[Hot Off the Ice 01.0] City Boy

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[Hot Off the Ice 01.0] City Boy Page 28

by A. E. Wasp

  “It would be a shame,” Bryce agreed. He slid his cold hands up under the back of Dakota’s jacket.

  Dakota arched away from the touch. “Forget it. I changed my mind. You’re not touching me with those ice cubes.”

  “Lies. You know you want me.” Bryce turned Dakota around and pushed him towards good old cabin number three.

  No one had touched the lock since Dakota had replaced it, so it was easy enough to unfix it and force their way in again.

  The cabin looked the same as before, and Bryce felt a deep gratitude for this small, plain room, with its metal bedframe.

  They took off their jackets, draping them over the armchair wedged into a corner, and stripped off their shoes. Bryce hoped they wouldn’t have to make a quick getaway.

  Taking Bryce by the hand, Dakota led him the few steps towards the bed. He sat on the edge of the mattress and tugged Bryce into place between his spread knees. He wrapped his arms around Bryce’s hips and rested his head against Bryce’s stomach.

  Bryce cupped his hand around Dakota’s neck, rubbing along his jawline with his thumb. Dakota looked up at him, and Bryce pushed his hair away from his face.

  “Hi,” he said, inanely.

  Dakota’s smile was gorgeous. “Hi. Come here often?”

  Bryce laughed. “More than you’d expect. So, what should we do now?”

  “I have an idea,” Dakota said. “Tell me your darkest secret, and I’ll tell you mine.”

  “Sounds dangerous,” Bryce said.

  “It could be.”

  “Hmm. Well. In that case.” He ran his thumb across Dakota’s lips. Dakota had the most beautiful mouth; Bryce could never get enough of it. “I think I might be gay.”

  Dakota raised his eyebrows as he flicked his tongue across the pad of Bryce’s thumb. “Oh, what makes you think that? Did you kiss a boy and like it?”

  “I liked it very much.” Bryce pushed Dakota down onto the bed and crawled over him. Trapping Dakota’s hands against the mattress, he bent down and kissed him to show him exactly how much he liked it.

  He loved the contrast between the softness of Dakota’s lips and the roughness of the stubble against his mouth as he kissed his way up Dakota’s jaw. Already breathing heavily, Dakota tilted his chin to give Bryce better access.

  “But it’s more than that,” Bryce said into Dakota’s ear. He sat up straddling Dakota’s legs, his ass resting over Dakota’s cock.

  Dakota ran his hands up and down Bryce’s denim-covered thighs. “More than kissing? Tell me.”

  Bryce slid his hands under Dakota’s shirt, pushing it up with his wrists as he dragged his thumbs up the slope of his ribcage.

  “I met the most amazing guy.” He watched his hands moving up Dakota’s torso. His hands were dark against Dakota’s chest, his olive-toned skin contrasting with Dakota’s paler pink tones.

  He looked up, right into Dakota’s eyes. “And I fell in love with him.”

  “Oh,” Dakota said, face serious. “That does sound pretty gay.”

  “Doesn’t it?”

  “So what are you going to do about it?”

  “Keep him around, I guess.”

  Dakota lifted his chest off the bed using only his abs and pulled his shirt off over his head. “That sounds like an excellent plan,” he said tossing his shirt off to the side. “But you should probably kiss him some more, possibly even have sex a few times, just to make sure you’re really, really gay.”

  “You make a strong argument.” Bryce grabbed the hem of his shirt with both hands and pulled it up slowly.

  “Jesus,” Dakota whispered under his breath, hands flying up to press against Bryce’s muscles.

  Bryce hid his grin behind the material of his shirt.

  Dakota ran his hands over the speedbumps of Bryce’s abs. “Not to sound shallow, but your body drives me insane. When we’re finally alone, I’m going to keep you naked for days.”

  “I like the way you think.”

  “Come down here,” Dakota reached for Bryce, pulling him down.

  They kissed for a long time, making out like teenagers, and grinding their hard cocks against each other despite the burn of the denim.

  Dakota broke the kiss with a groan. He spread his legs wider, wrapping them around Bryce’s. “God, I love you,” he said, nails scratching a path down Bryce’s broad back.

  Bryce couldn’t tell if the words or the actions made him shudder harder; both felt so good. “I love you,” he said back, meaning it in a way he never had. “And I really need you to fuck me now.”

  Dakota slapped his hand over Bryce’s mouth. “Such language! Think of the children.”

  In response, Bryce bent down and whispered directly into Dakota’s ear exactly how he wanted Dakota inside of him, and what was going to happen then. “And then, I’m going to fuck you until you scream,” he finished.

  Even in the low light, he could see that Dakota’s eyes were almost black with lust.

  With a growl, he flipped Bryce off of him and onto his back. He grabbed Bryce’s cock roughly through his jeans. “Lube’s in my coat pocket. When I get back, I want you naked.” He punctuated his words with hard squeezes of Bryce’s cock, and Bryce thrust up against the pressure with a moan.

  Dakota was gone and back in a flash. Before he could process what had happened, Bryce was on his back, legs in the air, with Dakota’s fingers inside him opening him up.

  His free hand wrapped around Bryce’s bicep as he plunged in and out, Dakota was like a force of nature. His chest heaved like he was the one on his back, and his breath shuddered as if he was already trying to hold back his orgasm.

  They’d just started, and already he was inside Bryce, body and soul.

  Bryce wanted to beg Dakota to fuck him but he couldn’t catch his breath. It wasn’t just Dakota’s fingers driving him insane, it was his eyes.

  Dakota locked his eyes onto Bryce like he wanted to sear the image into his retinas. Paralyzed by the love and burning desire in his eyes, Bryce wanted Dakota to look at him like that for the rest of his life.

  It was almost too much. Bryce could barely comprehend how blessed he was to have this man for himself.

  Closing his eyes, he threaded his fingers through the sweaty strands of hair hanging in front of Dakota’s face and pulled Dakota down for a kiss.

  Bryce cried out as the change in angle forced Dakota in deeper. He clenched his teeth, body trembling with the effort of holding back his orgasm.

  “Jesus Christ, fuck me already,” he begged.

  Dakota groaned and pulled his hand out. His hand trembled as he tried to open the condom, lube-slick fingers sliding over the wrapper.

  Bryce gently took it out of his hand. “Let me.” Opening the wrapper, he sat up and rolled the condom down Dakota’s cock, something he found almost unbearably intimate and erotic.

  Dakota leaned forward, eyes gentle, and kissed Bryce back down to the bed. He pushed his way between Bryce’s spread thighs, and Bryce grabbed his own knees, pulling back and opening himself shamelessly to Dakota.

  “Fuck,” Dakota whispered. “God, Bryce.” He kissed the inside of Bryce’s bad knee gently, then with one hand on the back of Bryce’s other leg, he reached down to guide himself in.

  Bryce felt him throbbing and sliding back and forth across his opening. “Okay?” Dakota asked.

  Bryce nodded, and they both moaned as Dakota pushed forward. Dakota shifted his grip on Bryce’s thigh to roll him up even further.

  Bryce’s eyes rolled back in his head. “Oh, God. Oh. Fuck. Yeah.”

  Dakota folded down over Bryce’s body, trembling everywhere: his arms, his legs, and his heart pounding against Bryce’s chest. “Bryce,” he whispered. “God.” He pulled out slowly, dragging a groan out of Bryce. He slipped his arms under Bryce’s shoulders, pulling Bryce down hard onto his cock, and Bryce yelled.

  Bryce’s heart pounding, Dakota fucked him deep and hard, driving all thoughts out of Bryce’s head until all he could thi
nk was I love you and fuck me, fuck me.

  All that came out of his mouth was a continuous groan that rose in pitch with each thrust of Dakota’s hips.

  “Oh, Bryce,” Dakota said reverently, his head tucked into the crook of Bryce’s neck. “God, I love you so much.”

  And Bryce came with a cry, Dakota’s name on his lips.

  His muscles locked up so tight that he couldn’t draw a breath. Hips arching off the bed, he clamped his legs against Dakota’s sides. Dakota pounded into him, forcing burst after burst of orgasm from him, fingers digging bruises into Bryce’s thighs.

  Bryce collapsed boneless to the bed, brain nothing but white noise. Above him Dakota froze, caught in his orgasm, his beautiful face twisted with pleasure.

  Nothing in Bryce’s life had ever felt so right.

  Dakota collapsed with a muffled curse.

  Bryce ran his hands down Dakota’s sweaty back, loving the feel of the muscles and skin under his fingers. Dakota hummed contentedly as Bryce combed his fingers through his tangled hair.

  Bryce chuckled as he stretched out his legs, groaning slightly at the twinge in his hips.

  “Oh, sorry.” Dakota tried to roll off, but Bryce yanked him back in, shutting him up with a kiss.

  Eventually, Dakota slid off. With a kiss, he got out of bed to clean up. Bryce sat up and reached out for the comforter folded on the edge of the bed.

  He settled them back on the bed, Dakota’s head pillowed on the arm Bryce had wrapped around his shoulders.

  “Still gay?” Dakota asked.

  “So gay,” he said, shivering as Dakota cleaned him with a cold, wet washcloth.

  “Sorry,” Dakota said. “Just be glad the water was on at all.”

  Bryce pulled the comforter over them and turned to face Dakota. Dakota rolled onto his side to mirror him. “Tell me your wildest dream,” Bryce said.

  “This is my wildest dream,” Dakota answered. “I can’t think of anything I want more than what you’ve already given me.”

  Bryce kissed him. “No more than you’ve given me. But think, what’s your ‘if I won the lottery’ most impractical dream?”

  Dakota rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling while he thought. Bryce held his breath as he waited. Whatever it was Dakota wanted, Bryce would give it to him. Being able to give extravagantly to the people he loved was Bryce’s reward for decades of exhausting, demanding work.

  “When I was a kid, I read a book about a guy whose family moved to Corfu, the Greek island, when he was eleven. I always thought it sounded amazing.” Dakota smiled at the memory. “I used to dream about living on a boat and sailing around the Greek islands for a while.”

  As soon as Dakota said it, Bryce could picture it perfectly. Dakota tanned and shirtless, hair bleached gold by the sun, laughing as they sailed through the bright blue of the Aegean Sea.

  “I think we can make that happen.”

  “Have you ever been to Greece?” Dakota asked him.

  “Never. It would be another first with you.”

  Dakota smiled and rolled back over to face Bryce. “Tell me your wildest dream now.”

  Bryce took a deep breath. His dream had never changed. “I want a home and a family with someone I love who loves me back.” He held his breath again, hoping he hadn’t scared Dakota off. It was too soon to talk about things like that, he knew. But Dakota had asked.

  Dakota searched Bryce’s face, his blue eyes dark in the low light. Then he smiled and tangled his legs with Bryce’s. “I think we can make that happen.”

  Bryce’s heart lurched. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. I know this great house.”

  With a grin that set off warning bells in Bryce’s head, Dakota rolled Bryce onto his back. He settled between Bryce’s legs, propping his head up on Bryce’s stomach.

  “Besides, if I remember correctly, you mentioned something yesterday about wanting to be my husband?”

  Bryce blushed so hard he could feel the heat on his cheeks. “Can we just pretend I never said that?”

  Dakota screwed his face up as if he were considering Bryce’s request. “Nope. I can’t do that.”

  Bryce started to apologize and explain how he knew it was too soon and he didn’t want to rush things when Dakota put his fingers to Bryce’s lips.

  “Shush. So, knowing you, you probably have a whole romantic proposal planned already, don’t you?”

  Dakota’s gaze pinned him to the bed. Bryce wished he could sink through the bed and disappear.

  When he didn’t answer, Dakota pinched his nipple hard. “Don’t you?”

  “Yes,” Bryce admitted with a sigh, rubbing his sore nipple.

  “Honesty gets a reward.” Dakota nudged Bryce’s hand away with his nose and proceeded to kiss the pain away. He spent some time on Bryce’s other nipple, ‘so it wouldn’t feel neglected,’ as he said. His warm body lay heavy against Bryce’s cock, making it hard for Bryce to think about anything besides getting to part two of the promises he had made Dakota. The part where he fucked Dakota.

  “Tell me the plan,” Dakota demanded with a final kiss to Bryce’s chest.

  “Huh?” Bryce blinked, having completely lost the thread of the conversation.

  “Tell me how you would propose.” Dakota rested his chin on his hands and looked at Bryce like a little kid waiting for a bedtime story. “I’m sure it starts in someplace romantic, like Paris or Rome.”

  “Mexico, actually. There’s this place I’ve always wanted to go south of Puerta Vallarta. Sixteen rooms, private beaches. It’s beautiful.” He added it to his list of places to take Dakota.

  “So how would you do it, the actual proposal? Fancy dinner at an expensive restaurant? Balloon ride?”

  “Candlelight dinner on the beach while the sun sets,” Bryce said firmly. He’d done that once with some of the guys. Great setting, completely wrong crowd.

  “We’d be all dressed up, maybe in tuxes. I’d love to see you in a tux,” Bryce said, dropping the pretense that they were talking about anything other than them.

  Dakota looked down and blinked rapidly. Bryce felt his eyelashes brushing against his skin.

  “Would you get down on one knee?” Dakota asked, reaching for the joking tone he had been using. He didn’t quite make it, and there was a vulnerability in his eyes.

  Bryce combed his fingers through Dakota’s hair. He would never get tired of the feel of those soft waves. “Right on the sand.”

  “And you’d have the ring in your pocket the whole time,” Dakota said. “No. You’d have given it to the cook or something, to bring it out with some special dessert.”

  Busted. “I was thinking the champagne glass,” Bryce said, blushing.

  “You are too much,” Dakota said softly. He traced the blush across the bridge of Bryce’s nose. His eyes were suspiciously bright. “Such a romantic.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s corny.” But for the first time in his life, Bryce wanted the romance. He wanted all of it: the cheesy lines, the grand gestures, the red roses and long walks on the beach.

  “No, it’s amazing.” Dakota’s voice was scratchy. He blinked, and the tears fell. “You’re amazing, and I love you. So, yeah. Okay.”


  “Yes. I’m saying yes. Let’s do it. Let’s get married. Tuxes, flower girls, the whole shebang.”

  A completely unexpected sob pushed its way past Bryce’s lips. “Really?” His voice sounded small.

  Dakota kissed him. “Really.” He pushed himself up to his knees. “Do you really think I would joke about something like that?”

  Bryce shook his head. “Oh my God.” He laughed. “Oh. My. God.”

  Dakota laughed out loud. “Are we crazy?”

  “Probably,” Bryce admitted.

  “Ah, fuck it. I’ve been sane my whole life. It’s overrated if you ask me.” He dragged his fingers down the cut of Bryce’s hip, across his not-quite-soft-anymore cock, and then lower.

  “Come here,” Bryce
growled and pulled him down. Time for part two.

  The sun had dipped below the edges of the canyon by the time they were ready to go back down. “We’re going to freeze,” Dakota muttered, zipping up his jacket. “For the record,” he said, handing Bryce his helmet, “I’m holding you to that Mexico scenario. And we should do it sooner rather than later.”

  “Oh, why?” Not that Bryce disagreed.

  “Getting engaged while committing a B&E to have hot sweaty sex just doesn’t sound as respectable. Of course, if we keep doing it, we might have to move to Mexico anyway. Become criminals on the run from the law.”

  “You’re a lunatic.”

  Dakota grinned brightly.

  Suddenly Bryce remembered something Isaac had said to him back in his old life. “Hold on,” he told Dakota. “Come here and take a picture with me.”


  “It’s for a friend. I’ll tell you about him later.”

  Dakota shrugged. “Okay.” He leaned in close so Bryce could kiss his cheek while taking the picture.

  He showed it to Dakota. “Cute but blurry.”

  I figured some things out. This is Dakota, he lights my lamp, Bryce texted, then sent the text and picture to Isaac.

  Two seconds later Isaac sent back the pic Ophelia had snapped of them at the hockey game. No kidding. You owe me a long, long story when you get back. And I have to meet this miracle worker.

  Promise, Bryce texted. As soon as I’m back. Bryce knew he’d have to go back to Seattle soon and take care of business. He exhaled heavily thinking about it. But that was all in the future. Right now, everything was perfect.

  “Come on,” he said to Dakota. “Let’s go home.”

  “Let’s go home,” Dakota echoed. With a stomp of his foot, the bike roared to life, and they headed back down the mountain and into the future.


  Hot off the Ice #2

  Sometimes the toughest thing to believe in is yourself.

  The first time Paul Dyson met Robbie Rhodes, they ended up naked in Robbie’s bed. The last time they met, on the ice the morning after, Paul punched Robbie in the face and called him something he’d rather not repeat.


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