Mine (Trojans MC #5)

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Mine (Trojans MC #5) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “The woman who recognized me was Laura. She’s the woman who walked out on me for picking out her clothes. I didn’t expect her to be here. I haven’t seen her in years. The last time I saw her, she was packing her shit up and leaving.” He kissed her neck. “You’ve got nothing to be worried about. Seeing her, it was a shock, but she’s not the woman I want.” He released her eyes, and she still had them closed. “Open your eyes.”

  She opened her eyes and gasped.

  Daisy had found a hidden oasis, and it really was a thing of beauty. She’d never seen anything so beautiful in all of her life. There was a slight waterfall up ahead that expanded out into a thick river. It was beautiful, and she was in awe of what was in front of her.

  Flowers seemed brighter, and through the leaves of the trees, sunshine filtered down, lighting everything up.


  “Yes, wow.” He moved toward a thin blanket, and she couldn’t help but be touched. Daisy had set up their picnic. Plates were on the blanket, drinks, and food was laid out. “Are you hungry?”

  “I didn’t think I was.” She took a seat opposite him, and looked around. Staring across the embankment, her mouth literally fell open as she spotted a doe eating some grass. “This is beautiful.”

  “You’ve got to be quiet or she’ll run.”

  The doe was so beautiful, and Maria couldn’t believe she’d never seen one before in her life. Sure, she’d seen them in books, and in movies, but this was real life. She was staring across the large river.

  “Isn’t she afraid?” Maria asked.

  “Probably. We’re not going to hurt her. Maybe she knows we’re not a threat.”

  Daisy poured them both a drink, and handed one to her. She took a drink of the strawberry and kiwi water, enjoying the fresh taste as it exploded on her tongue.

  “You didn’t love Laura?”

  “I couldn’t stand the bitch. She was good for one thing.”

  “She still made you doubt yourself as a person.” Maria averted her gaze, and focused on him in front of her. “Admit it, your little test this morning was because of that woman.”

  “Yes, it was.”


  “Let’s just say that even a man like me has insecurities.”

  “It seemed off for you to admit it.”

  He laughed. “I’m struggling to evolve.”

  Sipping her drink, she looked toward the doe. Sadness gripped her as the animal had wandered off. Life would be so much easier if she was a doe.

  “I think my parents are in a Dominant and submissive relationship,” she said, spilling out the words.

  “What makes you think that?”

  “The way they are with each other. Over the years I’ve noticed subtle differences between my parents and yours. Also, I went into my mother’s jewelry box when she was out with my father, and I noticed on one of the bracelets she wore it read, ‘Property of Master’.” After she had seen that one item, she’d gone through everything, and then like a crazy person, she’d watched her parents.

  “What do you think?”

  “It makes sense. I love my parents. They’re totally in love with each other. I was the mistake. They can’t have their real relationship with me living with them.”

  Daisy gripped the back of her neck and pulled her toward him. He slammed his lips against hers, and she melted.

  “We won’t be like that,” he said, breaking away from the kiss.

  “I know. You’re not a Dominant.” She cupped his cheek. “You shouldn’t let her control you, Daisy. Be who you’re meant to be.”

  “Then come here.” He patted the blanket beside her.

  Without hesitation she moved over the blanket until she settled beside him.

  “Lie down.”

  “You’re always asking me to do that.” Settling down on the blanket beside him, she placed her hands on her stomach. “What else would you like?”

  “Lift your hands above your head, and don’t move.”

  She took a deep breath, and lifted her hands above her head, aware of how the action pressed her tits up.

  Daisy reached over her, starting at her wrist, and slid the tips of his fingers down one arm. He paused at the top of her chest. He turned her head so that she stared up at him.

  “Your body drives me crazy.”

  “You don’t think I’m too big?”

  “No. You’re perfect. I love how big your tits are, and the way your nipples are always hard for me.”

  The bra he’d picked for her was lace, so it didn’t offer much protection against his gaze.

  “I’ve been with slender women, Maria, and they don’t hold anything to you. You’re woman all over.” His fingers moved down, gliding straight across her nipple, down to the bottom of her tank top. He lifted it up so that it was bunched up underneath her chin. “Keep those hands above your head. I’m going to have a little play.” He cupped her breast, and in the next second tugged down the cup of her bra to rest underneath her tit. “So responsive.” Daisy did the same to the next cup, exposing both of her tits and making it so the bra pushed her tits up in an offering.

  He pinched one nipple, then the other. Crying out, Maria arched up unable to control the shock of pleasure his touch created.

  “There is no other kind of woman out there for me but you. I don’t give a shit about the Lauras of this world, and even if she came to me naked, offering me everything, you’re the only one I want. She can’t give me you, only you can.”

  That had to be the nicest, sweetest thing that anyone had ever said to her. She was totally shocked by the sincerity in his voice.

  “I’ve always watched you, Maria, even when you thought I wasn’t. It wasn’t in a creepy way. I had to protect you, and make sure you were safe. I remember being there when you first learned to ride a bike. You couldn’t trust anyone, not my dad or your own. There was no one you’d trust, and then both of our parents went to have a drink. It was just you, me, and Beth. I moved behind you, and said, let’s get this going. You gripped the handlebars so tightly, but you allowed me to stand behind you, and start the bike.”

  Tears filled her eyes at the memory. It was so clear in her mind that it was like she was living it. Her father had the afternoon off work, and instead of taking her mother out to dinner, he’d come to help her.

  She’d felt like such a disappointment to him as she couldn’t trust him to not let her fall. Instead, the time had passed with her father moving her across the grass toward Daisy’s father. Maria had been aware of Daisy watching the whole time. He’d been to visit his family on one of his rare occasions home. She’d been nine, and he’d been nineteen, and already part of the Trojans. His family hadn’t liked him coming around, but Daisy wasn’t the kind of man to not do something because someone else didn’t like it. He’d visited Beth, and his home, every chance he got.

  “I pushed the bike, and I took a handful of steps, and when I told you to not panic, and start pedaling, you did it. You kept on pedaling. For ten minutes that’s what we did, and when your father came back, he closed down, and went back home,” Daisy said. “I wanted to beat the shit out of the fucker for that.”


  “Yes. He didn’t need to throw a tantrum like that. Your father, your parents, they do love you, Maria.”

  He stroked over her nipples, paying careful attention to each before moving down her stomach to the button that held up her shorts. Daisy flicked it open, and slid his hand inside.

  She took a deep breath, waiting for him to take it just that little bit further.

  Chapter Seven

  Daisy slid his hand inside her shorts, touching the flesh of her sex. She was so slick and beautiful. He stroked her clit, watching as she bit her lip, fighting the pleasure. Thinking about their past together, he recalled many times where he’d gotten angry with her father. He’d even gone to see Maria’s father to let him know what he was doing to his daughter. Daisy cared about Maria even then. He’d se

en how hungry she was for affection, and had tried to steer his family toward her.

  They were not happy with him or his decision to be part of an MC, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t extend their love toward Maria. He wanted her, and cared for her. She’d always brought out this protective instinct inside him.

  “This pussy belongs to me, baby.” He cupped her pussy, tempted to slide his finger inside her.

  No, you’ll claim her in a bed, and make her yours.

  Daisy had a lot of plans for his woman, and he wasn’t going to mess it up by rushing their time together. Leaning down, he claimed her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss.

  She whimpered and started to thrust her pussy onto his fingers. Working her clit, Daisy took his time, and throughout awakening her body, he kept on kissing her. This wasn’t about him, but about Maria. He wanted her to learn to trust him, and for her realize that he wasn’t going to force her to take him.

  Maria wiggled on his finger, and he teased her clit, quickening his strokes then slowing them down. She tried to pull her lips away from him, and Daisy wouldn’t break away from the kiss.

  Her breathing increased, and she started to pant. His woman was so close to exploding, and he was more than happy to swallow her cries. Daisy brought her to orgasm, prolonging her pleasure for as long as he could before finally pulling away.

  Staring into her eyes, he licked his fingers, tasting her cream.

  Her cheeks heated, and he chuckled. “You’re going to have to get used to me doing that.”

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  “Even if you don’t, I love seeing you blush.” He pressed a quick kiss to her nose. “Now, where were we?”

  “I can’t think.” She placed her hands against her heated cheeks.

  “Good. You’re not supposed to think.” He took hold of her hands, and locked their fingers together. “Now, talk to me, Maria. What do you want to do with your life? Don’t hold anything back.”

  She licked her lips, and he couldn’t resist capturing them for another kiss.

  “Don’t hold back on me, Maria.” He rested his head on his hand, smiling down at her.

  “What I want?”

  “What you want from life.”

  “Like what?”

  “Okay, I want a woman who can accept me being the man of the house. I’ll provide for her, take care of her, love her, protect her, and I’ll be the one wearing the pants.” He looked down her body. “I’ll like you in jeans every now and again, but not all the time. You’ll support me, and I’ll support you.”

  “What you’re telling me isn’t scaring me, Daisy.”

  “Some women want to go out and earn a living. I respect that. Mary and Holly, they have their commitments with work. Leanna is rich, and Zoe is finishing up college. I want to be your world, Maria. Me, and the kids we have. Can you handle that?”

  They had to be completely honest with each other, and put their needs out there for the other to understand how far this was going to go.

  “You want kids?”


  “I don’t know what I want from my future. I want kids, and I guess I want to finish college. I don’t want to be sitting around all day waiting for you, but could I help Mary and Holly? Do you think they’d allow me to help them? I couldn’t do nothing all day.”

  Daisy laughed. “You’d be busy with club business, baby. We own several businesses around town, but not just that, we also own a mechanics shop where you can help. You’ll be mine, though, completely.”


  “Yes. No other man, no other women. You’ll be mine, my woman to love, to fuck, and to claim.” Daisy cupped her cheek and stroked his thumb across her bottom lip. “Can you handle that?”

  “When you used to visit Beth after you joined the MC, I always made sure that I could sleep over at her house. You’re the only guy that I know who intrigued me, and made me want to be with someone.”

  “I thought you hated me.”

  “I didn’t hate you. I was scared you’d laugh at me, see me as nothing more than a schoolgirl who had a crush. It was embarrassing. Every time Beth talked about you, I couldn’t help but listen. I’d wait to hear your bike, and I made sure I had to see Beth. You didn’t always announce your visits to your parents.”

  He’d had no idea.

  Daisy had thought she hated him and what he stood for.

  She placed her hand over the patch of his leather jacket. “This is who you are. I did some research, and I found that I loved what you were part of. Don’t get me wrong, the MC life is scary to me. You could go to jail, and do some hard time, but I wanted to be part of your world. To know the kind of freedom you live.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  He’d known Maria’s parents weren’t exactly giving in many areas of their lives. Daisy hadn’t been around all the time, but he’d witnessed Maria’s sadness when she looked at her parents. They always had time for each other, yet they overlooked her. It was because of her parents that he’d made a vow to always make sure his kids knew he loved them, and to show them affection.

  You also made yourself a promise that you would take care of Maria.

  Daisy had wanted her for so long, and now she was in his arms. He wasn’t going to let her go.

  “You never cared about what others thought of you. You were happy with yourself, and you never waited for anyone to take care of you.” Her smile was breathtaking. “When I saw you, I knew I wanted to be like you. Well, not like you, but not care what my parents thought, or my teachers. The only person who ever enjoyed my company was Beth. She’s been my rock for all my life.”

  He didn’t like the sadness that suddenly clouded her eyes.

  “You don’t just have Beth. You’ve got me, and I’m not going to let you go.”

  “I was never good enough for them, Daisy. It didn’t matter how many good grades I got, or how much I fought to make them proud. Nothing was ever good enough. I was always too needy, in the way, not doing enough sports, eating all the time. I was just never, ever good enough.”

  “You’re good enough for me, and if they can’t see that, fuck ‘em. You’re perfect, and don’t let anyone in this miserable world tell you otherwise. That’s another thing I want you to do if we make this official,” he said.


  “Stop listening to everything else, and everyone else. I’m the one that is important, me, not them.”

  He claimed her lips, and moved his body over hers. Taking hold of her hands, he placed them above her head. “Who matters?” he asked.

  “You do.”

  “Who counts?”

  “You do.”

  “Remember that, baby.”


  Beth stood at the kitchen window and stared out across the backyard of the clubhouse. Daisy and Maria had been gone a full day. It was nighttime, and she had yet to hear from him. She wasn’t nervous about being alone in the clubhouse, but without Maria, she didn’t know what to do.

  Maria took her out shopping. Her friend made her cook, eat, and actually do something with her life. The only thing she’d done so far was inform her parents that she was sticking around. They hadn’t argued, but she wasn’t an idiot. The moment she got off the phone, she just bet that her father was on the phone to her brother.

  She hated this feeling of emptiness, of not belonging. Staring out at the members partying in the yard, she really wished she could be part of it all. The women were so confident as they got naked around the men. She smiled as she watched Landon feeling up one of the club whores, whom she believed was called Lori. Beth had seen her sniffing around Daisy to no avail. Her brother had been in love with Maria for a long time. He simply didn’t know it yet.

  “What are you doing in here alone?” Knuckles asked, coming to stand behind her. She couldn’t help closing her eyes from his closeness. What was it about this man that didn’t have her running scared?

p; His very presence comforted her and chased away the demons that held her captive.

  “I’m not exactly a party girl.” She nodded outside. “I wouldn’t fit in.”

  “There’s more ways to have fun. Come on.” He took her hand and started to make his way out of the kitchen.

  “Wait, what are you doing?” Beth asked.

  No one was around, and when he made his way back toward his bedroom, she started to panic and pull away from him.

  “Let me go! Please, let me go!”

  Knuckles didn’t stop until he got to his bedroom door. She knew it was his door as she’d seen him come in and out of it enough times. He released her, and she sagged against the wall, taking deep breaths.

  He cupped her face. This time she didn’t fight him, caught in his gaze.

  “I will never ever hurt you, Beth.”


  “You’re panicking, and I see the terror in your eyes. Don’t be afraid. You’re safe with me. I’ll never take what is not offered. Whoever hurt you, his days are numbered.”

  “No one hu—”

  “Don’t even think of fucking lying to me. I’m not a stupid idiot. I know something happened to you, something bad, and I’m not going to pretend it didn’t. I’m also not going to force you to tell me. When you’re ready, you’ll tell me. The day that happens, whoever put his filthy hands on you, he’s dead.”

  She should be nervous by his threat.

  She wasn’t.

  Beth wanted Benedict dead.

  Could she have his death on her conscience?

  Knuckles stroked a finger across her cheek, tucking some hair behind her ear. “You’re safe with me, Beth.” He opened his door, and entered. She took several deep breaths before moving toward his doorway. Beth didn’t know what she expected, but it wasn’t him sitting on a sofa at the end of his bed, holding a remote control. “Want to play?”


  “Like I said, there’s more ways to have fun. I find playing relaxing, and it’s fun.” He leaned over the sofa, and held a bag of cheesy chips. “I’ve also got snacks. What do you say?”

  “This is it?”

  “Close the door,” he said as she entered his room.


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