Hard to Get (Killer of Kings Book 4)

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Hard to Get (Killer of Kings Book 4) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  I slept with my hot neighbor!

  She peeked open her eyes, half wondering if she’d dreamt the whole thing. Shadow was asleep on her bed. Riley studied his back, the way it sloped down from his massive set of shoulders to his tapered waist. His skin was a light golden hue, and the closer she looked, the more she noticed the multitude of old scars. She wanted to run her fingers along those wounds, but didn’t want to wake him.

  Everything felt real in the light of day, reality snuffing out the fog of passion. Would he still feel the same way? Or had this always been about sex? Riley wasn’t used to men sticking around or wanting to keep her forever. She refused to put down all her guards with Shadow until she was certain he wouldn’t break her heart.

  She remembered his warning from last night. He thought she’d made a mistake by sleeping with him. Riley wasn’t afraid. She knew exactly what he was: a hitman, a killer for hire. If she was smart, she’d run the other way, but she’d never been one to follow the rules. And she wanted him. He was perfect—gorgeous, mysterious, damaged, and the man was a beast in bed. She’d been forced to survive on her own for most of her life, not relying on anyone. Refusing to rely on anyone. But it felt uniquely satisfying being with a man who could take care of her, protect her from anything or anybody. She was tired of fighting, tired of being alone.

  Riley started to sit up when Shadow rolled to his back, one arm bent over his head on the pillow. He looked equally stunning and adorable first thing in the morning. In her bed. She dropped back down, holding the sheet over her nudity.

  “Hey,” she whispered.

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  Immediately, she wondered what she looked like. Her hair and makeup would be a disaster. Regardless, the way he assessed her made her feel like the most sought-after woman in the world.

  “About last night—”

  “You want your key back?” he asked, giving her a cute smirk. He rolled to his side, facing her. With daylight coming in her window, she had a clear view of his elaborate tattoos and all those perfectly defined muscles. God, she wanted to touch him.

  “You’d just make another,” she teased. Riley dared to reach forward and trace her finger over one of the inked patterns on his pec. “Tell me about all this. About you,” she said. “You’re so secretive.”

  She felt a connection with Shadow, but there were so many layers yet to unravel. Riley didn’t want this to end as a one-night stand.

  “Comes with the territory,” he said. His eyes were so dark, and he stared at her as if memorizing the colored flecks in her eyes. She loved how special he made her feel. He pushed up on an elbow and reached out, clutched her head behind the neck, bringing her in for a kiss. She closed her eyes and melted against his lips—the slow, sensual tease bringing her body to life. But she couldn’t fall victim again, not when he was still a complete mystery to her.

  “What territory?” asked, pulling back. “You seem to know a lot about me, but I don’t know anything about you.” She licked her lips, combing her fingers through her hair.

  “Trust me, you know more than most.” His muscles flexed as he attempted to lean forward to kiss her again. She pressed a hand to his chest to keep him at bay. Every cell in her body wanted to give in, to allow him to dominate her body again. But her heart and mind didn’t want to be forgotten.

  “I know you’re a hitman. You work out at one of the sketchiest gyms I’ve ever seen. You put out your garbage the same time every week. That’s about it,” she said. Riley took a risk, praying it didn’t push him away. “I want to know the real you. I want what happened between us to mean something.”

  He exhaled, a sound of defeat. “You were in the foster system. So was I,” he said. “That was the start. That’s when my childhood ended.”

  She nodded, not able to speak.

  “It’s been a rough ride, but we can’t change the past,” he said.

  “Your parents?” Riley was terrified to push the wrong button, to make him close up on her. She knew all about memories, the type that weaseled their way into her nightmares. They were better left forgotten, but they still molded her into the person she was. She needed to know what made Shadow tick.

  He clearly struggled for words, and she felt guilty for asking. Still, there couldn’t be secrets and mysteries if they wanted more than a relationship consisting of quick dates and hot sex.

  “I never met my father. My mother died when I was nine. There’s no one else.”

  “How did she die?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “You don’t hold back, do you?”

  She touched his cheek, running her fingers over his morning stubble. “I’ve never had anyone to talk to this way. Nobody ever understands or cares. You can talk to me, too.”

  “She had no family, no money. By the time she knew she was sick, she was too far gone. I took care of her, but I was just a fucking kid.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, her fingers still on his face. He grabbed her wrist and kissed her pulse point.

  “The years of foster care were fucking brutal, but they still weren’t worse than watching her die of lung cancer,” he said. “She didn’t live a good life, but she was my mother.”

  “You loved her,” said Riley. “I can’t even imagine what you went through.”

  “Her death taught me an important lesson,” he said. “If you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll end up the same way. I’ll never let that happen to me.”

  She trailed her fingers over his bicep, so hard and cut. “Is that why you work out so much?”

  “One of the reasons. I need to keep my body strong—no drugs, no smoking, healthy living.”

  “Just because it happened to her, doesn’t mean it will happen to you,” she said. “You can’t live your life in fear.”

  He smirked. “I’m not afraid to die, Riley. I risk my life every day in my line of work. I never assume I’ll come home at night. I’m afraid to die the way she did: sick, helpless, pathetic, withering away to nothing knowing there’s not a fucking thing anyone can do to change it.”

  She bit her bottom lip. For the first time since meeting him, she’d broken through. She could feel his pain, his sincerity, and she was falling in love.

  “You are strong, Shadow.” He’d opened up to her, and the new emotional bond was powerful. She wanted to erase all the pain, to heal him with her love. Maybe he could do the same for her.

  “Like you?”

  She shrugged. “If we’re being honest, I’m not as strong as I look. I’ve had to be since before I can remember. My mom wasn’t a good woman. She was an addict, so far gone she was ready to sell my body for drugs. Foster care wasn’t much better. I don’t want pity or anything. I just want you to understand.”

  He kissed her forehead. “You’d make a great mother,” he said. “You’re nothing like her. You’re smart, ambitious, and sweet.”

  Riley smiled. “Why have kids of my own when there are so many like us stuck in the foster system?”

  “Makes sense. I know you could make a difference.”

  “Have you thought about kids?”

  He pushed up onto his hands, looking down on her. “No more questions about me, baby girl. Tell me why you’re alone, why there’s no man in your life.”

  “Maybe I’m unlovable,” she said.

  “Come on, tell me…”

  She swallowed hard. “I want it all, the whole happily ever after. The men I’ve dated wanted sex, not love. They wouldn’t consider settling down with someone like me, anyway.”

  “Someone like you?”

  Riley rolled her eyes. “I’m fat, Shadow. In case you haven’t noticed. Men don’t care about what you’re like on the inside, not if the outside isn’t perfect,” she said. “I should be asking why you’ve been alone.”

  “Because I hadn’t met you yet. And now that I have you, I’m never letting you go.” He still had her hand pinned. Shadow used the strength in his arms to lower himself enough to kiss her neck. His tongue
shelled her ear the sound of his breath soothing her. “You’re perfect, Riley. Fucking gorgeous and perfect.”

  “Kiss me,” she said. “Please.”

  He released her wrist before brushing his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m not going to lie, I do want you for sex. A lot of fucking sex.” His tongue painted a line along the seam of her lips. “But I want everything. Your body, your mind. Everything.”

  “Why did you warn me about having sex with you then?”

  His jaw clenched. “I’m not doing any of this lightly. No one gets in my life. Ever. Once I let you in, you’re mine. I own you, and there’s no going back.”

  Her pussy flooded with warmth. She should hate those words. Her entire life was devoted to her independence and personal power. But Shadow didn’t want to hurt her. He wanted her as his woman, and nothing could have been more flattering to her. The feeling of being chosen was new and addictive. She didn’t realize how desperately she needed his reassurance, confirmation he wouldn’t walk away like all the others.

  “What about you? Will you be mine, or do you get to run around on me?”

  Shadow frowned. “Why would you say that? If you’re mine, I’m yours. Ever since that night in your backyard, I knew you were the one, but I fought it.” He ran the pad of his thumb along her lower lip. “Tell me you want to be my woman, Riley.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  He kissed her lips, soft and gentle. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you.”

  “That’ll take some getting used to. No one’s ever stood up for me before.”

  He stared at her, no humor in his eyes. “If anyone fucks with you, I’ll kill them.” His words took her breath away, not just because of the way he said them, but because she knew he was telling her a fact.

  “How about we start with that real date you owe me.”

  He smiled. “This weekend. I promise.”

  Weekend? The sudden realization hit her hard. “The bakery! I forgot to set my alarm.” She glanced at her night-side clock. It was almost eight in the morning, and she should have been baking hours ago. Riley jumped out of bed and raced to the bathroom.

  Riley poked her head back in the bedroom a while later, a toothbrush in her mouth. She was going to tell Shadow he could stay in bed and let himself out, but he was already dressed and checking his cell phone.

  “I’ll drive you to work,” he said.

  She shook her head. “You don’t have to do that. Besides, I have some supplies I need to bring in the trunk of my car.” Should she ask about his day? Something along the lines of, who are you going to kill today? She was never going to get used to dating a hitman.

  Once they were finally outside, she pushed her purse up higher on her shoulder, and locked the front door. As soon as she turned around, Shadow pressed her against the door, no space between them. He cupped her face and kissed her hard on the mouth. She felt his hard cock against her stomach, and she wished she had another hour of time to spend with him. In fact, she was tempted to let him take her right there on the front stoop.

  “The neighbors will talk,” she said against his lips.

  “Let them talk. I don’t care what the neighbors think.” He reached down and cupped her ass. “I want you in my bed tonight, Riley Church.”

  Her words came out breathless. “Your house?” She’d never seen inside his house besides the times she’d peeked in his windows. It felt like being invited to his private, forbidden lair.

  He nodded, and gave her a final kiss. “Call me if you need me.”

  Riley sat in her car and watched Shadow walk over to his garage, the door rising up automatically. A minute later, his black SUV backed out, the windows too heavily tinted for her to see his face. And then he disappeared up the street. Her curious mind wondered where he was going. Was he off to kill that man from the restaurant? Would he even come home in one piece?


  Shadow had left Riley’s house in the middle of the night for a couple hours. He had to crack the cell phone and dig up intel on his mark. He’d taken a cold shower and loaded up his truck with his arsenal before returning to Riley’s bed. Everything was ready to go. Now that he had a location, the job was as good as done.

  He hit the highway. There was a boat coming in the old harbor in an hour. Thanks to Riley, he had all the information he needed. His mark was meeting with a buyer and then a new plastic surgeon. In their underground world, there was a network of medical professionals willing to do just about anything off the books. Shadow’s mind was focused on the task at hand, but that girl still played in the back of his head.

  My girl.

  He’d spent his life in a numb state, refusing to get close to anyone. After his mother, the man who’d mentored him and introduced him to Boss had also died of cancer. At that point, Shadow decided it was better never to get emotionally involved with anyone. He’d lived alone, focused on work, and put on a mask that hid the pain. Now he’d transformed into some lovesick schoolboy, unable to think about anything but one woman.

  He called Killian as he drove. “Hey, how are things settling out for you?” Since they’d been on assignment together, taking down part of the Dead Angels MC, they hadn’t spoken. Killian had reunited with the mother of his son, and they were supposed to be starting fresh. Shadow wanted the best for them, even though family life wasn’t in the cards for him.

  “We bought a house on the water, about ten minutes from Viper.” Killian laughed out loud. “Can you believe that shit?”

  “The kid getting on okay?’

  “Yeah, we have Killian Junior enrolled in school, and I’m keeping on top of him. So far, so good. I can’t complain.”

  “That’s great. I’m glad things are working out. You deserve it.”

  There was a brief silence on the line. “Hey, I know you didn’t call to shoot the shit, Shadow. What’s up?”

  He gritted his teeth, not knowing where to start. “How’s Boss handling your new family? He okay with June, or do you think he’ll make trouble?”

  “I’m still working for Killer of Kings, watching his back, so he can’t complain.”

  “You’re not worried about your woman?”

  “Boss might be a hard ass, but I know he’s happy for me in his own way. For Viper and Bain, too. Finding a good woman in our line of work is like winning the fucking lotto. You hope for it, but never expect it to happen.”

  Talking about his personal life felt foreign, and if he hadn’t felt comfortable with Killian, he never would have asked for his advice. “I’ve been dating this girl,” Shadow started. “Of course, Boss found out about it. He said I could find happiness with a woman like her, same as you.”

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “I don’t trust him, not a fucking word. I feel like he’s setting me up, going to use her against me. I know he gets a hard-on having leverage over everyone.”

  Killian exhaled. “You love her?”

  Shadow licked his lips. What the fuck was love? “I don’t know.”

  “Then can I have a go with her?”

  Shadow silenced, his body tensing up … just as Killian started laughing on the other end.

  “You’re whipped, bud. You love her or Boss wouldn’t have mentioned anything. When was the last time he tried to fix you up with a whore?”

  “I don’t know if I can do it, the whole relationship thing. My life’s too dangerous. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to her because of me.”

  “Fuck that shit, Shadow. If you love her, claim her, keep her safe. It’s what we’ve been fucking trained to do, eh?”

  “Thanks,” he said. “Hey, take care of that kid. If he’s anything like you, he’s a pain in the ass.”

  Killian chuckled before hanging up.

  The pier was just ahead. Shadow pushed away his thoughts of Riley and focused on his mission. A distraction could get him killed.

  He parked in a nearby alleyway and made his way
on foot after strapping his body with heat. Shadow moved without a sound, blending into the surroundings invisibly. The large wooden crates and metal containers near the docks gave him plenty of vantage points. When he saw Chains hiding behind one of the large crates, his hackles went up. What the fuck was Chains doing there? How could he know the mark would be at the dock? Even Shadow wouldn’t have known without that cell phone, but then again, Chains had been at the restaurant. Shadow didn’t know if he was with Killer of Kings or the damned enemy.

  He moved in, twisting a silencer onto the muzzle of his Glock. When he was right behind the asshole, he pressed the gun to Chains’s head. “Funny to find you here,” he said.

  Chains put both his hands up at his sides. “It’s not what you think.”

  “If I were you, I’d start explaining real fast.”

  He didn’t stop Chains as he slowly turned around. “You know Boss has eyes and ears everywhere. I’m only supposed to keep tab, but this hit is all you, Shadow. Actually, the real reason I’m here is because of him.”

  Shadow narrowed his eyes and looked to where Chains pointed. In the distance, he saw a figure lying prone position with a sniper rifle. “Who the hell is that?”

  “It’s a big contract. You have to know Killer of Kings isn’t the only one looking to cash in on it,” said Chains. “This guy’s the only one Boss is worried about.”

  Shadow lowered his weapon. “You have anything on him?”

  “He’s bad news. Colombian. Rumor has it his parents sold him to one of the big barrio gangs when he was just a kid. By the time he was a teen, he took out the leader and brought the gang to the next level.”

  “So he’s got killing in his blood.”

  “When he was in his twenties, the kingpin of the largest drug cartel sought him out, wanted to hire him for protection. Long story short, he gained the kingpin’s trust, then cut out his heart. He’s a savage bastard.”

  “And he wants my paycheck. That doesn’t sit well with me.”

  “They call him El Diablo,” said Chains.

  “Boss want you to take him out?”

  Chains shook his head. “That’s a last resort. Boss wants me to recruit him.”


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