Phantom Lover

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Phantom Lover Page 14

by A. J. Llewellyn

  “You’re threatening me?” she spat.

  “I’m saying keep your opinions to yourself. Live and let live. I have no judgments to make on you and you’d better not make any on me.”

  “Well, I think what you’re doing is morally wrong. Throwing your marriage away on a mahu, for God’s sake.”

  Kimo lost his last shred of control. “You are going to regret talking about Lopaka like that.”

  “Well, I don’t, so there.”

  Kimo stood up and threw his napkin on the table. “Well, since you want to get high and mighty with me, what about the fact you introduced my wife to Jessie? You encouraged it from the start.”

  “I don’t think—” Nicky began.

  “Don’t.” Kaiona stepped over her words. “Don’t say it.”

  “Apologize to Lopaka and it’s all forgotten.”

  Kaiona was too worked up and I had a horrible, ghastly feeling that everything was about to explode.

  “No.” Her voice was a whisper and I saw the terror on her face.

  Kimo shook his head. “You really are selfish.”

  I touched his face, willing him to stop. I knew then what he was about to say and I knew Nicky could not survive it.

  “Baby, let’s go.”

  “With pleasure.” He snatched my hand. We left the restaurant, leaving the two women to themselves.

  Outside, I put my arms around Kimo.

  “What we are doing is not morally wrong.” His lips burned my temple.

  “I know, baby, and I’m so proud of you. Thank you for not telling Nicky. Kaiona’s been messing around with Mim and Jessie, hasn’t she?”

  He nodded.

  “Kimo, I love you so much, I hate to think of her doing this to you.”

  “I have you, that’s all that matters now.”

  “Thank you for not saying anything to Nicky,” I whispered in his ear.

  “How could I? She’s your best friend. I would hate to hurt her feelings.”

  “You still hungry?”

  “Yeah. You ate all the poi.”

  “Well, how about lunch in bed? All the food and cock you can handle.”

  “Sounds good.” He mustered a smile.

  We were about to get in the car when a tearful Kaiona approached us.

  “I’m sorry.” She reached out to hug me.

  “You’re so full of it,” Kimo snapped. “You had your chance. You are selfish, just like I said. You tell your girlfriends that I withdraw the offer. I will not impregnate you. You cannot have my baby. Go to a fucking sperm bank, just like all the other childless couples.”

  Kaiona opened her mouth, but Kimo was so enraged, she knew better than to push it.

  Nicky was hovering in the distance, anxious and worried.

  I got into Kaiona’s face. “Nicky will never find out from us what you’ve done, but if you hurt her, I will come after you myself.”

  “Don’t waste your breath, baby.” Kimo’s hand was at my back.

  We got into the car and drove away. “You were going to give them a baby?” was all I could say.

  “Not anymore. Subject closed.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  I was lying on the chaise of the house I was sharing with Kimo in Maui. Two months we had been there and every moment had been precious. Not only was it the most magnificent house I had ever set foot in, but it sat perched high on a mountaintop at Kahakuola Head, unable to be accessed by anybody without a key to the gate at the bottom of the hill. The house had perfect views of all the islands. On a clear day, I could see each and every one of them, including Ni’ihau, the Forbidden Island.

  Often, I had compared Kimo to the ancient Hawaiian gods and kings, not knowing he was a direct descendant of the last Maui king, the eighteenth century monarch, Kahekili. From the painting we had hanging in the living room, there was more than an eerie resemblance between these two warriors.

  The property had been passed down to Kimo, the only earthly thing he prized, apart from a few treasures he inherited from his now-deceased parents. Once I had arrived and spent time on his turf, I understood why he’d stayed with Mim so long. Kimo craved stability, he wanted a family.

  “Watch me, baby,” he was saying now, and I laughed, shielding my eyes from the sun. He was totally naked, standing on the edge of our cliff, about to dive two hundred feet into the ocean. The precise spot was once known as Kahekili’s Leap and was the exact same place where Kimo’s famous relative dived into the ocean.

  It scared me every morning when Kimo took that leap, but it was an obsession. Some men drank, some men took drugs, some men drove fast cars, my husband liked to dive hundreds of feet to the ocean, then climb all the way back up the sheer cliff face in time for breakfast—me.

  “I’m watching.” I joined him at the edge of the precipice. It was the only activity I would not do with him, but he didn’t seem to mind. As long as I was with him, naked, horny and waiting for him at the top, he was a happy man.

  He drew me to him and kissed me. “See you in a few minutes.” He took his death-defying swan dive to the sea below us.

  We had fights about the dive when I had first moved to Maui. He hired geologists who studied the cliff and the ocean tides who gave him specific times for him to dive. Tides hadn’t changed much since Kahekili was king. Kimo was told in no uncertain terms not to dive after eleven a.m. in summer unless he wanted to die and so far, he was not choosing to challenge their findings.

  My lover hit the water and I watched, anxious until he rose to the surface, waving. I clapped and cheered, then watched him clown around in the foamy waves, as I laughed and waved back, blowing him kisses.

  “I love you,” he shouted back and began the long climb home. I loved watching my naked love god do that climb. In twenty minutes he would be with me. For fifteen minutes he would have me, then immediately after that, he would want breakfast.

  And that meant Chan.

  Chan was the only fly in my romantic ointment. He was Kimo’s elderly housekeeper and, although he didn’t live in the house, he seemed resentful of my presence and disapproved of our lifestyle, constantly spying on us fucking. It seemed to give Kimo a secret thrill, knowing that old man was watching us. Most of the time I was able to ignore Chan, though I was always aware of him. When he left each day at four, I was always relieved. I adored my private time with Kimo and I loved taking care of him, one of my biggest problems with Chan. For me, it was a pleasure to cook for Kimo and planning romantic menus was my way of thanking him for the life he had given me.

  We sailed the islands, ate at endless expensive, romantic restaurants, but Chan felt it was his duty to cook for Kimo and the results were minuscule portions of vegetables and chicken. We laughed between us when Chan was gone. The old man was still cooking for one. A small one. Because Kimo had a big appetite.

  Kimo was near the top now and I ran to greet him. He swept me into his arms and moved me back onto the chaise. He got between my legs, his mouth intent on mine, then he took hold of my cock, a hungry gleam in his eye.

  “We have company. Maybe we shouldn’t.”

  “Darling,” he laughed. “Chan is not company.”

  “He brought his granddaughter, Coco. I do believe he’s trying to fix you up with her.”

  Kimo’s gaze traveled to the kitchen window. The young woman was indeed watching us. She hurriedly moved away when we looked in her direction.

  “He’s out of here today.” Kimo’s subject closed expression was back on his face. He swallowed my cock with the same passion he tackled his beloved cliff and I wanted to give in to the exquisite sensations, but I was starting to feel guilty about the old man.

  “I don’t want him to lose his job.” I was panting hard now.

  Kimo came off my cock. “He’s not out of a job, baby. I’m sending him to Honolulu. He can work for Mim. I’ll send the granddaughter, too. Mim might like her.”

  I laughed at that sly smile, then his mouth went back to work on me. “Could you s
tand being alone with me?” He lifted his mouth off me again.

  “Yeah. I could stand it. A lot.”

  This time he didn’t stop, really giving the Chans something to think about.

  * * * *

  Kimo had asked me not to take work that took me away from Maui, even for a few days. This altered my lifestyle dramatically. I was used to working for my living and I had money saved, but I liked having my financial independence. I wanted to keep sending money to my tutu, but Kimo had bought the land her house was on and surprised the two of us by giving her the deeded trust. She could have earned a living renting out some of the acreage she now owned, but Tutu liked her solitude.

  Her life worked well via the old bartering system. Besides, she was insisting I keep my money, not that I did of course.

  The truth was, neither Kimo nor I really wanted the separation that a dancer’s life brought, so when I got a dancing engagement with Kaiona’s dance troupe, I wanted to take it because I really needed the money.

  “I have money, what’s mine is yours,” Kimo insisted. But I was stubborn, so he came to Hilo with me and I was thrilled to have the two things I loved, Kimo and my work. We went to visit my grandmother and I tried to return my lava stone to her.

  “No.” She held it in her hands a moment. “Lopaka, your troubles are not yet over. Oh, my boy, be strong. You are going to need it.”

  When she handed that stone back to me, it was like pocketing a fireball.

  I had no idea then that she was very right. Kimo and I were about to be challenged in ways we never thought possible.

  * * * *

  Kimo and I had a peaceable meeting with Kaiona and Nicky, who were both relieved that I had taken the chance to work with Kaiona again. They both stressed the importance of their love for us and Kaiona’s apologies to both Kimo and me seemed heartfelt.

  But I knew they wanted Kimo’s sperm. Who wouldn’t? Hell, I was addicted to the stuff. But I also knew that Kimo’s heart was soft where people he loved were concerned. I knew, if I was willing, he wanted to give them the baby of their dreams.

  It was not until our three-day show concluded that Kimo dropped the bomb on me. He wanted me to agree to his giving Nicky a baby. The only criteria was that she and Kaiona did not want the ol’ turkey baster method. They wanted Kimo to impregnate her, as in, fuck her.

  I went mad and told Kimo I would never agree to it.

  “You want to fuck my best friend?” I asked him. “Is that what you’re telling me?”

  “No.” He looked distressed. “When you put it like that, it sounds terrible. But it wouldn’t be like that. It would be a very serious, ritualistic procedure. Just like in the old days. I would love to have a baby with Kaiona, our two great bloodlines joining, except that she can’t conceive and Nicky is the woman she loves, the way I love you.”

  “When you put it like that, I feel churlish and mean. But I just hate the idea of it.”

  “You would be there. You would be a part of it. You would be right there beside me, every step of the way. She will be working with the kahuna. They will know when she is at the exact moment she is able to conceive. And along comes Kimo…”

  He didn’t pressure me any further. He knew he’d planted the seed, dammit. My man knew my heart and knew that my better nature would eventually prevail.

  What really presented a challenge to our unity however was the fact that Johnny came to the last show and when he came backstage to see me, I saw that he was deeply attracted to Kimo.

  And Kimo was deeply enjoying the attention.

  Back in our hotel room, as I packed our belongings for early morning checkout, Kimo said, “I’ve been thinking. I’d really like a threesome.”

  The stone in my pocket felt like it was setting my leg on fire.

  “Oh, with Mim?” I asked.

  “Not with Mim. No. I’m thinking, another man.”

  “You, me and another guy?” I wanted to be certain because suddenly, my whole world was falling apart. Kimo wanted to fuck my best friend. Now this.

  “Of course with you, darling.”

  It was the last thing I wanted, but I also understood. I might have woken the sleeping dragon, but now that Kimo was out of his damned closet-cave, he was feeling a little curious. I would rather he experimented with me, I decided, than without me.

  “You got anybody in mind?”

  “I want to make it with Johnny.”

  “Johnny?” I was incredulous. “He doesn’t even have a very big dick. I know guys who are really hung…”

  But Kimo had made up his mind.

  “Why Johnny?” I felt very vulnerable about Kimo making it with my ex. The man had broken my heart. It felt like Kimo wanted to take the knife left in me by Johnny and twist it just a little bit.

  “Why not?” countered Kimo. “You still got feelings for him?”

  “Not feelings of love. Feelings of hurt.”

  He hesitated because he knew this was true. “He was inside you. Now I want to be inside him.”

  I was silent for a few moments, continuing to pack our things.

  “All in all, I’d rather you fucked Nicky.”

  Kimo laughed. “I don’t want to fuck Nicky. I want to give them a baby. That will be ours, too. We’d be godparents, you know. She is your best friend.”

  I looked at him. “You’re really pushing it, you know?”

  “Lopaka. I just want to fuck him. I’m not talking about moving him in with us or making it a regular thing.”

  “You want to experiment.”


  “With the man who broke my heart.”

  He looked at me. “He still has feelings for you. I want that heart connection.”

  “You want to play with fire. If we’re going to do this, then there need to be some ground rules.”

  “What rules?”

  “Firstly, I don’t want to hear about you fucking Nicky again for at least three months. Secondly, it’s a one-time deal with Johnny and he doesn’t stay all night. And third, you are not allowed to suck his cock.”

  Kimo looked amused. “I can fuck him, but not suck him?”

  “Yes. In case you’ve forgotten, it took a long time to get you to suck my cock. Why should he get it on the spot when it took me months to get it?”

  Kimo seemed to be considering things. “Agreed. I promise not to suck Johnny’s cock.”

  I was more hurt than anything else and trying hard to act as if I wasn’t. Grandma had been right. But I knew there was no U-turn here. I had to follow things through if I wanted this man and, in spite of all my misgivings, I did want him.

  Amazingly, our lovemaking was typically mind-blowing that night. Kimo was so lit up about the idea of the threesome, it seemed to make him want me even more.

  At the airport, Kaiona and Nicky were waiting for the same plane. When they said they were stopping at Maui for a few days, I felt Kimo had orchestrated everything. He was going to blow his seed all over the island, if he had his way.

  * * * *

  I made plans with Johnny to come to our house the following night. I didn’t want it to be at our house. This was Kimo’s idea. He was more excited than I had seen him since the first time he fucked me.

  “This isn’t going to be a habit. You’ve opened a door to a whole new world for me and I want to try this. That’s all, but I want to do it with you.”

  He wanted to hold off making love all day so we would enjoy the evening even more. When he saw how upset I was, he gave in and we had our usual fantastic morning romp. Afterward, when he rolled off me and lay back on the bed, he put an arm across me.

  “I don’t know how I thought I could go all day without touching you. I must be out of my mind.”

  We showered together, a sense of expectation building as we made the house ready. I made lots of pupus that would require no work once Johnny arrived. By the time he was at the door at seven o’clock, Kimo and I were ready to go.

  I don’t think Kimo
understood before that moment that men are not like women. They don’t require a ton of foreplay or romancing. It just takes a look. One look between two men and they’re ready to fuck.

  When Johnny arrived, I could tell he was as excited as we were and also a bit nervous. He stared at Kimo with lust and awe. I stepped in and moved things up a level in the heat department. The temperature was nuclear before we’d even started.

  I pulled Johnny’s head to me and started kissing him. His feelings for me were evident in the way he sucked at my mouth, his hands in my shirt, feeling my nipples. Kimo watched with envy and wonder until I took my mouth from Johnny and watched him kissing Kimo.

  Kimo hesitated only briefly before allowing Johnny to probe his mouth with his tongue. Kimo held Johnny and me to him. We could feel his cock straining at his pants as he turned to kiss me.

  “I love you,” he said into my mouth and I took my men by the hands and led them into the bedroom. I’d already set up food and champagne and Johnny murmured his approval.

  Johnny helped me undress Kimo and had the same reaction I always did when he saw Kimo naked. Those tattoos were a thrill. You knew this was a powerful man and his body gleamed in the warm evening light filtering in from our bedroom windows. Johnny and I licked and kissed Kimo’s chest and magnificent abs, moving up to his neck and mouth. He was in heaven as we put him on the bed and tugged off his pants. Johnny got a look at that cock for the first time.

  “You lucky, lucky guy.” Johnny kept staring at Kimo. “I don’t know if I can handle anything this big.”

  “That’s why I need help. This is too much for one man.” Kimo smiled at us. “Johnny, get started on his cock, honey. My fantasy has been to suck Kimo’s gorgeous ass while another guy’s working on his cock.”

  Johnny picked up that hard tool and I spread my lover’s ass cheeks. He was hesitant at first, knowing that Johnny was watching everything, but Johnny was enjoying his delicious man-sized meal. Kimo knew he was about to feel very, very good, so his legs opened up to me and I attacked his puckered ass hole like a bitch in heat. I sucked and kissed and licked his ass as poor Johnny struggled with my baby’s colossal cock.


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