Mine (Trojans MC #5)

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Mine (Trojans MC #5) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Do you think that’s weird?”

  He shook his head. “No.” He took hold of her hand, and placed it over his erect cock. “You arouse me all the time.”

  Daisy was rock hard. His cock pressed against the front of his jeans. She held him in her hand, and he reached out, pushing some strands of hair behind her ear. “This is going to make for an interesting time together.”

  She smiled. Maybe they could do this? Maria was nervous. Who wouldn’t be? Daisy wasn’t a small guy, and he was a member of the Trojans MC. He was a tough guy, but it wasn’t just that. She’d never been with another guy. Sure, she’d been on dates, but nothing that had gone further than a tame kiss.

  There hadn’t been any rainbows or shooting stars. The world hadn’t started to spin, and she’d not become so consumed with need that she’d forgotten who she was. That had all happened with Daisy. The one kiss in the car had taken her breath away. She’d forgotten about herself and where they were.

  You’ve been in love with Daisy for a long time.

  It was more than just love. They had a connection, something that was far deeper than she thought possible.

  “I did this to you?” She squeezed his dick, and he groaned, leaning forward to press his head against hers.


  “What about all of those other women?”

  “No one arouses me the way you do.”

  “How is that possible when you’ve spent more time fucking other women?” He hadn’t pulled away from her, and she opened her eyes to stare into his.

  “You said the word fuck. Pretty fucking hot.” He licked his lips. “I can’t wait to get you to say all kinds of nasty shit to me while I’m fucking you.”

  Maria smiled. “You really can’t help it, can you?” She didn’t mind the way he was. Her parents would talk about Daisy as the “bad seed”, but she’d liked everything about him. He wouldn’t fall in line, and he wouldn’t do as he was told. There were plans made for him, which she’d heard about. Daisy, if he’d not gone and joined the MC at eighteen, would have made it through college top of his class. He wasn’t stupid.

  All of the plans had gone to shit the moment he walked away from his family.

  “Do you want me to change?” he asked.

  “No.” Reaching out, Maria hesitated for a second, and then laid her hand on top of his leather jacket. “Like your jacket, I don’t care what other people think.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, babe.”

  “Why did you not go to college?”

  Daisy sighed. “You heard about that?”

  “Your parents talked about it a lot. They constantly told Beth about what was happening, and what she should do.”

  Daisy cut her off laughing. “That’s exactly why I stopped. They were busy making plans for me. I didn’t want to have plans made for me, Maria. This life is my own, and I’m not going to live it through someone else.”

  “So you ran?”

  “No. I’d heard about the Trojans when I’d left town. I’d come to Vale Valley for a party. It was when Russ was still in charge as the Prez of the club. I went, partied, and I saw how they were all together. They were strong. They were banded together as brothers. No one controlled them. They did what they wanted and didn’t care what others thought. It’s exactly what I want.”

  “They offered you what the college never did?”

  “I love my parents, and Beth, but they expected me to go to college, become a partner in a firm.” Daisy stopped, laughing. “They had my entire life mapped out. It wouldn’t even shock me if they had a woman lined up for me to be my wife.”

  “It doesn’t bother you?”

  “Not now. I’m used to my parents being disappointed. I can’t be that bad. I was the first person they contacted to take Beth.”

  Maria couldn’t argue with him. “Beth loves you. She misses you all the time.”

  “I miss her. She was the only one who wasn’t disappointed by my decision.”

  “Your parents still love you.”

  “I know that. Are you going to tell me what’s going on with Beth?”

  She shook her head. “Beth’s secrets are not mine to tell. I wish they were. I’d tell you. She’ll tell you when you’re ready.”


  They were interrupted from talking as a waitress walked toward them. “Here’s your pancakes with extra bacon and syrup.”

  She stared down at her plate, and couldn’t help but be touched once again. Daisy knew a lot more about her than her own parents.

  Chapter Three

  Daisy parked the car outside of the single cabin in the forest. He’d followed the dirt path toward his one sanctuary in the world.

  “Where are we?” Maria asked, looking around.

  “We’re at a vacation resort. A few years ago I saw this cabin up for sale online, and with it being in an abandoned location, I snapped it up.”

  Every single brother had a place to get away from the club. Not only did each of them have a secret location, it was also a safe house for all of them. Daisy’s cabin wouldn’t house every single club member, but he’d get between five and ten men, women, and children here.

  “A vacation resort?”

  Climbing out of the car once again, he rounded the vehicle to help Maria out. Wrapping his arm around her waist¸ he turned her so that she could see down the line of trees.

  “There are more cabins.”

  “This is an exclusive resort that allows visitors to come and spend time being one with nature. Sometimes, like with my cabin, it allows some places to be bought so people can get away.”

  “You bought this?”

  “Yes. I come here when I need to think.” Turning her toward the main forest, he pointed down a certain path. “They have tour guides who are qualified to take people around the forest, looking over the wildlife. Getting back to nature is more popular now than ever.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Close your eyes, and listen.” He did the same and listened to the open air. In the distance he heard the water near a local river, birds chirping, the trees moving from the slight breeze. Peace. “Come on, I want you to see the cabin.”

  “How long has it been since you were here?” she asked.

  “A few months. Lucinda, one of the women who works as a tour guide, keeps an eye on the cabins. She makes sure they’re cleaned and ready to receive their owners.”

  “She has a key?” Maria asked.

  He heard the jealousy in her voice. “No need to be jealous, baby. Lucinda is in love with the man who owns all of the land here.”

  She relaxed a little in his arms.

  “I’ve got you,” he said, kissing the side of her neck. Guiding her toward the main door, he took out his key and slid it into the lock.

  Maria reached up, taking the small white envelope that had been taped to the front of the door. She handed it to him, and he shook his head. “Open it, and read it.”

  “Daisy, I’ve cleaned the cobwebs, chased the spiders, and filled your fridge. Enjoy, and I hope your ladylove likes the resort. See you on a trail if you have time. Lucinda.”

  The curtains were drawn closed. Releasing Maria from his hold, he moved toward the curtains, allowing light to come into the cabin. He took care of the three sets of curtains in the sitting room, while Maria did the same in the kitchen. The cabin had three bedrooms, a main sitting room with a small dinner room at the back of the room, a bathroom, and kitchen. It was a modest cabin, and he loved it.

  “It’s beautiful,” Maria said, looking around her space.

  “I’m going to grab our things.”

  Leaving Maria to look around the small room, he grabbed their bags out of the trunk. After he’d been talking to Beth, he got his sister to pack a bag for Maria. He didn’t doubt Maria would fight him. He’d dumped her bag in the trunk of the car while she’d been distracted by Holly and Mary. Hi

s club was amazing for creating a distraction when he needed it.

  Before he’d gone to Duke asking for this time away, Holly and Mary had cornered him in the kitchen. Together, the two women had put some pretty harsh perspective on his situation. If he didn’t claim Maria soon, she was going to be taken by someone else. The thought of another man taking what belonged to him filled him with rage. Maria was his woman.


  He wanted to possess every part of her so that Maria couldn’t think or do anything without thinking of him first. Entering the cabin, he saw Maria was looking through the kitchen cupboards and checking out the use by dates on the tins.

  Daisy closed the door and flicked the lock into place. Unless he went toward the main part of the resort, everyone knew to leave him alone.

  Maria turned around, looking at the cases, then at him. “When did you have time to pack?”

  “When you were busy doing something else.” He folded his arms, and stared at her.

  Her hands fisted at her sides.

  Tugging the panties out of his pocket, he held them up. He inhaled her musky scent, and he wanted a taste of her.

  Dropping the panties to the floor, he kicked out of his shoes, and removed his leather cut.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to get naked, and I want you to as well.”

  Her hand went to her chest, holding her shirt tightly.

  Daisy stopped getting undressed. “I’m not going to fuck you. We’re not going to do anything but look at each other.”


  “I don’t want you nervous around me. I want to get naked. When I’m here, I don’t abide by the laws of society, Maria. I get naked, and I enjoy being free.” He started removing his clothes once again, getting naked for her to see. When he’d removed his shirt, and he stood in his jeans, he paused, and waited. “I’m not going to continue until you start taking some clothes off.”

  “I’ve never been naked in front of anyone.”

  “I’m not going to tell anyone. You’re safe here with me, Maria. Here, it’s just you and me. No club, no friends, no one else. We’re alone to be who we are.”

  “What if you don’t like my body?”

  Sighing, he removed his jeans, and he wasn’t wearing any boxer briefs himself. Wrapping his fingers around his cock, he stared at her. “This is how hard you make me, and you’re not even naked. Start taking your clothes off, and see what you think.”

  “How are you going to handle that being hard?”

  “I’m not some teenage boy. I can control my dick. You’re not ready for me, and to be honest, babe, I’m not ready for this. I’m going to take my time, and we’re going to get to know each other without anyone watching us.”

  She licked her lips and started to remove her clothes. Releasing his cock, he watched her start to bare even more skin. She kept her bra on as she removed her jeans, and he couldn’t help but smile as she clearly forgot that she wasn’t wearing any panties. Her pussy was covered in fine hairs, and soon he was going to take the time to shave her, have her smooth to the touch.

  “Take your bra off,” he said, wanting her naked.

  Maria reached behind her back, and released the clasp of her bra. Her full, heavy tits were finally on display, and her body was better than he’d ever thought possible. She was full, curvy, and soft in all the right places.

  Women were so hung up on being super slender, and all bones. He’d been with enough skinny women, and he appreciated the sight before him.

  “See, baby, I’m already turned on by you, and you’re fucking amazing.”

  She clasped her hands in front of her body, and stared at his cock. “What do you want me to do now?”

  “Come here. Come and stand in front of me.”

  Maria bit her lip like she did every single time she was nervous. Slowly, she took the steps toward him, and the anticipation just kept on building inside him. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime passed, she was in front of him.

  “What now?”

  “Do you always want to have everything explained to you in little details, or do you want to actually enjoy what we’re going through?” he asked. She took a deep breath, and he cupped her cheek. “You’ve got to learn to trust me.”

  “Take it one step at a time.”

  “Yes.” Bending down, he grabbed their bags. “Come and see the bedroom.” He urged her forward, and he watched her ass move with each step she took. This was how he was going to be spending the next couple of weeks. They were away from the club, and she was all his. He didn’t have to worry about Beth interrupting them, or the club getting in the way. Four weeks, thirty days, and he was going to live out his dream. He really hoped she wanted this to continue, and that they did in fact see eye to eye.

  Entering the bedroom, he placed the bags on the bed.

  “Wow, that is a huge bed.” She sat down on the edge and gave it a bit of a bounce.

  “It’s damn comfortable, baby. Give it a real test.” He moved to the other side, and jumped on it.

  Maria giggled and did the same thing.


  Beth looked at the clock and wondered how long it was going to take Daisy and Maria to get to wherever they were going. Tapping her fingers across the bar, she tried to get into her book to distract her, but nothing was happening.

  Releasing a sigh, she bent the book open, putting an even bigger dent in the spine.

  “What’s wrong?” Knuckles asked, sitting beside her.

  It was only early afternoon, and she wouldn’t disappear to her room until after six. She always helped with the dishes, and then left the club to party while she was alone.

  “I was just wondering when Maria and Daisy will call.”

  Knuckles looked up at the clock. “Give it another hour.”

  “Do you know where they’re going?”

  He tapped his nose. “That would be telling. Don’t worry. Daisy will take care of Maria. You don’t need to think about what is going on there.”

  “I’m not worried. I know Daisy won’t hurt Maria. He cares about her.” She wasn’t blind, and had seen the way her brother looked at Maria when he didn’t realize someone was watching him. Daisy always looked at Maria as if he was a kid looking at his favorite toy but had been told he couldn’t play with it. Maria wasn’t a toy, but Daisy really wanted to play with her.

  “That’s something we can both agree on.”

  She stared at her book, hoping the words would register on her mind.

  “Stop pretending to read the book.”

  “How do you know I’m not reading the book?” she asked, turning toward the man beside her.

  Knuckles was large and dominating, but what surprised her was how she felt safe when she was near him. All of her fears evaporated when he was around. Even now, she no longer worried about Daisy and Maria while he was near.

  “You’ve spent a lot of time looking at the clock on the wall. You’re not kidding me that you’re actually paying attention to the book.”

  Closing the book, she placed it down on top of the bar.

  “You’re right.”

  “I’m right about a lot of things.” He reached out, and his finger stroked across her hand. “You can trust me, Beth. You can trust me with anything.”

  She tensed up, cutting off the thoughts of her demons, and shoving them away. No one could help her. The nightmares still came at night. Even if they were not as intense, they still came to her. She didn’t want to go back home. Beth wanted to stay here so she never had to face the monsters waiting for her.

  Her parents hated having to deal with the folk in town. Everyone knew the truth, and yet everyone was scared to speak up for fear of the consequences. She hated it.

  “You’re not ready to talk.”

  “If I was going to talk to anyone it was going to be my brother.”

  Knuckles laughed. “You’re too good to lie. You and I both know that you’re not going to te
ll Daisy.”

  “You think you’re much better?”

  “No. I’m not. I care, Beth, and if you tell me your secrets, they’ll be between us.” He captured her chin and turned her head so she had no choice but to look at him. “You can trust me.”

  She did trust him, and that was what scared her. All summer Knuckles had been there in the background whenever she was close to having a panic attack, or ready to hurt herself. He’d be there, talking, and slowly, the darkness inside her would ease. He took everything away, and she felt like her old self once again.

  “I don’t want to go back home,” she said.

  “Then what do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know. I like being here.”

  “You’re not club whore material.”

  She wrinkled her nose.

  “You’re old lady material, babe.” He covered her hand with his. “And you can be whatever you want to be, no matter how strange it may seem. You’re a fighter. Whatever has you running scared, fight it. Don’t let it win.”

  “Beth, Daisy’s on the phone,” Duke said.

  Pulling her hand away from Knuckles, she walked toward Duke’s office. The Prez of the Trojans held open the door, giving her enough room to pass. She couldn’t resist another glance toward Knuckles. He gave her a wave, and she bit her lip.

  What was it about him?


  “Daisy doesn’t want you sniffing around his sister while he’s gone,” Duke said, taking a seat at the bar.

  Knuckles smirked. He knew Daisy was very protective of his sister. He couldn’t blame him. If Knuckles had a sister, he’d have warned her against himself as well. He wasn’t a good man, nor was he a kind man. Throughout his life, he’d used women and tossed them aside when another new pussy had appeared on the scene. He loved variety in the women he fucked, and didn’t give a fuck who he hurt as he went through them.

  Three of the club whores at the club were in love with him, or at least they were in love with his special toys that he liked to play with. He fucked them, and left them. He never offered them anything more than an orgasm, his cock, and about an hour or two of his time.


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