Mine (Trojans MC #5)

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Mine (Trojans MC #5) Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “She wanted it.”

  Benedict tried to land a blow, but this bastard had messed with the wrong crowd.

  Over and over, Daisy landed blow after blow, and when he couldn’t stand the thought of this man touching any woman, he stomped on his genitals.

  “You’re not going to get away with this,” Benedict said, gasping, and squeaking out.

  Glancing toward his club brothers, they all nodded.

  “Your parents have washed their hands of you. They want nothing more to do with you. Your days are over, you fucking bastard.”

  The sound of a cop car in the distance had Daisy pausing. Benedict was in a bad shape. “You’re going to admit to the rape of Beth, and you’re also going to admit to all the women you’ve taken.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “If you don’t, I will make sure your life a living hell. I can strap you to the back of my bike, and make you drive all the way back to Vale Valley with me. Your parents want nothing to do with you, and I will make sure that I spend every day finding a man who’s willing to fuck your ass every single hour, of every single day. You’ve got great parents there, Benedict. The moment their fortune and their own reputation were put on the line, they dropped you fast than a hot fucking saucepan. It seems your parents are not exactly making money the legal way, are they? Drugs? They want their money more than they wanted you. If I can’t find anyone to use you in jail, I’ll use my fucking bat to fuck you.”

  Benedict whimpered. “Yes, I’ll do it. I’ll do it.”

  Stepping back, Knuckles came forward, grabbing Benedict’s head. “Time for you to shine.”


  Daisy entered the clubhouse the following morning. His knuckles were bloodied, and he was so fucking tired. Duke, Pike, Raoul, and Crazy had gone home to their women, and the brothers without one had come back to the clubhouse.

  Beth left the kitchen, and she looked at him, and then past his shoulder toward Knuckles.

  “Dad call you?”

  “Yes. So did the sheriff who took Benedict’s confession. You beat him to confession?”

  “It’s the least I could do. You don’t keep anything from me, no matter what.” He walked toward her, wrapping his arms around her. Beth let go, sobbing into his arms.

  “It was my fault.”

  “No, it wasn’t your fault.”

  “I shouldn’t have wanted to party.”

  He captured her face and wiped away her tears. “You had every single right to party, and to have fun. No one had the right to take that away from you.” He held onto his sister, knowing he would die protecting her. Thinking of the other woman he’d die for, he started looking around the clubhouse. “Where’s Maria?”

  “You’ve not checked your cell phone, have you?” Beth asked.

  “No, why would I?”

  “Maria left.”

  “What?” His heart started to race.

  “She felt so guilty, and she left.”

  “Where the fuck did she go?”

  “She went home.”

  “Back home?” Where he’d just ridden back from?

  “Yes. She texted me that she made it home.”

  Cursing, he spun on his heel, and headed toward the door.

  “Where are you going?” Knuckles asked.

  “I’m going to go and get my stubborn woman.” He looked toward his sister. “She’s my old lady, and she will be my wife. Can you handle that?”

  Beth smiled. “Of course I can handle that.”

  Looking toward Knuckles, he gave him a nod. “Take care of her, and don’t touch her.”

  Daisy wasn’t stupid. He had no doubt that Knuckles had a thing for his sister, and he would handle it the moment he crossed the line.

  For now, he had to go and get his woman back.


  Beth sat in her bedroom as she stared down at her cell phone. She had yet to enroll in a college nearby, and now the entire club knew what happened to her. Between her and Maria, she had always been the partier. She loved dancing and having fun. Once Benedict burst her bubble, she’d been withdrawn, afraid to let go. After all, look what happened the last time she let go.

  Someone knocked on her door, and she knew it wouldn’t be Daisy and Maria. He’d left twenty minutes ago.

  “Come in,” she said.

  Knuckles opened the door, and she expected to see disgust or pity in his eyes. When she stared at him, she saw nothing. He simply stared at her. “How are you?” he asked.

  “I’m okay. Hoping Maria and Daisy can work things out.”

  “They will. They’re meant to be together.” He closed the door and moved toward her.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “I’m wondering why you’re here, and not out there with the rest of the guys.”

  She closed her cell phone and ran her fingers through her hair. “You know, and they know. You all know what happened, and I just, I just can’t think about that right now.”

  Knuckles sighed. “You’re no different to me.”

  “I’m not?” She turned toward him, and sighed. “You’re not seeing someone damaged or broken right now?”

  “No. I’m seeing a woman who is scared to be herself, but I also see a woman who is scared of what others think around her.” Knuckles took hold of her chin, and turned her head so that she had no choice but to face him. “You’ve got nothing to fear with me or with the brothers. What happened, happened. You don’t need to hide who you are.”

  “I’m not hiding.”

  “Yeah, you are.” He stroked his thumb across her lip. “You and I, we’re going to happen. It won’t be today, it may not even be this year, but we’re going to go down that road. You can feel it, just like I can.” He closed the distance between them, pressing his lips against hers.

  Beth froze at the contact, even though she liked his touch.

  Knuckles pulled away. “In time, you’re going to see there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  “What about my brother?”

  “I’ve always lived dangerously. Your brother is going to get pissed with me, but that I can handle.”


  Holly stood beside Matthew as they waited for Luna to get out of the bathroom. Duke was at the clubhouse, and he was waiting for her call. She couldn’t believe she was actually waiting to find out if her son—and she saw Matthew as her son—was going to be a father.

  “You must be really disappointed with me,” he said.

  Glancing over at him, she saw he looked terrified. A few weeks ago, he was laughing about this kind of shit, screwing girls, and not going to college. He had talked about joining the Trojans MC, and she hadn’t cared about it at all. She just wanted him to have a choice, and Duke felt the same way. Matthew had so much potential, and she didn’t want him to live with regrets.

  “I’m not disappointed. I just hope you learn from what you’re going through. You’re too young to be doing this kind of shit.” Holly folded her arms beneath her breasts. Luna was not the girl she had expected Matthew to hook up with. She’d seen the porn magazines, the search history on the internet, and even the girls he’d dated. They had all been slender, blonde, beautiful, and everything that epitomized Matthew.

  Luna was a beautiful girl. She had brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. She wore glasses, and she was fuller than a lot of the girls. The way Matthew looked at her, there was something there.

  “If she’s not pregnant, she’s never going to talk to me,” Matthew said.

  “You don’t know that.”

  “She hasn’t spoken to me since that night, Holly. She doesn’t want anything to do with me, and I can’t blame her.”

  Before she had a chance to say anything, the door opened, and Luna held up the pregnancy test. Her hand was shaking, and she took a deep breath. “It’s negative. Can I go home now?”

  Luna brushed past them, and Matthew looked so disheartened. “Luna, wait.”

  Holly stayed

back knowing this was between the young couple. “Nothing happened. I’m not pregnant, and you don’t need to worry about being tied to me. I don’t want to be tied to you either, Matthew. I’ve got a life I want to live. Please don’t talk to me anymore.”

  With that, Luna turned on her heel, and left.

  Chapter Twelve

  Maria lay in her bed, staring at the photograph of her and Beth. Behind the camera was Daisy, and even though she couldn’t see him, Maria remembered he was there. In the photo they were about fifteen, and had just gotten back from the lake.

  Tears spilled from her eyes over what she had lost. She had loved Daisy forever, and now she had lost him.

  Maybe you overreacted.

  You ran because you were afraid of Daisy falling out of love with you.

  She didn’t know what to make of what happened. Her parents had kept her company until she had gone to bed. It had been strange being with them as they were attentive to her. Part of her missed the way they used to ignore her, which only made her feel even guiltier. All of her life she’d wanted to be noticed by them, and now she wanted to forgotten by them.

  Putting the photo back on the drawer beside her bed, she settled back down, wiping away her tears. Sniffling, she rolled over so that she was facing the window. Closing her eyes, she started to count sheep when all of a sudden there was a loud banging coming from the front door.


  Her name was yelled, and she lifted up in bed, wondering if she had heard it.

  “Maria! Open the door.”

  Climbing out of bed, she opened her door, and saw both of her parents leaving their room. They were in robes, and she was in her pajama shorts and a tank top.

  “Who is it?” her mother asked.

  She knew who it was. “It’s Daisy.”

  “Do you want me to handle this, honey?” her father asked.

  “Maria, baby, open the door. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Releasing a sigh, she shook her head. “I can handle this.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.” She walked down the stairs, and at the door, she hesitated.

  You can do this.

  You love him.

  You want to be with him.

  Opening the door, she stared at him. His hand was raised to knock again.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “You’re not at the clubhouse, and you’re mine, Maria.”

  “You were angry with me.”

  “No. I wasn’t angry with you. I was angry for being a total ass. Out of everything that happened to Beth, I didn’t for one second believe it was that.” He pushed the door open, and wrapped his arm around her waist. “What are you doing back here?”

  “She’s my daughter, Daisy. She can come back home whenever she wants.” Her father was standing at the stairs with her mother behind him.

  “Could have fooled me,” Daisy said. “I remember a time you couldn’t stand to be around her.”

  Maria saw the hurt look on her parents’ faces, and she felt guilty.

  “We made a mistake, and we will be making up for that for the rest of our lives,” her mother said.

  “I’m going to be marrying your daughter,” Daisy said. “I’m going to marry her, provide for her, and love her for the rest of our lives. I expect your full support.”

  “You love her?” her father asked.

  “Yes, I love her.”

  “Then I’ve got no complaints. I always knew you were going to be more than just her best friend’s brother.” Her father turned looked toward her. “Are you happy?”


  “Then we will leave you to make up.” Her father urged her mother upstairs, leaving them alone.

  Daisy still had his arm wrapped around her waist and was pulling her close.

  “You left the clubhouse.”

  “I thought you hated me for keeping that secret, and not telling you. It was Beth’s secret, but it was so huge. I mean, she was raped, and I didn’t tell you. I didn’t tell anyone.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, and slid his tongue into her mouth. She melted against him, loving the raw possession of his mouth on hers. He grabbed her ass, tugging her in close.

  “We can’t do this here,” she said. “It’s my parents’ house.”

  “Then get your shit, and get on my bike.”

  Running from him, she rushed toward her bedroom, and quickly threw on a pair of jeans. Packing a bag of clothes, she knocked on her parents’ door letting them know she wouldn’t be around.

  “Thank you. I’m heading back to Vale Valley with Daisy. I love you.”

  “Are you sure?” his father asked.

  “Yes. I love him.”

  “I look forward to getting the invitation.”

  She rushed downstairs to find Daisy on his bike waiting. Climbing on behind him, she wrapped her arms around his waist, and rested her cheek against his back. “Take me home.”

  “When you’re with me, we’re always home.”

  Closing her eyes, she held onto Daisy as he rode back toward the clubhouse, and to their future.


  Daisy was tired, exhausted, but he had his woman, and he was determined to fuck her. It was early morning, and he didn’t stop to look at any of his club brothers. He nodded at them, and kept on walking with Maria in front of him. With his hands on her shoulders, he moved her toward his bedroom. There was time for everything else later.

  “You’re being rude,” she said.

  “No, your pussy is going to be wrapped around me.” The moment the door to his room was closed, he removed his leather cut. “Get your ass naked.”

  Within seconds he was naked, and he helped her get rid of the clothes that were in his way. Pressing her to the bed, he took possession of her lips, and ran his hands up and down her body.

  “I fucking love you,” he said.

  “I love you, too, and yes, I’m going to marry you.”

  “I wasn’t asking.” He was going to marry Maria even if he had to force her. “You’re mine, you’ll always be mine, and that’s never going to change.”

  Sliding his fingers between her thighs, he slammed two fingers inside her cunt, feeling her tighten around him.

  “See, this pussy is mine, and it was made for me. My pussy, made for me,” he said. Lifting his fingers to his mouth, he tasted her cream, and moaned around them. “So tasty.”

  He couldn’t wait, and kissing down her body, he paused when he was above her pussy. Cupping her ass, he took her clit into his mouth, and sucked the swollen nub into his mouth. Releasing her ass with one of his hands, he pressed a finger into her cunt. She squeezed him tightly, and he ran them down between the cheeks of her ass. He pressed his fingers against her ass, and pressed into the tight ring of muscles.


  “Trust me, baby. I’m going to fuck this ass, and you’re going to love it.” He pressed past the right ring of muscles, and filled her ass with one of his fingers.

  “Fuck, that feels so good,” she said.

  Nibbling down on her clit, he used his teeth to draw her pleasure out even more. “I’m going to claim you in front of the club by the end of the week, Maria. I’m not going to wait any longer. You’re all mine, and I want every single brother to know that you belong to me.”

  “I love you, Daisy. I’ll do whatever you want me to do. I want to be yours.”

  Sliding his fingers in and out of her ass, he plundered her pussy with his tongue, moaning as the taste of her exploded.

  She was so wet and juicy.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said, panting his name.

  He fucked his tongue inside her, flicking up to stroke over her clit.

  “So tasty, and so good.”

  When he didn’t know if he was going to last much longer, he stroked her even harder. Within seconds she cried out his name, and he didn’t stop bringing her to orgasm.

  Once she came down from her
orgasm, he released his fingers from her ass, slamming his dick deep inside her cunt.

  She cried out, screaming his name.

  “That’s it. Shout my name. It’s me that is fucking you, no one else. No one else is going to know how damn tight you are, and how fucking perfect you are. You belong to me, no one else.”

  “Yes, please, Daisy, fuck me.”

  “Tell me you want me,” he said.

  “I want you.”

  “You’re going to be my wife?”


  Pounding inside her dripping cunt, he claimed her lips. He was never going to let her go. Daisy was going to love her forever until the day they died.


  “So, they’re not pregnant?” Duke asked, climbing into bed.

  “No. They’re not pregnant, and next week, he’ll start going to college talks. I’ve gotten several of them to write to Matthew,” Holly said, rolling over.

  “I never want to have a girl.”

  She chuckled. “You’ve not got much choice. We’re got what we’ve been given.” Taking hold of his hand, she placed it over her stomach. “And we’ve got another baby on the way.” With everything that had been happening with Matthew, she hadn’t known how to break the news to her man. Duke was distracted by club business and by their son.

  “We’re pregnant again?”

  “Yes. I don’t know what we’ve got. It could be a girl.”

  “Fuck, I could have a girl. We’re going to have another baby? Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is fine. I’m already taking my folic acid, and I’ve got an appointment next week.”

  Duke claimed her lips before sliding down the bed. “Be a boy, please be a boy.”

  Holly laughed. “Matthew’s upset.”


  “Luna doesn’t want anything to do with him, and has asked him to stay away from her. She’s upset.” Holly felt sorry for Matthew, but she didn’t know what he expected. You don’t just sleep with a girl, and move onto the next, expecting one of them wait for you.

  “He’s going to be taking some hard knocks for the rest of his life.”

  “I think he loved Luna, maybe still does.”


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