Mine (Trojans MC #5)

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Mine (Trojans MC #5) Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®


  Copyright© 2016 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-670-2

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I want to thank all of my wonderful readers for their amazing love and support. Also, to my lovely editor Karyn for her patience with me, and of course to Evernight, for giving the Trojans a home. Love you all.


  Trojans MC, 5

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2016


  Five years ago

  “What the fuck is your problem?” Daisy asked, staring at his girlfriend. She wasn’t his old lady as she didn’t come by the club, nor did he want to claim her in front of his brothers. To be honest, there wasn’t anything he actually liked about her other than the fact she was a regular fuck away from the club.

  “You pick out my clothes, and you go through my phone. You’re not letting me breathe, and you expect me to be okay with that?”

  Daisy had known he wasn’t like many of the guys he hung around with. His brothers at the club were happy to live apart from their woman, but he’d always been wired a different way. He liked picking out his woman’s clothing, and finding out how she spent her day, and even giving instructions for how he wanted certain things.

  Being the man in the family, the dominant, turned him the fuck on. He wasn’t a cruel man, and when he thought about life if he was to ever get married, having a woman accept those needs inside him was paramount.

  “You’re controlling, Daisy. We’re not even fucking exclusive, and you’re demanding shit.”

  “Laura, this is who I am. I told you I liked shit done a certain way—”

  “What you want is archaic, and I don’t want that. I want to pick out my own clothing, and have a life away from you. Women stopped being doormats fucking years ago. We don’t need to be trapped in marriage, or kept at home.”

  He’d treasure any woman he put his ring on her finger. Not only would his real woman get his ring, she’d get his cut, and he’d claim her in front of his brothers. Laura was not the kind of woman that he wanted.

  “This is who I am.”

  “Then go ahead and find a woman dumb enough to give you what you want. It’s archaic, and fucked up. You’re a great fuck, Daisy, but it’s not what I want, and I doubt any woman is going to want that.”

  He watched as Laura stormed out of his room, and his door slammed.

  “Wow, talk about fucked up,” Knuckles said coming into the room.

  “What the fuck are you still doing here?”

  “So, you’re the master of the house?” Knuckles looked around the room.

  “What?” Daisy ran a hand down his face, trying to clear the fog that had settled over his brain. He wasn’t in the best of moods right now. Laura had shouted out their shit for one of his brothers to hear, and now he was pissed, really pissed.

  “You know, the master of your castle, the one in control. In a way you’re like a 1950s man or a dominant. It’s interesting.”

  “I don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about.”

  “Of course you don’t.” Knuckles gave him a pointed look. “It’s not wrong, you know, or sick.”

  “According to Laura, I’m fucked up.” Daisy had been hearing more and more of Laura’s complaints, and thinking back over his life with her, he couldn’t even remember why he’d tried to make something more out of their relationship.

  “It’s not fucked up. I’ve heard of men liking that.”

  “You’re trying to make me feel better?” Daisy asked.

  “No. I’m speaking the truth. We can’t help what we like. I’d say you were fucked up if you got off on beating women to death, and that got your nut off. You don’t. You like to control, to be in charge. I get it.”

  “Are you like me?” Daisy asked.

  Knuckles smirked. “Think more of the chains, whips, Domination, and slaves, and you’re more on track.”

  “I don’t need whips or chains to keep me satisfied.”

  “That’s where we differ. You’ll find a woman for you, and I’ll find a woman for me. Until then, we’re good to fuck all the free pussy at the club.”

  Daisy never took another woman again, and used the pussy at the club to get his rocks off.

  Chapter One

  Present day

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Duke asked, glaring across the desk at him. Daisy had been thinking about this for the past week, ever since he’d spoken to Maria. He’d kept her at arm’s length, and not even taken the time to talk to her about anything. All he’d done was ignore her, being a complete and total bastard to her, fucking other women even though it was her face he saw every single night.

  She’d taken him by surprise, pretty much daring him to take her. Fuck, her words about being wanted, being consumed, and even a little dominated. Okay, it wasn’t chains, whips, and leather pants with her calling him “Master”, but it was another kind of domination. She wanted him to be the boss of her, to love, and to guide her.

  He’d not been able to resist testing her just a little bit. This past week, to see if she would follow what he wanted, he had entered her room early in the morning, and gone through her wardrobe, picking out her clothing. Daisy had also told her that she was only to wear what he’d put out. There was no way he could survive watching her without a bra with her large tits bouncing freely. He’d made her wear a bra, a sundress, with no panties. When she’d been leaning over the pool table on that first day, he’d run his hand up the inside of her dress to see if she’d followed that simple instruction. She had. She’d been bare to the touch, and so fucking perfect, she’d made his cock ache.

  Maria hadn’t fought him, and now it was time for him to face the reality of what he wanted. She’d given him a chance, and he wasn’t going to let her down.

  “I need to take Maria away for the next few weeks, maybe even a month. I don’t know how long I’m going to be.”

  “Where the fuck is this coming from?” Duke asked.

  “Look, I’ve been given an opportunity, and I can’t turn it down, nor can I run from it.”

  “That’s fucking vague.”

  “When you had a chance to make Holly your woman, you took it, no questions asked. I’ve got a chance to make Maria my old lady, and I can’t lose that chance. I’ve got this one shot, and if I fuck it up, there’s not going to be anyone else in the world for me.”

  Duke leaned back, and stared at him. “Maria? Your sister’s best friend.”


  “What’s happening with Beth?”

  “I’m hoping she’ll be protected at the club while I’m away. I’ll go and talk to her. I’ll do whatever you need me to do.” Daisy gripped the back of the chair. “I want you to keep an eye on Knuckles. I don’t want him near my sister.”

  “So now I’ve got to be a babysitter, and keep one of my boys away from your girl?” Duke asked. “I’ve got work to do. I’m not just sitting around on my ass.”

  “We’ve got no drug runs planned for the next month. You don’t need me directly, and you can still get in touch with me.” Daisy tapped the back of the c
hair. “This is something I need to do.” He thought about Laura and couldn’t help but worry that if he took this next step with Maria, he wasn’t going to come back from it. Holy shit, he was starting to sound like a pussy. He didn’t question his need for what he wanted. Maria had come to him, and he was going to test her, and see how far she could go.

  Duke sighed. “Fine. I’ll keep an eye on Knuckles, but I’m not going to separate your sister from him if she doesn’t want it. Give him a warning or something, but don’t start a fight. I won’t have any shit like that.”

  “What are you going to do when Matthew wants to join the club?” Daisy asked.

  Matthew was Duke’s son from a previous marriage before he married and claimed Holly as his own. They both now had a son together, Drake. It sounded more complicated than it actually was.

  “He’s nearly seventeen,” Duke said.

  “I remember the kind of shit I was getting into at that age.”

  Duke stood up moving toward the window to overlook the back of the clubhouse. Daisy knew what he’d find. Holly with Drake, and her best friend Mary with her kid, Pike’s daughter, Starlight.

  “He’s having sex,” Duke said.

  “Damn, he’s like his father.”

  “I fucking caught him in the back of my truck. He was near the clubhouse, and I was heading home when Holly sent me a text that Matthew wasn’t home. I tell you, it’s not a pretty sight seeing your son screwing some girl. I made him deep clean the truck before I let Holly back inside.”

  Daisy burst out laughing. “Bet you never imagined having to be a cock blocker.”

  “When he’s eighteen he wants to start prospecting for the club. Holly wants him to take some time, and think about his future.”

  “What do you want for him?”

  “I want him to be sure of what he wants. He’s my son, my oldest son, and I love him. The club life, it’s hard, intense, and it’s fucking dangerous. We live with that danger every single day. We’ve set ourselves a comfortable life here, but it doesn’t mean shit can’t go bad. Look at The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds, not to mention the clubs out there that have been wiped out. I know we’re not immortal.” Duke stepped, looking away from his woman outside of the window. “I never thought I’d have to deal with this shit yet.”

  “Boys grow into men. Matthew, he’s a great guy.”

  “You think I should let him join?”

  Daisy shrugged. “I don’t have a son. I know what I wanted to do at his age. I wanted pussy, no rules, and I wanted to be part of the club. He’s a boy racing toward being a man, but he’s not a man yet. It takes a lot of shit to happen to make you a man. If he’s anything like you, he’s not going to have any problem.”

  “Thanks, Daisy, I appreciate that.”

  “You’re a good Prez. We’ll put Matthew through his paces if he decides to take to the club life. You never know, it might be what he’s missing to give him that edge.”

  “Until then I’ve talked with him about bagging his shit up. The last thing I need is for him to come home with a girl his own age or older, pregnant. Fucking nightmare just thinking about it.”

  Daisy chuckled. “I’ll be heading out tomorrow.”

  “Wow, you’re not going to give her much time to back out.”

  “I’ve got one chance. I’m going to take it.”

  “If you need us, give us a call.”

  Nodding his head, Daisy made his way out of the clubhouse, and paused when he saw Knuckles at the bar reading. He couldn’t recall a time when he’d seen a book in Knuckles’s hand. It was a strange sight, and he pulled his cell phone out and took a quick snap. “Got to keep this for the scrapbooks.”

  “Fuck off, Daisy.”

  “Where did you get it?” Daisy asked.

  “Your sister.”

  Gritting his teeth, he took a seat even though he wanted to smash his fist against the bastard’s smug face.

  “It’s nice to know that you’ll shut the fuck up,” Knuckles said.

  “I want you to stay away from Beth.”

  “I’m not bothering her. I’m sitting here reading.”

  “I’m about to head out with Maria, and take a chance at something. Beth is, I don’t know, she’s got something going on, and I don’t know what it is. Either way, I don’t want you anywhere near her.”

  Knuckles chuckled. “This is more than being the big brother, right?”

  “Yes. I know what your deal is. I don’t want that near Beth.”

  “You ever thought that your sister needs that?”

  “I will kill you if you lay a finger on my sister, Knuckles. I’m not joking around about that.”

  “I get it. Keep my hands to myself. I’ll do that, but if she needs something, Daisy, I’m not going to turn her down. She’s hurting, but she’s not broken. I will not do anything that could risk her overall wellbeing.” Knuckles held his hands up in surrender. “That’s the best I can offer you, brother.”

  Daisy was torn between staying and going. He wanted this chance with Maria, damn it.

  “I remember what we talked about a few years back, Daisy. Beth’s old enough to make her own choices, and you’ve got no choice but to trust her, and to trust me.”

  “It’s you I don’t trust. Where is my sister?”

  “She came out for some food, and went back to Maria’s room. That girl is pissed at you.”


  “No, Maria. She wouldn’t even look at you yesterday, and Beth’s been giving you the stink eye. You’ve messed up, bro.”

  He’d heard enough. It was time for him to go hunting for what he really wanted.


  “What’s going on with you and my brother?” Beth asked, walking in the bedroom behind her.

  They had just finished breakfast, and Maria wasn’t interested in talking about Daisy, or what was going on between them. She had opened herself up, and he’d humiliated her. He hadn’t taken her seriously at all, and that just pissed her off.


  “I know you’ve got a serious crush on him, but this past week you’ve done everything to avoid him.” Beth reached out, touching her arm. “You can talk to me.”

  “When are you going to tell him what happened?”

  Beth froze up. “Never.”

  “They deserve to pay for what they did to you.”

  “It was only one—”

  “I don’t care, Beth. He doesn’t deserve to be walking around free while you’re fighting.” She loved her friend dearly. If she hadn’t come with Beth this summer, she’d have spent it trying to find a way to hurt the man who’d hurt her friend.

  “Look, he’s untouchable. This is not about me. I’ll be fine, more than fine. I’ve even been thinking of going to the college near Vale Valley rather than back home. It will be fun.”

  “You’re not wanting to return home?”

  “The more I’m here, Maria, the more I feel I’m at home. The Trojans are part of my brother, and they never make me feel uncomfortable.”

  “What about Knuckles?” Maria had seen that brother staring at Beth. It was so damn obvious to anyone who watched that he clearly had a thing for her. Did Beth see it?

  “He’s nice, and he likes to talk.”

  “I doubt that’s all he likes.”

  “I’m not looking for anything. Knuckles is a nice guy. He’s not dangerous.”

  Maria chuckled. “I used to think I was the innocent one out of the two of us.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “All of the men in the club are dangerous, and you think a guy named Knuckles, isn’t? They’re road names, right? Knuckles isn’t his real name, but I can take a guess to how he got it.”

  Beth shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about it. I’d rather talk about you and my brother.”

  “Of course you would. Nothing is going on between me and your brother.”

  Someone knocked on her door, and Maria shouted that it was open. Daisy was the o
ne to open the door.

  “I want a word with Beth,” he said.

  Even though he pissed her off and upset her, Maria still grew wet at the sight of him. He wasn’t a small man. Daisy was large, scary, muscular, and covered in ink. The biggest of tats was the daisy on his back, which he’d gotten when he was drunk.

  “Go,” Maria said.

  Beth gave her hand a squeeze, and left her alone. They left her room, and Maria didn’t want to be locked up in it. Grabbing some sneakers from the corner, she quickly pulled them on, and moved out of her room. She made sure she was quiet as she closed her door, and walked toward the main part of the club.

  “Sneaking around?” Landon asked.

  He was coming up behind her from the toilet. During the summer she had learned that he’d been a prospect for the club until recently. The brothers had finally voted him in to be a fully patched in member of the MC.

  “Not sneaking.”

  “I don’t know. Tiptoeing around a clubhouse isn’t a good thing for anyone, man or woman.”

  “I’m heading outside for some fresh air. I need to think.”

  “Lead the way. I’m waiting for Zoe to finish up with Raoul so we can head back to our dorm. It’s our last semester, and then I’m going to be hanging around full time.”

  “You’re not going to work anywhere else? Maybe go for some internships in business?”

  “Nah, I’m not interested in wearing a suit or shit. Duke’s going to let me handle some of the books, and that’s all I need in my life.” Landon laughed. “I’ll never be the kind of guy who can handle a suit.”

  Maria hadn’t found suits on men all that attractive. Daisy had always been different. Whenever she saw him over the years, he’d capture her attention, and nothing could pull her away. She liked his don’t care attitude, along with the fact he was hot. Maria hadn’t been hot, growing up. She’d been the chunky kid. She and Beth both had.


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