by Eric Paguio
the television, the cell phones, email, social networking,
all continuing to pour on without intermission
talking has returned to electronic text,
where no one knows each other,
and pictures worth a thousand are only pennies found on the only sidewalks that are walked by hitting next
the world was once cold long ago, when we traveled over the snow and onto the plateau
there we built a fire, came in from the cold, there is where made our homes
would our hearts be as frozen and cold, if then we knew where this would go?
we hunted for necessity, now the hunt is for pleasure
this time its not the animals, but its at the expense of another
our once sisters, and brothers are dying unfulfilled, unsatisfied as we have consumed our own
in a vast bottomless hunger
these cyclic devices, the vices
the drugs, the alcohol, the lack of better judgment
the violence, the lies of the powers that be
all hide behind this tree
in the way
of progression
love has tried to live, but now it isn't what it once was
when the branch breaks, the only thing left is to take
and snap as it did, as it was seen on the last day
where it stood, it split in twain
for a driver on his way
Queen of Spades
why can't you turn your crown over and dig?
the cases of ownership, the static binds of relationship
that you've carried with you everywhere you go, let it go
take that space and find, too
that all darkness
has a memory of light
find your aim by knowing your eyes can deceive
and show untrue
because things reflect and redirect, envelop and surround
close your eyes, close your ears, let them, let you, let it all
remember how this place that we exist was even born
by the hands of father and mother,
when all the universe itself was torn
and in that moment, before all moments did ever pass
in that place where there was nothing, not a single hand, drop, or idea to grasp
long before, you had ever been mentioned, less alone, given any attention
someone, somewhere, something out there, longed, premeditated or mistaken, for you to be here
as ugly or misshapen, as misguided or complacent
you're a child of the universe
born and bred in chaos and blood
of planets colliding and exploding, of comet dust
your flesh has only grown in this life, but life has grown all along
find your voice,
find your will,
find your work and with grace
share with life's song