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Mine (Trojans MC #5)

Page 6

by Sam Crescent


  The following morning, Maria opened her eyes and saw that the sun was streaming through the bedroom window. Behind her, Daisy snuggled up against her, and she couldn’t help but sigh. Last night they had done the dishes together, and then watched some television, and a movie.

  When the movie had finished, Daisy led her toward the bedroom, and he’d shocked her by spooning her.

  “You’re awake?” Daisy asked.

  “How did you know?”

  “Your breathing changed, and you got tense in my arms.”

  “I didn’t know you were awake.” She went to roll over, but Daisy stopped her.

  “Don’t. I want to hold you, and just wake up slowly.”

  Smiling, she placed her hands over his, liking how warm he was, surrounding her with his warmth.

  “I enjoyed last night,” she said.

  “Me, too. You’re the first woman I’ve spent the night just watching television with.”

  “Have you ever been in love with a woman?” she asked.

  “No. I’ve never been in love. You?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  Caressing her fingers over his hand, she felt his cock pressing against her ass. He was getting harder with every passing second.

  “Do you feel what you’re doing to me?”


  “I’ve imagined this,” he said, surprising her.

  “You’ve thought about being in bed with me?”

  “Yes, and I can tell you that the reality is much better than the fantasy.” He kissed her neck, moving up to bite her ear.

  She gasped, moaning as pleasure rushed through her entire body.

  “I’ve got plans for today, baby.”

  “You do?” She opened her thighs, ready for him to play with her.

  “Yes, and it doesn’t involve sex.” He suddenly pulled away from her, and climbed out of bed. Her pussy was dripping wet, and his cock stood to attention. Still, he didn’t stop, and moved toward the wardrobe.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Getting you some clothes.”

  She lifted up on her elbows and watched as he went through the clothes that had been packed for her, which she’d placed in the wardrobe last night. The clothes were next to his, and she got a thrill from seeing them side by side.

  “Do you want to get your own clothes?” Daisy asked. His hand turned into a fist, and his movements seemed very precise as he dropped his hand beside his body, turning to look at her. What did she see in his eyes?

  Something flashed beneath his depths. Confusion? Annoyance? Hope?

  Was it some kind of test?

  “You’re the one who knows where we’re going. You can pick. I don’t have a problem with that.” She smiled at him, admiring the full length of his body. His cock was still rock hard, and she liked how he seemed to ignore it.

  Daisy had a confidence that surprised her.

  He turned, giving her a full shot of his back and ass. His ass was firm, and she finally understood what Holly and Mary were on about when they talked about men’s asses.

  She watched as he pulled out of the wardrobe a pair of shorts that went to mid-thigh, along with a blue tank shirt. Next, he moved toward the drawers along the far wall where she’d placed her underwear.

  Heat spilled from her pussy as she waited for him to finish. He walked back to the bed, carrying a bra and a pair of socks, placing them on top of the clothing.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” He moved toward her side of the bed, cupping her hip as he leaned in close, pressing a kiss to her lips. “You’re making breakfast?”


  “Good.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and removed the blanket from around her as he did. “It’s time for you to get dressed.”

  Daisy stepped away from her, and she saw that he went toward the wardrobe again getting his own clothes.

  Stepping out of the bed, she made it before getting dressed. When she turned back to her clothing, she noticed Daisy’s gaze on her. This was a test. Something in her gut was telling her that he was testing her, waiting to see if she would fail.

  Straightening her shoulders, she reached for the shorts, not even questioning the lack of panties. Pulling the shorts up her thighs, she gave a stretch, waking up her body. There was a thrill to having Daisy watch her as she dressed. Not only was she getting excited from him watching, she loved the fact he’d picked out the clothes. The shorts, the shirt, and the bra, it was all what Daisy wanted her to wear.

  Putting the bra on, she tugged the shirt on immediately after, and when she sat on the bed, to deal with the socks, Daisy caught her face between his palms. He tilted her head back, and she saw that he was assessing her as he stared at her. The jeans he wore were unbuttoned, and she liked the small patch of hair it revealed.

  “You’ve surprised me.”


  “I didn’t expect you to do that without an argument.”

  Feeling somewhat confident, she took hold of his face, smiling up at him. “I surprise myself.” Pressing a kiss to his lips, she released a sigh. “I’m going to go and start us some breakfast.”

  “Will you make us up a small picnic hamper?” he asked.

  “Yes, I will.”

  She took one last lingering look before making her way toward the small kitchen.

  This is really happening.

  Her heart was pounding, and her pussy was slick from what had just happened.

  He only got your clothes.

  It was more than the clothes. Daisy had given her something that he clearly wanted to do but had been pushed away. She saw the conflict.

  Firing up the grill, she took out some bacon and eggs. While she was waiting for the grill to heat up, she grabbed out several items and started to make up some sandwiches for the rest of the day.

  Once she had the bacon on the grill, she buttered some bread and started to make up a picnic basket, obviously without the basket.

  Daisy entered the kitchen and put a picnic basket on the kitchen counter. “I found this.”

  “You already owned a basket?”

  “It’s something I like to go on.”

  “You like to go on picnics?”

  He moved up behind her, placing a hand on her stomach, and tugging her back. “I like going for long walks with a woman I actually like. Also, I love food.”

  “We’re going for a walk today?”

  “I’d love to have you completely naked all day, and play with you. I didn’t buy this cabin for us to just sit inside. It has beautiful scenery, amazing walkways, and I think you’re going to love it. Also, there’s a nice spot near a lake where you can watch deer, waterfalls, and offers tranquility.”

  “Will we see other people during our time out?”

  “Maybe. It’s always busy, and there’s tour guides. We’ll have to wait and see.” He kissed her neck. “Are you looking forward to it?”


  She really was. Maria loved going for long walks, and enjoying nature on her trips. Beth always found it annoying that she loved walking down the long beaches rather than lounging around catching the sun.

  He gave her neck a nibble before stepping back. “I’ll let you finish food.” Daisy didn’t walk out of the kitchen. He started to gather other items to place in the basket. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him placing bottles of water at the bottom of the basket. He then placed a flat sheet down and started adding plastic cups and plates.

  Focus, Maria, focus.

  Finishing up their sandwiches, she placed them in the basket. She removed the bacon from the grill, scrambled them up some eggs, and buttered a few slices of toast. She was more than ready to eat.

  Taking a seat beside Daisy, he held her hand as they ate together.

  This was what she wanted. Was that wrong?

  Chapter Six

  Daisy couldn’t stop himself from holding

Maria’s hand as they walked down the dirt path toward a thick set of trees. The picnic basket he held in his other hand was a little heavy, but he wouldn’t have Maria carrying it. She was a beautiful woman, and every chance he got, he looked at the clothes he’d picked. Not once had she voiced a complaint. He didn’t know what he expected, but it hadn’t been her quiet acceptance. Still, that was exactly what he got.

  “So, what are your plans?”

  “Plans?” she asked.

  “You know, when we get back to Vale Valley?”

  “I don’t know. Beth’s told me she wants to stay in town, and I was thinking of staying with her. I’m not entirely sure yet what I want to do. Beth’s been my friend for years, and now all of a sudden there’s a chance we won’t be together.” She sounded sad.

  “You don’t have to leave Vale Valley.” Daisy gritted his teeth as he stared ahead.

  “I don’t want to leave.”

  They were silent for several seconds, and ideas rushed around his head, waiting for one to stay on focus. “You ever thought about what would happen if we continued back at home?” he asked.

  They had been walking around this for years, even before she was legal. Looking back now, Maria had always been there in his life even when he’d not realized it. He’d never try anything with an underage girl, not even Maria.

  Stopping, Daisy turned toward her. She was nibbling her lip as she stared down the long path ahead.

  God, I love this woman.

  The thought struck him hard, taking the wind out of him. He took a deep breath and placed the picnic basket down on the ground.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said.

  “Daisy, this is our second day together, and before that, you rebelled, going into the arms of another woman.”

  “Then let me have this month of proving to you that I can be faithful to you.”

  Maria chuckled. “We’re alone in the middle of nowhere.”


  “Then how about after we have some time here, getting to know one another, and settling this uncertainty between us, we go back. You can give me a test run.”

  She tilted her head to the side, looking at him. “You really thought I’d fail this morning.”

  “We’re going all over the place right now.”

  “Then stop being vague, and tell me what your problem is.” She tried to pull her hand away, but he held onto her, not wanting to let go. “Daisy?”

  “I’m not letting go. Okay, I was in a relationship once. No, I wasn’t in love, and while I was with this woman, I did what I did this morning. I picked out clothes, and I asked her to do certain things.” He hated how fucking needy he sounded, and whiny. Daisy had gotten over Laura. She’d been a willing pussy, and after he’d had her, he’d pretty much forgotten about her.

  The problem was, her words still lingered. Not every woman liked having a man leave instructions for them, or pick out their clothes, or being the man of the house. There was no other way he could be. He’d always been the one in control.

  “What did you expect me to do?” she asked.

  “I don’t know what I expected you to do. It doesn’t really matter either.”

  “It clearly does.”

  Looking past her shoulder, he tried to get his thoughts into some kind of focus, but nothing was happening.

  “I didn’t expect you to simply wear the clothes, or go and make breakfast.”

  “You were testing me?”


  Her smile surprised him. How was it that Maria, his little virgin, was always surprising him?

  “I passed your test,” she said.


  She leaned in close, cupping his cheek. “You’re going to have to realize really quickly that I’m full of surprises.” She pressed a kiss to his lips. “I don’t have any plans after our four weeks. I can tell you what I hope, but again, hoping is not really planning.”

  “Then tell me your hopes.”

  He picked up the basket, and they started walking again. “I’m hoping we find something here that we’ve both been hunting for. I want to be with a man I love, respect, and trust. I’m not going to be some doormat who’ll wait at home for her man. It’s not what I want. I want to provide a home for the both of us. I want to be doing our shopping, the cleaning, the cooking, and organizing special dates. When we have kids, I want you to know that I can handle whatever life throws at us. I also want to be the wife that you need with the Trojans.”

  Daisy understood what she meant. He wasn’t looking for some doormat who’d do what he wanted. Maria was a strong mind, a strong woman, who merely wanted to put her trust into a man who’d take care of her.

  “Do you think you could handle the club life?”

  “An old lady club life?”

  “Yes.” There would be no room for anyone else. The thought of another man touching her filled him with a lot of anger. Maria belonged to him, and he wasn’t having anyone tell him differently.

  “I do. I like the old ladies. Sheila is also a sweetheart.” Sheila was Russ’s old lady and was Holly’s mother.

  There was a lot of history at the club. He liked Sheila. She was a good woman, and one Russ had nearly lost.

  “What do you think of Knuckles?” Maria asked, surprising him with the change of subject.

  “Why are you talking about Knuckles?” Jealousy struck him hard, and unexpectedly. He never thought he’d feel jealous of another brother, but that was exactly what he was thinking and feeling. The feeling swirled in the pit of his stomach, and he couldn’t stop it.

  “I’ve seen the way he watches Beth.”

  As quickly as the jealousy struck, it started to fizzle out.

  “Knuckles won’t touch Beth.”

  “I’m not saying she’s in danger. He looks at her, and sees her, you know? Beth’s never had that. I’ve never seen a guy really look at a woman, and see her for her true self. It’s beautiful to see.”

  I look at you like that.

  Get a grip, Daisy.

  There was no one else out there for him but the woman beside him. Great, he’d been with her less than forty-eight hours, and already he was losing his mind. They continued walking down the long dirt path. It was warm, and the long branches with thick leaves gave them enough cover.

  Just up ahead he saw Lucinda and Phil with several people coming up the path. Squeezing Maria’s hand, he headed toward them. It had been too long since he’d seen the happy couple.

  “Daisy,” Phil said, speaking up first. Lucinda had been talking to a woman behind her, and turned toward him.

  He shook hands with Phil and laughed as Lucinda hugged him. “How was the cabin? I worked my ass off to make it livable again.”

  “It’s great. I want you to meet someone.” Tugging Maria in front of him, he wrapped an arm around her waist, and smiled across her shoulder. “This was the special woman I was talking about.”


  He frowned, looking past Lucinda to the woman that had spoken, and he froze up as he spotted his ex, Laura. What the fuck was she doing here?

  She had interrupted the introduction, and now he was shocked to have seen her. Daisy hadn’t seen Laura since she’d stormed out of his apartment years ago. What the fuck was she doing here now?

  “Do you two know each other?” Lucinda asked.

  “Yes,” Daisy said.

  Maria tensed in his arms.

  Drawing his attention away from the woman, he smiled at Lucinda and Phil. “I wanted you two to meet my woman, Maria.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Maria said. “You did an amazing job with his cabin.”

  “I’m afraid we can’t stop and talk. We’ve got to keep on schedule. We’d love to have you over for dinner,” Phil said.

  “I’ll call and we can arrange it.”

  Phil had spotted the tension, and was now moving the problem out of his way.
Daisy liked Phil and Lucinda.

  Laura made no attempt to talk to him, and he was thankful. He didn’t want to talk to that woman, or have her ruin his time with Maria.

  Picking up the picnic basket, they kept on moving, and it was only a matter of time before Maria asked questions.

  “You do know I saw all of that, right? I saw your reaction, and what happened.”

  He sighed. “I’ve got nothing to hide.”

  “Who was the woman that recognized you?”

  Did he detect a hint of jealousy in her voice?

  He was so fucking happy about that. She didn’t have a single thing to jealous about, but he wasn’t about to complain if that was exactly what she thought.


  Who was that woman?

  Why did Daisy tense up?

  Maria couldn’t stop the questions swirling around in her head, driving her crazy. They made their way further down the path that Lucinda and Phil had come up. She heard the subtle sound of rushing water, and Daisy led them off the path, down a slight embankment.

  He hadn’t answered her question, and she didn’t know if she should be pissed off with that.

  Suddenly he stopped. “I want you to stand here. Don’t move.”

  Daisy left her alone, and Maria stood in her space, watching him disappear. She closed her eyes and basked in the sounds of nature, the chirping of birds, the water, the air as it rustled the leaves on the trees. Each sound relaxed and calmed her. She loved it.

  Seconds passed, and when she was about to go and follow Daisy, he appeared once again, stepping behind her.

  “I want you to trust me.” He covered her eyes with his hands, and she released a sigh. She followed his movements, as he started her walking.

  Placing her hands over his, they walked past a bush that was really close as the scent invaded her senses.

  They walked for a few more steps, and then Daisy stopped.


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