The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 233

by Angela White

  Jennifer sighed and the sound of her misery nearly broke Kyle. She’d refused to talk after John stopped her labor the last time, saying they would handle it after the babies came. Now, the peacefully sleeping infant in Jennifer’s arms was the only thing holding her here and he knew it. Once the baby was a bit older, when she knew how to care for it, Jennifer would leave Safe Haven.

  “Will you tell me before you run? Let me say goodbye?”

  Jennifer gasped in surprise. “How do you know that?!”

  Kyle sank down in the chair by the bed, crushed at having his suspicions confirmed. She was leaving.

  Jennifer took in his immediate depression, but didn’t pick up any anger. He’d expected it, then.

  “Please, Jenny.”


  Kyle didn’t react. The moment he’d dreaded would come in the next few weeks. Would he be able to let her go, not track her down?

  Kyle stood up, unsure of his control now. He wanted to beg her forgiveness, try to explain, plead with her to stay. He did none of those things, only stared at his happy family as if they were locked behind a glass that he didn’t have the key to open.

  He forced himself to speak. “I’ll pack your kit, make sure you have a reliable vehicle, some gear.”

  He saw her surprise and her mistrust, and turned from the tent. “You won’t have to sneak out. The guards will let you go. Angela will tell them to.”

  Kyle was out of the camper before Jennifer could respond. As he went, gently closing the door, he heard her burst into thick, painful sobs. Why was she crying like that when he was the one dying inside?


  “You okay?”

  Jennifer wiped at her face. “Fine.”

  Conner dropped into the chair by her bed. “Liar.”

  Jennifer scowled. “Not now, Conner.”

  The teenager stared at her with his father’s insight. “You love him. That’s why you’re leaving.”

  Jennifer’s mouth dropped open in anger. “Stay out of my mind, Conner Mitchel, or I’ll tell on you!”

  Conner wasn’t worried, though he wasn’t ready for anyone to know his secrets yet. “If you leave, I go back to only having one friend here. That would suck.”

  Jennifer tried not to relent. “Bull. The entire camp is your friend.”

  Conner pushed out a bit of magic. “Not like you are.”

  Jennifer snorted. “Save it for that camp whore you drool after.”

  Conner flushed, but didn’t deny it. “Okay.”

  Jennifer giggled. Conner was nice to be around. He didn’t carry enough of Safe Haven’s stress to be brought down all the time.

  “That’s a little better,” Conner stated. “How’s the kid?”

  Jennifer’s smile could have lit up a dead city. “Perfect.”

  Conner rolled his eyes. “Good.”

  Jennifer opened her mouth to ask a question, then closed it. She wasn’t sure she could take the answer.

  Conner, who’d come at Adrian’s request, put his hand on her wrist. “I need to show you something. It’s not good or bad. It’s just the way it was. You ready?”

  Jennifer had stiffened upon the contact, and she braced herself, instinctively putting her hand on her much flatter stomach. “Go on.”

  Conner sent her an image he’d pulled from Kyle. “This is how he felt.”

  Jennifer hissed in rage at the bodies moving apart and Conner forced her to observe the ending, the instant remorse of the mobster. As his relief source vanished into the shadow, Kyle hit his knees, crying.

  Conner let go of that image and brought up a new one. This was Kyle refusing to be comforted again. The women had flocked to him after he’d broken with Tracy and Kyle had refused them all.

  “He won’t tell you. He thinks that even one stumble was too much.”

  “It is!” Jennifer snapped angrily, jealously, miserably. “I…I thought I could trust him!”

  “Don’t you understand, Jenny? You can. What he did proves it.”

  Jennifer glared until his meaning sank in. “You think he was going to hurt me.”

  “So do you,” Conner confirmed. “So did he. That’s why it happened.”

  Conner’s voice lowered into self-hatred that Jennifer recognized.

  “We pull people in hard ways. When it’s physical, things can get dangerous. You learned that the hard way, but Kyle refused to give in. He went to a whore because he wouldn’t hurt you.”

  Jennifer didn’t want to hear anymore. “He could have waited for me!”

  Conner denied her again. “Not a man like that. He was a killer before, and then my dad taught him to be ruthless, to take what he needs or wants.” Conner got to the point. “He loves you, too.”

  “I don’t love him!” she snapped, forced into feeling Kyle’s side. She’d refused to do so before.

  “Yes, you do, and if you’ll give him time to prove it, you couldn’t pick a better man.”

  “How can that be?” Jennifer demanded. “You just said he’s a killer.”

  “Your killer, Jenny. Is there anything he wouldn’t do for you?”

  “No,” Jennifer reluctantly agreed.

  “Then put a claim on him, tell him your terms, and see where it goes from there. He’s not like Cesar. You know that.”

  Conner left her alone to think, hoping he’d helped. If Kyle left Safe Haven, they might fall. The mobster was an invaluable asset that would only improve over time if he wasn’t destroyed by losing the only thing he wanted. That was all up to Jennifer now.

  Chapter Twelve

  High Overhead

  July 8th


  “I need to check your wound for signs of infection.”

  The tent went quiet as it began clearing out and Angela held herself in check as best she could. Some of those thoughts were ugly.

  She forced a grin. “Drop those pants, Mr. Mitchel.”

  Light laughter broke the tension, but didn’t ease her annoyance as the last of his groupies filed out.

  “Can we talk?”

  Adrian leaned back to allow her access to his side.

  “There’s no reason for you to not be in charge right now,” she began.

  Adrian grunted. “So?”

  Angela hadn’t been expecting that. “So, why aren’t you?”

  He didn’t speak for a long moment, studying her face as she checked his wound. When he finally did open his mouth, the ring to the words was undeniable.

  “Safe Haven has two leaders. This is your shift.”

  Before she could argue, Kenn ducked into the tent.

  “Got updates, reports, schedules, and lots of crap you both love.”

  Adrian waved a hand at the table. “I’ll do it later when I’d rather be on rounds.”

  Angela stayed quiet as she replaced the bandage and Adrian noticed.

  He still a problem?



  Adrian doubted that was all there was to that story, but said nothing. He wasn’t sure of her mood today.

  Angela waved at the people waiting outside the tent, eager to escape before Adrian read her thoughts. “He’s all yours folks. Healing slow and steady.”

  Adrian gave his approval, even though she left without looking back. She could have said it was almost healed, forcing his hand. She still trusted his judgment despite all he’d put her through. That was encouraging.

  Isn’t it more likely that she feels the magic of the job, is finally being seduced by the power? his demon asked.

  Maybe. Adrian agreed reluctantly. We’d better find out. We can use that.

  “Normal lessons for the Eagles are suspended until further notice. I want them getting ready to train groups. Set it up with Marc and Kenn. They know what these people need first. I also want a complete list of Adrian’s travel preparations so I can be sure that I’ve covered everything.”

  Angela had begun rattling things off as soon as she cleared the tent, determined not to be distract
ed from her duties.

  “Is it okay to let Conner roam?”

  “Yes, but don’t switch him even after he’s cleared. By his father’s side is the best place for him right now.” Angela viewed the slowly moving crews working on cleaning up the mess from yesterday and last night. It hadn’t been nearly the wonderful holiday that many of them had been hoping for, but it was certainly one to remember.

  Jeff started to ask another question and had to stop to cough. In that moment, other sounds rang out to Angela from across the camp. Sneezes, sniffling, coughing and spitting. Was it a normal amount or were too many people feeling the effects of so much rain after going without for months?

  Angela listened harder and was relieved to hear no deep rumbles in chests or trouble breathing. Still, it was better not to take chances. She would do a complete round of the camp and look, listen for signs. An epidemic was something that could derail all their carefully sewn plans. It was something she’d keep a close eye on.

  Angela spotted Samantha under the protection of the mess canopy and half a dozen men from Neil’s team, and was glad no one was treating her badly. She was getting a lot of stares, but no comments or glares and that was progress from yesterday’s mob.

  The vote had been uneven for the first time since she’d come here. Roughly fifty-five percent of the camp thought they should flee for the mountains now, while the rest had voted to break into smaller groups and get out of the path. The mountain voters wanted to hole up and hide Adrian, something the Eagles were busy explaining would get everyone killed when the soldiers finally came. The split group wanted to take Adrian with them, to lead him away from the danger. She and Samantha were expected to go with one of those groups also, giving someone a distinct advantage when you added in Marc and Charlie. It had caused another loud fight this morning that had been solved by her declaring that if they couldn’t stay and fight, they didn’t deserve to care for Adrian or to be protected by his Eagles. Three more carloads of camp members had then left Safe Haven’s light.

  But not forever, she thought. If we win, you’ll come crawling back as fast as your knees will carry you. And be welcomed.

  She forced the images away before she could get on the radio and try to talk them into coming back now. Losing people was killing her on the inside and it was starting to be a struggle to hide.


  Samantha glanced over the harvest, unable to stop the pride. There were five full tables of baskets from the garden–corn, beans, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower. In a week or so, the potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and melons would be ready. Safe Haven now had enough vegetables for a couple months of settling into their new home in the mountains.

  Samantha turned around to find a small group of camp members lingering near the tables, observing her and the food with dark expressions.

  Samantha glowered defensively. “I’ll plant more as soon as I turn the soil. I’m earning my keep.”

  The woman in front gave only a small grimace. “Do you need help? We know how to can food.”

  Samantha’s mind took a minute to adjust. “Uh, yeah. Sure.”

  She directed them toward the truck, where Li Sing would be glad to have the help with the steamy mess of jars and hot water he was currently surrounded by.

  “That’s a good sign,” Hilda remarked.

  Samantha’s heart lightened a bit. “Yes, it is.”

  “Maybe your record here did the trick.”


  “Or they’re okay with you being like Adrian and Angela.”

  Samantha didn’t answer. She’d had that thought, too. It felt different than she’d assumed it would.

  Jeremy appeared at her side, and he pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, relishing the feel of not hiding his feelings anymore. “How are you?’

  Samantha leaned against his arm. “Tired, but better. Headache’s gone.”

  “Good. Angela sent me. She’d like to try a few things later.”

  Samantha wasn’t eager, but she wasn’t dreading it, either. “Okay. When?”

  “She’ll send someone for you. She said for you to stock up for the rest of the day, that you’d tell me what’ll work best for that.”

  Samantha’s brows furrowed, but she didn’t fight. “Take me out into the crowds, where we’ll have to be close to them. Excitement is a good source.”

  Jeremy left Hilda to monitor the food and gently led Samantha into the camp members. Only after dawn, there was already large numbers of people observing the Eagles work, helping with hands and tray deliveries. He felt it was still a slight risk, but compared to yesterday, it was calm. There was no hostility now, no real fear, either, only curiosity and relief.

  Samantha assumed the relief was because they wanted her to be a good guy, to help, but Jeremy could have told her they were relieved to have been wrong about her. The camp had come to care for Samantha, but even more, they needed their leaders to be reliable. If Samantha had fallen, it might have been too much to keep them all believing in Adrian. After all, he’d placed her in the chain of command and that still meant something.


  “Set it up right in the center of camp.”


  Aware of time counting down, Angela motioned toward the cracked blinds and flaps all around them. “They need to believe that we’re ready.”

  Marc directed the men that way. “Once you unload, stay and unroll it.”

  Kenn joined them and Marc pointed at the center fire. “Get that lit. We’ll use it for our testing and garbage.”

  Eagles came by, carrying cases of weapons, and the waking camp began coming out.

  Ten minutes into the unloading, there were a hundred boxes near the center fire. Half an hour later, there were stacks of crates and boxes as high as a man, various guns and launchers, setups, and pieces of dangerous metal that few of them could identify. There were also bags and tubes, rolls of wire and rope, buckets of knives and handheld weapons. It was impressive.

  “She was right,” Zack murmured, observing camp members pulling Eagles into discussions about the weapons and tools. “This will give them hope.”

  Angela went to the middle of the stacks and the top thirty eagles formed a half moon behind her.

  “What we need to start with, are surprise weapons that can be easily carried. The first team is leaving in a day and they have to have a full load of items of pick from.” She glanced around. “I’d like you to break into groups and work on small items first. Nothing bigger than a fist.”

  Angela saw the camp was still listening. “They’ll need help. Mostly to hold an end or go get something. That’s where you come in. Also, you can cover their guard posts so they can keep working. Either one is a big help.”

  “When do we get to do something that matters?” Jerry questioned snidely.


  The sound snapped every head to the sky.

  Marc was wrong, Angela thought, time again slowing as fate waited for her response.

  There was only one thing they could do. The gifted people would stand together while the camp ran.

  Angela opened her mouth to order a bugout…

  “One plane, flying low…looks like it’s picking someone up,” Kevin reported over their radios.

  Angela closed her mouth as the single plane came into view. She grabbed Marc’s arm as everyone else continued to stare. “They have to do it, Marc–the camp.”

  Marc stared for only a second, admiring her less resentfully this time. Then, he leaned close and whispered what she needed.

  Kenn was already adjusting his radio as Angela turned to him.

  “Marc swears they’ll do a low flyover. I need to know when they report us. Make sure I hear it.”

  Kenn’s hands were racing to find the right channel in time.

  Angela moved toward the most mature looking section of the about-to-panic camp members that were still gathered around the stacks of weapons. “You, you, and all of
you! Come get a grenade launcher.”

  The ten men and women did it eagerly, and the camp settled down a bit to observe.

  “Theo, bring the gun over to the middle of the piles for cover. I don’t want them to know until it’s too late.”

  Eagles started to get out of the way and Angela’s voice grew sharp. “Keep working! The camp and I have you covered.”

  The men did as they were told while ripples of excitement and fear ran through the crowd. A few people fled for their vehicles and Angela let them go. The plane being destroyed might bring them back, and if not, it was another cut, another thinning.

  Adrian watched them leave in painful silence. He understood the reasoning, had agreed even, but it still hurt.

  “Line up here, keep your weapon pointed down, and listen to Marc. He’s going to give you a thirty-second crash course on how to use it.”

  Radios crackled across the area. “They made the pickup…coming this way! Here they come!”

  Angela grabbed a long roll of camouflage netting and tossed it toward the other side of the camp line with Theo’s help. “Get that over your fighters or the plane will have them!”

  It was an awkward struggle that shoved people, scratched hands and mashed fingers, but the two canopies went over the nervously waiting fighters as the plane came into view.

  “Everyone stay still!” Angela ordered, turning to glare at Kenn. “Stand your ground. They don’t own us!”

  The camp let out a small cheer at that and Angela pushed a bit. “This is what they get for the war!”

  The camp cheered in a frenzy now, calling out their own insults and threats, and Angela swore under her breath. “Now, Marine!”

  Kenn switched again, straining, and stumbled into what they needed.

  “Looks like a large group, base, hundreds. Organized, guards in sight…and weapons, base! Stacks of weapons! They’re ready for war.”

  The transmission crackled and Angela firmly controlled the people with the launchers. “Wait for it and we’ll kill them all, including those who betrayed us. Mitch and Matt are on that plane.”

  This time, the camp screamed for blood, drowning out the next transmission.


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