Propositioning Mr. Raine (Riding the Raines Book 1)

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Propositioning Mr. Raine (Riding the Raines Book 1) Page 13

by Laurann Dohner

  She reached for her tea and grabbed it again while she slowly stood. She had the table digging into her hips as she straightened as best she could. She lifted her tea and raised it over Paul and tilted the glass. Satisfaction filled her as she prepared to dump the contents on him.

  Paul’s expression turned horrified as his shocked gaze followed her movements. He barely closed his eyes in time before the ice and tea spilled over his head, soaking him. Trina sat, putting the glass on the table, and watched her brother-in-law gasp and sputter as he wiped frantically at the wetness on his face.

  “Are you crazy?” he hissed, glaring at her and frantically looking around as he grabbed napkins to dab at his wet shirt. “What is wrong with you?”

  The waitress almost ran to their table. Betty looked wide-eyed and shocked as she stared at Paul, and then her gaze darted to Trina. Trina picked up her purse and scooted out of the bench seat. She stood, forcing a smile at the waitress.

  “Make my dinner to go please, and bring the bill.”

  The woman glanced at Paul, then nodded and fled. Trina glared at Paul. He was staring at her, looking pale and stunned.

  Trina was done, knowing she had taken more than enough shit from him. She realized the diner had gone quiet and knew that she and Paul were causing a scene the second she’d dumped the tea over his head, but she was too furious to care.

  “Listen to me, and listen to me good,” she ground out. “You are an asshole. You don’t tell me what to do, ever. The day you control my life, well, that day is when hell freezes over. I’m not some weak little wife type, asshole. I don’t need a man to control me or tell me what to do. If you ever try to pull this shit again, I’ll show you weak when they have to surgically remove my shoe from your ass. When you walk in the door of my house, after you find a way back there, you have five minutes to pack up your things and get the hell out. I want you to get on a plane, take your miserable, bitchy little bald ass out of my life, and don’t ever come near me again. Do you hear me?”

  His mouth had fallen open and he’d gone paper white. He said nothing.

  Trina glared at him. She moved, bending over as she gripped the table, fighting the urge to smack him. “Did you hear me?” she yelled.

  Paul paled even more as he nodded but didn’t say a word. She did watch his face turn red though, after it stopped being so pale. His fists balled tightly and she saw his knuckles whiten while rage filled his green eyes. She experienced a little satisfaction over what she’d said to him, having stood up for herself.

  “Ms. Mattews?” The waitress came up behind her, speaking hesitantly. “Here’s your food. I boxed up both meals.”

  Trina turned and opened her purse. Her hands trembled as she pulled out three twenties and handed them to the waitress. “Here.” She thrust the money into the woman’s hand.

  Betty’s eyes widened. “It’s less than twenty.”

  Trina took the bag. “I’m sorry for causing a scene.” She was embarrassed now that she’d blown up. “Keep the change, and I’m sorry I cussed in public.” Her gaze roamed the diner and she flinched as she saw a few kids. “I’m sorry,” she said louder, meeting the gazes of a few parents. “I…I’m sorry I lost my temper.”

  As she spun around to walk to the door, she met a familiar and sexy pair of dark blue eyes. She wanted to die on the spot. She did stumble as she took a misstep but she kept going. Her horrified gaze left Navarro’s. He had been seated by the front door in a U-shaped booth with Tammy, Adam, and Ryder. All four of them were staring at her, right along with everyone else in the diner.

  She dropped her head, feeling her cheeks burning with shame. She wanted to run but just kept walking to escape the room.

  She pushed the door open and blinked back tears as she left the diner, moving quickly toward her SUV.

  Navarro, his girlfriend, his brother, and Adam had just witnessed what happened with Paul. Hell, she’d be the talk of the town by tomorrow. It was a small town and she’d cussed out a man in a family diner.

  More tears burned the back of her eyelids. Now everyone would think she was the crazy widow lady who lived out at the Vern place, thanks to that asshole Paul. She really hated him.

  * * * * *

  Navarro laughed. Ryder had been teasing Adam about his stripper. He glanced at Tammy, seeing her irritated expression still in place. She’d invited herself to dinner with them when she’d seen the three of them park at the diner and she pouted over the fact that he was ignoring her. In his defense, he’d just wanted to have a meal with Adam and Ryder. Ryder was leaving, and they’d come into town to drop him off to pick up his vehicle getting a tune-up before he hit the road.

  Navarro saw movement and looked over Ryder’s head as a woman with blonde hair wound in a tight bun stood a few tables down. His eyebrow rose as she dumped a drink over some middle-aged man’s head. The guy sputtered and looked shocked as the woman sat back down. Betty, the waitress, rushed to the table.

  “Shit. Some guy just got a drink dumped on him.” Navarro jerked his head in the direction of the booth. “Some woman just hosed him.”

  Ryder and Adam turned their heads. The man spoke but they couldn’t hear what he was saying. Navarro chuckled, amused by the incident. The woman at the table suddenly moved and then stood. Betty rushed off toward the kitchen a second later.

  The blonde turned sideways to face the table she’d just vacated and shock hit Navarro when he realized it was Trina. He’d know that profile anywhere.

  Navarro tensed, listening to Trina going off on the man. Trina’s voice was shaky and even from across the room, he could hear that she was really upset. He saw her subconsciously clutch her purse to her chest and then she leaned over to yell at the guy. He watched in stunned shock as she turned to face the waitress. She was shaking more as she took the bag from Betty and paid her. Trina looked toward the back of the diner and he heard her apologizing, sounding ready to cry.

  He moved, scooting toward the edge of the seat, wanting to go to her.

  Ryder kicked him hard under the table. Navarro jumped as his glare flew to his brother. Ryder shook his head, giving him a look that said “stay out of it and stay put”. Navarro forced himself to relax as his focus flew back to Trina.

  She turned to leave and her gaze caught his. She almost jerked to a stop. She paled and her mouth opened. She seemed to yank herself out of the stunned moment quickly. Her gaze tore from his, darted around his table, and then she moved faster for the door. She glanced at him one more time and then almost ran as she left the diner.

  The man at Trina’s table got up. His face and bald head were wet. His shirt had wet trails from where the drink had run down his clothes. He looked pissed off as hell as he stormed for the door. The guy’s hands were balled into fists and he resembled a furious little troll to Navarro, hot on Trina’s heels.

  Navarro moved to get out of the booth, realizing the guy was going after Trina—and he looked angry enough to hurt her. It shocked Navarro that her husband was so short, deciding the guy really did resemble a troll.

  Ryder moved faster and stood first. “I have this. Sit.”

  Ryder took off out of the diner. Navarro hesitated and then just turned his head, staying in his seat. He could see Trina’s SUV through the window. He hadn’t noticed it when he’d arrived because he was parked on the other side of the diner, while Trina was parked along the street. She put the bag of food in the back and then opened the driver’s door to climb in.

  The troll grabbed her and spun her around.

  Navarro was on his feet when he saw Trina’s body slam hard against her SUV. Her back hit the rear passenger door violently enough to make the SUV rock. Her husband had her by her arm.

  * * * * *

  Trina cried out as the hand dug painfully into her arm under her elbow. She was twisted around so hard she fell back and hit the SUV. Paul looked furious as he glared at her.

  “I’m done with this shit. I’m getting you a shrink,” he hissed. “And yo
u’ve just given me the proof that you’re nuts. I always knew you were insane and now I’m going to have you locked up for embarrassing me like that. You’re a psycho bitch.”

  “Let her go,” a deep voice commanded. “We don’t manhandle women in this town.”

  Paul spun and glared up at Ryder. “You.” He released Trina. “You stay the hell out of this. She’s not going to lend you any more money.”

  Trina’s gaze flew to Ryder. He had met Paul? Paul had never said a word about Ryder.

  Ryder didn’t look at her. She was shocked he’d come to her rescue but she was more surprised that the two men had met. She rubbed her arm where it hurt from Paul’s bruising hold. She turned her head to see people walking toward them and feared this was going to be an all-out scene.

  “I’m going home,” she said in a shaky voice. “Thank you, Mr. Raine.” She glared at Paul. “I’ll go pack your shit and put it outside with your car. Don’t even bother knocking on the door. If you try to get into the house, I’ll have you arrested.”

  She turned to climb into her SUV again. She got a leg in when someone grabbed the back of her dress. The sound of material tearing was loud as she was violently jerked away from the door and slammed against the back door of the SUV again. Paul was in her face before she realized what he’d done.

  “You aren’t leaving me stranded here.”

  “Get your hands off her,” a voice growled. It was male, deep, furious—and belonged to Navarro Raine.

  Paul yanked his hand away from Trina and spun. He stared up at Navarro then glanced at Ryder, and then back to Navarro. “Stay the hell out of this. This is a family matter.”

  “I don’t give a damn.” Navarro stepped so close to Paul that he had to step back or bump against the much larger man. “If you touch your wife that way again, I’ll break your fucking hand.” Navarro looked enraged as he made the threat.

  Trina gasped. “Wife?” She stared up at Navarro in stunned shock. “I’m not this asshole’s wife.” Confused, she said, “I told you my husband died. This is Paul, his brother.”

  Shocked blue eyes flew to hers. She saw Navarro’s mouth open but then he pressed it tightly closed. He frowned as rage tightened his features into a hard mask. He looked over his shoulder to glare at his brother, directing that fury Ryder’s way.

  Ryder looked pale. “Brother?” He stared at Trina.

  Trina frowned at Ryder. “Yeah. This is my brother-in-law, Paul Mattews. He came for a surprise visit on Monday.” She glanced back at Navarro but he was still glaring at Ryder. She didn’t know what was going on. She met Ryder’s confused gaze. “Why would you think I was married to him? Everyone knows my husband died last year.”

  Ryder refused to look at Navarro. “I saw him in your house, and there was a picture of the two of you on the mantel.” He jerked his thumb toward Paul. “It was a picture of you kissing and hugging.”

  “That was a picture of Ted and me. People mistook them for twins.” She shot a glare at Paul. “But they are nothing alike inside. Ted was a wonderful man but Paul is an asshole, and he better never touch me again.”

  “I’m going to have you locked up, you unstable bitch,” Paul hissed. “Just wait until I’m done with you.”

  “Do you want to know why Ted left me everything? He didn’t like you,” she said softly. “You treat everyone like shit and you berated Ted all the time. He loved you but he couldn’t be around you. I’m done, Paul. I tried to put up with you for Ted, because you’re his brother, but don’t ever call me again. You are never going to get another penny from me. I was his wife for sixteen years and his life, so he wanted me taken care of financially. I can’t believe you’d actually tell me I was going to marry you, thinking you were doing me some big favor when you and I both know you just want the money. Ted would roll in his grave if he knew what you were up to.”

  Trina turned her attention to Navarro and gazed into his beautiful eyes. He took a step toward her but then Tammy was there, stepping between them.

  “Baby, our dinner came. Come eat it before it gets cold.” Tammy smiled up at him.

  Trina moved quickly and climbed into her SUV, closing the door before Paul could try to stop her again. Her hands were shaking a little as she put the key in the ignition and started it.

  Her driver’s-side door jerked open and she turned to confront Paul again, but it was Navarro who stood there. He crowded between the open door and the SUV frame.

  “Adam is going to give your brother-in-law a ride to your house to collect his shit and make sure he leaves without giving you trouble.” He stared at her. “I thought you were married. I believed you’d lied to me because Ryder said he met your husband.”

  Trina turned off the engine. “How could you think that?”

  “Damn, Trina, I’m sorry. I was so pissed off at you. I…” He sighed and glanced away for a second but then his gaze returned to her. “I told you about my ex-wife and how she fucked around on me, nailing dozens of guys, and I was the last to know it. It’s hard for me to trust, and when Ryder said you’d lied to me…” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I just accepted it. I didn’t want to believe it but hell, with my history of trusting women that I shouldn’t have, can you see where I screwed up?”

  “I never lied to you, Navarro.”

  “I realize that now. Damn, babe. I’m sorry.”

  She flinched at the endearment. “I have to go. I don’t want Paul going into my house. I need to get there and pack up his things from the guestroom so it’s all outside by the time he arrives.”

  He took a step back. “Can I come over tonight? We’ll talk.”

  Trina was so tempted to say yes but she knew it would be pathetic if she agreed. She shook her head. “Ryder told me the truth, and I’m very sorry I put you in that position, but now we have nothing to talk about.”

  His blue eyes widened. “What are you talking about?”

  She looked away to stare through her front windshield, her attention going to Adam, Ryder, and Paul, where they now stood by the front door of the diner. Paul looked annoyed while Adam was talking to him.

  “Trina? What did Ryder say?”

  She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter.”

  Her focus shifted to the diner window next as she watched Tammy Brent sitting at the table, where she waited for Navarro, and pain seared through Trina. Tammy Brent was young, and was tall—just what Ryder said was Navarro’s type. Navarro didn’t go for short, older blondes, and that was Trina.

  “Like hell it doesn’t matter, Trina. Look at me, damn it. What the hell did Ryder say to you?” Navarro was obviously pissed.

  “He just set me straight. Please move out of the way so I can close the door. I have to go home. Have a good life, Navarro. Thanks for…everything.” She restarted the engine.


  She looked up at him, staring into his beautiful eyes. She could stare into them all day and it hurt her to admit that. “Your girlfriend is waiting. You don’t owe me anything. I know you might feel that you do, now that you aren’t pissed off at me anymore, thinking I’m like Debbie, but your suffering is over.”

  He stumbled back a step and looked confused. “My suffering? What in the—”

  Trina slammed the door closed, hit the lock down, and threw the gear in reverse. She heard Navarro yell her name as she backed into the street. She didn’t bother to look at him as she pulled away from the diner. She let the tears fall but when she reached her house, she put her grief on hold. She parked the SUV and almost ran into the house to pack Paul’s stuff.

  * * * * *

  Navarro watched Trina drive away and swore he saw tears sliding down her face.

  His suffering? What the hell did that even mean? His girlfriend?

  Shit. He wanted to hit something. He turned his head and saw what he wanted to hit the most—so he stormed toward his brother. Ryder never saw him coming until he’d grabbed his baby brother and shoved him against the side of the diner. He gripped
Ryder by his arms as he turned his head to glare at Adam.

  “Take asshole there for a walk. I want privacy.”

  Adam nodded and pointed to Paul. “Let’s go have a drink inside for a few minutes and then I’ll give you that ride.”

  Navarro waited until they were alone outside and then glared at Ryder. “What the hell did you tell Trina about me?”

  Ryder frowned. “Want to let me go?”

  “No. Trina said you talked to her and you set her straight about me. She mentioned something about ‘my suffering’. What the fuck did you say to her?”

  Sighing, Ryder studied his brother. “I just told her the truth, man. She isn’t your type, and she’ll never be your type. The only reason you were doing her was to save the ranch. You always look after your family and you’ll do anything to make sure we have a home. I told her I’d give her what was left on the contract but she freaked out and locked herself in the bathroom.”

  Navarro tensed. “What bathroom? You said she wasn’t there the day you went to her house. You said her husband was.”

  Ryder flushed, seeming to realize he was in trouble. “Shit.”

  “What did you do?” Fury hit Navarro so hard he shook with it.

  Ryder stared into his brother’s eyes. “I went there the night I found the contract. I broke into her house and was waiting in her bedroom when she got home late. I told her I’d do her, and she told me to get out. I explained that I was better than you in bed and thought I’d show her. Instead she freaked out, so I left. I met the asshole over there the next day when I went back to talk to her once she’d calmed down.”

  “I am trying really hard to not knock your teeth out.” Navarro fought the urge. “Did you say I didn’t want her? Is that it? Did you make it sound like it was a hardship on me to touch her? Is that what she meant about my suffering?”

  Ryder hesitated, and that was all the answer he needed. Pure rage poured through Navarro. He released his brother and reeled away before he really did beat the shit out of him. He walked a good five feet away and spun around to glare at Ryder, his hands fisted at his sides.


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