The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 180

by Angela White

  It was all ear candy, and most of them knew it, but the desired effect was calm through the fear. Knowing the fire or water could take them at any time was terrifying, but having Adrian and his army surrounding the convoy with protection kept them together.

  The fire, roaring along the dry grass, had them trapped on both sides as it leapt from low-hanging branches to dusty debris near the narrow end of the channel. If not for the water, Safe Haven would have cooked.


  An hour later, the wide creek was full of wild animals and uneasy people. The camp was surrounded by guards and barking dogs that had the Eagles maintaining tight grips on the ones who wanted to charge their unexpected guests.

  Adrian eyed the fire-line–the charred edge that came all the way to the very bank of the creek. Nature had tried to kill them all with one brutal blow, and even the animals they were sharing this wet haven with seemed to know it. They were lingering despite the humans moving restlessly around the stopped convoy.

  “We didn’t lose anyone, Boss. All accounted for.”

  Adrian’s relieved expression soothed the aching in Kyle’s heart at being away from Jennifer. “We’ll have camp set up in an hour.”

  “Keep us set to roll,” Adrian refused. “Ash is hard on the lungs. We have to get ahead of the line.”

  “What if the fire’s still burning? We can’t spare the water once we leave the creek.”

  Nearby, Ray was leading his team against the remaining flames on the opposite bank, long hoses suctioning up reeking, rushing water. The stocky football coach had the volunteer crew working together and he was making progress.

  “We only camp near water from now on. Until the rain comes back, we’ll have to be on guard. This could happen again, while we’re sleeping.”

  Kyle scowled at the thought. “When does this shit go away and leave us in peace?”

  “It doesn’t.” Adrian swung toward the kids’ campers that were also being wetted with creek water. “We have to survive it.”

  Nearby, Zack had an arm around his youngest son’s shaking shoulders, offering what comfort he could. His mother had died in a fire right after the war, and the boy wasn’t handling the memories well. All over the creek-bound convoy, the same thing was happening–people reaching out to each other–and it gave Adrian hope. Nature would try to eliminate them, but she couldn’t succeed.

  He moved to where Angela was standing, Marc not far away. “Should she be doing that?”

  Angela turned to see Jennifer helping the vet guide animals through the water, her pant legs rolled up to reveal grossly swollen ankles.

  “Maybe not so much of the bending, but the cold water will be great for those legs.”

  Adrian noted Kyle close by, making sure the girl didn’t get hurt, and even the wolf stopped to sniff her on a round. When Chris had started letting the animals out, the wolf had been there to collect his dogs and put them to work. With little else to do other than stare at the ruthless fire, the camp had started noticing Dog, realizing the animal was like some of the others here–special and on their side.

  Jennifer was also making progress, though Adrian doubted she could see it yet. Having Charlie and the wolf around was showing the camp that they’d been wrong to believe the former slaves without ever hearing Jennifer’s side. She’d spent last night in the female tents with Hilda and Peggy, and Adrian hoped more had come from that than just their warnings about the evil of men.

  Adrian saw Kenn and Tonya offer to give Ray and Dale a break. The tired men willingly let the second-in-command and his woman fight the battle.

  Adrian didn’t frown at the thought, as he would have not that long ago. Kenn was making good progress with the whore-turned pharmacist, and because Adrian had publicly punished her, Tonya was now considered forgiven. The camp, in all its snobbery, had others to shun.

  “You’re losing hope.”

  Adrian didn’t want to admit it, noting the smoky vehicles being checked to determine if they were still drivable. “I’ll survive. It’s these people I’m not sure about.”

  Angela’s alarm bells sounded, and she spun for the danger. Before she could find it, Adrian did.

  “Damn. She picked a bad time.”

  Angela turned to see Jennifer approaching Kyle and began motioning. The camp’s women had talked to Jenny last night. If she was ending things with Kyle, there was definitely trouble coming.


  “I need to talk to you, about our arrangement.”

  Kyle tensed, sweeping to determine who was close enough to overhear.

  Only Daryl, and the XO gave his team leader a look that said he was staying close in case this was the moment she asked him to back off.

  Kyle was expecting that, too. He’d had a long night to get ready for this.



  Jennifer was enjoying the wonderfully cool water. “Yes.”

  Hating the way his toes were frozen even as he sweated, Kyle leaned against the front of Adrian’s semi. “Okay.”

  Jennifer wasn’t sure how to start the conversation, but she was determined to get what she now needed from this, too. “I’d like to make an official deal.”

  He’d been expecting much worse, and the relief had him forgetting to be careful in his wording. “What kind? My options are a bit limited at this point.”

  “Meaning the trade you made for me with the den mothers.”

  Kyle flushed darkly, full of shame and need. “Yes.”

  “Would you have ever told me about it?”


  She took that in, still considering and comparing, but in her heart, Jennifer knew what she wanted. “I’m not old enough for you.”

  Kyle’s face twisted into pain.

  She sighed at his grimace. “Sometimes I wish I was. You deserve to be rewarded for what you’ve done for me, for all that you do here.”

  Before Kyle could protest, she held up a hand. “I know–you kill on command.”

  Jennifer didn’t stop at his shame. “I also know how deeply you carry that, how evil you worry that you are.”

  To hear it put so bluntly was hard for the proud man, and he forced himself to be brutally honest.

  “I killed my first man at fourteen. The ‘mark’ was my uncle who talked to the FBI. My father ordered it, but he wasn’t totally evil. He did teach me to be loyal and have honor.” Kyle omitted the talkative prostitute contract. He was obsessed, not insane. “I do have blood on my hands, Jenny, but little of it is innocent. Not that it matters to this new life. In fact, it made me perfect as Adrian’s assassin. I won’t change that. Not sure I could anyway.”

  “But...where does a man like that fit into my world?”

  “Anywhere you want,” Kyle answered as the dim moonlight glinted off her freshly washed hair. The need to touch her was one he conquered.

  “I don’t want you to use a whore.”

  Kyle reeled. “Excuse me?”

  He stared at her beet red cheeks and those shiny curls, heart thumping. “Where did you hear that?”

  “Do you have one yet?”

  Kyle was sure he shouldn’t lie. Her age meant nothing when it came to that. “Chosen, not used.”

  Jennifer scowled at her relief, hand going to her hip. “If you want me, you won’t. Suck it up and wait!”

  “What are you saying?”

  “That I…I won’t share you! Not even now.”

  Kyle’s cold, hard heart lurched. “Why do you care?”

  “It’s not because I owe you.”

  Kyle realized that light being on so late last night in the common tent had meant a very lengthy conversation where she hadn’t let Peggy or Hilda’s words influence her in the least. “You don’t owe me.”

  Jennifer shrugged. She had her own views about that, and she wasn’t ready to share them, any more than she was him. “Can you wait?”

  Kyle’s expression lightened. “Yes.”

  “Are you sure? ‘Ca
use if I find out you went to someone, I’ll…”

  Kyle raised a brow, letting his tone of control be heard. “You’ll what, Jennifer?”

  She dropped her head. “I’ll be crushed. And I can’t ever forgive that.”

  Kyle’s reaction was one he couldn’t have censored even if he’d wanted to. He leaned forward, reaching out to her. “Then I won’t.”

  Jennifer slid carefully into his big arms, still surprised to feel safe in them instead of captive. “You promise, Kyle?”

  He gave it to her, lost at the sound of his name on her lips. “My word as an Eagle, Jen. I’ll never touch another woman.”

  Jennifer felt it then for the first time, the desire under the fear. It was strong enough to make her lips part in surprise. She wasn’t a stranger to sexual pleasure. Cesar had thought it the height of fun to bring her to the edge and make her beg for release, but she’d never thought she would want to be with a man that way.

  Kyle heard her breathing grow rough, her body tensing against his, and had enough experience to know it wasn’t fear. He was getting through to her, showing her how beautiful a relationship could be when the man cared enough to make it that way.

  “I need you. In time, you’ll feel the same.”

  “What if I don’t, Kyle? I don’t want you to be caring for me forever without getting something from it.”

  Kyle almost groaned. She was so good, and he was so bad. “I’ll prove it to you, here and now. I know we’re a match.”

  Jennifer sensed it would cross the line, but she was tired of playing by Safe Haven’s rules. If she were truly free, then free to have a relationship had to be a part of it, too. She liked Kyle, and clearly as more than a friend, or she wouldn’t care if he had a whore. She wanted a chance at the future she saw in his eyes when he stared at her while she played with the puppy, while he helped her pick out baby clothes, or assembled furniture. His face was streaked in soot, adding to the menace of his profile. Except, she knew better now, didn’t she? Despite him being the big, strong man, she would have the lead in everything they did.

  “Yes,” she decided. “Show me how you know I’ll want your touch.”

  Kyle’s mind screamed, but his heart was in control. This was the moment it might all come down, but he would still have her.

  “Close your eyes, Jenny.”

  She did, nervously, and he slid a slow hand behind her neck, sighing at the sensation of her skin against his.

  Kyle leaned in, and her lids fluttered closed, pulse increasing as she realized what he meant to do. He moved slowly, giving her time to pull away, and was rewarded when she didn’t.

  Eagles and camp members were scowling at them, Adrian and Angela motioning men their way, but it was too late.

  Kyle kissed her.

  Jennifer was braced for it, determined not to get him in more trouble than he already would be, but the feel of his lips against hers had an unexpected effect. He didn’t move, or shove his tongue into her mouth–just kept them connected and let her have the sensations. His breath was warm against her cheek, smoky and ragged enough to blow her hair back in short bursts.

  I cause him to feel that way.

  The thought would have been terrifying with anyone else, but Jen knew he wouldn’t do more. With that in her mind, the teenager let herself have her first kiss, given in respectful desire.

  Her chest hardened against his, and a shudder ran down Kyle’s length. He was almost at his limit already. No other female had ever hit him this way. He gently pushed his lips against hers, sending electricity through them both...and for one instant, she pushed back.

  Kyle slowly broke the kiss, triumphant as her hand came up to touch her lips. For that one second, she’d wanted him.

  Facing it was as hard as it had been to handle the fact that she had liked some of the things Cesar had done to her. Jennifer understood that Cesar had been taking advantage, but Kyle hadn’t, and he’d caused that reaction with only a bare brush of his lips. What would his hand do?

  Kyle had been hoping for all of things he saw flashing across her face, and he took another step away as Eagles flooded his peripheral vision. “They may keep us apart now, but I’ll be there when you’re ready, no matter how long it takes.”

  “And then?” she asked, a bit fearfully.

  “I’ll love you, as much as Marc does Angela. You and our family will be my life, even if I lose my place with the Eagles over it.”

  A third step as his body prepared to shove through the guards to get to Adrian, if it came to that. “I’ll agree to anything you want or need from me.”

  Jennifer’s heart took control, and she followed his retreat, waving back the glowering Eagles getting set to grab him. “Yes.”

  Kyle forgot to breathe, and so did everyone else watching when she slid a gentle hand along his jaw.

  Jennifer smiled, one of those amazing expressions of happiness that sent a ripple through the shield and drew more attention. “Yes, I’ll be yours.”

  Kyle had enough time to press another soft kiss to her sweet lips, and then he was being dragged away. He didn’t resist.

  Doug spun him toward the livestock trucks that were now being reloaded. “Get out of sight for a while, or they’ll find something the fire hasn’t burned to hang you with. Half the damn camp just saw that!”

  Kyle didn’t care. She said yes! was the only thought he could form.


  Evening fell thickly over the dazed camp as they waited. The fire danger was over, but Adrian was watching for the animals to leave the creek before he took his people away from it. That provided a lot of time to kill and right now, with nerves already on edge, the camp wanted someone punished.

  “Halt there!”

  About to climb into his truck, Kyle stopped.

  Daryl nodded to the teammates that had come at Angela’s call. It was time to do what they’d planned and hope it would be enough.

  Kyle held still as his team surrounded him, and the camp watched from inside and around their vehicles.

  Daryl took his place in front of Kyle. “You are guilty of a moral violation.”

  Kyle knew what was coming–approved the choice even as he dreaded it. If the camp witnessed a punishment, they might not insist on a vote.

  “Your team has chosen to deliver a punishment. Would you rather stand trial?”

  Kyle forced his mouth open. “I accept my team’s fists with gratitude.”

  Satisfied that the mobster understood this was being done with love, Daryl motioned to the others. “First wave.”

  Daryl stepped back as the blows began, each team member around the circle taking their shot. The hits were ugly punches designed to drive in the point.

  Kyle didn’t fight back. He just tried to remain standing.




  Daryl was the last to go and he stepped in front of his team leader with a clenched fist and a wounded heart. “If you cross the line again, you’ll stand trial.”


  Daryl’s blow took Kyle to his knees. “Do you under–”

  “What are you doing?!” Jennifer shoved by Daryl to get to Kyle. “He didn’t do anything wrong.”

  Kyle tried to push her out of the way. “Move... I deserve this.”

  Jennifer glared when Daryl moved forward. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

  Daryl hesitated, but the wolf didn’t. Dog padded around the uneasy man to grab Jennifer’s wrist. He carefully began dragging her away.

  The Eagles expected a scene, but a moment of staring at the wolf made the girl reluctantly allow herself to be removed.

  Daryl motioned to the others. “Second wave.”

  Kyle closed his eyes. She said yes!


  Adrian didn’t stop Daryl when Kyle sank to the ground, nor when he held up a hand for mercy. Kyle had known this would happen and crossed the line anyway. He wasn’t above correction, and that meant none of the other Eagles were
, either.

  The camp didn’t like it, but they also did. It was awful to watch their top Eagle be beaten until he was groaning and spitting blood. It was also justice and a severe warning to those here who had ideas of claiming an underage female. The whispers that had started after the camp meeting would vanish. The new line was fifteen. It would be stuck to.

  Across the creek, shadows moved through the smoke that was still lingering. Seth and Becky were in the back of his truck while Kyle was being reprimanded by his team for much less.

  Adrian caught Daryl’s eye before he could order the fourth wave. That one–now.

  Daryl followed his line of sight to where Becky’s bright hair could just barely be seen against Seth’s straining arm.

  Daryl scowled, causing attention to turn that way.

  Adrian allowed the camp to find out together, as they had with Kyle–confirmation that both team leaders had been breaking the rules. It didn’t matter that Becky was now legal by the new age line. She hadn’t been before, and there was no statute of limitations on a violation like this.

  When the camp members almost immediately started turning to look expectantly at Daryl and his team, Adrian nodded in personal satisfaction. Do it.

  Daryl shrugged, motioning his unhappy team to follow. What the boss wanted, he got.

  The wolf came to Adrian’s side. There is fresh food here–hoppers to the north.

  Adrian waved Kenn over.

  Dog tensed but went on with his report. There are also people and animals following, living off this pack’s scraps. Those we’re passing are starving.

  Adrian felt that blow.

  Dog stretched his neck up in concern. Can we wait?

  “No,” Adrian stated. “But maybe we can help them anyway. We’re going to start leaving supplies in our old campsites, for those who come after us. Kenn will take care of it.”

  They were carting around many extra things. Water and fuel wouldn’t be in the packages, but they had an abundance of basic medical supplies, soup and crackers, and Poptarts.


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