Hard to Get (Killer of Kings Book 4)

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Hard to Get (Killer of Kings Book 4) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  The closer he got to his neighborhood, the more at ease he felt because he was closer to her. All he could think about was fucking her, claiming her again and again. He needed her. Tonight, he’d keep his hands to himself, no matter how difficult. The poor little thing been through a lot and needed to rest her body and mind. He wanted to make things better for her—and he would.


  The first night Riley arrived at Shadow’s, she’d showered—the longest shower she’d ever had. It was a symbolic cleansing, allowing all the blood and death and fear to go down the drain. She thought she’d moved on from the nightmares of her past, but it all came rushing back to the surface as soon as she was forced to use her blade again.

  That was four days ago.

  Riley prided herself on being resilient. She’d had to be all her life. After a day or two she was level headed and felt in charge of her emotions once again. But Shadow continued to keep his distance. At first, she appreciated the fact, knowing he’d put his needs aside for her wellbeing. But four days, four days, of watching him walk around in just his jogging pants was a cruel and unusual punishment. Her body was ripe and wanton, memories of their one night together plaguing her thoughts.

  Shadow had pull-up bars set up in his bedroom. She was forced to watch him do sets of pull-ups followed by a long series of push-ups several times a day. All she could think about was sex, and licking those glistening muscles. Why was he still holding back? Was he not attracted to her anymore? Did he judge her for killing that man?

  Riley finished showering, only slipping on a pair of red lace panties. She’d had enough of waiting for Shadow to make a move. Her desperation combined with being cooped up for four days straight was driving her crazy. She walked into his bedroom, her breasts swaying as she moved. The cool air made her nipples tighten into firm buds. He glanced up at her from where he lounged on the bed with a stack of files. He’d been obsessed with finding all the people that wanted her dead.

  He stared, his tongue wetting his lower lip, but the bastard didn’t react. Her confidence took a hit, and she wondered where things were going between them. They’d gotten so close the past few days, sharing intimate details about their lives, and she swore they were soul mates. The emotional intimacy had made her want him even more. She was so confused now.

  Riley quickly tugged on her clothes, giving up on seducing Shadow.

  “I want to go to my bakery,” she said, her words clipped.

  “I already told you that’s not possible. Not yet.”

  She frowned. “I just want to stop by and take a quick look. I only remember how it looked that day, and I can’t get the images out of my head. I want to see it without blood and a dead body on the floor.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Listen, I haven’t left your house in days. I need fresh air. You’ll be with me, so I’ll be safe … right?”

  He sat up on the edge of the bed. “If we’re going to go, it’s best to go now before it gets late. It’ll have to be quick.”

  Riley nodded, surprised she’d gotten him to agree so quickly.

  Before they left the house, Shadow strapped his body with weapons. Her pussy ached watching his hard body shift, his attention focused. He was danger personified, a skilled killer—and it made her hotter than hell. Unfortunately, she couldn’t even give herself away for free. His sweet words and cold actions didn’t mesh.

  They drove in silence, tension thick in the air. She wished things were the way they used to be. She missed baking, missed not being independent. She missed Shadow’s affection most of all. They stopped at a pharmacy and then headed to the plaza.

  He parked in front of the bakery. At least it was in one piece, and no broken windows. Shadow came around to her side of the car and opened the door, helping her out. He held her hand as they walked to the entrance. Shadow was on edge, continually scanning the area.

  Once inside, he locked the door and pulled down the sun shades.

  “Okay, make it quick.”

  He stood near the entrance as she wandered around, checking for damage and cleanliness. Everything looked in order. In fact, it was a hell of a lot cleaner than she left it. Boss really was thorough. Riley expected to feel a repeat of that traumatic day, but it was gone. She just wanted to move on.


  He was by her side within seconds. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Well, nothing’s wrong here. There’s obviously something wrong with us.”

  He leaned back, both hands resting on the edge of the counter. “What do you mean?”

  “Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought you wanted me to be your woman. Has something changed?” She didn’t want to be played, to be just another number to him. It would break her heart. She’d let him in, and allowed herself to fall in love.

  “You are my woman.”

  She exhaled, the weight of the world slipping off her shoulders. “Then I don’t understand why you’ve been avoiding me. Are you not attracted to me?”

  The corners of his eyes crinkled. “What are you talking about, baby?”

  “You. Me. You realize you haven’t even kissed me in days. I feel like you can’t stand the sight of me.” There. She’d put it all out there. He either wasn’t attracted to her or had the willpower of a god.

  He hooked his fingers around the side of her waist, pulling her close. “You’ve been through a lot, way too much. I didn’t want to push you. I care more about you than sex.”

  She smiled. “That’s good to hear, Shadow, but I promise I’m over it.”

  “I know you’re just trying to be strong.”

  “No, I’m tired of being rejected by you. The other stuff I can handle, but feeling like my love is one-sided is another thing.”

  “Love? I thought Riley Church didn’t do love.” He cupped her cheek, caressing her with his thumb.

  “You’re impossible,” she said.

  His scruff was growing in, his eyes tired but hungry. He’d been holding back, she could see that now, and she loved him even more because of fit.

  “Do you want me to kiss you?” he asked.

  “I want a hell of a lot more than a kiss, but only if you want to. I’m tired of being tolerated by men.”

  He scoffed. “Tolerated? You’ve been driving me crazy, teasing every chance you get. You make it hard to be a gentleman.”

  “So you are attracted to me?”

  “My cock’s been stiff all week. I thought I’d lose it this morning when you came in the room with no shirt on. I was seconds away from ripping those panties off you.”

  Her pussy became slick, the rhythmic throb almost unbearable. She squeezed her thighs together in a poor attempt to relieve the ache. “I need you, Shadow,” she whispered.

  “I’m here, baby. Tell me what you want.” He tugged her flush to his body, his erection proof he wasn’t lying to her.

  “I want you to love me.”

  “Already done.”

  “Then, I want you to fuck me.”

  “Are you sure about that? I’ve been pent up all week, so I may be a bit rough.” He slid his hand past the waistband of her pants, squeezing her ass.

  “Right now, I could use a lot of that.” She closed her eyes as he nuzzled her neck. His hands were everywhere. She savored his touch, the one she’d been craving all week.

  “Take off your clothes, Riley. I want you naked.”

  He leaned away, waiting for her to comply. “Someone could peek in the windows,” she said, taking his hand. She led him to the tiny room she affectionately called her staff room. It was where she took a break or nap, and only consisted of an old tweed sofa and an end table.

  Shadow’s presence seemed too big in the room, the scent of his masculine cologne intoxicating. She began to strip, too eager to have his body pressed to hers, skin to skin. The first time they’d had sex, it was dark out and happened fast. It had been unexpected, unlike today. She wanted this, demanded this, and with the light of day, there we
re no secrets.

  Once she unfastened her bra, his jaw twitched.

  “Keep going, baby girl.” He briefly ran his hands over the hard, diagonal bulge in his dark jeans.

  She slipped out of her pants and, this time, tossed the red undies.

  He hadn’t moved, hadn’t spoken.

  Riley had a lot of curves, and she worried about Shadow’s impression of her figure. She felt awkward standing only a few feet from him, completely nude. He wore all black, including a jacket concealing a lot of heat.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard. Come here.” He used a crooked finger to beckon her closer. Shadow dropped down to one knee, holding her hips. He buried his face in her tits before sucking on her nipple. She cried out, liquid heat escaping between her legs. “I love these big, juicy tits.”

  “Oh God…”

  He cupped her pussy as he alternated his attention between both breasts. His mouth and tongue were magical, his scruff scraping her sensitive skin. “You’re mine, Riley. Only mine. I want to claim every inch of you.”

  “Yes,” she murmured, hardly capable of speech. “Take me, all of me.”

  He growled as he stood back up. Shadow’s breathing was heavy as he shrugged out of his jacket. She nearly orgasmed when he stood there in just a fitted t-shirt and loaded holsters. His arms were hard, and thick with muscle, the black tattoos reaching his elbows. She wanted to order him to hurry up and fuck her, but kept her mouth shut.

  He carefully set both harnesses on the small end table before lifting off his shirt. His chest was chiseled perfection, his abs like a fucking washboard. He reached in his back pocket, pulling out a small box of condoms and tube of lube. He winked and set them down. If he thought she needed added moisture, he was in for a surprise.

  “So you were prepared after all,” she said, remembering their quick trip to the pharmacy.

  “A guy can hope.”

  She wrapped her fingers around his belt, giving a tug. He might have the patience of a saint, but she was running on short supply.

  He kissed her, first soft and tentative, then crushing and demanding. He moved forward until she dropped down on the sofa. Shadow braced himself over her, continuing to kiss her lips. The passion between them was off the charts, like two lovers finding each other after a lifetime apart. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  When he leaned back up, one knee resting on the edge of the sofa, he spread her knees wide. “So fucking pretty,” he said. He painted a line with his finger from her navel down to her clit. Her entire body trembled, jolting when he slid two fingers into her cunt. She bucked up to capture more of his fingers. He smiled wickedly. “Patience, baby. Let me play.”

  “I want your cock,” she blurted, beyond caring what she sounded like.

  “And you’ll get it,” he said, his voice silky smooth. “It’s all yours.” He trailed one of his moistened fingers lower, drawing a circle around her tight asshole. “What about here, Riley? Has a man taken you here?”

  She shook her head. Riley was surprised how good it felt to be touched in such a naughty area, like the tickle of a feather. Her sex life didn’t consist of anything kinky. In fact, Shadow had opened up a whole new world to her that she was eager to explore. She loved his confidence and ability to take control of any situation. And she trusted him not to hurt her.

  “Don’t move.” He got up and left the room. She could see from the opened door that he was rooting around her baking station. He came back with one of her smooth rolling pins, one she used for small tarts. “What’s this?”

  “A rolling pin.” It was a simple acrylic rolling pin, not the old-fashioned kind he probably expected, made of wood with fancy big handles.

  He shrugged. “It’ll do. I’ll buy you another for the bakery. This one’s going to get very dirty.”

  She watched in rapt fascination as he drizzled some of the lube he bought on the smooth, rounded end. In all the years she’d been baking, she never saw her supplies as sex toys. She felt filthy and wanton, eager for more of Shadow’s games.

  “Hold your legs open for me, nice and wide.” He sat on the end of the couch, leaning over to kiss her clit. She gasped, sinking into the sofa, desperate for more. “You like that?”

  “Yes, please don’t stop.”

  He bent over again, lapping at her pussy, teasing and tasting. His rough stubble scraped her sensitive skin, the mix of pain and pleasure driving her wild. The sounds he made were feral, a man barely holding onto his humanity. He assaulted her with his talented mouth, bringing her close but never letting her leap off the edge.

  “Watch this, baby.” He sat up and replaced his mouth with the lubed rolling pin, swirling it around her entrance. She braced herself up on her elbows to get a full view. He began to push in—slowly, methodically. It began to fill her, disappearing as it entered her cunt. “Oh yeah. So fucking beautiful.”

  Shadow fucked her with the rolling pin in a slow, teasing rhythm. He used the thumb of his free hand to tease her throbbing clit.

  “I’m going to come,” she said.

  “Good girl. Let me see you come all over this toy. Get it nice and dirty, baby.” He moved his thumb in distracting circles, bringing her higher and higher. She grabbed the sofa with both hands as her orgasm railroaded to the surface, forcing her to buck and cry out as waves of pleasure rushed through her.

  When she finally settled, opening her eyes, Shadow was unfastening his belt. He kicked off his pants, his cock nearly tearing through his boxer briefs. When he released his erection, she stared, her mouth salivating. The man was hung like a horse, far more impressive than the rolling pin or any man she’d ever dated. He’d be able to fill her to overflowing, and the mere thought nearly made her come again.

  “I want your ass, Riley. I want to fill you so full of my cock, I’ll be branded on you for life.” He grabbed one of the throw pillows and tucked it under her ass, lifting her up higher. He groaned as he slipped a condom over his massive cock, then slathered it with lube. “Such a tight little asshole. You’ll feel amazing squeezing my dick. Do you want this, baby?” Shadow slipped a lubed finger into her nether hole, a firestorm of new sensation sparking to life. She was anxious and excited to try this new forbidden pleasure.

  “Yes, give it to me.”

  Chapter Ten

  Never had Riley felt anything so damn intense in her life. Shadow flipped her over and spread the cheeks of her ass apart. She glanced over her shoulder as he once again got her settled on the sofa. He put her hands over her head, pushing her down so that her rear was pushed right up in the air.

  Her ass already slick from the lube, she closed her eyes as his cock began to seek entrance into her virgin hole.

  “Push out for me, baby. I need you to push out like you’re trying to force me out.”

  She did as he asked, and slowly, he pushed past that tight ring of muscle, and began to fill her ass, going a little deeper each time. She didn’t know if she could take much more, especially as he was so big, but the pleasure far outweighed any of the discomfort. She gripped the pillow beneath her head, moaning as he spread the cheeks of her ass once again. His hands were not on his cock anymore, and he slowly filled her ass with every single inch of his impressive cock.

  Heat flooded her pussy, and she wanted to play with herself, to push into an orgasm that shook them both.

  Shadow was the man for her. She didn’t have a single doubt in her mind. His hands moved to her hips, and she gasped as he slammed that last inch, filling her ass. They both groaned, and he leaned over her back, kissing the back of her neck. “You’ve got all of my cock now, baby. Your tight little ass has it all.” He didn’t move, giving her time to become accustomed to the feel of his dick in her ass. “Do you like it?”


  “Good, because I love the feel of your tight ass wrapped around my dick. The best feeling in the fucking world, and one I know I can get used to.”

  Slowly, he began to pull out of her ass so that only the
tip of his dick was inside her. She whimpered, not wanting him to stop. She loved the feeling of fullness.

  Shadow didn’t deny her. The grip on her hips tightened as he filled her. His thrusts were slow and shallow, making her beg him for more. He knew how to tease her so that she was desperate.

  “You feel so fucking good. So fucking mine.” Shadow growled the words against her neck, biting down, and licking over the pulse. “Touch yourself. I want you to come. I want to feel your ass tighten around me.”

  Reaching between her thighs, she found her pussy, running her fingers over her swollen clit. The first touch had her gasping, especially as Shadow began to increase the thrusts, driving her closer and closer to the edge of pleasure. She couldn’t stand the pain, the pleasure—it was all combining within her, and she knew Shadow had created a monster. These new sensations were addictive.

  His touch made her hungry for more, and the grip on her hips, she knew would leave fingerprints.

  “I knew the moment I saw you that you were going to be a pain in the ass. I knew I was going to struggle to keep my hands off you, but I fought it. Even as your nosy ass kept butting into my business, making me want you even more. You didn’t back down. You’re a fighter, exactly like me, and I like that. I want a fighter in my bed, baby. I want you.”

  She came, screaming his name as he drove harder inside her ass. She felt him tense up, gasp, and then his cock pulsed, filling the condom with his cum.

  Seconds later he collapsed over her. His arms went around her, and he was kissing her neck and stroking her body. He held her close so she didn’t roll off the sofa.

  Riley couldn’t believe what they’d just done, but it brought an end to a crazy day. Opening her eyes, she stared across the room at the table and for some strange reason, she thought about Shadow’s home. More specifically his front room with the fireplace. His home was so normal for a lot of things. It gave the world the illusion that he was, in fact, normal. She’d slept on his sofa and stared at his fireplace for a couple of hours.


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