The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 208

by Angela White

  Marc groaned as she pushed back and sent a fresh rush of pleasure through them both. She definitely wouldn’t if he shoved her over the rainbow again.

  Marc sent his hands to her sensitive flesh, pushing away the guilt. What were the odds that she’d get pregnant again from the first time? There was no way fate would hit them that way twice in the same lifetime.


  Duty pulled Marc from Angela’s hot arms just as dawn arrived. No one came to get him, but the alarm in his mind said the camp was stirring.

  Marc eased off the air mattress and pulled the blanket up to Angela’s shoulders as she snuggled into the warm spot he’d left. He stole a minute of staring at her before pulling on his jacket and boots, and quietly leaving, zipping up the tent behind him. He hoped everyone would give her a few more hours rest, but knew it was unlikely when he spotted Kyle and Daryl nearby.

  The two men didn’t speak to him as he went toward the little mess for coffee, and Marc understood they were her protection.

  Marc turned to verify it and found both men now standing outside Angela’s flap, their backs to it and hands on holsters.

  He grunted unhappily.

  Marc went to John first, avoiding Adrian’s bedside. Deathbed, his mind whispered.

  Marc knew Adrian wasn’t better when John came to meet him at the flap. After quick eye contact with the other wounded men, a nod to Anne, and a fast glance at the curtains shielding Adrian, they walked outside.

  Adrian’s fever had risen as the infection grew. Around daylight, he’d begun to rant and toss. John had put up a partition to give privacy and then sedated him, sure that Adrian wouldn’t want his men to view him that way. Even Adrian’s tattoos were paler, not as striking with him in that cot, and a leader wasn’t supposed to appear so easy a target. There was little John could do but hope the antibiotics would smother the infection. The Eagles didn’t like their leader being brought down. John loathed it.

  Marc’s heart was heavy as he went toward the main camp. What would they do without Adrian? He realized he’d finally caught what was going around and found only a sad bitterness. Adrian was the reason they’d come together. Son of a bitch or not, nothing would be the same if he were taken.

  His radio crackled. “Mitch is waking up.”

  “Copy,” Marc answered. He was nearby.

  After three full days of drinking at the table, Mitch was looking and smelling rough. Every time he’d tried to get up, he’d been told to keep drinking, that it was his exit party from Safe Haven. Violence hadn’t been required to keep their former radioman at the table–his addiction had done that. Mitch had a monkey on his back that most of them doubted could be unloaded.

  Marc slid onto the damp bench as their former radioman raised his head.

  “Morning,” he called cheerfully.

  Mitch flinched from the loud word. “Whass?”

  Marc motioned Li Sing forward. “How about something to drink? That always helps, right?”

  Mitch stared in baleful confusion. He barely remembered passing out here, but Brady’s friendliness was still bright in his mind.

  Marc tilted the cool beer up and let half of it roll down, controlling his stomach.

  Mitch again chose the whiskey instead of beer, and the two men spent a quiet moment of silence–one drinking, one thinking. Around them, the camp went about morning rituals, while in the crowded QZ, there was almost no movement.

  Marc waited for Mitch to become alert and then glassy, for the bloom of roses to come into his cheeks. When he saw those signs, Marc switched from friend to teacher.

  “The boss man wants you gone. On your own.”

  Marc didn’t react to the immediate promises and denials. He told only the truth. “Someone else has your job, Mitch, your place. You’re at zero again because of a drinking problem that has endangered Safe Haven more than once. You have no value to Adrian anymore.”

  Mitch dropped his eyes, telling Marc he’d already figured that out for himself.

  “Matt will stay here.”

  Mitch began to cry big drunk tears, the kind that quickly soaked everything under them. “Thank you for giving him another chance!”

  Marc blinked. There was a real person inside of Mitch. It was another insight he hadn’t agreed with upon hearing the plan, but Adrian was apparently able to get deeper.

  That’s why he was born–to be a leader, the demon inside stated firmly. It’s also why he’s damned. Few would recognize so deep a secret without actually being there. He’s gone through this himself–all of it.

  Marc shook off the eerie thought that followed: We all have. He got back to helping Mitch. “Adrian thinks you’ll die out there. It’s why no order came down on you. Is that true, Hopkins?”

  The whiskey opened Mitch’s mouth. “I survived before. I will now, too.”

  “That’s what I told him,” Marc stated.

  Mitch stared in sudden suspicion. “You don’t like me. You never have.”

  “Like? No. Believe you can reform? That’s different. Matt is a good kid without a man in his life to teach him right from wrong. I’m going to help straighten him out. I suspect you’re raising him like your father, and that’s the problem. While I’m helping Matt, I can do the same for you.” Marc sat back. “Or you’ll be gone by sundown.”

  Mitch wanted to take the offer, but he was sure it would be hard. The man inside was shouting, wanting to fight over the insulting truths, but the alcohol was calling louder.

  Marc took another short drink of his sweaty beer, guts rumbling in protest. “Mm. I have one or two a week, but I always want more.”

  Mitch stared, trying to process what that meant.

  Marc sighed regretfully, aware that he had attention now. “But I won’t be drunk on duty, not ever.”

  He dumped the remaining beer onto the ground near the table.

  Mitch got the point, and it wasn’t enough. He flushed, but didn’t answer, didn’t even consider doing the same with his own.

  Marc tossed out one of his secrets with a sense of relief. “I used to be a drinker, too–a heavy one. It got me in trouble, cost me things I loved.”

  Mitch gaped in surprised. “You’re a alcoholic!”

  Brady gave an embarrassed shrug. “Like most of us, I hate that word, Mitch.”

  It made Mitch believe. No one else but a fellow addict would know how dirty that word made a person feel. “Me, too.”

  Marc stood up, stomach rolling over. “Finish that bottle–enjoy it. When it’s gone, either go get a shower and a lot of coffee, or say goodbye to your son and get out of this camp. It’s your choice, but make it now or I’ll do it for you.”

  Marc quickly got out of sight and hearing distance, before allowing himself a minute to vomit. His CO had given him a much harsher lesson than the one Mitch was receiving, making him drink from dawn to dawn for three days straight. By morning three, only the hits had kept him swallowing. As a result, Marc now loathed any type of alcohol on an empty stomach.

  This was a worthy reason to do it, though. Angie wanted Mitch to stay and learn to be a father. Marc would try to make it happen.


  Stepping out into dawn’s cloudy chill, Angela spotted Kyle lingering nearby. He clearly hadn’t gone to bed yet. The mobster looked as bleary as she felt.

  “Get some rest soon.”

  Kyle didn’t answer and she didn’t push further. He knew his limits better than most men.

  “Got a minute?” Marc asked, coming around the Safe Haven side of the mess.

  Angela slowed, but kept going. “Not really. Walk with me.”

  Marc fell in. “What’s the hurry?”

  “Adrian’s awake, delivering instructions.”

  Marc forced himself to sound as if he liked being in charge. “I need some things from you.”

  “Like what?”

  “Don’t know what to tell people about Conner, for starters. All this chaos for one kid is being openly questioned.”

p; Angela went to Kevin, who was on duty over the first truck. Kevin had become Mitch’s buddy in the com truck and the two men loathed each other. With Kevin working for her now, Mitch would have only a rookie as his buddy again and none of them liked it. Kevin being there to keep him sober had been important.

  “I need security put on Matt. Cynthia is in here with me. You’ll need to cover the shifts for each person you move around.”

  Kevin’s gaze went straight to the new patch of gray showing from the side of her ponytail.

  It’s noticeable. Damn. Angela gave Kevin a short headshake.

  The Eagle understood that she didn’t want anyone to know the effects of using so much magic. Wondering if the sharp man at her side had missed it, Kevin took out the notebook that Adrian had given him not long before they’d gone into that cursed city. He wrote as he spoke. “I’ll have those things taken care of.”

  Angela sent him a silent request. How long? I need it before… I need it soon.

  The Eagle immediately vowed to work diligently on the mental lessons he was going to be a part of when he reached the next level. If they were still together for it. “Fifteen minutes.”

  Angela felt Kevin’s silent despair and refused to offer false comfort over their future. “Good.”

  She went toward the shower camper.


  Hearing Marc’s growing angst, she grunted, “Give me some time to get him settled. For now, he’s the only survivor from Little Rock that we were able to bring out with us. The other kids were killed. They can know that much.”

  Angela got a chill as Marc wrote down her instructions. Why?

  Adrian answered, It means he knows that you’re my replacement, that not following, or forgetting, even a single order would be a grave mistake to your relationship.

  Marc was frowning deeply, but not allowing anger to take control. He hadn’t noticed her gray curls in the tent shadows, but out here, it was clear that something was going on with her.

  “Are you okay?”

  “No, but at least I’m not dying. What else do you need from me?”

  Marc wasn’t ready to start a fight. He’d expected to be blown off. “Mostly, to know how Adrian’s going to be in front of the camp, so I can get it ready.”

  “With my help and good, old fashioned drugs. I’ve got that covered.”

  “Why am I still in charge and not Kenn?” Marc hadn’t meant to ask, but he didn’t call it back.

  “Kenn’s busy,” Angela hedged. She couldn’t spare the time to convince Brady. She was still working on herself.

  “Kenn could have been done, cleared, and out of here by now. Adrian didn’t want that. Why?” Marc protested as they neared the guard on the shower.

  Stalling, Angela viewed Doug and the arm she’d put in a cast and sling last night. “Are you sure you should be working already?”

  Doug’s demeanor was one of grief. “Couldn’t stay in there anymore. And you need me here.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  She was also sure the quick visit she’d allowed from Peggy and Maria’s sons had strengthened the need to be out. Roy and Romeo were a constant sight. The camp had accepted them, but Doug had come to love them.

  “Kenn will be running defense–sure he was sent away, and eager to take control,” Angela stated tiredly. “He and most of the camp expected it to be given to him. When Kenn finds out, I may need Eagles to assist me–men I can trust, and who can trust me. Is that possible?”

  Doug’s tone was satisfied. “Absolutely.” His gaze flicked to Marc’s glowering face briefly, questioning.

  Angela gave her approval silently. With care. He’s already boiling

  “Adrian told us to follow you, not Kenn, if anything happened. He said for us to make Kenn fall in line behind you–where he belongs.”

  Angela knew what Adrian expected her to do in this moment, but she’d never guessed that he had taken it so far as to set it all up with his Eagles.

  “I didn’t know.”

  “There was no need to upset everyone, but he was adamant that you would protect our lives better because…”

  “Because of my gifts,” she tried to finish, a bit bitterly.

  Doug’s brows furrowed. “Because you value us the way he does. He even said…” Doug stopped, glance flicking to Marc again. He gave her the rest of it silently.

  He said in another lifetime, you would have been given this duty first, not him, and that he would have been honored to follow you.

  Marc studied them with a feeling of loneliness that he hated. Here it was, the ‘only for the boss’ shit. Now, there would always be secrets between them, new walls. Because she would throw her heart into this. Adrian would have known that.

  Angie’s the CO now, his sharp mind whispered. Where do I rank?

  Marc walked away, drawing Angela’s attention. “Hey. Don’t you need an answer?”

  Marc stopped, but didn’t face her. “I have it now. Kenn’s not in the picture anymore and no one knows it, not even him.” Marc scowled deeper. “That’s why Adrian set me up in the cage! He needed them all to know that I’m hard enough for this place. He knew this was coming.”

  Angela stiffened her shoulders, doing what she had to. “Say it. Try it on for size.”

  Marc delivered an angry glower over his shoulder. “I’m tending the herd until you’re caught up enough to handle both sides of the tape. I’m Safe Haven’s new XO.”

  Angela gave him a charged look of understanding, worry, and personal elation. “Congratulations.”

  Not wanting to embarrass either of them, Marc marched toward the big camp, slightly shocked at receiving the position without ever expecting it. He was also furious at Adrian for giving him this when he held such deep a hatred for the man.

  “Call me if you need anything.”

  Angela didn’t have time for his self-righteous anger. The weight settling onto her was far heavier than any she’d ever carried. She was in charge of Safe Haven. This was her camp.

  Angela met Doug’s gaze. “I will do everything I can to keep Adrian alive and here. I don’t want his place.”

  “That’s why we’ll follow you.” Doug already knew that, and had no problem working under female leadership. He was only glad that it was a good morning for him–no shakes or extra bathroom trips to be noticed by John’s strict, early release observation rules.

  Behind Doug, senior Eagles began to appear in the early morning shadows, showing their unity. Team leaders and XOs came, giving their support, their loyalty. Their thoughts rang in her heart, held her up under the weight of the role she’d been given.

  He was right to choose you.

  We trust you to protect his dreams.

  Angela let a single tear trace her cheek and quickly scrubbed it from sight.


  Angela found Neil waiting nearby and understood the switch would be done openly and all while Kenn was gone. Adrian was a genius. How would she ever do this so well?

  Neil approached her firmly, and Angela tried not to let it bother her that small populations of the waking camp were now staring at them in nervous groups from the tape. She would learn and so would they.

  “Got a few things for you,” Neil said with forced casualness. “First, you’ll wear this at all times, keep it under your pillow during sleep.”

  He helped her put Adrian’s cleaned radio and belt on, and then handed her a small box with a snap lid.

  “This is an alarm. Open it for a smoke, and we know to come quietly.”

  “I’ve had the course on protecting him, Neil,” Angela grunted, almost frozen with pain. “I know what it’s for.”

  She shoved it impatiently into her pocket, adjusted the set, and keyed the mic. She let go just as fast. “What god-awful name did you guys pick?”

  Neil’s lips twitched in the barest of smirks. “We stuck with his.”

  Angela snorted without amusement. “Raven to Kyle. I need a gopher for the main medical tent.”
br />   “Copy.”

  She glanced at Neil in annoyance. “Next?”

  She reminded him so strongly of Marc on his second day in Safe Haven that the trooper smiled despite the heaviness in his heart. “Questions. You provide the answers.”

  Angela planted her feet, as she’d seen Adrian do so many times, and found the stance almost comfortable. He’d given her a hard duty and she would prove his trust. “Hit me. I can take it.”

  At the moment, Neil had little doubt. The waves of determination rolling from her were strong enough to bolster his own lagging faith.

  “First is camp security. Stays doubled?”


  “We’re taking in new arrivals, even though we know they might be assassins?”

  “Yes. Myself, Charlie, or Jennifer–in that order–will go through them. If we’re all busy, then they wait.”

  Neil hoped that would be a standard now. They couldn’t take any more chances, not with the government coming.

  Subtly reading those closest to her, Angela opened a fresh layer of concern.

  “It won’t be just him, Neil. They know about Conner, and about me. One careless slip or forced conversation, and we’re on their radar for Jennifer and Sam, as well.”

  “They’ll take all of you!” Neil realized, horrified.

  “Yes,” Angela confirmed. “And then kill the others here. It’s what you do when there’s an outbreak.”

  “Otherwise it spreads,” Neil stated angrily.

  “Yes, but they don’t understand that the dream of freedom doesn’t belong to one man or even an entire camp. It’s a birthright and we’ll never stop fighting.” She glanced around, including the nervously listening Eagles. “They’re not taking anyone from this camp. I’ll die first.”

  Neil held out the notebook for her to read the next item on his list.

  Where does she stand on the Gov issue?

  Angela took his pen and quickly scratched two words.

  With Adrian.

  Neil slid the notebook into his pocket and waved Zack over. “He’s your personal shadow for the day. If you don’t see him, even for an instant, trigger your alarm.”


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