Brazen Rush: Brazen Series Book 1

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Brazen Rush: Brazen Series Book 1 Page 7

by Dean, Ali

  The blonde one swings her head our way and stops riding. The other one ignores him, skates in the opposite direction and lifts her hand with a middle finger.

  I move forward to catch up with Griffin and hear him mutter, “Cute, Naomi, real cute.”

  The blonde one’s standing with her hands on her hips. “Hey big bro. Checking up on us?” A sassy little smile plays on her lips and I can’t help it. I instantly like her.

  “I am now. How’d you get here, anyway?”

  “We took the bus. Relax, Mom and Dad know we’re spending the day out this way. School’s out. Can’t we at least get one day of freedom or is that too much to ask?” She doesn’t sound annoyed, and the smile hasn’t left her lips.

  “I didn’t know you’d be here. But if I hear you left the house like that and rode public transit in a bikini I’m going to lose my shit.”

  Her smile grows. She doesn’t answer the question but turns her gaze to me, taking a couple steps closer, and puts her hand out. “Hey, I’m Griff’s sister Summer.”

  “Jordan. I didn’t know Griffin had a sister.” I turn to look at him as we shake hands.

  “Sorry I didn’t introduce you, that was rude, but I was more concerned with the fact that my baby sister is practically naked in public.”

  Summer laughs. “Oh Griff, this is called a bathing suit top. People wear them to beaches. We live in California, where people also wear them around when they aren’t at the beach. Especially when it’s hot. And I’m not a baby. I’m a high school sophomore. I have my driving permit. I know it’s hard for you to accept, but I’m growing up. I even kiss boys sometimes.” Her smile gets bigger and bigger as she pushes his buttons harder with each reminder of just how much she’s growing up.

  Griffin turns to me and his voice is nearly a growl when he says, “I’ll be right back.” He drops his board and skates off toward the other girl. As soon as he’s on his board, I remember why I was so excited to be here with him.

  I glance back to Summer who’s watching me. She glances at the board in my hand and her smiles grows. “So, you skate?”

  Chapter Thirteen


  This girl speaks my language. She doesn’t ask me questions about who I am or how I know her brother. Summer skates back around to the top of the rail to hit it again, ignoring her brother and friend. I’m right behind her, but out of the corner of my eye, I notice Griffin has to skate right in front of the other girl to get her to stop and listen to him. As much as I want to hit the rail and start exploring the park, I’m too curious about this dynamic unfolding.

  The girl tries to shove him and he puts his hands on her shoulders. I assume he’s trying to give her a lecture about the topless thing like he did with Summer. But this one can’t be his sister. Her long black hair is shiny and her skin is darker than a California tan. She could be Latin American, while Summer and Griffin look Scandinavian.

  Summer skates back over to me, pulling my attention away. “That’s my best friend Naomi. She’s like family, so she gets the little sister treatment too.”

  “Ah, gotcha.”

  I might be here with Griffin, but I’m not going to wait around for him to sort his big brother duties. Kicking off, I skate down a short ramp and pick up speed to zoom around the park, checking out my options. There’s only one small circular bowl, but a number of stairs, rails, and ramps of various sizes and shapes to try out.

  I drop into the bowl first, my most comfortable spot to warm up. It’s not big enough to get much speed going, but once I’m in the zone I nearly forget about the concussion from only five days ago. Taking it easy, I head back over to the rails by Summer. It’s just a low one, and I flip my board up and grind it before gliding over to her.

  Summer lets out a little cheer as I do and puts out a fist to bump.

  Griffin and Naomi join us and after a quick introduction, we’re on our boards, wheels moving. Griffin must have decided to let the shirtless thing go since no one else is around, and we ease into a rhythm as we play. I don’t know the status of Griffin’s knee, but he can still pull off some incredible tricks with ease. I thought I’d spend the day ogling Griffin’s riding, but I find myself more intrigued by his sister and her friend. They cheer each other on, and holler for me every time I land a trick. I’m keeping it mellow, not trying anything too difficult with the recent concussion, but I can tell the girls are hyped by what I’ve got.

  Naomi and Summer ask me for advice on techniques and I wonder why they don’t just ask Griffin, who’s clearly a more experienced skateboarder than me. But then, I guess I’m probably cooler to them than an older brother.

  A couple of hours pass, with Griffin letting the three of us do our thing and occasionally riding by to check out what we’re up to. Eventually the park starts to fill with more people, and I head to a shady spot for a break. The girls join me and we watch as Griffin gets approached by three teenage boys. He chats with them and then they hand over their boards for him to sign.

  “I didn’t think to have him sign my board. You think he’s offended I didn’t ask?” I wonder, half-joking.

  Summer snorts. “Nah, Griffin’s got an ego but he’s not that bad.”

  Naomi leans over and scrutinizes me. “Hey wait, you aren’t that girl from Taylor Sly’s Insta video, are you?”

  “Oh yeah, that’s me,” I say, resigned. How long until this blows over?

  “Huh, I knew you looked familiar. But I was too busy watching you skate to really look at your face.” Naomi snaps off her helmet and pushes her sunglasses up to her head. “I’ll have to tell him I met you when I see him later today.”

  “Oh, you’re friends with Taylor too?” I’m still not sure if Beck and Taylor are friends or what the deal is. But clearly they’re all from the same circle.

  “Not exactly,” Naomi says. “I mean, he’s what? Seven years older than me. How old are you, anyway?” She assesses me again, and it’s then I notice her eyes. A bright blue I’ve only seen on one other person. I’m almost too stunned to answer the simple question.

  “I’ll be eighteen on Saturday.”

  Now I’ve got Summer studying me too. “Does Griff know? Wait, are you two…?” She doesn’t complete the question but Naomi jumps in.

  “Hooking up?”

  “Uh, no, we’re not hooking up.” I mean, not yet anyway. “And he knows I’m not twenty-one yet and that I’m a freshman.”

  “Don’t hook up with him,” Naomi says. “You’re cool, and we want to skate with you again.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Why wouldn’t I hang out with you again?”

  Summer shrugs. “I love Griff but the guy has commitment problems. Well, maybe not problems, but he’s never, and I mean never, had a girlfriend. Not even for a week or a few days. That doesn’t mean it’s a problem, I suppose, if he’s never found the right girl. But I’m thinking if you hook up with him we probably won’t be seeing you around again.”

  There’s an awkward pause. Summer cringes. “Wait, that sounds mean. I’m not saying you might not be the one… you could be.”

  “No, you do mean that,” Naomi corrects her. “It’s not you, Jordan. But think about it. You’re closer in age to us than you are to him. He’s starting a business, already onto like a second career after pro skateboarding, and you’re starting college. It’s not impossible, but if he’s going to finally have a girlfriend I’m guessing it’d be someone older.”

  This would all be very disturbing information if I really had my heart set on Griffin. Instead, I just find myself curious about how this all applies to Beck. The disappointment wrapping around me isn’t for the low probability of being more than a hookup with Griffin. It’s that the same logic applies to Beck too. Not that he’s given me a chance. “We could exchange numbers and hang out anyway,” I suggest.

  Naomi and Summer are already pulling out their phones. I give them my number and they send me texts. As I pull out my phone to enter them into my contacts, the girls start
talking about their afternoon plans. “I have to meet Beck to take some photos of him,” Naomi says. My head snaps up and the brush of goosebumps I’d felt earlier from looking at her eyes takes over my entire body.

  “Maybe Griff can give us a ride. You think we can convince him to stop for food? I’m craving a smoothie,” Summer says.

  “Oh, good idea. Then we can cockblock him from hooking up with Jordan.”

  A burst of laughter escapes my lips. Naomi shoots me a lopsided grin and shrugs.

  “Um, so you’re taking photos of Beck? Beckett Steele?” I sound breathless, but I can’t hold it in a second longer. I have to know.

  “Yep. I’m his social media manager,” she proclaims.

  “His social media manager?” I can’t hide my confusion.

  “She’s his nosy little sister,” Summer explains.

  I nod a few times, my suspicion confirmed but unable to form words.

  “We have different dads. Mine’s awesome. His isn’t.”

  Summer mutters, “That’s putting it mildly.”

  “Beck doesn’t like dealing with his social media but he doesn’t want to hire some random person to do it, so I volunteered,” Naomi goes on. She’s proud of this role, that much is clear.

  “So, you do all his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for him?”


  “He didn’t give her total free rein until recently,” Summer explains. “She had to show him he wouldn’t sound like a teenage girl first.”

  “I can fake a twenty-five-year-old dude.”

  I laugh at how serious she sounds. “Not to undermine how important this job is, but what exactly do you do? Post pictures and add some hashtags? How does it work?”

  Summer groans. “Oh Jordan, don’t open that can of worms.”

  Naomi slaps her friend’s arm. “Shut up. You’re just jealous Griff won’t let you take over his accounts.” She turns back to me. “Okay, so for the pictures, those are the most important. I have to draft them first and then Beck approves them. I use some of the professional photos people send to him from competitions and shoots, but fans like to see him in the day to day too. He hates posting random pictures of himself hanging out, which is why I have to do it for him. But I don’t actually write much in the comments. A couple lines. That’s more Beck’s style.”

  Why is this so cute? Why is this making me crush on her brother harder? I mean, I might be on a date with his best friend, I’m not exactly sure. Would it be weird if I asked if Beck has commitment problems like Griff? Yes, I decide, that would be weird.

  As Naomi continues to rattle on about her duties, Summer mouths behind her, “Told you so.”

  She’s cut off when Griffin plops down beside me. “Oh no, you got her going on the social media manager thing, didn’t you?”

  “I need to take pictures today. Can you give us a ride to campus?” Naomi asks, ignoring his little dig.

  “Right now?”

  “After you buy us smoothies,” Summer clarifies.

  Griffin looks at me. “You okay with this plan?”

  “It’s cool with me but you’ll need to drop me off when we get back to campus. I’ve got some homework.” It’s a lie, I realize even as it slips from my lips. I caught up on homework yesterday so I could have the whole day free today with Griffin. But there’s no way I’m going to surprise show up on Beck’s turf with his family. Given how he reacted with Taylor, I don’t even want to know what side of him will show if he finds out I’ve been hanging with these three.

  Summer places a hand on her brother’s shoulder. “Griff, we talked and we decided you can’t hook up with Jordan unless you plan on making her your first girlfriend, which we don’t think you should because of the age difference.”

  For a second, I’m too stunned to be embarrassed. Did she really just say that?

  Naomi shakes me from shock by adding, “We think you should friend-zone her so she can be our friend too.”

  Griffin’s eyes find mine and he has a small smile on his lips. Meanwhile, my neck is heating up and my cheeks are probably turning red. I widen my eyes. “I did not participate in this discussion.” Did I? I can’t remember. I kind of want to lie on the grass face first and disappear into the ground.

  “You two have a real talent for embarrassing people and making things awkward as fuck, you know that?” Griffin says, looking between his sister and Naomi.

  “Sorry not sorry,” Naomi replies.

  “Same.” Summer starts to stand up. “Come on Naomi, let’s let these two talk it out. We’ll be waiting in the car.”

  “I’m only taking you for smoothies if you put shirts on!” Griff calls after them.

  As soon as they’re gone, I force myself to look at Griffin again. My eyes are still just as wide. “Where did those two come from?”

  Griffin shakes his head as he lets out a soft chuckle. “They really like you. Really really like you.”

  “I like them too. But they might be crazy.”

  “I just wish they’d put some clothes on,” he says, watching them strut to the car as he beeps it open for them. A few skaters in the park turn to watch them.

  I swallow, my heart beating out of my chest as I try to figure out what to say. When I open my mouth and hope something intelligible comes out, Griffin leans forward and puts a hand over mine.

  “Hey, listen. I like you too.”

  My heart hammers louder, making my ears ring.

  “I was going to talk to you about all this anyway, okay? So it’s fine.”

  I nod, not trusting my voice.

  “Summer’s right. I’ve never had a girlfriend or anyone serious. And I don’t see that happening right now for me, even with someone I really like. I’m starting a business, I’m going to be traveling a lot.”

  I’m surprised that his words are making my heartbeat slow down as something that feels like relief fills me.

  “Yeah, I get that. I didn’t think by asking me to skateboard that you wanted to be my boyfriend, Griffin,” I reassure him.

  “Hey, if there was a girl I’d want to try it for, it’d be someone like you, Jordan.”

  “Uh, thanks,” I tell him, and it comes out as a whisper.

  “But I saw how my sister and Naomi were with you, how you were with them. You’re better as a role model and friend to them than as a possible girlfriend I don’t know if I can commit to right now.”

  “A role model?” I ask dubiously. Huh?

  “Yeah. Those two could use a female skateboarder to look up to. I mean, you don’t need to hang with them if you don’t want to, but you seem down for it.”

  I nod slowly, trying to keep up with the emotional whiplash.

  “Right, yeah, sure.”

  “There’s something else. I’m launching a women’s line and I’d love your input. So, while I don’t know that I want to take the hookup option off the table forever, friend-zoning seems like a good call.”

  My muscles relax and my blood pressure seems to return to normal. And then I remember the rest of what he said.

  “Wait, women’s line?”

  “Yeah, skateboarding clothes, shoes, boards. I’d love to have you try out some gear and give me opinions. Maybe you can represent the Brazen brand if I can convince you to start an Instagram account.”

  My brows snap together. Is he messing with me?

  I can’t tell if he’s only trying to change the subject away from the awkwardness of not wanting to be in a relationship, but as I look at him, I realize one thing. He did mention keeping hooking up on the table, and he’s definitely open and honest about everything. Griffin really would be the perfect guy to help overcome my first kiss fiasco.

  “Yeah, sure, I can help with that. But there’s something I was hoping you could help me with too.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  This semester is going to be harder than I thought. I only had one class this morning and I’ve been cooped up in my room doing homework for the past
three hours. I can’t remember the last time I did homework for three hours straight, and I still have at least three more hours to go. If I wasn’t so close to getting my degree, I’d question why I’m even bothering in the first place. But I started college seven years ago, and I never intended to drop out. My skateboarding career took off, and I haven’t taken a full course load since that first semester.

  With Griff’s injury and starting his business, I finally know what classes I want to put my time and energy into, and I have a reason to get that degree.

  I’m already getting up from my desk when I hear the voices down the hallway. The sound of Naomi and Summer chatting away brings a smile to my face. Maybe I’ll take them out to lunch instead of heating up leftover stir fry.

  Taylor’s got papers spread out on the kitchen counter, and Summer has taken the stool beside him. She’s trying to get him to talk to her, and he’s trying to brush her off. At least he’s smart enough to recognize that any communication with Summer Perry can be perceived as flirting, and Griffin’s standing right there. Summer’s a little like Griff that way. By the time she was in a training bra, all her communications with the opposite sex came off like flirtations, without her even realizing it. I’m one of the few exceptions.

  “Hey Beck!” Naomi calls when she sees me. I saw her two days ago at Mom’s house, but she wraps her arms around me for a hug anyway. “Why are you wearing glasses?”

  “I need them for reading now, Rugrat.” I ruffle her hair. “I’m getting old.”

  Her eyes light up. “Oh, we should post a picture of you studying with those on!”

  “Maybe later. I’m starving. You guys want to grab some lunch?”

  Naomi’s already got her phone out in one hand and pulls my arm with the other. “Come on, just one picture. It’ll only take a second.” She talks to me like she’s the older sibling and I’m the bratty little kid. When it comes to taking pictures for social media, that’s exactly the dynamic. She makes me sit at my desk, just like I was a minute earlier, and pretend I’m reading my textbook. It’s emasculating, which is why my sister is the only one allowed to take charge. If I’m not going to do it myself, someone has to, and better Naomi than anyone else. Besides, it makes her happy.


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