The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 381

by Angela White

  “He was already in the bed with her! One of his guards told me!”

  “So? Neil and Jeremy have that set up, as do a few others.”

  “It’s wrong!”

  “It would solve the drama problem we have, in case you hadn’t thought about it. We can use both men.”

  “We don’t need anything from that traitor.”

  All three of the loud men glowered at Adrian as he came through the acoustical tunnel and moved toward the mess line, even the one who had been defending him. He was followed by two sullen guards who had just switched shifts for the morning. Neil and Jennifer were both unhappy to have Adrian in their sight and not be able to shoot him. They both knew what Marc and Angela needed.

  Adrian got into the mess line; too busy admiring the setup to care about the mutters and whispers or the pointing fingers of surprised members. Angela needed a tray and he needed to be out of the room while Hilda, Peggy, and the doctor performed an exam. They’d mentioned words like scraping and DNC, and he’d gotten out of there, glad that Angela had told him to. He would have stayed if she needed him, but Samantha had shown up and taken Angela’s hand in support.

  Li Sing’s face pinched up when Adrian told him he was there for Angela’s tray.

  “I did not hear the routine had changed. Only I give her tray or men on my list.” The little man glared. “You no more on my list!”


  Adrian only needed to say the man’s name for the spell to break.

  “Fine.” Li shoved the plate at him. “You better not hurt her this time. Li put kuso in your pie.”

  Adrian was startled into a chuckle, thinking of a movie that had employed that type of warfare.

  Li smacked a mug of tea onto the thick counter that he was still marveling over. It had been nine long months since he’d had a true surface to serve people from. “Go away. You bad for business.”

  “Very nice,” Adrian approved.

  The cook jerked a hand toward the exit.

  Li couldn’t allow people to think he was sympathetic, but Adrian knew the man was. He’d always had Li’s loyalty for treating him and his family as equals. In Adrian’s heart, they were. Being a descendant actually gave people a disadvantage, as far as he was concerned. People were forever blaming you, thinking you could control fate.

  Adrian went back the way he’d come, being careful not to trigger any of the angrier people who had stopped eating to glower and mutter in shock. He had expected to have to fight his way through some of the herd, but he now had the feeling that those persons were waiting for a chance alone with him so they could spew and swing uncensored.

  “I need to make a brief stop,” Adrian informed his sentries.

  Assuming he meant the bathroom, the two Eagles didn’t protest.

  Adrian followed the signs to the medical bay, but stopped before he reached it. He set Angela’s food on a small rock outcrop and rapped on the billboard by the entrance to the next cavern. He read the names of the men on duty for this level while he waited.

  Kenn came out, frowning when he saw who it was. “What?”

  “Any news on my men?” Adrian asked, seeing an ingenious high-powered communications center that was using a cell tower battery.

  Kenn shook his head, tone uninviting as he said, “We haven’t sent a team yet. The winds got bad again. Even Marc is still waiting to leave.”

  Adrian had thought Marc was already gone and he nodded his thanks. He was positive that being around the communications area wouldn’t be accepted.

  “Hey, have you heard from Kendle?” Kenn asked suddenly. “Some of the camp’s been asking.”

  “They’re halfway to their destination,” Adrian answered. “Conner sent me a message last night.”

  Kenn didn’t say more and neither did Adrian, but their expressions spoke volumes. Adrian had missed Kenn being there for him. Kenn was still stinging over the betrayal.

  Adrian retrieved Angela’s tray, hoping enough time had passed for her exam to be over.

  Samantha came through the tunnel ahead of him, approving when she saw his hands were full. “Good. Now get in there and pull your weight or we’ll toss your ass out as soon as Marc leaves.”

  Adrian let it slide. He had disappointed and hurt a lot of people. He deserved every insult or threat they felt like throwing. “I will.”

  Samantha gave a hard glare, but Adrian was already by her and didn’t witness it. Samantha stuck out her tongue for lack of a better, legal alternative.

  Neil and Jennifer both grinned. They knew exactly how she felt.

  Adrian noticed the somber mood as soon as he set the tray and cup by her. Angela was asleep again, but the tears on her cheeks were still glistening. “What is it?”

  Peggy still couldn’t speak to Adrian and she stormed from the medical bay. Hilda followed her, whispering lowly. Even the doctor couldn’t bring himself to say it again.

  Adrian turned to Theo, whose cot was nearby.

  Theo sighed heavily, staring at Angela’s pale profile. “Vlad punched her. It did a lot of damage. She can’t get pregnant again.”

  Adrian’s stomach dropped. She had to feel like the world ended again.

  “It gets worse,” Theo said quietly, hoping Angela would sleep for a while. Her sobs had been awful to hear. “She’s bleeding, on the inside. She needs surgery.”

  Adrian understood Samantha’s hidden meaning now and grunted, “Leave us.”

  The doctor didn’t need to be told twice. The others thought Adrian would be able to help her, but the doctor didn’t care at this point. He’d been up for almost 36 hours. He had to have sleep.

  Theo closed the divider, letting himself relax. Adrian was a bastard, but he loved Angela. If there were anything that could be done, he and Marc would handle it.

  I need you.

  Marc appeared in the dim cavern a minute later. He obviously hadn’t been far. His expression was grim, telling Adrian he suspected Angela’s condition.

  Marc read it from Adrian’s mind, grunting his agreement as he took the place on the opposite side of her bed. Her pale face and all the bandages sent fresh waves of guilt through Marc. He should have been here when she got the news.

  “She needs to stay out for a while,” Marc said, still reading Adrian’s thoughts. Upset and confused, Marc loathed Angela’s misery. He hadn’t realized how badly injured she was.

  “Would it have mattered?” Adrian asked evenly, trying to pull energy that he didn’t have yet.

  “I don’t know,” Marc answered. He gently took Angela’s hand in his, aware that he was being cold, but unable to help it. The guilt was crushing. He didn’t know any other way to handle it.

  Adrian strained, trying to open the doors to zones that were forbidden. “If you can’t accept it, let her go. Don’t make her feel worse with your doubts and silent accusations.”

  “I don’t just blame her,” Marc said, shoving into Adrian mind to help pry open the forbidden door that held Adrian’s captured life forces. It contained too many to count, Marc was certain. “I blame you for bringing her into this.”

  Used to Marc’s hatred, Adrian didn’t respond to the jab. “She’s an amazing woman. Get over yourself and be here for her.”

  Marc yanked on the door angrily in response and it swung open, mentally knocking him to the ground as power swarmed out.

  Adrian directed the stream towards Angela, taking her other hand. Her body lit up with brilliant colors of every shade as the men concentrated.

  The souls screamed as they were forced into a new holding cell to be used as their host deemed fit. Marc winced, while Adrian rejoiced at their use. Very few of the captured essences had been innocent. He’d only chosen to use one that was for Peggy so that she would understand the horrible favor she’d begged of him.

  Adrian let go first, slumping to his knees. His heart thumped wildly in his chest, squeezing. He couldn’t do that again, for any reason, or it would all be over.

  Marc sig
hed as the last of the force rushed through him and into Angela. He staggered backwards and dropped into the nearest chair, watching Adrian clutch his chest. “You gonna die now?”

  “Maybe,” Adrian forced out through the odd thumping, the tightening muscles that made it hard to breathe. “You?”

  “Good as gold,” Marc retorted, not wanting to feel any sympathy for his rival.

  “Yeah, that’s you,” Adrian ground out as the pain receded. He tried to control his ragged breathing. “Last fucking boy scout.”

  Marc grinned. The lights were still swarming over and throughout Angela. His smile faded. How do we go on from this?

  “Put her first,” Adrian suggested.

  “I’ve always done that!” Marc snapped, but it held no heat. He was too tired.

  “You’ve tolerated, followed orders, and killed for her. That’s not the same.”

  “I’ve given everything I have,” Marc insisted. “Everything she demanded. It’s never been enough.”

  Adrian had a hundred insults he could have tossed. Instead, he chose sarcasm.

  “Yes, I’m sure it’s rough, being her soul mate, the only man she ever loved. Hard life.” Adrian leaned his head on the mattress as Marc prepared to fire back. “Maybe you’re right. You’re not man enough for her. You can’t keep up and she knows it for certain now.”

  Marc lunged from the chair and left the cavern before they were brawling over Angela’s body.

  Adrian didn’t move. He wasn’t confident that he could.

  “You shouldn’t push so hard.”

  Adrian’s hand found hers, clasping it loosely. “I’m sorry.”

  “The bleeding stopped,” Angela said groggily. “I can feel it.”

  Adrian didn’t ask about the other repairs, content that she would survive. Even dark magic could only do so much. There was a limit to everything.

  Angela allowed the darkness to reclaim her, comforted that Marc had been here at all. She needed him so much!

  Adrian caught that thought, but he didn’t have the energy to send it to the wolfman. He drifted off still slumped on the rocky floor with his head on the mattress.


  “I need a complete update,” Marc stated, regarding the cold tent. He’d waited a few hours and then brought leadership topside for this meeting to be sure they had privacy. The lower level men and rookies were currently flexing their muscle below, but carefully. No one wanted to lose the authority so soon.

  “She left me her notebooks, so I already know, but you’re going to tell me anyway. No more secrets!”

  Relief went through the drafty tent and the two dozen men and women got out their own books.

  Marc was a bit surprised by the reaction. They all had something to contribute. How had he missed so much? I thought I was doing well.

  “We’ll go from back to front,” Marc chose, taking out a fresh notebook.

  The tent flap opened, admitting Adrian. He quickly zipped it up as the meeting exploded in shouts.

  “Get lost!”

  “Shoot him!”

  “You’re not leadership!”

  Adrian held out a brown envelope, effectively silencing the noise, but not the hatred. “She sent me. I didn’t want to come.”

  “Good!” Zack snarled. “We don’t want you here!”

  “Your boss does,” Adrian replied tiredly. “Tell her.”

  Adrian’s lack of fight stopped Zack’s next words. He snatched the dreaded envelope that had caused everyone else to fall silent.

  When Zack brought it up, Marc quickly ripped it open. He wanted this over. “He’s going to take notes. He won’t speak unless spoken to.”

  Marc let the paper fall to the cold table, sitting down as the rest of leadership protested. Adrian’s freshly rotated guards being outside the flap, in the cold, made them all even angrier.

  “Send them down,” Kenn ordered. “Someone from this meeting will escort him.”

  Adrian nodded in approval.

  “Not me, you asshole!” Kenn snapped as he noticed the response. “I don’t want anything to do with you.”

  Adrian lowered his head and took a seat in the far corner as Kyle told the two men to take five. He made sure Marc would have a hard time viewing him through the small crowd. He wasn’t trying to hide. he was trying to be considerate.

  If you were considerate, you’d blow your brains out in front of MY army! Marc thundered in his mind.

  “I told her this was a bad idea,” Adrian stated stiffly, flushing. “She insisted. I’ll gladly go, right now. Just say the word.”

  Marc shut his lids, fighting for control of the tiger. He was almost at his limit for all of this. “Doctor, you first.”

  “Finally! I do require sleep, you know.” The man stood up, reading from his book. “We have nine patients. I examined all of them myself. They’ll survive. Some of the wounds are serious and they’ll need recovery time, but even Angela’s prognosis is now positive.”

  The doctor wasn’t being as hateful toward Angela as usual. He looked at Marc, who shook his head. He didn’t want more details than that.

  “Is there anything you need down there? A list of things, maybe?” Marc asked.

  “I’m still putting that together,” the man admitted. “It’s been a busy few days, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

  “You can go,” Marc told him, tone cold.

  The doctor stood up. “As soon as I tell you one thing, ‘Mr. I’m the leader’ now. If you go without seeing her first, I’ll call for a leadership vote. The way people are feeling right now, anyone could be elected.”

  The doctor stormed out of the chilly tent as attention swung to Adrian.

  “He’s optimistic,” Adrian muttered. “I’d be hung long before the vote.”

  “Yes, you would,” Marc agreed. He moved on. “Jennifer?”

  “Our team, along with the help, has been clearing a path out of these mountains. We’ve also done some scavenging. The crates are in Angela’s private semi.”

  “How far have you gotten?” Marc asked, noting the route on the map that Angela had included in the notebook.

  “Five miles.”

  Seven, Adrian sent silently.

  Jennifer glared at Adrian. “Make that seven miles. The help kept working during the beginning of the storm.”

  “Don’t do that!” Marc shouted. “No more secrets!”

  “I have information,” Adrian responded calmly. “I have no idea how you want me to do this.”

  Marc violently scratched the next item off his list. “Seven miles. Anything you need to tell me or need from me?”

  “I’d like to second the doctor’s parting request,” Jennifer tried to joke. “Don’t go without talking to her. She needs you so much more than she does some outsider.”

  “Duly noted,” Marc responded dryly.

  Jennifer gave Kyle a warm look as she left. She flashed Adrian a glare of hatred. Jennifer still felt he should have been executed for his betrayal. Escorting him around like a privileged rat was enough to make her blood boil.

  Marc skipped Cynthia, who was here to take notes for her next edition. The newspaper was already extremely popular because of her accusing tones. It said she was on the inside and still watching out for them. People liked that.


  Zack cleared his throat. “The front gate is an entire loss. We have guards posted again now that the storm has let up, and the snipers are doubled. I think we should keep telling everyone we’re closed to refugees until we get the gate repaired–at least a week.”

  “Anything I need to know? Anything you need to get it done?”

  “I think we have everything we need, except for plans. The engineering crew is already working on it. Ozzie has that information. I do need to tell you that the camp is very unhappy you let Adrian in here without a vote. You’ll need to give them something on that to finish calming them down. Otherwise, people are relieved the avalanche took the bad guys this time instead of u

  “Let me know if that changes,” Marc ordered. “You’re going to take over topside Point now?”


  Marc marked it off his list. “I’ll stop by in a bit.”

  Zack left and Marc looked at Dexter. “How are things below?”

  Daryl had been assigned to Point in the caves, and Dexter had been doing a good job as his right hand.

  “Running smoothly, considering all the action,” Dexter responded. “We have the Keeper in the brig down here, with double patrols, and two sentries are following our traitor. No crime reports during the chaos and all members are accounted for.”

  “Consumption numbers yet?” Marc asked, reading from Angela’s notes.

  “In the next couple days. She said we have to send out the food crews the second the storm clears.”

  “You’ve talked to her?” Neil asked. He didn’t know she was awake. Sam hadn’t mentioned it.

  “She told me before she was taken. We assigned people,” Dexter explained. “They’ll need a day to prepare.”

  “We’ll handle it,” Marc stated. “Anything else?”

  Dexter didn’t want to get involved in more drama, but he had certain loyalties to maintain, like everyone else here. “When is he leaving?”

  Marc placed his hands palm down on the table, pinning Dexter with a harsh glower. “Do you think I want him here?”

  Dexter shook his head.

  “Do you think I’ll have him gone as fast as I can?”

  “Yeah, sorry. I had to ask.”

  “No, you didn’t,” Marc reprimanded. “Daryl’s jealousy over Cynthia is unfounded. He hasn’t glanced her way in months. Tell him I said that.”

  Dexter flushed, leaving the cold tent.

  “Who’s next?” Marc asked.

  Greg stood up. “I’m sorry.”

  “She wasn’t assigned a shadow down there,” Marc stated. “She sent you out to protect the gate. You’re not in trouble.”

  “Well, I feel like it!” Greg blurted miserably. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I can’t absolve you from something you haven’t done,” Marc stated as kindly as he could. “Go see what she wants you doing now. I don’t have any notes on it.”

  Greg’s exit was quick and quiet as the few remaining people waited for Marc to pick the next update.


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