The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 313

by Angela White

  Zack felt Angela’s swift glance run over her not quite peaceful camp from a great distance and turned his head, unwilling to acknowledge her in any way. He wasn’t sure he could forgive this, no matter what the reasons had been.


  “Will you tell me?”

  Angela was tempted to act as if she was still asleep. Marc would let her wait until tomorrow on the conversation, she knew that.

  “I’ve changed the world,” she confessed gravely. “At least, our corner of it.”

  Marc wasn’t sure how she meant that and was glad when she clarified.

  “I made contact with the last big bunker. And then I destroyed it.”

  Angela tried to say more, but it didn’t feel like she could. Marc wouldn’t understand why the other part of it had been so important. There was no way that he could.

  “The bunker’s gone?” he asked, stunned that she’d been able to do it from such a distance.

  “Yes. They may have other holes to crawl around in, but they’ve been hurt badly enough that it will take no less than a decade for them to recover and fully retake the topside.”

  And even then, it will be under different rules, she thought.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. We’re free of them.”

  Marc shifted so that he could see her face. “Then why are you so sad?”

  Angela sighed. “I’d rather not cover that right now, okay?”

  Marc knew she needed a break from the stress. He flashed a sexy grin. “Wanna get naked?”

  Angela groaned, laughing.

  Marc felt the witch shove into his mind.

  Have you learned nothing?

  “I need to hit the bathroom,” Marc said, kissing the top of Angela’s head. “I’ll see if Shawn has any chocolate left while I’m at it.”

  “Yeah!” Angela played along, perfectly aware of what was happening. It was all expected.


  What? Marc nearly snarled. He hated the witch. He blamed her for bringing Adrian into Angela’s heart.

  Ah, yes, the witch mocked. I’m the root of all evil.

  Maybe, Marc responded seriously.

  The witch cackled briefly. One day, Marcus Brady, you will again remember how you longed to hear me when you pulled up to that rest stop.

  Marc paled, reading the warning for what it was. Tell me, he ordered.

  Only because I need you! the witch slapped at him. Your rudeness is unforgivable! I’ve save her life and the lives of your children. How dare you forget that!

  Marc didn’t want to admit she was right and went quiet, but he felt every scratch. It stung badly that she was right. If not for the Adrian problem, Marc might not mind the witch.

  I have needs, the witch explained. You won’t satisfy me, so I have to go elsewhere.

  What about the garden? Marc accused. Did you encourage that for the same reason?

  Yes, the witch admitted shamelessly. You were too busy working to love me!

  Marc had no idea how to comfort a tearful witch and didn’t think he should have to. None of this was his fault. He couldn’t even remember that life!

  Neither can she. It doesn’t matter.

  Marc found himself listening intently for the next words.

  In her mind, she will lose the child, maybe leadership of the camp, and definitely Adrian’s presence in her life. She has little to live for.

  Marc hated it that he immediately understood. He wanted to keep to his plans of killing Adrian, plans that had become solid, step-by-step blueprints in his mind over the last 24-hours. He knew exactly how to do it.

  Many feel that way, the witch confirmed. Including myself, but not her. She can’t control her heart or the coming vote.

  And she knows what I’ll vote for, Marc realized.

  “Yes, I always have.”

  Marc turned to see Angela standing near the rear door he’d come out. She was wrapped in his blanket, sexy and yet thinner, paler.

  “I’m not as bad as she’s making it out to be,” Angela began to defend. Marc’s happiness mattered more than the truth. “The witch is trying to save her own skin. She’s the one lying this time.”

  The demon faded back in anger as Angela leaned against a damp, ashy tree. “I’m tired.”

  Marc went to her and gently lifted her into his arms, loving the way they fit together so perfectly. “If you can only have one of the three,” Marc asked. “Which would it be?”

  “The baby,” she whispered regretfully. “I’ve done my duty by the camp and I can’t change the past. I wouldn’t.”


  “I’m corrupt,” she choked out. “I took innocent lives. Not the witch, but me. I can’t go back. What we saw only confirms that.”

  “What can we do?” Marc demanded it in the way that was impossible to refuse.

  Angela’s eyes grew glassy. Her answer came slowly, chilling Marc as the sound of that dead voice always had.


  Marc refused to accept that and he reached out to the witch. Tell me.

  The witch came forward, easily when Angela was so weak. You have to accept me, as he did. Love me and that power will be great enough to heal any injury.

  How do I do that? Marc protested. We don’t even like each other!

  The witch cackled softly. I adore your devotion.

  I feel the same way, he admitted gruffly. She wouldn’t have been able to survive all this without you.

  The witch gently stepped into Marc’s mind and this time, he allowed her caresses, her greedy whimpers of delight when he didn’t refuse. If all he had to do was submit to save Angie and the baby, he could do that easily.

  Never submit to me! the witch roared, lust bleeding over them both. Take me!

  And Marc did.

  Afterward, the witch gazed at him, sated. You have to make a choice.

  The demon had said he wouldn’t like it and Marc hadn’t, but only because there was so little that he could do. Even Conner’s gifts couldn’t fix this while she was pregnant.

  Why him and not me? Marc asked, aware of the irony.

  Adrian’s gifts can heal her because they are matched alphas–another reason to keep him alive. To be perfectly matched, neither can have an advantage. He sees her as an equal. You don’t.

  Marc watched the images of the couple making love without rancor, waiting for the witch to explain further. She’d worn him out.

  Love heals all, the witch reminded him of that saying. Give them the time alone and never ask about it. No one has to know, not even you.

  Marc understood the witch meant for him to give Angela the freedom to do what she wanted. I’ll lose her to him, Marc confessed his biggest fear. You saw them.

  I saw a mistake, one that both of you have overlooked in your outrage and shame, the witch responded. What was Eve’s job in the garden?

  Marc ran through the stunning, awful images and stuttered, Uh, m-making babies.

  Was she told who to make them with?

  Not that I saw, Marc said slowly.

  Even the Maker preferred her willing. Don’t you think he saw the romance brewing? He could have stepped in and banished Elliott or killed him, even. Why did the Maker allow their love to grow? To create a child?

  Marc wasn’t comfortable with the topic, but forced his brain to work through it. Whatever the witch was trying to make him understand was important. He knew that by the way she wasn’t ravaging him again. She’d promised to every time he would allow it and right now, he was too tired to resist her subtle charms.

  The witch flashed him a brutal image of Angela and Adrian, snaring his attention back to where she wanted it. The only true sin in the garden was Adam’s reaction.

  How can that be?! Marc cried in fury. The Maker promised him!

  The Maker promised him a mate. Adam assumed it would be her, as she was the only female there. Perhaps it would have been from Eve’s children with Elliot. Who was Adam to assume he knew the Maker’s will? Bu
t more than that, they were given the freedom to make their own choices. We weren’t cursed until Adam couldn’t control his jealousy and committed murder.

  Marc didn’t want to believe that and the witch drove in her point ruthlessly. Why would the Maker have a grand plan and then give us free will?

  Marc stopped in his mental protests to puzzle that one out and couldn’t. I don’t know. Why?

  When you have that answer, you’ll be able to understand, the witch stated regretfully. I have to let you figure that out on your own. She has insisted.

  Marc realized Angela was controlling the conversation without them having to deal with the awkwardness and emotions. He was relieved and offended, though he wasn’t sure why.

  She fears your anger.

  I’d never hurt her.

  Every man has, the witch denied. She has made many choices based on that damage. Now, she feels she deserves it.

  She hasn’t done anything wrong.


  Marc’s mind cleared of everything except for that. She hasn’t done anything wrong.

  She didn’t do it. Elliott seduced her, but if the witch was right, they were both blameless.


  So what did that mean? He had no right to be jealous if she chose to spend time with Adrian? Marc already knew that, but just like with her and Kendle, it would kill him to endure it.

  Don’t ask, don’t tell, the witch tried to inject a bit of levity. Did you notice the peacefulness of the Garden? How the animals who are now bitter enemies, once coexisted?

  I did.

  It was the only time there has ever been peace on earth, the witch pointed out. When Eve and Elliott were caring for the garden and Adam was working for the future. As soon as Adam was told of their love, he broke and allowed the gates to slip.

  The gates?

  Between worlds, she told him. There are many and the Maker loves them all, even those that exist solely because of our nightmares.

  Marc’s mind was spinning. Huh?

  Aware that he was near overload for this talk, the witch finished it as gently as she possibly could. Elliot was Information. Adam was Labor. Eve was Love. Those are your destinies. Fighting them will only curse us again.


  Adrian limped to the edge of the rise, staring down on the lodge with bitterness and longing. The stone throwers had presented him with their energy without him asking for it. He was almost fully healed. Only the last wound Marc had delivered was lingering. Angela or Conner might be able to finish it, but Angela wasn’t going to. If he weren’t sentenced to death, she would stay clear of him. Marc would see to that.

  Kenn came up behind him and draped a thick blanket over his shoulders. Adrian hadn’t expected the Marine to be waiting when he climbed from the hole, but he had been there with a truck and he hadn’t been alone.

  When Kendle pushed a cup of hot tea into Adrian’s hand, Kenn approved and moved back to take up a sentry post. The stone people had erected tents and even found extras for them, but Kenn doubted Adrian would use his. He was sorting through everything that had happened, scheming on how to get back into Angela’s good graces.

  “I was never out of them,” Adrian said. He had realized he didn’t have to hide anything anymore. He also now knew Kenn and Kendle were his when it came to loyalty. “It all worked out exactly as she meant for it to.”

  Kendle knelt down and peered through the ashy rain that was now falling. They were protected by the overhang, but it was still frigid.

  Kenn assumed they would both remain here, staring at their obsessions. He slowly moved towards the new people, not able to relax with the stoners around. And if he couldn’t, neither would any of Safe Haven’s guards when Adrian rejoined camp. Kenn needed to get them ready. He also needed to be distracted from thoughts of Tonya.

  Adrian was aware of Kendle’s warmth as she let their bodies touch. Her scent drifted up in tormenting waves. She was still using the vanilla.

  “Why?” he asked.

  Kendle glanced up absently. “I want what she has.”


  Kendle shrugged, stare going back to the cabin. “Maybe the power too, and that’s wrong. Right?”

  “Of course,” he confirmed. “It’s also human. Besides, she needs women like you. The power will come in time.”

  “If I pick Team Marc?” Kendle asked snottily.

  “Not for her. She’ll be relieved if you stay with me.”

  “Do you want me to?” Kendle asked suddenly.

  “Only because I’m afraid of being alone,” Adrian said without meanness. “I’ll care for you as much as I can. Maybe love would come for us in time.”

  “Yeah, maybe,” she answered, working on her own issues. “I’d only be doing it because if you’re good enough for her, then you must be like him.”

  “I know that!” Adrian ground out. “He did it intentionally, to hurt me.”

  “Did what?”

  “Made you fall in love. He could have given you to Quinn or Jax, or even Shawn, but he chose to torment me with another woman who dreams of him.”

  “He did a good job,” Kendle muttered angrily. She’d never felt so used. At least with Ethan, she’d known he was dangerous. She’d thought Marc was one of the good guys.

  “He is, actually,” Adrian was forced to correct. There wouldn’t be any lying allowed in this relationship. “He always does his duty.”

  Kendle recognized the tone. “He’ll demand your death!”

  “Won’t need to.” Adrian snorted. “The camp will. Angela will try to stop them. Marc will get the final choice.”

  “And we both know what he’ll pick, so why are you going back?”

  “Why are you?” he retorted.

  “She might die in childbirth, or choke on a piece of candy,” Kendle answered wistfully.

  “You’re a bitch,” Adrian spat.

  “Well, yeah,” Kendle agreed. “Isn’t that part of why I’ll work so well as a substitute?”

  “Yes,” he answered. “And I’d like to tell you now that when you stop shooting flames, we’re done. I need that fire to make this work.”

  “That’s fine, since I have more heat than you can work off of me in a lifetime. Here’s my caveat: I want to be a real Eagle, preferably XO on that bitch’s team. Can you get me there?”

  Adrian slowly knelt down and took Kendle’s chin in his cold hand. He studied her openly–not her features, but her mind. It only took a moment to see that she had earned whatever she was given.

  “No need,” Adrian said. “She’ll reward all of her fighters.”

  He dropped his hand, aware of the tingle. They were compatible. “Ask for something you’ll need that she won’t give you.”

  “Time alone with Marc.”

  Adrian rocked back on his heels. “Yeah, that’s definitely one.”

  “Can you?”

  “If I promise him to leave her alone, he’ll sleep with you.”

  Kendle sighed. “It wouldn’t be enough.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” Adrian muttered.

  “You’ll try?”

  “Of course.” Adrian shoved himself into the future. “As my woman, you’ll be well cared for.”

  Kendle also took the window of opportunity, sure if she rejected him here, they would have a platonic relationship. He was reaching out and she stood up. “Tell me a little about that, Mr. Mitchel. Marc seemed to think you can make me melt.”

  Adrian moved behind her without responding orally. He didn’t touch her right away, trying instead to see if they had true sparks or if their longings would drive it all. That would determine how their physical moments would have to go. Did she like him at all?

  “I find you…attractive.”

  “Only passing fair?” he rumbled in bitter amusement. “I could dye my hair.”

  Kendle snorted at that image. “I could get pregnant.”

  Adrian’s breath caught.

  “…would you be willing to go
that far?”

  “Only if it got me Marc in the end,” Kendle confessed. “Plus, I don’t think I’d be a good mom right now.”

  Adrian understood. He noted the drooped shoulders and carefully placed his hands on them. “How fast do you want to get over what was done to you?”

  “What did she pick?”

  Adrian didn’t ask how Kendle had known. The grapevine in Safe Haven would always keep people informed.

  “Fast, of course. She considers her options, scans the future, and then makes the choice.”

  “Head-on, huh?” Kendle murmured, becoming aware of Adrian’s warmth behind her and the urge to lean back. “Figures.”

  Adrian waited as Kendle considered her options. When she scanned the future, she didn’t seem to have one. That made the choice easier. At least she wouldn’t be alone, and if Adrian could help her over the trauma of Ethan Kraft, it might be enough to hold her for a while.

  “What does fast mean?”

  Adrian was encouraged that she’d asked the correct question. He stepped forward to provide the warm resting place she’d been thinking about.


  Adrian stiffened. “Is that funny?”

  Kendle turned around, brows drawn together. “What?”

  Adrian realized she hadn’t been mimicking Angela. Their pleasure sounded the same.

  “Damn, he’s good,” Adrian swore.

  Kendle figured it out as she stared up at him. Would it be the same for her? Had Marc at least hooked her up before he’d forgotten about her?

  Adrian felt the request and leaned forward to place a soft kiss to her forehead. “Give me a day and I’ll prove that he did.”

  Kendle allowed him to tug her into his arms, where his body heat immediately swarmed over her. It was disappointing about the kiss, though. She’d agreed without knowing if he would be able to satisfy the itch she had.

  Adrian growled as his male side leapt to the front. He tangled his hands in her short spikes and kissed her as if she was Angela.

  When Adrian ended the embrace, Kendle didn’t move. He could feel her ragged breath against his cheek, though. He wrapped his arms around her, heart thumping in his chest. “He picked it real well, didn’t he?”


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