cos my tentaclette done empty all that cum from the jars into his stomach. “Ye be et UP with sickness of the head, mister,” I told him, “to make Sary drink your jism, and then save it up all this time sinct she leave, fixin ta make her drink it again. What be WRONG with you?” Guess he didn’t heer me thogh, cos his eyes go all crost and look like he was goin to swound.


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